89 research outputs found

    Feature selection for multi-label learning

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    Feature Selection plays an important role in machine learning and data mining, and it is often applied as a data pre-processing step. This task can speed up learning algorithms and sometimes improve their performance. In multi-label learning, label dependence is considered another aspect that can contribute to improve learning performance. A replicable and wide systematic review performed by us corroborates this idea. Based on this information, it is believed that considering label dependence during feature selection can lead to better learning performance. The hypothesis of this work is that multi-label feature selection algorithms that consider label dependence will perform better than the ones that disregard it. To this end, we propose multi-label feature selection algorithms that take into account label relations. These algorithms were experimentally compared to the standard approach for feature selection, showing good performance in terms of feature reduction and predictability of the classifiers built using the selected features.São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (grant 2011/02393-4

    Análise de parâmetros biomecânicos extraídos da manometria anorretal de pacientes continentes e com incontinência fecal

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the average resulting area from the Pressure x Time curves resulting from the manometric anorectal exam and compare it with the support capacity of voluntary squeeze. Materials and METHODS: the data set was represented by data from 11 exams from continent patients and eight exams from patients with grade III fecal incontinence. The manometric curves were delineated, and the areas and support capacity of voluntary squeeze calculated, by means of the R computer language and the algorithm developed. RESULTS: the resulting averages for support capacity of voluntary squeeze in continent patients and patients with grade III fecal incontinence were 33.07 seconds and 30.76 seconds (p>0.05) and the averages for area were 2362.04 mmHg x second and 947.92 mmHg x second (pOBJETIVO: evaluar el área media resultante proveniente de las curvas Presión versus Tiempo pertenecientes al examen manometría rectal y afrontarla con la capacidad de sustentación. Materiales y MÉTODOS: la casuística fue representada por datos de 11 exámenes de pacientes moderados y ocho exámenes de pacientes con incontinencia fecal grado III. Por medio del lenguaje computacional R y del algoritmo desarrollado fueron delineadas las curvas manométricas y calculadas las áreas y capacidades de sustentación. RESULTADOS: los medios resultantes de la capacidad de sustentación de pacientes moderados y con incontinencia fecal grado III fueron 33,07 segundos y 30,76 segundos (p>0,05) y las de la área, 2362,04 mmHg x según y 947,92 mmHg x según (pOBJETIVO: avaliar a área média resultante, proveniente das curvas pressão versus tempo, pertencentes ao exame manometria anorretal e confrontá-la com a capacidade de sustentação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: a casuística foi representada por dados de 11 exames de pacientes continentes e oito exames de pacientes com incontinência fecal grau III. Por meio da linguagem computacional R e do algoritmo desenvolvido foram delineadas as curvas manométricas e calculadas as áreas e capacidades de sustentação. RESULTADOS: as médias resultantes da capacidade de sustentação de pacientes continentes e com incontinência fecal grau III foram 33,07 segundos e 30,76 segundos (p>0,05) e as da área, 2362,04 mmHg x segundo e 947,92 mmHg x segundo (

    Oxigenoterapia hiperbárica e resistência mecânica das anastomoses cólicas em ratos com peritonite

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) on the mechanical resistance of anastomosis performed in rats' distal colon presenting peritonitis induced by ligature and cecal punction using the Total Energy Rupture biomechanical test (ETR). METHODS: It was used 45 rats divided into three groups of 15 animals each. In Control Group (CG), it was performed anastomosis in distal colon without peritonitis. In Peritonitis Group (PG), it was performed anastomosis six hours after the induction of peritonitis by ligature and cecal punction. In Hyperbaric Chamber Group (HCG), it was performed six hours after the induction of peritonitis by ligature and cecal punction. The animals on CG and PG were kept at place air while the animals on HCG were placed on an experimental hyperbaric chamber in order to inhale oxygen at 100%, two absolute atmospheres, for 120 minutes, for four consecutive days. Euthanasia took place on the fifth day of the experiment. All the animals underwent to Total Energy Rupture Biomechanical Resistance test (ETR). Total Energy Rupture was defined as the necessary internal energy stored up to promote the colon rupture after an external traction force imposition. RESULTS: The Peritonitis Group presents smaller average ETR than Control Group. There was no statistical difference between Peritonitis Group and Hyberbaric Chamber Group. CONCLUSION: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy did not alter the mechanical resistance of anastomosis performed in distal colon of rats under the presence of peritonitis induced by ligature and cecal puncture.OBJETIVO: Analisar o efeito da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica (HBO) sobre a resistência mecânica de anastomoses realizadas em cólon distal de ratos na presença de peritonite induzida por ligadura e punção cecal utilizando o teste biomecânico de Energia Total de Ruptura (ETR). MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 45 ratos distribuídos em três grupos de 15 animais. No Grupo Controle (GC), realizou-se anastomose no cólon distal sem peritonite. No Grupo Peritonite (GP), realizou-se anastomose seis horas após a indução da peritonite por ligadura e punção cecal. No Grupo Câmara Hiperbárica (GCH), realizou-se anastomose seis horas após a indução da peritonite por ligadura e punção cecal. Os animais dos GC e GP foram mantidos em ar ambiente. Os animais do GCH foram colocados em uma câmara hiperbárica experimental para inalarem oxigênio a 100%, a duas atmosferas absolutas, durante 120 minutos, por quatro dias consecutivos. A eutanásia ocorreu no quinto dia do experimento. Todos os animais foram submetidos ao Teste de Resistência Biomecânico Energia Total de Ruptura (ETR). A Energia Total de Ruptura foi definida como a energia interna acumulada necessária para promover o rompimento do cólon após a imposição de uma força externa de tração. RESULTADOS: O Grupo Peritonite apresentou menor média de ETR que o Grupo Controle. Não houve diferença estatística entre o Grupo Peritonite e o Grupo Câmara Hiperbárica. CONCLUSÃO: A oxigenoterapia hiperbárica não alterou a resistência mecânica de anastomoses realizadas no cólon distal de ratos na presença de peritonite induzida por ligadura e punção cecal.36837

    Estudo comparativo da resistência de ruptura de cólon descendente por meio de ensaio uniaxial força de ruptura à tração e energia total de ruptura em ratos

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    PURPOSE: To compare total energy of rupture and traction force of rupture tests within a rupture resistance study of descendent colon of rats. METHODS: Twelve descendent colon segments of rats were considered to perform the study. For each one of the specimens, total energy of rupture and traction force of rupture necessary to promote colic wall burst were evaluated through the biomechanical total energy of rupture test using the Biomechanical Data Acquisition and Analysis System, version 2.0. Average, standard deviation, standard error of average and coefficient of variation were considered for analysis of results. RESULTS: Traction force of rupture average, standard deviation, standard error of average and coefficient of variation were 380.05 gf, 98.74, 28.5 e 25.98%, respectively while total energy of rupture presented average of 244.85 gf, standard deviation of 57.76, standard error of average of 16.67 and coefficient of variation of 23.59. CONCLUSION: Although, total energy of rupture considered a larger number of attributes to its calculation related to non-linear viscoelastic materials, such as colic wall, it presented a smaller coefficient of variation when compared to traction force of rupture, thus demonstrating to constitute a possible parameter to analyze intestinal resistance of rats.OBJETIVO: Comparação das grandezas físicas Energia Total de Ruptura e Força de Ruptura à Tração no estudo da resistência de ruptura do cólon descendente de ratos. MÉTODOS: Doze segmentos de cólon descendente de ratos foram utilizados como corpos de prova. Por meio do Teste Biomecânico Energia Total de Ruptura, obteve-se, de cada espécime, a Força de Ruptura à Tração e a Energia Total de Ruptura necessárias para promover o rompimento da parede cólica. Com esses valores, calculou-se a média, o desvio padrão, o erro padrão e o coeficiente de variação, sendo esse último atributo usado para a comparação das grandezas físicas. RESULTADOS: Os valores da média, do desvio-padrão, do erro-padrão e do coeficiente de variação da Força de Ruptura à Tração foram 380,05 gf, 98,74, 28,5 e 25,98%, respectivamente. A Energia Total de Ruptura apresentou a média de 244,85 gf, o desvio-padrão de 57,76, o erro padrão de 16,67 e o coeficiente de variação de 23,59%. CONCLUSÃO: A Energia Total de Ruptura, mesmo considerando em seus cálculos maior quantidade de atributos pertencentes aos materiais com propriedade viscoelástica não linear, tal qual a estrutura da parede cólica, apresentou menor coeficiente de variação em comparação com o coeficiente de variação da Força de Ruptura à Tração, demonstrando ser um possível parâmetro para a análise da resistência intestinal de ratos.9710

    Fine-tuning pre-trained neural networks for medical image classification in small clinical datasets

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    Funding We would like to acknowledge eurekaSD: Enhancing University Research and Education in Areas Useful for Sustainable Development - grants EK14AC0037 and EK15AC0264. We thank Araucária Foundation for the Support of the Scientific and Technological Development of Paraná through a Research and Technological Productivity Scholarship for H. D. Lee (grant 028/2019). We also thank the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) through the grant number 142050/2019-9 for A. R. S. Parmezan. The Portuguese team was partially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). R. Fonseca-Pinto was financed by the projects UIDB/50008/2020, UIDP/50008/2020, UIDB/05704/2020 and UIDP/05704/2020 and C. V. Nogueira was financed by the projects UIDB/00013/2020 and UIDP/00013/2020. The funding agencies did not have any further involvement in this paper.Convolutional neural networks have been effective in several applications, arising as a promising supporting tool in a relevant Dermatology problem: skin cancer diagnosis. However, generalizing well can be difficult when little training data is available. The fine-tuning transfer learning strategy has been employed to differentiate properly malignant from non-malignant lesions in dermoscopic images. Fine-tuning a pre-trained network allows one to classify data in the target domain, occasionally with few images, using knowledge acquired in another domain. This work proposes eight fine-tuning settings based on convolutional networks previously trained on ImageNet that can be employed mainly in limited data samples to reduce overfitting risk. They differ on the architecture, the learning rate and the number of unfrozen layer blocks. We evaluated the settings in two public datasets with 104 and 200 dermoscopic images. By finding competitive configurations in small datasets, this paper illustrates that deep learning can be effective if one has only a few dozen malignant and non-malignant lesion images to study and differentiate in Dermatology. The proposal is also flexible and potentially useful for other domains. In fact, it performed satisfactorily in an assessment conducted in a larger dataset with 746 computerized tomographic images associated with the coronavirus disease.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis Of Biomechanical Parameters Extracted From Anorectal Manometry Of Fecally-continent And Incontinent Patients.

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    to evaluate the average resulting area from the Pressure x Time curves resulting from the manometric anorectal exam and compare it with the support capacity of voluntary squeeze. the data set was represented by data from 11 exams from continent patients and eight exams from patients with grade III fecal incontinence. The manometric curves were delineated, and the areas and support capacity of voluntary squeeze calculated, by means of the R computer language and the algorithm developed. the resulting averages for support capacity of voluntary squeeze in continent patients and patients with grade III fecal incontinence were 33.07 seconds and 30.76 seconds (p>0.05) and the averages for area were 2362.04 mmHg x second and 947.92 mmHg x second (p<0.05), respectively. the average resulting area is able to differentiate continent patients from incontinent and is shown to be a possible parameter in the analysis of biomechanical behavior related to the mechanisms of anorectal continence.201117-2

    Computational model for data and patients' exams management for remote follow-up by multimedia conferences

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop a computational model for acquisition, management and storing data and patients' exams, and to define a multimedia conference architecture to remote patients' follow-up. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A computational architecture was defined to acquire exams' information from hospital equipment and to store and manage patients' data and exams using the JBoss application server, the MySql database manager system, the Apache web page server and the Jboss Seam framework for application development. For multimedia conference, a case study using the Openmeetins architecture was performed. RESULTS: computational models intended to the consistent and safe management of data and patients' exams were defined and a multimedia conference architecture was studied. CONCLUSION: The computational models, the prototype developed and the multimedia conference architecture may be applied into real medical situations, contributing for remote patient accompaniment.OBJETIVO: Desenvolver um modelo computacional para aquisição, gerenciamento e armazenamento de dados e exames de pacientes, e definir uma arquitetura de conferência multimídia para o acompanhamento remoto de exames. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Definiu-se uma arquitetura computacional para a aquisição de exames a partir de equipamentos hospitalares, e para o armazenamento e gerenciamento de dados e exames de pacientes foram utilizados o servidor de aplicações Jboss, o sistema gerenciador de banco de dados MySQL, o servidor de páginas Apache e o framework Jboss-Seam para o desenvolvimento de aplicações. Para a conferência multimídia, foi aplicado um estudo de caso utilizando a arquitetura Openmeetings. RESULTADOS: Foram definidos modelos computacionais para o gerenciamento consistente e seguro de dados e exames de pacientes e estudou-se uma arquitetura para conferência multimídia. CONCLUSÃO: Os modelos computacionais, o protótipo implementado e a arquitetura de conferência multimídia avaliada poderão ser aplicados em situações reais da área médica, contribuindo para o acompanhamento remoto de pacientes.39940

    Influence of the peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine on the survival and resistance of colonic anastomoses performed under fecal peritonitis in rats

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine on survival and initial resistance of anastomosis on distal colon, performed under peritonitis or not. METHODS: Forty rats, weighing from 300 to 350g (321.29±11.31g), were randomly divided in four groups and underwent laparotomy and anastomosis on the distal colon six hours after induction of peritonitis by intraperitoneal injection of autologous fecal material or not. Group 1: No peritonitis and lavage with 3ml NS; Group 2: No peritonitis and lavage with 8 mg.kg-1 (± 0.5 mL) of 0.5% bupivacaine added to 2.5 mL of NS; Group 3: Peritonitis and lavage with 3ml NS; Group 4: Peritonitis and lavage with 8 mg.kg-1 (± 0.5 mL) of 0.5% bupivacaine added to 2.5 mL of NS. Necropsies were performed on the animals that died and the time of death was recorded. Surviving animals were submitted to euthanasia on the fifth post-operative day and Total Energy of Rupture biomechanical test (TER) was applied. RESULTS: Group 4 showed survival increase compared to Group 3, without statistical significance. Group 3 presented the smallest average TER, with statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Peritonitis increased mortality and influenced negatively the resistance of colic anastomosis in rats. Peritoneal lavage with bupivacaine increased anastomotic resistance.78378

    Total energy of rupture: a biomechanical test to evaluate non-linear viscoelastic biological material

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    Purpose: Presentation of the Total Energy of Rupture biomechanical test to evaluate the intrinsic resistance of the rat?s left colon which presents a non-linear viscoelastic property. Methods: Implementation of Total Energy of Rupture test (ETR) and the Biomechanical Data Acquisition and Analysis System (SABI 2.0) based on physic-mechanical, computational and biomechanical concepts. Fifteen specimens of Wistar adults rat?s left colon where considered for experiments. Results: Using the TER biomechanical test it was possible calculate the accumulated total energy necessary to promote the specimens rupture during the mechanical trial. It was also possible to generate descriptive and statistics reports and graphics through the data acquisition and analysis automatization and management. Conclusion: Based on physic-mechanical, computational and biomechanical concepts, the Total Energy of Rupture test provides mathematical analysis of the rat?s left colon segment behaviour during the experiments, demonstrating to be a possible method to measure the intrinsic resistance of this biological material presenting non-linear viscoelastic property.Objetivo: Apresentação do teste biomecânico Energia Total de Ruptura para o estudo da resistência intrínseca de material biológico com propriedade viscoelástica não-linear representado neste trabalho por segmento íntegro de cólon descendente de rato. Métodos: Implementação do teste biomecânico Energia Total de Ruptura e do Sistema de Aquisição e Análise de dados Biomecânicos - SABI 2.0. Para esse fim, foram utilizados conceitos físico-mecânicos, computacionais e biomecânicos e como corpos de teste, 15 espécimes de cólon descendente de ratos. Resultados: O teste biomecânico Energia Total de Ruptura permitiu o cálculo da energia total acumulada necessária para promover a ruptura dos corpos de prova durante os ensaios mecânicos. Por meio da automatização e gerenciamento da aquisição e análise dos dados capturados foi possível a geração de gráficos e relatórios descritivos e estatísticos. Conclusão: Fundamentado em conceitos físico-mecânicos, computacionais e biomecânicos, o teste Energia Total de Ruptura pôde proporcionar análise matemática do comportamento dos segmentos de cólon descendente de ratos durante os ensaios, demonstrando ser um possível método de medição da resistência intrínseca desse material biológico com propriedade viscoelástica não-linear.609616Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Evaluation of the force x elongation curves dispersion of descending colon of rats using Boltzmann's sigmoidal model

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    PURPOSE: to evaluate the dispersion of Force x Elongation curves (FE) that represents the mechanical behavior of rat's colon. MATERIALS AND METHODS: ten descending colon segments were submitted to the Total Energy of Rupture Test. Each curve generated by this test was fitted to Boltzmann model that correlates the values of force and elongation through the combination of the parameters A1, A2, x0 and d x. Then, for each parameter were calculated the mean, standard deviation and their correlations. Later, the resultant dispersion was determinated in the whole deformation process by an analysis that considers the correlations between the greatnesses based on the propagation of uncertainties law. The resultant dispersion was multiplied by a coverage factor, considering a normal distribution, to determinate an interval in which 95% of force values will be present. RESULTS: the mean, standard deviation and correlation were determined. The resultant dispersion of force values was expanded drawing limits inside which FE curves will be for a confidence interval of 95%. CONCLUSION: this methodology will be possibly used to evaluate variables that act on the intestinal mechanical behavior.OBJETIVO: avaliar a dispersão de curvas Força x Elongação (FE) representativas do comportamento mecânico de alça cólica íntegra de ratos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: dez segmentos de cólon descendente de ratos machos Wistar foram submetidos ao teste biomecânico Energia Total de Ruptura. Cada curva gerada por esse ensaio foi ajustada ao modelo de Boltzmann, o qual correlaciona os valores de força e elongação por meio da combinação dos parâmetros A1, A2, x0 e d x. Nesse contexto, para cada parâmetro, foram calculadas as médias, os desvios padrão e correlações. Após, determinou-se a dispersão resultante da força em todo processo de deformação através de uma análise que considera as correlações entre as grandezas, com base na lei de propagação das incertezas. Para determinar um intervalo no qual estarão contidos 95% dos valores de força, a dispersão resultante foi multiplicada por um fator de abrangência considerando-se uma distribuição normal. RESULTADOS: os valores da média, do desvio padrão e das correlações foram determinados. A dispersão resultante dos valores de força foi expandida, delineando-se limites dentro dos quais estarão contidas as curvas FE para um intervalo de confiança de 95%. CONCLUSÃO: essa metodologia poderá auxiliar na avaliação de variáveis que interfiram no comportamento mecânico intestinal.515