5 research outputs found

    The Study of Narrative Methodology of Three Kingdoms·Book of Wei

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    作為蜀漢遺民入仕新朝,陳壽修撰魏、吳、蜀三史,不但須面對魏、晉相篡的歷史局面,抑且得站在承魏而來的西晉立場,協調三國之間在歷史詮釋上的衝突。因應當代的政治現實,陳壽採取了《春秋》所建立的「婉章志晦」敘事策略。歷代議此,或批評陳壽「曲筆隱諱」,破壞歷史真實;或追蹤書中的《春秋》微筆,強調史家的褒貶意向等。但是,相關論述往往忽略陳壽在史法上的個人發明。事實上,陳壽的「微婉」敘事豐富多變,當中既有延續前史矩矱,更有獨出心裁之創新。 本文借著對《三國志·魏書》的重點考察,輔之以《吳》、《蜀》二書的敘事,揭示陳壽將《春秋》「婉章志晦」的褒貶史學與《史記》所造列傳體鎔鑄一爐,創造出一種嶄新的歷史書寫方式,從而達到「善惡必書」的史學要求。另外,本文也發現,陳壽的「微婉」敘事除了具有還原真相的動機,同時也藏有「資鑑當世」的用意。後者涵蓋的範圍包括合傳的標準、史料的抉擇、敘事的方向、論贊的寫作等,通過歷史敘述指涉西晉的各種情事。至於陳壽的三國敘事,雖然遵循魏朝政權「正位居體」的官方立場,但也透過不同的書寫展現三國政權鼎峙並立的實態。簡言之,本文旨在勾勒《三國志》「婉章志晦」書法的不同面向,從中捕捉史家的著史意識。In the writing of “The History of the Three Kingdoms”, Chen Shou as Shu Han regime’s adherent must face the history of both Wei, Jin Dynasty’s usurpation and balance the contradiction of historical interpretation between three kingdoms on the Western Jin Dynasty-based stance. Due to the political realities, Chen opted to adopt the tactful narrative strategy created by “The Spring and Autumn Annals”. Scholars previously either criticised Chen’s tactful narrative as harmful to the historical truth or traced the imprint of above-mentioned narrative to emphasize the intention of historian to appraise. However, the related discussions often overlooked Chen’s invention in historiography. In fact, Chen''s tactful narrative is full of variety. It’s not only followed the precedents set by previous historical works, but also formed by Chen’s own creativity. This study focus on “Book of Wei” of “The History of the Three Kingdoms”, assisted by the narration of “Book of Wu” and “Book of Shu”, reveals that Chen blended both the tactful expression of “The Spring and Autumn Annals” and historical biographies originated in “Shiji” to create a new way of historical writing, thus achieved truth. Furthermore, this study also discovered that, the motive of Chen’s historical writing is not only to restore the truth, but also to provide historical context to evaluate contemporary situation. The latter’s coverage includes standard of biographies, selection of historical material, direction of narrative, writing of historical commentaries, etc, refers to different events of Western Jin Dynasty. As for narrative regarding three countries, although Chen obeys the authorities’ stand by admitting the legitimacy of Wei Kingdom, he’s using different methods to show that each of three kingdom possess its own sovereignty. In short, this study aims to reflect the different aspects of Chen’s tactful narrative, thereby capture the conscious mind of the historian

    Monitoring the Quality of Robot-Assisted Pedicle Screw Fixation in the Lumbar Spine by Using a Cumulative Summation Test

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    Study Design. Prospective randomized controlled trial.Objective. The aim of this study was to monitor the quality control of robot-assisted pedicle screw fixation accuracy by using a cumulative summation (CUSUM) test at the initial stage of its application.Summary of Background Data. Although robot-assisted pedicle screw fixation reduces screw misplacement rates and provides critical support for minimally invasive surgical procedures, there have been no reports relating to the monitoring of quality control of the accuracy of this robot-assisted pedicle screw fixation procedure.Methods. Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis scheduled to undergo surgery were randomly and equally assigned through 1:1 allocation to a robot-assisted minimally invasive posterior lumbar interbody fusion (Rom-PLIF) group or a conventional open posterior PLIF using freehand technique group. The accuracy of pedicle screw placement was evaluated using postoperative computed tomography. The primary outcome was the CUSUM analysis for monitoring the quality control of the accuracy of pedicle screw insertion between the Rom-PLIF and conventional open posterior PLIF using freehand technique groups.Results. Of the 80 pedicle screws inserted in each group, 4 screws in the Rom-PLIF group, and 7 in the conventional open PLIF group, breached the pedicle. Of these 11 offending screws, 4 cases were categorized as grade B in the Rom-PLIF group, whereas 6 were grade B and 1 case was grade C in the Com-PLIF group, using the Gertzbein and Robbins classification. Throughout the monitoring period, there was no CUSUM test-derived indication that the quality of performance of the pedicle screw fixation procedure was inadequate in either group.Conclusion. First, this study demonstrates the adequacy of quality control of robot-assisted pedicle screw fixation even early in the application period based on the CUSUM analysis. Second, the CUSUM test can be a useful tool for monitoring of the quality of procedures related with spine surgery.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2015-01/102/0000004226/2SEQ:2PERF_CD:SNU2015-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000004226ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A079510DEPT_CD:801CITE_RATE:2.447FILENAME:spine-2015_kim_monitoring the quality of robot assisted pedicle screw fixation in the lumbar spine.pdfDEPT_NM:의학과SCOPUS_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Contrasting sirtuin and poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase activities of selected 2,4,6-trisubstituted benzimidazoles

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    Both sirtuin and poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) family of enzymes utilize NAD+ as co-substrate. Inhibitors of sirtuins and PARPs are important tools in drug discovery as they are reported to be linked to multiple diseases such as cancer. New potent sirtuin inhibitors (2,4,6-trisubstituted benzimidazole) were discovered from reported PARP inhibitor scaffold. Interestingly, the synthesized compounds have contrasting sirtuin and PARP-1 inhibitory activities. We showed that modification on benzimidazoles may alter their selectivity toward sirtuin or PARP-1 enzymes. This offers an opportunity for further discovery and development of new promising sirtuin inhibitors. Molecular docking studies were carried out to aid the rationalization of these observations. Preliminary antiproliferative studies of selected compounds against nasopharyngeal cancer cells also showed relatively promising results