1,447 research outputs found

    Probiotics in the intensive care unit: why controversies and confusion abound

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    Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer health benefits on the host. Because probiotics are not marketed as pharmaceuticals, they are commercially available without rigorous scientific documentation of their efficacy for many health-related claims. Results from existing clinical trials are both confusing and controversial. The evidence base is relatively limited, includes studies with varied designs, assesses multiple probiotic preparations across discrepant disease states, and provides conflicting results. Recent advances in the delineation of probiotics' mechanisms of action offer the opportunity to construct a more logical framework within which future trials are designed

    A systematic review of the cardiovascular risk of inhaled anticholinergics in patients with COPD

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    The long-term use of inhaled anticholinergic agents has recently been suggested to be associated with an excess risk of adverse cardiovascular (CV) outcomes in patients with COPD. We identified 15 published studies that reported on the association between long-term inhaled anticholinergic use and adverse CV outcomes. Only 3 of the studies were adequately designed randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The first RCT that suggested that anticholinergic agents increased the risk of adverse CV outcomes was the Lung Health Study (LHS). Smokers randomized to inhaled ipratropium had a significantly increased risk of CV death than smokers receiving placebo. The LHS results have been questioned as the statistical tests used in the study were not adjusted for multiple tests and endpoints, a convincing dose-effect relationship between ipratropium use and the adverse CV outcomes was not established, and most of the CV deaths in the ipratropium group occurred in patients who were non-compliant to ipratropium. The Investigating New Standards for Prophylaxis in Reducing Exacerbations (INSPIRE) was a RCT that compared the combination of salmeterol plus fluticasone against tiotropium in patients with COPD. All-cause mortality was significantly lower in the salmeterol plus fluticasone group (3%) compared to the tiotropium group (6%). Fatal CV events occurred in 1% of the salmeterol plus fluticasone group compared to 3% in the tiotropium group. The INSPIRE trial was not designed to be a mortality trial, lacked adequate adjudication of fatal outcomes, and lacked a full intention-to-treat analysis of the data. The Understanding Potential Long-Term Impacts on Function with Tiotropium (UPLIFT) trial was a RCT comparing tiotropium and placebo in patients with COPD. Follow-up in UPLIFT was planned for 1440 days (4 years) plus 30 days (1470 days) of post-treatment follow-up. At 1440 days with 95% of patient outcome accounted for, tiotropium was associated with a significant 13% reduction in all-cause mortality compared to placebo. However, at 1470 days with only 75% of patient outcome accounted for, tiotropium was associated with a non-significant 11% reduction in all-cause mortality compared to placebo. The relative risks for serious CV events, heart failure, and myocardial infarction were all significantly lower with tiotropium than placebo. It is not certain why such a wide disparity in findings exists among the published studies evaluating the CV risks of inhaled anticholinergic agents. Prospective, adequately powered RCTs are needed to provide more evidence for the CV safety of tiotropium

    Identification of a novel retroviral gene unique to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 and simian immunodeficiency virus SIVMAC

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    Human and simian immunodeficiency-associated retroviruses are extraordinarily complex, containing at least five genes, tat, art, sor, R, and 3' orf, in addition to the structural genes gag, pol, and env. Recently, nucleotide sequence analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus SIVMAC revealed the existence of still another open reading frame, termed X, which is highly conserved between these two viruses but absent from HIV-1. In this report, we demonstrate for the first time that the X open reading frame represents a functional retroviral gene in both HIV-2 and SIVMAC and that it encodes a virion-associated protein of 14 and 12 kilodaltons, respectively. We also describe the production of recombinant TrpE/X fusion proteins in Escherichia coli and show that sera from some HIV-2-infected individuals specifically recognize these proteins

    Young children's cognitive achievement: home learning environment, language and ethnic background

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    For decades, research has shown differences in cognitive assessment scores between White and minority ethnic group(s) learners as well as differences across different minority ethnic groups. More recent data have indicated that the home learning environment and languages spoken can impact cognitive assessment and other corollary outcomes. This study uses the Millennium Cohort Study to jointly assess how minority ethnic group, home learning environment and home languages predict child cognitive assessment scores. Regression analyses were conducted using two assessment measures. The following is hypothesised: (1) cognitive achievement scores vary by minority ethnic group, (2) more home learning environment in early childhood leads to higher cognitive development scores and (3) English only in the home yields the highest cognitive scores while no English in the home yields the lowest. Findings reveal that there are differences in cognitive scores along ethnic group categories although there are also some unexpected findings. Home learning environment does not play as large a role as was predicted in raising the assessment scores overall for learners while speaking English in the home does, irrespective of ethnic background

    Synthetic DNA immunotherapy in biochemically relapsed prostate cancer

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    Background: INO-5150 (PSA and PSMA) +/- INO-9012 (IL-12), a synthetic DNA immunotherapy, was assessed for safety, immunogenicity and efficacy in biochemically recurrent prostate cancer patients (pts). Methods: Phase I, open-label, multi-center study in the US included pts with rising PSA after surgery and/or RT, PSA doubling time (PSADT) \u3e3 months (mos), testosterone \u3e150 ng/dL and no concurrent ADT. Safety, immunogenicity and efficacy (PSA kinetics, PFS) were evaluated in 4 treatment arms of 15 pts each. Arms A: 2mg INO-5150, B: 8.5 mg INO-5150, C: 2mg INO-5150 + 1mg INO-9012 and D: 8.5mg INO-5150 + 1mg INO-9012. Pts received 4 IM doses of vaccine followed by electroporation on day 0, wks 3, 12 and 24 and were followed for 72 wks. Results: 50/61 (82%) pts completed all visits and treatments were well tolerated with no safety concerns. Median PFS for overall population [N = 61, baseline (D0) PSADT range (mos) 1.5-217.1, median 9.8] and for a subset of pts with D0 PSADT ≤12mos (N = 36) has not yet been reached (FU 3-19 mos). 86% of pts with D0 PSADT ≤12 mos were progression free through 19mos FU. 27 out of 36 (75%) pts with D0 PSADT≤ 12 mos had disease stabilization at wks 27 evidenced by significant improvement in log2PSA change over time (slope) and PSADT from D0 (Slope=0.19 declined to 0.1, PSADT=5.3 improved to 10.1 mos, p = \u3c0.0001). This effect was maintained at wk 72 (Slope=0.09, PSADT=10.6, p = \u3c0.0001). Immunogenicity was observed in 77% (47/61) of pts by multiple immunologic assessments. Patient immunogenicity to INO-5150 as determined by CD38 and Perforin + CD8 T cell immune reactivity correlated with attenuated % PSA rise compared to pts without reactivity (p = 0.05, n = 50). Conclusions: INO-5150 +/- INO-9012 was safe, well tolerated and immunogenic. Clinical efficacy was observed in the patients with D0 PSADT≤ 12 mos as evidenced by a significant dampening of log2PSA change over time and increased PSADT up to 72 weeks FU. Additional genomic analyses are ongoing to further elucidate the correlation of immunologic efficacy and clinical benefit. (NCT02514213)

    Beings in their own right? Exploring Children and young people's sibling and twin relationships in the Minority World

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    This paper examines the contributions that the sociological study of sibship and twinship in the Minority World can make to childhood studies. It argues that, in providing one forum within which to explore children and young people's social relationships, we can add to our understanding of children and young people's interdependence and develop a more nuanced understanding of agency. As emergent subjects, children, young people and adults are in a process of ‘becoming’. However, this does not mean that they can ‘become’ anything they choose to. The notion of negotiated interdependence (Punch 2002) is useful in helping us to grasp the contingent nature of children and young people's agency

    Complete Genome Sequences of Chop, DelRio, and GrandSlam, Three Gordonia Phages Isolated from Soil in Central Arkansas

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    Chop, DelRio, and GrandSlam are phage with a Siphoviridae morphotype isolated from soil in Arkansas using the host Gordonia terrae 3612. All three are temperate, and their genomes share at least 96% nucleotide identity. These phage are assigned to cluster DI based on gene content similarity to other sequenced actinobacteriophage

    Walking the walk: a phenomenological study of long distance walking

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    Evidence suggests that regular walking can elicit significant psychological benefits although little evidence exists concerning long distance walking. The purpose of this study was to provide detailed accounts of the experiences of long distance walkers. Phenomenological interviews were conducted with six long distance walkers. Data were transcribed verbatim before researchers independently analyzed the transcripts. Participants reported a cumulative effect with positive feelings increasing throughout the duration of the walk. Long distance walking elicited positive emotions, reduced the effects of life-stress, and promoted an increased sense of well-being and personal growth. Results are aligned to theories and concepts from positive psychology

    Risk Factors for and Prediction of Post-Intubation Hypotension in Critically Ill Adults: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypotension following endotracheal intubation in the ICU is associated with poor outcomes. There is no formal prediction tool to help estimate the onset of this hemodynamic compromise. Our objective was to derive and validate a prediction model for immediate hypotension following endotracheal intubation. METHODS: A multicenter, prospective, cohort study enrolling 934 adults who underwent endotracheal intubation across 16 medical/surgical ICUs in the United States from July 2015-January 2017 was conducted to derive and validate a prediction model for immediate hypotension following endotracheal intubation. We defined hypotension as: 1) mean arterial pressure \u3c 65 mmHg; 2) systolic blood pressure \u3c 80 mmHg and/or decrease in systolic blood pressure of 40% from baseline; 3) or the initiation or increase in any vasopressor in the 30 minutes following endotracheal intubation. RESULTS: Post-intubation hypotension developed in 344 (36.8%) patients. In the full cohort, 11 variables were independently associated with hypotension: increasing illness severity; increasing age; sepsis diagnosis; endotracheal intubation in the setting of cardiac arrest, mean arterial pressure \u3c 65 mmHg, and acute respiratory failure; diuretic use 24 hours preceding endotracheal intubation; decreasing systolic blood pressure from 130 mmHg; catecholamine and phenylephrine use immediately prior to endotracheal intubation; and use of etomidate during endotracheal intubation. A model excluding unstable patients’ pre-intubation (those receiving catecholamine vasopressors and/or who were intubated in the setting of cardiac arrest) was also developed and included the above variables with the exception of sepsis and etomidate. In the full cohort, the 11 variable model had a C-statistic of 0.75 (95% CI 0.72, 0.78). In the stable cohort, the 7 variable model C-statistic was 0.71 (95% CI 0.67, 0.75). In both cohorts, a clinical risk score was developed stratifying patients’ risk of hypotension. CONCLUSIONS: A novel multivariable risk score predicted post-intubation hypotension with accuracy in both unstable and stable critically ill patients. STUDY REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT02508948 and Registered Report Identifier: RR2-10.2196/11101