244 research outputs found

    Political Conflict and Direct Democracy -- Explaining Initiative Use 1920-2011

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    Political competition is the engine for representative democracy. Within the representation mechanics I look at the political space, the dimensionality of political conflict, and how parties try to affect the relative salience of different dimensions by using direct democratic institutions. The leading question is how we can explain initiative use. The paper asks how the costs and benefits of using initiatives affect parties when they decide whether to use this instrument or not. The major argument is that when party competition increases, we will see higher initiative frequencies because parties try to affect the saliency of specific issues to increase their electoral bases. I analyze annual submission rates, the content of proposed initiatives, and the changing share of partisan actors behind initiatives. The findings highlight that the consequences of direct democratic institutions go beyond changing policy outcomes. For the specific case at hand, Switzerland from 1920 to 2011, it is shown that despite numerous opposite claims, there has been no underlying change in strategy or equilibrium but just a slow evolution of underlying factors such as institutional requirements and partisan competition

    The Adoption of Proportional Representation

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    The debate between economic and political explanations of the adoption of proportional representation has yielded mixed results. We re-examine this debate and argue that one has to take the different levels on which the causal mechanisms are located into account. This leads to a novel reformulation of Rokkan?s hypotheses: we claim that PR is introduced when legislators face strong district level competition and when their parties expect to gain seats from a change of the electoral law. In the empirical part, we model legislators? support for the PR adoption and evaluate the relative importance of district level competition and vulnerability resulting from electoral inroads made by social democratic candidates; partisan calculations arising from disproportionalities in the allocation of votes to seats; and economic conditions at the district level, specifically variation in skill profiles. Support for the adoption of PR is explained by a combination of district vulnerabilities and seat-vote disproportionality

    The role of age and digital competence on the use of online health and social care services : A cross-sectional population-based survey

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    Objective Online health and social care services are getting widespread which increases the risk that less advantaged groups may not be able to access these services resulting in digital exclusion. We examined the combined effects of age and digital competence on the use of online health and social care services. Methods We used a large representative population-based sample of 4495 respondents from Finland. Paper-based self-assessment questionnaire with an online response option was mailed to participants. The associations were analyzed using survey weighted logistic regression, exploring potential non-linear effects of age and controlling for potential sex differences. Results Higher age, starting from around the age of 60 was associated with a lower likelihood of using online services for receiving test results, renewing prescriptions and scheduling appointments. Good digital competence was able to hinder the age-related decline in online services use, but only up to around the age of 80. Conclusions Our results suggest that older adults are at risk of digital exclusion, and not even good digital competence alleviates this risk among the oldest. We suggest that health and social care providers should consider older users' needs and abilities more thoroughly and offer easy to use online services. More digital support and training possibilities should be provided for older people. It is equally important that face-to-face and telephone services will be continued to be provided for those older people who are not able to use online services even when supported.Peer reviewe

    Possible first order transition in the two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model induced by thermally fluctuating vortex cores

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    We study the two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model of a neutral superfluid in the vicinity of the vortex unbinding transition. The model is mapped onto an effective interacting vortex gas by a systematic perturbative elimination of all fluctuating degrees of freedom (amplitude {\em and} phase of the order parameter field) except the vortex positions. In the Coulomb gas descriptions derived previously in the literature, thermal amplitude fluctuations were neglected altogether. We argue that, if one includes the latter, the vortices still form a two- dimensional Coulomb gas, but the vortex fugacity can be substantially raised. Under the assumption that Minnhagen's generic phase diagram of the two- dimensional Coulomb gas is correct, our results then point to a first order transition rather than a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, provided the Ginzburg-Landau correlation length is large enough in units of a microscopic cutoff length for fluctuations. The experimental relevance of these results is briefly discussed. [Submitted to J. Stat. Phys.]Comment: 36 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures upon request, UATP2-DB1-9

    Collective pinning of a frozen vortex liquid in ultrathin superconducting YBa_2Cu_3O_7 films

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    The linear dynamic response of the two-dimensional (2D) vortex medium in ultrathin YBa_2Cu_3O_7 films was studied by measuring their ac sheet impedance Z over a broad range of frequencies \omega. With decreasing temperature the dissipative component of Z exhibits, at a temperature T*(\omega) well above the melting temperature of a 2D vortex crystal, a crossover from a thermally activated regime involving single vortices to a regime where the response has features consistent with a description in terms of a collectively pinned vortex manifold. This suggests the idea of a vortex liquid which, below T*(\omega), appears to be frozen at the time scales 1/\omega of the experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Dynamic Scaling of Magnetic Flux Noise Near the KTB Transition in Overdamped Josephson Junction Arrays

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    We have used a dc Superconducting QUantum Interference Device to measure the magnetic flux noise generated by the equilibrium vortex density fluctuations associated with the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii (KTB) transition in an overdamped Josephson junction array. At temperatures slightly above the KTB transition temperature, the noise is white for f<fξf<f_\xi and scales as 1/f1/f for f>fξf>f_\xi. Here fξξzf_\xi\propto\xi^{-z}, where ξ\xi is the correlation length and zz is the dynamic exponent. Moreover, when all frequencies are scaled by fξf_\xi, data for different temperatures and frequencies collapse on to a single curve. In addition, we have extracted the dynamic exponent zz and found z=1.98±0.03z=1.98\pm0.03.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX (REVTeX) format, requires epsfig and amstex style files. 3 figures included. Tentatively scheduled for publication in Physical Review Letters, 18 March, 199

    The fully frustrated XY model with next nearest neighbor interaction

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    We introduce a fully frustrated XY model with nearest neighbor (nn) and next nearest neighbor (nnn) couplings which can be realized in Josephson junction arrays. We study the phase diagram for 0x10\leq x \leq 1 (xx is the ratio between nnn and nn couplings). When x<1/2x < 1/\sqrt{2} an Ising and a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions are present. Both critical temperatures decrease with increasing xx. For x>1/2x > 1/\sqrt{2} the array undergoes a sequence of two transitions. On raising the temperature first the two sublattices decouple from each other and then, at higher temperatures, each sublattice becomes disorderd.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and flux noise in overdamped Josephson junction arrays

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    The form of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for a resistively shunted Josephson juction array is derived with the help of the method which explicitely takes into acoount screening effects. This result is used to express the flux noise power spectrum in terms of frequency dependent sheet impedance of the array. The relation between noise amplitude and parameters of the detection coil is analysed for the simplest case of a single-loop coil.Comment: ReVTeX, 8 page

    Temperature and Frequency Dependence of Complex Conductance of Ultrathin YBa2Cu3O7-x Films: A Study of Vortex-Antivortex Pair Unbinding

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    We have studied the temperature dependencies of the complex sheet conductance of 1-3 unit cell (UC) thick YBa2Cu3O7-x films sandwiched between semiconducting Pr0.6Y0.4Ba2Cu3O7-x layers at high frequencies. Experiments have been carried out in a frequency range between: 2 - 30 MHz with one-spiral coil technique, 100 MHz - 1 GHz frequency range with a new technique using the spiral coil cavity and at 30 GHz by aid of a resonant cavity technique. The real and imaginary parts of the mutual-inductance between a coil and a film were measured and converted to complex conductivity by aid of the inversion procedure. We have found a quadratic temperature dependence of the kinetic inductance, L_k^-1(T), at low temperatures independent of frequency, with a break in slope at T^dc_BKT, the maximum of real part of conductance and a large shift of the break temperature and the maximum position to higher temperatures with increasing frequency. We obtain from these data the universal ratio T^dc_BKT/L_k^-1(T^dc_BKT) = 25, 25, and 17 nHK for 1-, 2- and 3UC films, respectively in close agreement with theoretical prediction of 12 nHK for vortex-antivortex unbinding transition. The activated temperature dependence of the vortex diffusion constant was observed and discussed in the framework of vortex-antivortex pair pinning. PACS numbers: 74.80.Dm, 74.25.Nf, 74.72.Bk, 74.76.BzComment: PDF file, 10 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Low Temp. Phys.; Proc. of NATO ARW: VORTEX 200

    Absence of Proviral Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Type 1 Evolution in Early-Treated Individuals With HIV Switching to Dolutegravir Monotherapy During 48 Weeks

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART), usually consisting of 2-3 different drugs, referred to as combination ART (cART). Our recent randomized clinical trial comparing a switch to dolutegravir monotherapy with continuation of cART in early-treated individuals demonstrated sustained virological suppression over 48 weeks. Here, we characterize the longitudinal landscape of the HIV-1 reservoir in these participants, with particular attention to potential differences between treatment groups regarding evidence of evolution as a proxy for low-level replication. Near full-length HIV-1 proviral polymerase chain reaction and next-generation sequencing was applied to longitudinal peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples to assess proviral evolution and the potential emergence of drug resistance mutations (DRMs). Neither an increase in genetic distance nor diversity over time was detected in participants of both treatment groups. Single proviral analysis showed high proportions of defective proviruses and low DRM numbers. No evidence for evolution during dolutegravir monotherapy was found in these early-treated individuals