2,028 research outputs found

    [C II] emission and star formation in late-type galaxies. II A model

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    We study the relationship between gas cooling via the [C II] (158 micron) line emission and dust cooling via the far-IR continuum emission on the global scale of a galaxy in normal (i.e. non-AGN dominated and non-starburst) late-type systems. It is known that the luminosity ratio of total gas and dust cooling, L(C II)/L(FIR), shows a non-linear behaviour with the equivalent width of the Halpha line emission, the ratio decreasing in galaxies of lower massive star-formation activity. This result holds despite the fact that known individual Galactic and extragalactic sources of the [C II] line emission show different [C II] line-to-far-IR continuum emission ratios. This non-linear behaviour is reproduced by a simple quantitative model of gas and dust heating from different stellar populations, assuming that the photoelectric effect on dust, induced by far-UV photons, is the dominant mechanism of gas heating in the general diffuse interstellar medium of the galaxies under investigation. According to the model, the global L(C II)/L(FIR) provides a direct measure of the fractional amount of non-ionizing UV light in the interstellar radiation field and not of the efficiency of the photoelectric heating. The model also defines a method to constrain the stellar initial mass function from measurements of L(C II) and L(FIR). A sample of 20 Virgo cluster galaxies observed in the [C II] line with the LWS on board ISO is used to illustrate the model. The limited statistics and the necessary assumptions behind the determination of the global [C II] luminosities from the spatially limited data do not allow us to establish definitive conclusions but data-sets available in the future will allow tests of both the reliability of the assumptions of our model and the statistical significance of our results.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures (included), accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Valley-polarized tunneling currents in bilayer graphene tunneling transistors

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    We study theoretically the electron current across a monolayer graphene/hexagonal boron nitride/bilayer graphene tunneling junction in an external magnetic field perpendicular to the layers. We show that change in effective tunneling barrier width for electrons on different graphene layers of bilayer graphene, coupled with the fact that its Landau level wave functions are not equally distributed amongst the layers with a distribution that is reversed between the two valleys, lead to valley polarization of the tunneling current. We estimate that valley polarization ∌70% can be achieved in high quality devices at B=1 T. Moreover, we demonstrate that strong valley polarization can be obtained both in the limit of strong-momentum-conserving tunneling and in lower quality devices where this constraint is lifted

    An assessment of the strength of knots and splices used as eye terminations in a sailing environment

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    Research into knots, splices and other methods of forming an eye termination has been limited, despite the fact that they are essential and strongly affect the performance of a rope. The aim of this study was to carry out a comprehensive initial assessment of the breaking strength of eye terminations commonly used in a sailing environment, thereby providing direction for further work in the field. Supports for use in a regular tensile testing machine were specially developed to allow individual testing of each sample and a realistic spread of statistical data to be obtained. Over 180 break tests were carried out on four knots (the bowline, double bowline, figure-of-eight loop and perfection loop) and two splices (three-strand eye splice and braid-on-braid splice). The factors affecting their strength were investigated. A statistical approach to the analysis of the results was adopted. The type of knot was found to have a significant effect on the strength. This same effect was seen in both types of rope construction (three-strand and braid-on-braid). Conclusions were also drawn as to the effect of splice length, eye size, manufacturer and rope diameter on the breaking strength of splices. Areas of development and further investigation were identified

    Am empirical comparison of the performance of classical power indices

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    Power indices are general measures of the relative voting power of individual members of a voting body. They are useful in helping understand and design voting bodies particularly those which employ weighted voting, in which different members having different numbers of votes. It is well known that in such bodies a member's voting power, in the sense of their capacity to affect the outcomes of votes called, rarely corresponds to the actual number of votes allocated to him. Many voting bodies for which this is an important consideration exist: examples include international organisations (notably the World Bank, the IMF, the European Union), the US presidential Electoral College and corporations in which votes are proportionate to stockholdings. Two classical power indices dominate the literature: the Shapley-Shubik index and the Banzhaf index (also known by other names). Both are based on the idea that a member's power depends on the relative number of times they can change a coalition from losing to winning by joining it and adding their vote. They may be defined in probabilistic terms as the probability of being able to swing the result of a vote, where all possible outcomes are taken as equiprobable. The indices differ however in the way they count voting coalitions. In probabilistic terms they use different coalition models and therefore differ in precisely what is meant by equiprobable outcomes. The indices have been used in a number of empirical applications but their relative performance has remained an open question for many years, a factor, which has hindered the wider acceptance of the approach. Where both the indices have been used for the same case, they have often given different results, sometimes substantially so, and theoretical studies of their properties have not been conclusive. There is therefore a need for comparative testing of their relative performance in practical contexts. Very little work of this type has been done however for a number of reasons: lack of independent indicators of power in actual voting bodies with which to compare them, difficulties in obtaining consistent data on a voting body over time with sufficient variation in the disposition of votes among members of actual legislatures and the lack of independent criteria against which the results of the indices may be judged. It has also been hampered to some extent by lack of easily available algorithms for computing the indices in large games. This paper assesses the indices against a set of reasonable criteria in terms of shareholder voting power and the control of the corporation in a large cross section of British companies. Each company is a separate voting body and there is much variation in the distribution of voting shares among them. Moreover reasonable criteria exist against which to judge the indices. New algorithms for the Shapley-Shubik and Banzhaf indices are applied to detailed data on beneficial ownership of 444 large UK companies without majority control. Because some of the data is missing, both finite and oceanic games of shareholder voting are studied to overcome this problem. The results, judged against these criteria, are unfavorable to the Shapley-Shubik index and suggest that the Banzhaf index much better reflects the variations in the power of shareholders between companies as the weights of shareholder blocks vary

    The IRAS 1-Jy Survey of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: I. The sample and Luminosity Function

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    A complete flux-limited sample of 118 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs) has been identified from the IRAS Faint Source Catalog (FSC). The selection criteria were a 60 micron flux density greater than 1 Jy in a region of the sky delta > -40 deg, |b| > 30 deg. All sources were subsequently reprocessed using coadded IRAS maps in order to obtain the best available flux estimates in all four IRAS wavelength bands. The maximum observed infrared luminosity is L_ir = 10^{12.90} L_{sun}, and the maximum redshift is z = 0.268. The luminosity function for ULIGs over the decade luminosity range L_ir = 10^{12} - 10^{13} L_{sun} can be approximated by a power law Phi (L) ~= L^{-2.35} Mpc^{-3} mag^{-1}. In the local Universe z < 0.1, the space density of ULIGs appears to be comparable to or slightly larger than that of optically selected QSOs at comparable bolometric luminosities. A maximum likelihood test suggests strong evolution for our sample; assuming density evolution proportional to (1+z)^{alpha} we find alpha = 7.6+/-3.2. Examination of the two-point correlation function shows a barely significant level of clustering, xi (r) = 1.6 +/- 1.2, on size scales r ~= 22 h^{-1} Mpc.Comment: 18 pages of text, 10 pages of figures 1 to 6, 6 pages of tables 1 to 3, ApJS accepte

    Battery charger with a capacitor-diode clamped LLC resonant converter

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    The paper proposes a novel battery charger through use of two serially-connected LLC resonant converters. The first stage utilises a capacitor-diode clamped LLC resonant converter which allows operation in both constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CC) modes, as found in most battery chargers, to be realised, whilst the second stage provides the necessary gain and line and load regulation. A design example is included that demonstrates the resulting converter topology operating under the full battery charging conditions and its inherent current-limiting capability. Experimental results are used to validate the underlying approach

    Tidally-Triggered Star Formation in Close Pairs of Galaxies

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    We analyze new optical spectra of a sample of 502 galaxies in close pairs and n-tuples, separated by <= 50/h kpc. We extracted the sample objectively from the CfA2 redshift survey, without regard to the surroundings of the tight systems. We probe the relationship between star formation and the dynamics of the systems of galaxies. The equivalent widths of H\alpha (EW(H\alpha) and other emission lines anti-correlate strongly with pair spatial separation (\Delta D) and velocity separation. We use the measured EW(H\alpha) and the starburst models of Leitherer et al. to estimate the time since the most recent burst of star for- mation began for each galaxy. In the absence of a large contribution from an old stellar population to the continuum around H\alpha, the observed \Delta D -- EW(H\alpha) correlation signifies that starbursts with larger separations on the sky are, on average, older. By matching the dynamical timescale to the burst timescale, we show that the data support a simple picture in which a close pass initiates a starburst; EW(H\alpha) decreases with time as the pair separation increases, accounting for the anti-correlation. This picture leads to a method for measuring the duration and the initial mass function of interaction-induced starbursts: our data are compatible with the starburst and orbit models in many respects, as long as the starburst lasts longer than \sim10^8 years and the delay between the close pass and the initiation of the starburst is less than a few \times 10^7 years. If there is no large contribution from an old stellar population to the continuum around H\alpha the Miller-Scalo and cutoff (M <= 30 M_\sun) Salpeter initial mass functions fit the data much better than a standard Salpeter IMF. (Abridged.)Comment: 43 pages, 22 figures, to appear in the ApJ; we correct an error which had minor effects on numerical values in the pape
