1,020 research outputs found

    The promotion of the status of the family and women in the pedagogical views of Aleksander Wóycicki

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    W pismach Aleksandra Wóycickiego zawarta jest promocja statusu rodziny i kobiety. Rodzinę uznaje za świątynię, a kobietę za jej kapłankę. Rodzina jako miniatura społeczeństwa stanowi fundament życia społecznego i narodu. Z upadkiem rodziny Wóycicki utożsamia upadek całego społeczeństwa. Jednak jego upadek wcześniej łączy z "upadkiem" kobiety - ma tu na myśli szeroką emancypację kobiet, która pozbawia ją ochrony ze strony mężczyzny. W swych tekstach Wóycicki kreśli również plany naprawy ówczesnej sytuacji rodziny, kobiety i jej dziecka. Plan ten zakłada prawo kobiety do jej ochrony oraz pracy, zwłaszcza w okresie ciąży i macierzyństwa, który może być wdrażany w obecnych czasach.In the writings of Aleksander Wóycicki we see the promotion of the status of women and the family. The family is considered as a temple, while the woman is treated as a priestess. Understood as a small society, the family is understood to be the basis of the wider society and nation. Wóycicki identifies the collapse of the family with the collapse of the entire society. Yet, he connects its fall to the earlier "fall" of women - by which he means a wide emancipation of women which deprives them of men's protection. In his texts, Wóycicki also outlines plans for the repair of the situation of the family, as well as of the woman and her child. This plan involves the woman's right to self-protection and to the protection of her work, especially during pregnancy and motherhood. Furthermore, this plan can be implemented at the present time

    Excess and Insufficiency of Information – The Dilemmas of an Editor of Żeromski’s Dramas. (About “Sułkowski” and „Ponad śnieg bielszym się stanę” [„Whiter Than Snow Shall I Be”])

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    The article presents the problems faced by a modern editor of Stefan Żeromski’s dramas. In the case of the drama „Sułkowski” an editor has at their disposal extremely rich material enabling a detailed editorial commentary (connected with the origin of the drama, the historical sources used by Żeromski, subsequent stages of working on the text, publishing history, etc.), they do not however have the possibility to describe the original final draft of Sułkowski because it has not endured. In the case of „Ponad śnieg bielszym się stanę” (“Whiter Than Snow Shall I Be”), an editor does not have any concrete information which would show the birth of the idea of the drama and would give the testimony of working on the text; the editor does not also have any information about the first printing. Although the lack of extratextual information makes carrying out a critical editing of „Ponad śnieg bielszym się stanę” (“Whiter Than Snow Shall I Be”) more difficult, the endured original final draft and several pages of drama do recompense it in a way.The article presents the problems faced by a modern editor of Stefan Żeromski’s dramas. In the case of the drama „Sułkowski” an editor has at their disposal extremely rich material enabling a detailed editorial commentary (connected with the origin of the drama, the historical sources used by Żeromski, subsequent stages of working on the text, publishing history, etc.), they do not however have the possibility to describe the original final draft of Sułkowski because it has not endured. In the case of „Ponad śnieg bielszym się stanę” (“Whiter Than Snow Shall I Be”), an editor does not have any concrete information which would show the birth of the idea of the drama and would give the testimony of working on the text; the editor does not also have any information about the first printing. Although the lack of extratextual information makes carrying out a critical editing of „Ponad śnieg bielszym się stanę” (“Whiter Than Snow Shall I Be”) more difficult, the endured original final draft and several pages of drama do recompense it in a way

    Pamiętnik Wacława Sieroszewskiego jako przykład pogranicza literatury i polityki historycznej

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    The diary of Wacław Sieroszewski – writer and political activist from the Young Poland era, connected with Józef Piłsudski’s political camp – was published by Andrzej Lam in the late 1950s (as Volume 16. of Dzieła [Works] by Sieroszewski) in an abridged edition, mainly due to censorship. It is an example of a personal document, situated at the intersection of fiction, non-fiction, and historical policy. Its analysis shows how historical events and the author’s political perspective modelled his narrative in the diary, thus giving the literary text a hybrid form, which is difficult to unambiguously assign to a single genre.Pamiętnik Wacława Sieroszewskiego – młodopolskiego pisarza i działacza politycznego, związanego z orientacją polityczną Józefa Piłsudskiego – wydany został przez Andrzeja Lama pod koniec lat 50. XX wieku (jako tom 16. Dzieł Sieroszewskiego) w wersji okrojonej, przede wszystkim ze względów cenzuralnych. Jest to przykład dokumentu osobistego, sytuującego się na pograniczu beletrystyki, literatury faktu i polityki historycznej. Jego analiza pokazuje, jak wydarzenia historyczne i światopogląd polityczny twórcy modelują jego narrację pamiętnikarską, powodując, że tekst literacki przybiera formę hybrydyczną, daleką od jednoznacznej klasyfikacji gatunkowej

    Kortikale und subkortikale Sprachareale im Lichte der neurokognitiven Sprachverarbeitungsmodelle

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    In this article it has been pointed out that these are not only cortical but also subcortical parts of brain which participate in language processing. Apart from that, typical languageareas take part in different non-language cognitive processes. Hence the linguistic ability should not be understood as a single and separate cognitive skill which can be attributed to some particular language organ, whose function consists only in producing and analyzing linguistic signals.Language should rather be perceived as a complex phenomenon and language processing as the one consisting of many subprocesses which is indicated by neuro-cognitive models

    Znaleziska monet władców Bosporu Kimeryjskiego na ziemiach polskich

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    Wśród polskich znalezisk starożytnych monet bitych w prowincjach Imperium Romanum lub w państwach sąsiadujących z cesarstwem niedużą, ale interesującą grupę tworzą te pochodzące z obszaru tzw. Królestwa Bosporańskiego. Chodzi tutaj o monety bite między I wiekiem p.n.e. a IV wiekiem n.e. Z terenu dzisiejszej Polski znamy jak dotąd sześć takich znalezisk. Cztery z nich zostały dokonane w okresie do około połowy XX wieku. Są to dziewiętnastowieczne odkrycia w Staniątkach i Zarzeczu, znalezisko z lat 30. XX wieku z Gorlic-Glinika Mariampolskiego opublikowane w 1973 roku oraz pochodzące sprzed 1953 roku znalezisko z okolic Nowego Sącza-Zabełcza. Już w erze powszechnego używania wykrywaczy metali dokonano odkryć interesujących nas monet bosporańskich w miejscowości Skłóty (pow. kutnowski) i w Gąskach (pow. inowrocławski). Pochodzą one z obszaru osadnictwa kultury przeworskiej lub z terenu polskich Karpat Zachodnich objętego osadnictwem kultury puchowskiej, a później przeworskiej. Wszystkie monety bosporańskie odkryte na ziemiach polskich należą do emisji brązowych, a czas ich wybicia zawiera się pomiędzy końcem I wieku p.n.e. a połową III wieku n.e. Tym samym należą one do tzw. grupy I (monety wybite przed tzw. wojnami gockimi) i II (monety bite w okresie wojen gockich) według klasyfikacji G. Beidina i K. Myzgina opartej na licznych znaleziskach z obszaru Ukrainy i Rosji. Jest bardzo prawdopodobne, że monety te dotarły na obszar dzisiejszej Polski ze wschodu za pośrednictwem kontaktów z Sarmatami lub „gocką” ludnością kultury czerniachowskiej. Mniej prawdopodobny, choć niewykluczony, jest ich napływ z południowego wschodu, z obszaru Dacji lub Mezji, albo z południa.Among the finds in Poland of ancient coins struck in the provinces of the Imperium Romanum or in the empire’s neighboring states, a small but interesting group consists of coins from the so-called Kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporus. These are coins that were struck between the 1st century BC and the 4th century AD. We know of six such finds from the lands of present-day Poland. Four of these coins were found before the mid-20th century. Of these four, two were found in the 19th century – one in Staniątki and one in Zarzecze; the third was found in the 1930s in Glinik Mariampolski, Gorlice, though it was not published until 1973; and the fourth was found before 1953 near Zabełcze, Nowy Sącz. In the present age, in which metal detectors have entered into common usage, one Bosporan coin has been discovered in Skłóty, Kutno District, and one in Gąski, Inowrocław District. They come from an area in which there were settlements of the Przeworsk culture or from the lands of the Polish Western Carpathians in which there were settlements of the Púchov culture and then, later, of the Przeworsk culture. All the Bosporan coins found on Polish lands were bronze issues struck between the end of the 1st century BC and the middle of the 3rd century AD. Thus, they belong to what is called Group I (coins struck before the so-called Gothic Wars) and Group II (coins struck during the Gothic Wars), in accordance with G. Beidin and K. Myzgin’s classification, which is based on numerous finds from Ukraine and Russia. It is very likely that the coins of interest to us here made their way to the lands of present-day Poland from the east via contacts with the Sarmatians or with the “Gothic” peoples of the Chernyakhov culture. It is less likely – though it cannot be ruled out – that these coins came from the southeast, from the region of Dacia or Moesia or from the south

    Modelling of assembly sequences using hypergraph and directed graph

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    Rad se bavi problemom modeliranja tehnološkog procesa montaže proizvoda s posebnim naglaskom na sekvence kod povezivanja dijelova i cjelina. U radu se predstavljaju najvažniji parametri modeliranja sekvenci montaže, uključujući osnove heuristčkog postupka kojim bi se trebalo pojednostavniti pronalaženje racionalne varijante. Predložena metoda određivanja sekvenci montaže dijelova i cjelina strojeva primjenom hipergrafova i usmjerenih grafova sastoji se od: izbora glavnog osnovnog dijela i osnovnih dijelova pojedinih jedinica montaže, bilježenja strukture konstrukcije jedinice montaže u obliku usmjerenog hipergrafa i minimiziranja broja njegovih rubova do oblika digrafa, bilježenja matrice strukture konstrukcije jedinice montaže u obliku matrice stanja i matrice grafa, izbora ekstremne putanje u digrafu. Važan element rada je detaljni algoritam određivanja sekvenci montaže primjenom matrice hipergrafa i usmjerenog grafa, matrice stanja i grafa koji je primijenjen na računalnom softveru "Msassembly".The work concerns the problem of modelling technological process of product assembly, with particular stress on the sequences of connecting its parts and units. The work presents the most important parameters of modelling assembly sequences, including the bases of heuristic proceeding which has to simplify finding its rational variation. Suggested method of determining the sequences of assembly of parts and units of machines using hypergraphs and directed graphs consists of: selection of the main base part and base parts of particular assembly units, recording of construction structure of assembly unit in the form of directed hypergraph and minimization of the number of its edges to the form of digraph, matrix recording of construction structure of assembly unit in the form of state matrix and graph matrix, the selection of extreme path in digraph. An important element of the work is a detailed algorithm of determination of assembly sequences using the matrix of hypergraph and directed graph, state matrix and the graph which was implemented to computer software "Msassembly"

    Investigation of the influence of hybrid layers on the life time of hot forging dies

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    The paper deals with the issues related in the process of drop forging with special attention paid to the durability of forging tools. It presents the results of industrial investigation of the influence of hybrid layers on hot forging dies. The effectiveness of hybrid layers type nitrided layer/PVD coating applied for extending the life of forging tools whose working surfaces are exposed to such complex exploitation conditions as, among others, cyclically varying high thermal and mechanical loads, as well as intensive abrasion at raised temperature. The examination has been performed on a set of forging tools made of Unimax steel and intended for forging steel rings of gear box synchronizer in the factory FAS in Swarzedz (Poland)