3,201 research outputs found

    The Magellanic System: What have we learnt from FUSE?

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    I review some of the findings on the Magellanic System produced by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) during and after its eight years of service. The Magellanic System with its high-velocity complexes provides a nearby laboratory that can be used to characterize phenomena that involve interaction between galaxies, infall and outflow of gas and metals in galaxies. These processes are crucial for understanding the evolution of galaxies and the intergalactic medium. Among the FUSE successes I highlight are the coronal gas about the LMC and SMC, and beyond in the Stream, the outflows from these galaxies, the discovery of molecules in the diffuse gas of the Stream and the Bridge, an extremely sub-solar and sub-SMC metallicity of the Bridge, and a high-velocity complex between the Milky Way and the Clouds.Comment: A contributed paper to the FUSE Annapolis Conference "Future Directions in Ultraviolet Spectroscopy.", 5 pages. To appear as an AIP Conference Proceedin

    Low Redshift Intergalactic Absorption Lines in the Spectrum of HE0226-4110

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    We present an analysis of the FUSE and STIS E140M spectra of HE0226-4110 (z=0.495). We detect 56 Lyman absorbers and 5 O VI absorbers. The number of intervening O VI systems per unit redshift with W>50 m\AA is dN(O VI)/dz~ 11. The O VI systems unambiguously trace hot gas only in one case. For the 4 other O VI systems, photoionization and collisional ionization models are viable options to explain the observed column densities of the O VI and the other ions. If the O VI systems are mostly photoionized, only a fraction of the observed O VI will contribute to the baryonic density of the warm-hot ionized medium (WHIM) along this line of sight. Combining our results with previous ones, we show that there is a general increase of N(O VI) with increasing b(O VI). Cooling flow models can reproduce the N-b distribution but fail to reproduce the observed ionic ratios. A comparison of the number of O I, O II, O III, O IV, and O VI systems per unit redshift show that the low-z IGM is more highly ionized than weakly ionized. We confirm that photoionized O VI systems show a decreasing ionization parameter with increasing H I column density. O VI absorbers with collisional ionization/photoionization degeneracy follow this relation, possibly suggesting that they are principally photoionized. We find that the photoionized O VI systems in the low redshift IGM have a median abundance of 0.3 solar. We do not find additional Ne VIII systems other than the one found by Savage et al., although our sensitivity should have allowed the detection of Ne VIII in O VI systems at T~(0.6-1.3)x10^6 K (if CIE applies). Since the bulk of the WHIM is believed to be at temperatures T>10^6 K, the hot part of the WHIM remains to be discovered with FUV--EUV metal-line transitions.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJS. Full resolution figures available at http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/journal/preprints/ApJS63975.preprint.pd

    Deuterium toward the WD0621-376 sight line: Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission

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    Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer observations are presented for WD0621-376, a DA white dwarf star in the local interstellar medium (LISM) at a distance of about 78 pc. The data have a signal-to-noise ratio of about 20-40 per 20 km/s resolution element and cover the wavelength range 905-1187 \AA. LISM absorption is detected in the lines of D I, C II, C II*, C III, N I, N II, N III, O I, Ar I, and Fe II. This sight line is partially ionized, with an ionized nitrogen fraction of > 0.23. We determine the ratio D/O=(3.9±1.01.3)×102D/O = (3.9 \pm ^{1.3}_{1.0})\times 10^{-2} (2σ\sigma). Assuming a standard interstellar oxygen abundance, we derive D/H1.3×105{\rm D/H} \approx 1. 3 \times 10^{-5}. Using the value of N(H I) derived from EUVE data gives a similar D/H ratio. The D I/N I ratio is (3.3±0.81.0)×101(3.3 \pm ^{1.0}_{0.8})\times 10^{-1} (2σ\sigma).Comment: accepted for publication in the ApJ

    An HST/COS legacy survey of high-velocity ultraviolet absorption in the Milky Way's circumgalactic medium and the Local Group

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    To characterize the absorption properties of this circumgalactic medium (CGM) and its relation to the LG we present the so-far largest survey of metal absorption in Galactic high-velocity clouds (HVCs) using archival ultraviolet (UV) spectra of extragalactic background sources. The UV data are obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and are supplemented by 21 cm radio observations of neutral hydrogen. Along 270 sightlines we measure metal absorption in the lines of SiII, SiIII, CII, and CIV and associated HI 21 cm emission in HVCs in the velocity range |v_LSR|=100-500 km s^-1. With this unprecedented large HVC sample we were able to improve the statistics on HVC covering fractions, ionization conditions, small-scale structure, CGM mass, and inflow rate. For the first time, we determine robustly the angular two point correlation function of the high-velocity absorbers, systematically analyze antipodal sightlines on the celestial sphere, and compare the absorption characteristics with that of Damped Lyman alpha absorbers (DLAs) and constrained cosmological simulations of the LG. Our study demonstrates that the Milky Way CGM contains sufficient gaseous material to maintain the Galactic star-formation rate at its current level. We show that the CGM is composed of discrete gaseous structures that exhibit a large-scale kinematics together with small-scale variations in physical conditions. The Magellanic Stream clearly dominates both the cross section and mass flow of high-velocity gas in the Milky Way's CGM. The possible presence of high-velocity LG gas underlines the important role of the local cosmological environment in the large-scale gas-circulation processes in and around the Milky Way (abridged).Comment: 37 pages, 25 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    AMR, stability and higher accuracy

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    Efforts to achieve better accuracy in numerical relativity have so far focused either on implementing second order accurate adaptive mesh refinement or on defining higher order accurate differences and update schemes. Here, we argue for the combination, that is a higher order accurate adaptive scheme. This combines the power that adaptive gridding techniques provide to resolve fine scales (in addition to a more efficient use of resources) together with the higher accuracy furnished by higher order schemes when the solution is adequately resolved. To define a convenient higher order adaptive mesh refinement scheme, we discuss a few different modifications of the standard, second order accurate approach of Berger and Oliger. Applying each of these methods to a simple model problem, we find these options have unstable modes. However, a novel approach to dealing with the grid boundaries introduced by the adaptivity appears stable and quite promising for the use of high order operators within an adaptive framework

    Metallicity and Physical Conditions in the Magellanic Bridge

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    We present a new analysis of the diffuse gas in the Magellanic Bridge (RA>3h) based on HST/STIS E140M and FUSE spectra of 2 early-type stars lying within the Bridge and a QSO behind it. We derive the column densities of HI (from Ly\alpha), NI, OI, ArI, SiII, SII, and FeII of the gas in the Bridge. Using the atomic species, we determine the first gas-phase metallicity of the Magellanic Bridge, [Z/H]=-1.02+/-0.07 toward one sightline, and -1.7<[Z/H]<-0.9 toward the other one, a factor 2 or more smaller than the present-day SMC metallicity. Using the metallicity and N(HI), we show that the Bridge gas along our three lines of sight is ~70-90% ionized, despite high HI columns, logN(HI)=19.6-20.1. Possible sources for the ongoing ionization are certainly the hot stars within the Bridge, hot gas (revealed by OVI absorption), and leaking photons from the SMC and LMC. From the analysis of CII*, we deduce that the overall density of the Bridge must be low (<0.03-0.1 cm^-3). We argue that our findings combined with other recent observational results should motivate new models of the evolution of the SMC-LMC-Galaxy system.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Non-Abelian gauge field theory in scale relativity

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    Gauge field theory is developed in the framework of scale relativity. In this theory, space-time is described as a non-differentiable continuum, which implies it is fractal, i.e., explicitly dependent on internal scale variables. Owing to the principle of relativity that has been extended to scales, these scale variables can themselves become functions of the space-time coordinates. Therefore, a coupling is expected between displacements in the fractal space-time and the transformations of these scale variables. In previous works, an Abelian gauge theory (electromagnetism) has been derived as a consequence of this coupling for global dilations and/or contractions. We consider here more general transformations of the scale variables by taking into account separate dilations for each of them, which yield non-Abelian gauge theories. We identify these transformations with the usual gauge transformations. The gauge fields naturally appear as a new geometric contribution to the total variation of the action involving these scale variables, while the gauge charges emerge as the generators of the scale transformation group. A generalized action is identified with the scale-relativistic invariant. The gauge charges are the conservative quantities, conjugates of the scale variables through the action, which find their origin in the symmetries of the ``scale-space''. We thus found in a geometric way and recover the expression for the covariant derivative of gauge theory. Adding the requirement that under the scale transformations the fermion multiplets and the boson fields transform such that the derived Lagrangian remains invariant, we obtain gauge theories as a consequence of scale symmetries issued from a geometric space-time description.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe

    Matching characteristic codes: exploiting two directions

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    Combining incoming and outgoing characteristic formulations can provide numerical relativists with a natural implementation of Einstein's equations that better exploits the causal properties of the spacetime and gives access to both null infinity and the interior region simultaneously (assuming the foliation is free of caustics and crossovers). We discuss how this combination can be performed and illustrate its behavior in the Einstein-Klein-Gordon field in 1D.Comment: 10 pages, 9 postscript figures. To appear in Int. Journ. of Mod. Phys.

    Gravitational waveforms with controlled accuracy

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    A partially first-order form of the characteristic formulation is introduced to control the accuracy in the computation of gravitational waveforms produced by highly distorted single black hole spacetimes. Our approach is to reduce the system of equations to first-order differential form on the angular derivatives, while retaining the proven radial and time integration schemes of the standard characteristic formulation. This results in significantly improved accuracy over the standard mixed-order approach in the extremely nonlinear post-merger regime of binary black hole collisions.Comment: Revised version, published in Phys. Rev. D, RevTeX, 16 pages, 4 figure