275 research outputs found

    Antony HOSTEIN, La cité et l’empereur : les Éduens dans l’Empire romain d’après les Panégyriques latins

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    Fondé sur l’étude des Panégyriques latins datés de la fin du IIIe et du début du IVe siècle ap. J.-C., ce très beau travail témoigne de la variété des compétences de son auteur. Débutant par une analyse des aspects rhétoriques des discours, l’ouvrage permet ainsi de comprendre l’intérêt de ces textes longs, que leur nature particulière a pu rendre « suspects » au yeux des historiens. Un rappel de l’usage du panégyrique dans l’Antiquité conduit l’A. à présenter les particularités de plusieurs ..

    Antony HOSTEIN, La cité et l’empereur : les Éduens dans l’Empire romain d’après les Panégyriques latins

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    Fondé sur l’étude des Panégyriques latins datés de la fin du IIIe et du début du IVe siècle ap. J.-C., ce très beau travail témoigne de la variété des compétences de son auteur. Débutant par une analyse des aspects rhétoriques des discours, l’ouvrage permet ainsi de comprendre l’intérêt de ces textes longs, que leur nature particulière a pu rendre « suspects » au yeux des historiens. Un rappel de l’usage du panégyrique dans l’Antiquité conduit l’A. à présenter les particularités de plusieurs ..

    Influence of phosphodiesterases and cGMP on cAMP generation and on phosphorylation of phospholamban and troponin I by 5-HT4 receptor activation in porcine left atrium

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    Our objective was to investigate the role of phosphodiesterase (PDE)3 and PDE4 and cGMP in the control of cAMP metabolism and of phosphorylation of troponin I (TnI) and phospholamban (PLB) when 5-HT4 receptors are activated in pig left atrium. Electrically paced porcine left atrial muscles, mounted in organ baths, received stimulators of particulate guanylyl cyclase (pGC) or soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) and/or specific PDE inhibitors followed by 5-HT or the 5-HT4 receptor agonist prucalopride. Muscles were freeze-clamped at different moments of exposure to measure phosphorylation of the cAMP/protein kinase A targets TnI and PLB by immunoblotting and cAMP levels by enzyme immunoassay. Corresponding with the functional results, 5-HT only transiently increased cAMP content, but caused a less quickly declining phosphorylation of PLB and did not significantly change TnI phosphorylation. Under combined PDE3 and PDE4 inhibition, the 5-HT-induced increase in cAMP levels and PLB phosphorylation was enhanced and sustained, and TnI phosphorylation was now also increased. Responses to prucalopride per se and the influence thereupon of PDE3 and PDE4 inhibition were similar except that responses were generally smaller. Stimulation of pGC together with PDE4 inhibition increased 5-HT-induced PLB phosphorylation compared to 5-HT alone, consistent with functional responses. sGC stimulation hastened the fade of inotropic responses to 5-HT, while cAMP levels were not altered. PDE3 and PDE4 control the cAMP response to 5-HT4 receptor activation, causing a dampening of downstream signalling. Stimulation of pGC is able to enhance inotropic responses to 5-HT by increasing cAMP levels, while sGC stimulation decreases contraction to 5-HT cAMP independently

    Une nouvelle inscription romaine provenant du castrum de Divio (Dijon)

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    Connu par des sources littéraires antiques tardives, le castrum de Dijon a laissé quelques traces dans l’urbanisme contemporain. Les cartes anciennes, l’étude des carnets de Louis-Bénigne Baudot, ainsi qu’un réexamen de visu des restes conservés permettent aujourd’hui de renforcer notre connaissance de l’enceinte tardive. L’enquête de terrain a ainsi permis de retrouver une inscription funéraire, inédite, gravée sur un « pyramidion », forme typique des monuments lingons.Known by literary sources from the Late Roman period, the Castrum of Dijon has marked today's urbanism. Old maps, the study of Louis-Bénigne Baudot's notebooks and the reassessment of the preserved ruins have improved our knowledge of the Late Roman enclosured. A survey in the town itself has brought to light a new funerary inscription engrave on a "pyramidion", a typical shape for Lingone monuments.Das in spätantiken Schriftquellen bezeugte Castrum von Dijon hat im zeitgenössischen Urbanismus der Stadt mehrere Spuren hinterlassen. Alte Landkarten, die Studie der Schriften von Louis-Bénigne Baudot, sowie eine erneute Überprüfung der archäologischen Reste verbessern unsere Kenntnis der spätantiken Befestigungsmauer. Bei der Feldstudie stieß man auf eine neue Grabinschrift, die auf ein für die Bauwerke der Lingonen typisches „Pyramidion“ graviert war

    Effects of wastewater treatment plant pollution on in-stream ecosystems functions in an agricultural watershed

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    We studied the effect of point-source and non-point-source pollution on the retention capacity of the stream and its link with the metabolic state (primary production and respiration) and invertebrates assemblages in a third order Mediterranean stream. Two experimental sites were chosen: one in the upper part of the catchment (Monte´gut site) characterized by low concentrations in nitrate and phosphate and one in the lower part of the catchment (Le´zat site) characterized by high nitrate and phosphorus concentrations. Both experimental sites were located on reaches that included a Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) point nutrient source allowing discussion of the relative effects of point-source and non-point-source nutrients loads on ecosystem function (respiration and uptake rates) and aquatic organism assemblages. NH4 +-N, and PO43x-P uptake rates were determined using solute additions conducted at constant rates (short-term nutrient addition procedure) and NO3 x-N uptake rates were determined using instantaneous solute addition (slug addition procedure). Rates of gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration were determined using the open system, two-stations diurnal oxygen change method. Benthic invertebrate communities were investigated for species and functional feeding groups diversities measurements. Results show that autotrophy in the river results from nutrients of two distinct origins: point sources for phosphorus (urban area and WWTP) and non-point sources for nitrogen (agricultural zones) with local additions from WWTP inputs. Comparison between the two sites shows that the WWTP did not affect uptake rates, respiration or primary production of the ecosystem in the low-nutrient Monte´gut reach despite increase of invertebrates communities biomass density. Inputs from the WWTP, in the high nitrate and phosphate Le´zat reach, increased respiration, lower benthic biomass and led to changes in the species composition and did not affect uptake rates

    Les sites ecclésiaux et monastiques de l’archipel du Kvarner (Croatie), campagne 2019 : Martinšćica (île de Cres)

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    Présentation du site et enjeux La quatrième campagne de fouilles programmée du site de Martinšćica s’est déroulée du 10 au 29 juin 2019 ; elle a porté sur : 1. la nef ; 2. les tombes en formae du bras sud du transept ; 3. la chapelle latérale sud et son annexe orientale (fig. 1). Fig. 1. Vue générale de l’église paléochrétienne à l’issue de la campagne 2019. Cl. J. Behaim et I. Kranjec. Ce complexe antique et paléochrétien fait l’objet de recherches archéologiques depuis 2011 dans le cadre d..

    Extending the clinical spectrum of X-linked Tonne-Kalscheuer syndrome (TOKAS):new insights from the fetal perspective

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    INTRODUCTION: Tonne-Kalscheuer syndrome (TOKAS) is a recessive X-linked multiple congenital anomaly disorder caused by RLIM variations. Of the 41 patients reported, only 7 antenatal cases were described.METHOD: After the antenatal diagnosis of TOKAS by exome analysis in a family followed for over 35 years because of multiple congenital anomalies in five male fetuses, a call for collaboration was made, resulting in a cohort of 11 previously unpublished cases.RESULTS: We present a TOKAS antenatal cohort, describing 11 new cases in 6 French families. We report a high frequency of diaphragmatic hernia (9 of 11), differences in sex development (10 of 11) and various visceral malformations. We report some recurrent dysmorphic features, but also pontocerebellar hypoplasia, pre-auricular skin tags and olfactory bulb abnormalities previously unreported in the literature. Although no clear genotype-phenotype correlation has yet emerged, we show that a recurrent p.(Arg611Cys) variant accounts for 66% of fetal TOKAS cases. We also report two new likely pathogenic variants in RLIM, outside of the two previously known mutational hotspots.CONCLUSION: Overall, we present the first fetal cohort of TOKAS, describe the clinical features that made it a recognisable syndrome at fetopathological examination, and extend the phenotypical spectrum and the known genotype of this rare disorder.</p
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