477 research outputs found

    Method for the semantic indexing of concept hierarchies, uniform representation, use of relational database systems and generic and case-based reasoning

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    This paper presents a method for semantic indexing and describes its application in the field of knowledge representation. Starting point of the semantic indexing is the knowledge represented by concept hierarchies. The goal is to assign keys to nodes (concepts) that are hierarchically ordered and syntactically and semantically correct. With the indexing algorithm, keys are computed such that concepts are partially unifiable with all more specific concepts and only semantically correct concepts are allowed to be added. The keys represent terminological relationships. Correctness and completeness of the underlying indexing algorithm are proven. The use of classical relational databases for the storage of instances is described. Because of the uniform representation, inference can be done using case-based reasoning and generic problem solving methods

    Eine andere historische Subjektivierung: Überlegungen mit Jacques Ranciùre, Walter Benjamin und John Milbank

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    In focusing on Jacques Rancière and Walter Benjamin, the main concern of this essay is to outline an alternative concept of the historical sub­ject. As I assume, subjectivity primarily forms itself in being oriented to that which is incommensurable, namely, the radical positivity of being itself. First, I show that Rancière’s concept of ‘equality’ can be read in terms of this basic formative movement. Equality enables political claims and, accordingly, poli­tical subjecti cation while, ultimately, remaining irredeemable. Yet, I do not agree with the aporetic character of equality in Rancière, which, in my view, creates a perpetuation of injustice. In order to overcome it, I draw on Benjamin and demonstrate that, in implicitly referring to redemption, the irredeemable has a positive content. In a relative way, it can be restored when­ ever the remembrance of past suffering is incorporated into new claims of justice. Historical subjects originate in this merging of present and past.In focusing on Jacques Rancière and Walter Benjamin, the main concern of this essay is to outline an alternative concept of the historical sub­ject. As I assume, subjectivity primarily forms itself in being oriented to that which is incommensurable, namely, the radical positivity of being itself. First, I show that Rancière’s concept of ‘equality’ can be read in terms of this basic formative movement. Equality enables political claims and, accordingly, poli­tical subjecti cation while, ultimately, remaining irredeemable. Yet, I do not agree with the aporetic character of equality in Rancière, which, in my view, creates a perpetuation of injustice. In order to overcome it, I draw on Benjamin and demonstrate that, in implicitly referring to redemption, the irredeemable has a positive content. In a relative way, it can be restored when­ ever the remembrance of past suffering is incorporated into new claims of justice. Historical subjects originate in this merging of present and past

    Die Bedeutung von Idolen fĂŒr Jugendliche der Dresdner Gothic-Szene

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    Die Autorin untersucht in einer qualitativen Studie die Aneignung von medialen Bezugspersonen im Jugendalter mit Fokus auf die Einbindung von Musikidolen in die Lebenswelt junger Gothics. Ihre These ist, dass bei Gothics im Unterschied zu Fans von Mainstream-Musikern der PopulĂ€rkultur ĂŒbergreifende Wert- und Lebensstilorientierungen vorliegen. In ihrem theoretischen Überblick ĂŒber das Forschungsfeld geht die Autorin auch auf Aneignungsmodi und die individuellen Funktionen von Stars fĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung von Entwicklungsaufgaben im Jugendalter insbesondere fĂŒr die IdentitĂ€tsbildung ein. Nach einer schriftlichen Befragung zur Sondierung des Feldes wird die Hauptstudie vorgestellt, die ausfĂŒhrliche Interpretation eines qualitativen Interviews mit einem Jugendlichen der Dresdner Gothic-Szene. Diese Fallstudie ist nicht nur wegen der biografischen Besonderheiten und schwierigen LebensumstĂ€nde des Jugendlichen aufschlussreich – es gelingt der Autorin auch, ihre These einer ganzheitlichen Verwendung von Musik-Idolen bei Gothics beispielhaft aufzuzeigen.In this qualitative study the authoress researches the adoption of media attachment figures in the adolescence, focusing the inclusion of music idols in the lifeworld (Lebenswelt) of young goths. Her hypothesis is that for goths, in contrast to fans of musicians in other facets of popular culture, there are overarching value and lifestyle orientations. In her theoretical overview of the research field, the authoress describes adoption modes and also contemplates on the individual functions of stars concerning the way of coping with development tasks in adolescence – especially concerning the development of identity. After an exploring survey the main study is presented – a detailed case interpretation of an interview with an adolescent member of the goth scene of Dresden. This case study is interesting not only because of the biographical characteristics and difficult circumstances of life – the authoress also succeeds to demonstrate her hypothesis of the holistic usage of a music idol

    El quantum del daño moral

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    El tema analizado en el presente trabajo dice relaciĂłn con el daño moral, especĂ­ficamente con su cuantificaciĂłn. Por lo tanto, se tiene como finalidades determinar; la forma en que los tribunales avalĂșan los perjuicios extrapatrimoniales, si esta forma es adecuada y por Ășltimo, analizar posibles soluciones sobre el tema . Para cumplir con los objetivos propuestos, se analizarĂĄn las distintas doctrinas que existen sobre el tema, asĂ­, se estudiarĂĄn autores nacionales como extranjeros. AdemĂĄs se acudirĂĄ a la jurisprudencia nacional para determinar, como resuelven los jueces y cuĂĄles son los criterios que atienden actualmente los jueces para cuantificar el daño

    Weichholzauen-Entwicklung als Beitrag zum naturvertrÀglichen Hochwasserschutz im BiosphÀrenreservat Mittelelbe

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    Die GefĂ€hrdung von Auen mit ihren typischen Vegetationsgesellschaften beruht vor allem auf dem Ausbau der FlĂŒsse zu Wasserstraßen, einhergehend mit dem Bau von DĂ€mmen, Staustufen, Deichen und Uferbefestigungen. Der Ausbau der Wasserstraßen hat weitreichende Konsequenzen fĂŒr die Hydrodynamik des Flusses, die Geomorphologie und die hydrologischen Bedingungen in der Aue. Ein Lebensraumtypus, der dabei in besonderem Maße betroffen ist, sind die Weichholzauen. WĂ€hrend vor wenigen Jahrhunderten die VorlĂ€nder der Elbe noch grĂ¶ĂŸere BestĂ€nde von Weichholz- und Hartholzauen aufwiesen, ist das heutige Landschaftsbild vor allem durch extensiv genutzte GrĂŒnlĂ€nder geprĂ€gt. WeichholzauenwĂ€lder sind als prioritĂ€r zu schĂŒtzender, natĂŒrlicher Lebensraumtyp eingestuft und besitzen eine besondere Schutz- und EntwicklungsbedĂŒrftigkeit. WeichholzauenwĂ€lder bieten nicht nur Lebensraum fĂŒr viele seltene Tier- und Pflanzenarten, sie beeinflussen auch den NĂ€hrstoffkreislauf innerhalb der Aue, haben einen wichtigen Einfluss auf die WasserqualitĂ€t und stabilisieren Ufer- und Vorlandbereiche. Zudem dienen sie als Retentionsraum und können damit zum Hochwasserschutz beitragen. Vor diesem Hintergrund förderte die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) das interdisziplinĂ€re Projekt „KoWeB – Konzept zur Weichholzauen- Entwicklung als Beitrag zum naturvertrĂ€glichen Hochwasserschutz an Bundeswasserstraßen“ in der Laufzeit 2006 bis 2009. Das Ziel war die Entwicklung einer praxistauglichen Methode zur Identifizierung von FlĂ€chen zur Ansiedlung von Weichholzauen in Überschwemmungsgebieten unter Beachtung der ökologischen Kriterien und der HochwasserneutralitĂ€t

    Canine Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Using Two New Automated Techniques: The Sysmex XN-V Body Fluid Mode and an Artificial-Intelligence-Based Algorithm

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    Cerebrospinal fluid analysis is an important diagnostic test when assessing a neurological canine patient. For this analysis, the total nucleated cell count and differential cell counts are routinely taken, but both involve time-consuming manual methods. To investigate faster automated methods, in this study, the Sysmex XN-V body fluid mode and the deep-learning-based algorithm generated by the Olympus VS200 slide scanner were compared with the manual methods in 161 canine cerebrospinal fluid samples for the total nucleated cell count and in 65 samples with pleocytosis for the differential counts. Following incorrect gating by the Sysmex body fluid mode, all samples were reanalyzed with manually set gates. The Sysmex body fluid mode then showed a mean bias of 15.19 cells/ÎŒL for the total nucleated cell count and mean biases of 4.95% and −4.95% for the two-part differential cell count, while the deep-learning-based algorithm showed mean biases of −7.25%, −0.03% and 7.27% for the lymphocytes, neutrophils and monocytoid cells, respectively. Based on our findings, we propose that the automated Sysmex body fluid mode be used to measure the total nucleated cell count in canine cerebrospinal fluid samples after making adjustments to the predefined settings from the manufacturer. However, the two-part differential count of the Sysmex body fluid mode and the deep-learning-based algorithm require some optimization

    Comparison of Sysmex XN-V body fluid mode and deep-learning-based quantification with manual techniques for total nucleated cell count and differential count for equine bronchoalveolar lavage samples

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    Background: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a diagnostic method for the assessment of the lower respiratory airway health status in horses. Differential cell count and sometimes also total nucleated cell count (TNCC) are routinely measured by time-consuming manual methods, while faster automated methods exist. The aims of this study were to compare: 1) the Sysmex XN-V body fluid (BF) mode with the manual techniques for TNCC and two-part differential into mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells; 2) the Olympus VS200 slide scanner and software generated deep-learning-based algorithm with manual techniques for four-part differential cell count into alveolar macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and mast cells. The methods were compared in 69 clinical BAL samples. Results: Incorrect gating by the Sysmex BF mode was observed on many scattergrams, therefore all samples were reanalyzed with manually set gates. For the TNCC, a proportional and systematic bias with a correlation of r = 0.79 was seen when comparing the Sysmex BF mode with manual methods. For the two-part differential count, a mild constant and proportional bias and a very small mean difference with moderate limits of agreement with a correlation of r = 0.84 and 0.83 were seen when comparing the Sysmex BF mode with manual methods. The Sysmex BF mode classified significantly more samples as abnormal based on the TNCC and the two-part differential compared to the manual method. When comparing the Olympus VS200 deep-learning-based algorithm with manual methods for the four-part differential cell count, a very small bias in the regression analysis and a very small mean difference in the difference plot, as well as a correlation of r = 0.85 to 0.92 were observed for all four cell categories. The Olympus VS200 deep-learning-based algorithm also showed better precision than manual methods for the four-part differential cell count, especially with an increasing number of analyzed cells. Conclusions: The Sysmex XN-V BF mode can be used for TNCC and two-part differential count measurements after reanalyzing the samples with manually set gates. The Olympus VS200 deep-learning-based algorithm correlates well with the manual methods, while showing better precision and can be used for a four-part differential cell count

    ”Where is your nose?” : developing body awareness skills among children with autism using a humanoid robot

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    This article describes an exploratory study in which children with autism interact with KASPAR, a humanoid robot, equipped with tactile sensors able to distinguish a gentle from a harsh touch, and to respond accordingly. The study investigated a novel scenario for robot-assisted play, namely to increase body awareness with tasks that taught the children about the identification of human body parts. Based on our analysis of the childrens behaviours while interacting with KASPAR, our results show that the children started looking for a longer period of time to the experimenter, and a lot of interest in touching the robot was observed. They also show that the robot can be considered as a tool for prolonging the attention span of the children, being a social mediator during the interaction between the child and the experimenter. The results are primarily based on the analysis of video data of the interaction. Overall, this first study into teaching children with autism about body parts using a humanoid robot highlighted issues of scenario development, data collection and data analysis that will inform future studies.(undefined
