204 research outputs found

    Dietary factors associated with obesity indicators and level of sports participation in Flemish adults : a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity develops when energy intake continuously exceeds energy expenditure, causing a fundamental chronic energy imbalance. Societal and behavioural changes over the last decades are held responsible for the considerable increase in sedentary lifestyles and inappropriate dietary patterns. The role of dietary fat and other dietary factors in the aetiology and maintenance of excess weight is controversial. The purposes of the present study were to investigate the dietary factors associated with body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC), and to analyse whether dietary intake varies between subjects with different levels of sports participation. METHODS: Data for this cross-sectional study, including anthropometric measurements, 3-day diet diary and physical activity questionnaire, were collected by the Flemish Policy Research Centre Sport, Physical Activity and Health (SPAH) between October 2002 and April 2004. Results of 485 adult men and 362 women with plausible dietary records were analysed. Analyses of covariance were performed to determine the differences in dietary intake between normal weight, overweight and obese subjects, and between subjects with different levels of sports participation. RESULTS: Total energy intake, protein and fat intake (kcal/day) were significantly higher in obese subjects compared to their lean counterparts in both genders. Percentage of energy intake from fat was significantly higher in obese men compared to men with normal weight or WC. Energy percentages from carbohydrates and fibres were negatively related to BMI and WC in men, whereas in women a higher carbohydrate and fibre intake was positively associated with obesity. Alcohol intake was positively associated with WC in men. Subjects participating in health related sports reported higher intake of carbohydrates, but lower intake of fat compared to subjects not participating in sports. CONCLUSION: This study supports the evidence that carbohydrate, fat, protein and fibre intake are closely related to BMI and WC. The sex differences for dietary intake between obese men and women might reflect the generally higher health consciousness of women. Alcohol intake was only associated with WC, emphasizing the importance of WC as an additional indicator in epidemiological studies. Besides enhancing sports and physical activity, it is necessary to improve the knowledge about nutrition and to promote the well-balanced consumption of wholesome food

    Comment évaluer les effets du Plan Marshall2.Vert ?

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    Evaluer une politique, c’est la questionner d’une manière particulière, en vue de porter un jugement et d’éclairer les décideurs. Lorsque la politique à évaluer est le Plan Marshall2.Vert, qui couvre la plupart des compétences du Gouvernement wallon, l’évaluation est d’une grande complexité. L’objet de cet article est de décrire la démarche adoptée par l’IWEPS pour préparer l’évaluation du Plan Marshall2.Vert : analyse de la logique d’intervention, construction d’un référentiel d’évaluation, traduction des objectifs en indicateurs de résultat, constitution d’un programme d’évaluations partielles sont les principales étapes de cette démarche.

    Genetics of somatotype and physical fitness in children and adolescents

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    Objectives To analyze the influence of genetic and environmental factors on the variation in somatotype, physical fitness, and their mutual associations. Methods Twins from 214 pairs (87 monozygotic) of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Portugal, from 3 to 18 years of age (51% girls) were assessed in anthropometry and physical fitness tests. We estimated endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy based on anthropometric measures and physical fitness using the Eurofit test battery. Two age categories were analyzed: children (3-11 years) and adolescents (12-18 years). Genetic and environmental variations were estimated using quantitative genetic twin modeling. Results No genetic sex differences were found, thus boys and girls were pooled in all genetic analyses. Heritability estimates were high for somatotype (a(2)= 0.80-0.93), physical fitness traits (a(2)= 0.67-0.83), and largely similar in children and adolescents. Positive correlations were found for ectomorphy with motor ability and cardiorespiratory endurance as well as for endomorphy and mesomorphy with muscular strength (r= 0.25-0.37). In contrast, negative associations were found for ectomorphy with muscular strength, as well as for endomorphy and mesomorphy with motor ability and cardiorespiratory endurance (-0.46 to -0.26). Twin modeling indicated that these associations were explained mostly by genetic factors in common to the two associated traits (84% or more). Conclusions Associations between somatotype and physical fitness tests are mainly explained by common genetic background in children and adolescents. Therefore, interventions in youth should consider that a child's performance in physical fitness tests partly reflects their inherited physique.Peer reviewe

    Körperproportionen der Leistungsstärkstenjuniorenruderer im bezug auf Wettkampfniveau,den Stil des Ruderns und die Bootsgattung

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    The performance of elite rowers is, beside others, determined by their physical characteristics. Anthropometric data for adult rowers emphasise the importance of body mass and body size for rowing performance. Little is known concerning the importance of proportional length development. At the 1997 World Junior Rowing Championships anthropometric measurements (body mass and 6 length dimensions) were performed on 383 elite male junior rowers. Based on these measurements several proportional length dimensions were calculated. Data on boat type were obtained by questionnaire and data on competition level were based on the results obtained during the championship. The results indicate that these rowers were heavier (Mean = 82.2±7.4 kg) and taller (Mean = 187.4±5.8 cm) and had a larger sitting height (Mean=96.8±3.2 cm) and longer legs (Mean= 90.7±3.8 cm) than a reference population. Finalists had significantly larger length dimensions than non-finalists and sweep rowers had in general larger length dimensions than scullers. No differences existed when the length dimensions were expressed proportional to the stature of the rowers. It can be concluded that elite junior rowers have larger length dimensions compared to less successful rowers, but these top athletes do not differentiate from the sub-elite athletes regarding proportional length development. Differences could be observed between sweep rowers and scullers with larger length dimensions in favour of sweep rowers.Uvod Natjecateljska uspješnost vrhunskih veslača određena je, između ostaloga, i njihovim tjelesnim karakteristikama. S biološkog stajališta možemo kod sportaša olimpijske i svjetske razine kvalitete očekivati optimalnu ekspresiju utjecaja nasljeđa, sportske pripreme, prehrane i socio-kulturnih faktora. Ispitivanje obilježja tih sportaša može pomoći kineziolozima, znanstvenicima i trenerima, u razumijevanju vrhunskog sportskog uspjeha time što im pruža informacije korisne za oblikovanje strategija za objašnjenje i predviđanje sportskih rezultata. U prošlosti su se antropometrijske studije bavile uglavnom veslačima seniorima, a manje juniorima. Te antropometrijske studije naglašavaju važnost tjelesne mase i veličine tijela za uspješnost u veslanju. Smatra se da osobitu prednost veslačima donose duži udovi zbog toga što su to duže poluge i što omogućuju veću radnu snagu. Duge noge pojačavaju potisnu fazu (provlak) veslačkog zaveslaja. Štoviše, veći veslači imaju veći presjek mišića i veći apsolutni energetski kapacitet. Proučavanje longitudinalnih dimenzija do sada je bilo uglavnom ograničeno na varijablu “visina tijela ili stas”. Samo je nekoliko studija o proporcijama longitudinalnih dimenzija vrhunskih veslača, pa se malo zna o važnosti longitudinalnih proporcija tijela veslača. Cilj je ove studije bio trostruk: (1) opisati razvojne proporcijske longitudinalne dimenzije juniora veslača u usporedbi s flamanskim mladićima, (2) usporediti tjelesne proporcije veslača prema različitim kvalitetnim natjecateljskim razinama, načinu veslanja i kategorijama čamca i (3) ustanoviti model antropometrijskog profila za veslače juniore. Metode Uzorak ispitanika činila su 383 veslača juniora, u dobi od 17,8 ± 0,7 godina, raspon godina od 15,1 do 18,6. Ispitanici su nastupili na FISA svjetskom ju-niorskom veslačkom prvenstvu 1997 godine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 90% sudionika (bez kormilara), od toga 83% pobjednika i osvajača meda-lja te 89% finalista. Svi su trenirali 7-10 puta tjedno (10-15 sati). Potpuni opis uzorka i mjerenja može se naći u članku Bourgois i suradnici (1998). Za ovaj članak upotrijebljene su sljedeće tjelesne dimenzije: tjelesna visina, sjedeća visina, duljina nadlaktice, duljina podlaktice, duljina šake i duljina potkoljenice. Mjerenja su provedena u standardnim uvjetima prema postupcima koje su opisali Claessens i suradnici (1998). Na temelju tih mjera izračunate su proporcijske longitudinalne dimenzije. Pregled varijabli prikazan je u tablici 1. Podaci o vrsti čamca prikupljeni su upitnikom, a podaci o kvalitetnoj razini temeljili su se na rezultatima postignutima na prvenstvu. Međunarodna juniorska veslačka natjecanja standardizirana su na stazi od 2 000 m i podijeljena su u discipline veslanja jednim veslom (rimen) i veslanja na pariće (skul). Te se veslačke tehnike međusobno dosta razlikuju – veslač u čamcu rimen, dakle, vesla samo jednim veslom, dok skuleri koriste dva kraća vesla koja povlače istodobno. Izračunati su parametri deskriptivne statistike (aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija i raspon) za sve varijable i za ukupni uzorak veslača. Za usporedbu proporcijskih odnosa između rimen veslača i skul veslača te finalista i onih koji se nisu plasirali u finale upotrijebljen je Studentov t-test za nezavisne uzorke. Analiza varijance (ANOVA) i post-hoc Tukeyjev test primijenjeni su da bi se otkrile razlike u proporcionalnosti među veslačima u raznim vrstama čamaca. Za statističke analize korišten je računalni program Statistical Analysis System. Svi su testovi bili dvostruki, a značajnom se smatrala razlika na razini od p<0.05. Rezultati Deskriptivna statistika prikazana je u tablici 3. U tablici su uspoređene proporcije veslača u rimenu i skulu. Rimen veslači bili su značajno viši i teži od skulera. Kada su se longitudinalne dimenzije dovele u proporcijski odnos prema tjelesnoj visini, nisu primijećene značajne razlike između te dvije vrste veslača. Slični su se rezultati dobili i u usporedbi finalista i ne-finalista (tablica 5). Prema rezultatima analize varijance (tablica 6) razlike između dva stila veslanja (rimen nasuprot skul) nađene su između dvojca sa (2+) i četverca sa (4+), s jedne strane, te samca (1x), četverca na pariće (4x) i dvojca bez (2-), s druge strane. Sportaši koji veslaju u dvojcu sa (2+) i četvercu sa (4+) bili su, u prosjeku, teži i viši od veslača u samcu (1x), četvercu na pariće (4x) i dvojcu bez (2-). Nisu dobivene razlike u proporcijskim odnosima longitudinalnih dimenzija prema vrsti čamaca. U tablici 7 predstavljen je model profila proporcijskih odnosa longitudinalnih dimenzija za veslače juniore koji su nastupili na FISA svjetskom juniorskom veslačkom prvenstvu. Rasprava i zaključak Rezultati pokazuju da su promatrani veslači teži i viši te da imaju veću sjedeću visinu i duže noge od opće populacije. Finalisti su imali značajno veće longitudinalne dimenzije od ne-finalista, a rimen veslači su općenito imali veće longitudinalne dimenzije od skulera. Nisu, međutim, dobivene razlike kada su longitudinalne dimenzije postavljene u proporcijski odnos prema tjelesnoj visini. Veslanje je sport izdržljivosti i longitudinalne dimenzije su nedvojbeno povezane s uspješnošću. Duge noge pojačavaju potisak u fazi provlaka tijekom veslačkog zaveslaja, što znači da su veslači s dugim nogama u biomehaničkoj prednosti. Usporedba tjelesnih proporcija izmjerenih veslača juniora s vrijednostima o kojima su izvijestili drugi autori (Carter i dr., 1982; Rodriguez, 1986) otkriva da veslači juniori imaju manju sjedeću visinu u odnosu na ukupnu tjelesnu visinu ili stas (Valoisov indeks) (51,6%) i veću duljinu nogu u odnosu na stas (48,4%) od normativne usporedne skupine (Ostyn i dr., 1980) (52,1% i 47,9%) i od teških olimpijskih veslača (Carter i dr, 1982) (52,1% i 47,.9%). Nisu dobivene razlike između veslača juniora i vrhunskih lakih veslača (51,5% i 48,5%). Može se zaključiti da su kvalitetniji veslači uglavnom viši i, povezano s tom razlikom, imaju veće longitudinalne dimenzije od manje uspješnih veslača, ali se oni ne razlikuju međusobno kada se te vrijednosti izraze proporcionalno u odnosu na njihovu tjelesnu visinu. Uočene su razlike između rimen veslača i skul veslača – rimen veslači su višega stasa i imaju veće apsolutne vrijednosti longitudinalnih dimenzija. Uz to što je izrađen profil veslača juniora, rezultati ove studije mogu pomoći trenerima i kineziolozima da steknu bolji uvid u to koje su morfološke karakteristike povezane s uspješnošću u veslanju. Rezultati se također mogu primijeniti za određenje antropometrijskog profila veslača i kao instrument za selekciju dječaka talentiranih za veslanje.Die Leistung der leistungsstärksten Ruderer ist unter anderem von ihren körperlichen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Körperbaudaten für erwachsene Ruderer stellen den Nachdruck auf die Wichtigkeit des Körpergewichts und der Körperhöhe für das Rudern. Es bleibt noch unklar, wie wichtig die proportionale Längenzunahme ist. Während der Junioren Weltmeisterschaften im 1997 wurden die Körperbau-Messungen (Körpergewicht und 6 Extremitätenlängen) auf 383 leistungsstärksten Junioren-Ruderer vorgenommen. Auf Grund dieser Messungen einige proportionale Extremitätenlängen wurden berechnet. Die Angaben über die Bootsgat-tung wurden einem Fragebogen entnommen, während die Angaben über dem Wettkampf-Niveau auf den während der Meisterschaft gewonnenen Ergebnissen basierten. Den Ergebnissen nach wogen diese Ruderer mehr (Mittelwert = 82,2±7,4 kg), sie waren größer (Mittelwert = 187,4±5,8 cm) und hatten eine größere Sitzhöhe (Mittelwert = 96,8±3,2 cm) und längere Beine (Mittelwert = 90,7±3,8 cm) als die Referenz-Grundgesamtheit. Die Finalisten hatten bedeutend größere Extremitätenlängenwerte als die Nicht-Finalisten, während die Riemenruderer im allgemeinen größere Extremitätenlängenwerte hatten als die Skuller. Keine Unterschiede waren zu merken, wenn die Extremitätenlängenwerte proportional der Körperhöhe der Ruderer dargestellt wurden. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass die leistungsstärksten Junioren größere Extremitätenlängenwerte haben im Vergleich zu den weniger erfolgreichen Ruderern, aber diese Spitzensportler unterscheiden sich keineswegs von weniger erfolgreichen Sportlern im Bezug auf die proportionale Längenzunahme. Die Unterschiede sind bei den Riemenruderern und den Skullern zu merken, wobei die Skuller größere Extremitätenlängenwerte aufzeigen

    Tracking of fatness during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood: a 7-year follow-up study in Madeira Island, Portugal

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    Aims: Investigating tracking of fatness from childhood to adolescence, early adolescence to young adulthood and late adolescence to young adulthood. Subjects and methods: Participants from the Madeira Growth Study were followed during an average period of 7.2 years. Height, body mass, skin-folds and circumferences were measured, nine health- and performance-related tests were administered and the Baecke questionnaire was used to assess physical activity. Skeletal maturity was estimated using the TW3 method. Results: The prevalence of overweight plus obesity ranged from 8.2–20.0% at baseline and from 20.4–40.0% at followup, in boys. Corresponding percentages for girls were 10.6– 12.0% and 13.2–18.0%. Inter-age correlations for fatness indicators ranged from 0.43–0.77. BMI, waist circumference and sum of skin-folds at 8, 12 and 16-years old were the main predictors of these variables at 15, 19 and 23-years old, respectively. Strength, muscular endurance and aerobic fitness were negatively related to body fatness. Physical activity and maturation were independently associated with adolescent (15 years) and young adult (19 years) fatness. Conclusions: Over 7.2 years, tracking was moderate-to-high for fatness. Variance was explained by fatness indicators and to a small extent by physical fitness, physical activity and maturation

    Gross motor coordination and weight status of Portuguese children aged 6-14 years

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    Objectives: To construct age- and gender-specific percentiles for gross motor coordination (MC) tests and to explore differences in gross MC in normal-weight, overweight and obese children. Methods: Data are from the "Healthy Growth of Madeira Study", a cross-sectional study carried out in children, aged 6–14 years. All 1,276 participants, 619 boys and 657 girls, were assessed for gross MC (Korperkoordinations Test fur Kinder, KTK), anthropometry (height and body mass), physical activity (Baecke questionnaire) and socioeconomic status (SES). Centile curves for gross MC were obtained for boys and girls separately using generalized additive models for location, scale and shape. Results: A significant main effect for age was found in walking backwards and moving sideways. Boys performed significantly better than girls on moving sideways. At the upper limit of the distributions, interindividual variability was higher in hopping on one leg (girls) and jumping and moving sideways (boys and girls). One-way ANCOVA, controlling for age, physical activity and SES, indicated that normal-weight children scored significantly better than their obese peers in all gross MC tests. Overweight boys and girls also scored significantly better than their obese colleagues in some MC tests. Conclusions: These centile curves can be used as reference data in Portuguese children and youth, aged 6–14 years. Being overweight or obese was a major limitation in MC tests and, therefore, of the children’s health- and performance related physical fitness

    Prevalência de sobrepeso e de obesidade em crianças e adolescentes na Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal

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    O objectivo foi estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesi dade em crianças e adolescentes da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. Um procedimento estratificado proporcional foi usado para obter uma amostra representativa de crianças e adolescentes madeirenses dos 7 aos 18 anos. No total, 2503 sujeitos, 1266 rapazes e 1237 raparigas, participaram no estudo. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade foi definida a partir do índice de massa corporal e de acordo com os pontos de corte propostos pela ‘International Obesity TaskForce’. A prevalência de sobrepeso foi de 14.22% e 10.99% para os rapazes e raparigas dos 7-18 anos, respectivamente. Os valores correspondentes para a obesidade foram 2.61% e 1.86%. Na maioria dos grupos etários, os elementos do sexo mas culino apresentaram uma prevalência mais elevada de sobrepeso e obesidade do que o sexo feminino. Percentagens mais baixas ou ausência de sobrepeso e obesidade foram obser vadas aos 16-17 anos. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesid ade para as crianças e adolescentes madeirenses foi similar ou inferior a pesquisas desenvolvidas em Portugal e em outros países europeus. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, embora baixa, requer prevenção adequada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prediction of adult height in girls: the Beunen-MalinaFreitas method

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    The purpose of this study was to validate and cross-validate the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method for non-invasive prediction of adult height in girls. A sample of 420 girls aged 10–15 years from the Madeira Growth Study were measured at yearly intervals and then 8 years later. Anthropometric dimensions (lengths, breadths, circumferences, and skinfolds) were measured; skeletal age was assessed using the Tanner-Whitehouse 3 method and menarcheal status (present or absent) was recorded. Adult height was measured and predicted using stepwise, forward, and maximum R2 regression techniques. Multiple correlations, mean differences, standard errors of prediction, and error boundaries were calculated. A sample of the Leuven Longitudinal Twin Study was used to cross-validate the regressions. Age-specific coefficients of determination (R2) between predicted and measured adult height varied between 0.57 and 0.96, while standard errors of prediction varied between 1.1 and 3.9 cm. The cross-validation confirmed the validity of the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method in girls aged 12–15 years, but at lower ages the cross-validation was less consistent. We conclude that the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method is valid for the prediction of adult height in girls aged 12–15 years. It is applicable to European populations or populations of European ancestry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio