61 research outputs found

    Biomass and Seed Yields of Big Bluestem, Switchgrass, and Intermediate Wheatgrass in Response to Manure and Harvest Timing at Two Topographic Positions

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    A principle attribute of perennial grasses for biomass energy is the potential for high yields on marginal lands. Objectives of this study were to compare biomass and seed production of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium [Host] Barkworth and D.R. Dewey), big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman), and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) as affected by harvest timing and manure application on two topographic positions (footslope and backslope). Footslope is the hillslope position that forms the inclined surface at the base of a slope and backslope forms the steepest, middle position of the hillslope. Grasses were harvested for biomass at anthesis (summer), after a killing frost (autumn), or the following spring after overwintering in the field. Seed was harvested at maturity during 2003 and 2004. Two rates of beef cattle (Bos taurus L.) manure (target rates of 0 and 150 kg total‐N ha−1) were surface applied annually. Maximum annual biomass yield ranged from 4.4 to 5.2, 2.7 to 4.2, and 3.7 to 5.6 Mg ha−1 for intermediate wheatgrass, big bluestem, and switchgrass, respectively. Biomass yields were not different between fall and spring harvest treatments. Biomass yields of big bluestem and switchgrass at the backslope position were 86% and 96% of biomass yields at the footslope position with normal precipitation, respectively. Manure application increased biomass yield approximately 30% during the second year on both topographic positions. The highest seed yield was obtained from intermediate wheatgrass, followed by switchgrass and big bluestem. Utilizing these management practices in our environment, it appears that switchgrass and big bluestem could be allowed to overwinter in the field without suffering appreciable loss of biomass

    In vivo two-photon fluorescent imaging of fluoride with a desilylation-based reactive probe

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    A two-photon excitable molecular probe for fluoride, developed based on a fluoride-specific desilylation reaction, is demonstrated to be useful for fluorescent imaging of fluoride ions in live zebrafish by one-photon as well as two-photon microscopy for the first time.X117778Nsciescopu

    Symptoms, Distribution and Abundance of the Stem-Boring Caterpillar, Blastobasis repartella (Dietz), in Switchgrass

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    A potential pest of switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L., was first detected in South Dakota in 2004, where death of partially emerged leaves was noted in a small proportion of tillers. Similar “dead heart” symptoms were observed in switchgrass in Illinois during 2008 and adults of a stem-boring caterpillar were collected and identified as Blastobasis repartella (Dietz). In 2009, a survey of the central United States was used to estimate the distribution and abundance of this insect. In eight northern states, B. repartella was consistently found in both cultivated plots and natural stands of switchgrass. In four southern states, B. repartella was not detected. However, because symptoms are conspicuous for a short period of time, failure to collect stem-borers on one survey date for each southern location does not necessarily define the limit of distribution for B. repartella. Sampling in four northern states showed the proportion of tillers damaged by B. repartella ranged from 1.0–7.2%. Unlike some caterpillars that feed on native grasses, it appears that the egg-laying behavior of adult moths may preclude the use of prescribed burns as an effective method to suppress this stem-boring caterpillar. As a potential pest of switchgrass planted for biomass production, near-term research needs include refining the geographic distribution of B. repartella, quantifying potential losses of switchgrass biomass, and determining whether switchgrass may be bred for resistance this and other stem-boring insects

    Nitrogen Demand Associated with Increased Biomass Yield of Switchgrass and Big Bluestem: Implications for Future Breeding Strategies

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    Development of perennial biomass cropping systems is focused on maximizing biomass yield with minimum inputs, particularly nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Historical breeding efforts have focused on increasing biomass yield but have ignored N-use efficiency. The purpose of this study was to quantify the increased N demand associated with realized gains in biomass yield from big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman) and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) breeding programs. Nitrogen demand was highly variable across locations and years, ranging from − 1.7 to + 6.8 kg N Mg−1 DM, with an average of 2.2 kg N Mg−1 DM. Increases in N demand were closely associated with realized gains in biomass yield and were observed for all types of switchgrass (upland, lowland, and hybrid) as well as for big bluestem. Attenuation of these responses will require alternative breeding schemes that are focused on evaluation of switchgrass genotypes and progeny under low-N conditions and include a highthroughput tissue N analysis as a component of future selection criteria, designed to develop new cultivars with high biomass yield and low tissue N

    Hypoadiponectinemia and Insulin Resistance are Associated with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    We investigated the association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and plasma adiponectin levels and insulin resistance. We recruited study subjects among one hundred and eighty one persons who were examined abdominal ultrasound at routine screening tests. A standard interview (consumption of alcohol and medical history), physical examination (height, weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure), and biochemical study (lipid parameters, aminotransferases, fasting plasma glucose, fasting insulin, and plasma adiponectin) were performed. Subjects who consumed alcohol more than moderate, evidence of viral hepatitis, toxic hepatitis, and serious cardiac, renal, or hepatic disease were excluded. Thirty-eight NAFLD patients and 53 control subjects diagnosed by ultrasound were finally analyzed. The plasma adiponectin level was significantly correlated with HDL-cholesterol (r=0. 38, p<0.001), triglycerides (r=-0.22, p=0.04), fasting insulin (r=-0.37, p<0.01), and insulin resistance by homeostasis model of assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (r=-0.39, p<0.01), after adjusting for age, sex, and adiposity. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that HOMA-IR was a significant predictor of having NAFLD (odds ratio [OR]=2.38; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.52-5.74), while adiponectin had a protective effect against NAFLD (OR=0.22; 95% CI: 0.09-0.55). We demonstrated that hypoadiponectinemia and insulin resistance are associated with NAFLD independent of obesity

    The telomere maintenance mechanism spectrum and its dynamics in gliomas

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    Background : The activation of the telomere maintenance mechanism (TMM) is one of the critical drivers of cancer cell immortality. In gliomas, TERT expression and TERT promoter mutation are considered to reliably indicate telomerase activation, while ATRX mutation and/or loss indicates an alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). However, these relationships have not been extensively validated in tumor tissues. Methods : Telomerase repeated amplification protocol (TRAP) and C-circle assays were used to profile and characterize the TMM cross-sectionally (n = 412) and temporally (n = 133) across glioma samples. WES, RNA-seq, and NanoString analyses were performed to identify and validate the genetic characteristics of the TMM groups. Results : We show through the direct measurement of telomerase activity and ALT in a large set of glioma samples that the TMM in glioma cannot be defined solely by the combination of telomerase activity and ALT, regardless of TERT expression, TERT promoter mutation, and ATRX loss. Moreover, we observed that a considerable proportion of gliomas lacked both telomerase activity and ALT. This telomerase activation-negative and ALT negative group exhibited evidence of slow growth potential. By analyzing a set of longitudinal samples from a separate cohort of glioma patients, we discovered that the TMM is not fixed and can change with glioma progression. Conclusions : This study suggests that the TMM is dynamic and reflects the plasticity and oncogenicity of tumor cells. Direct measurement of telomerase enzyme activity and evidence of ALT should be considered when defining TMM. An accurate understanding of the TMM in glioma is expected to provide important information for establishing cancer management strategies.This research was supported by the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation (NRF), funded by the Ministry of Science & ICT (NRF-2018M3A9H3021707), and the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (HI21C0239)

    Biomass production of herbaceous energy crops in the United States: field trial results and yield potential maps from the multiyear regional feedstock partnership

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    Current knowledge of yield potential and best agronomic management practices for perennial bioenergy grasses is primarily derived from small-scale and short-term studies, yet these studies inform policy at the national scale. In an effort to learn more about how bioenergy grasses perform across multiple locations and years, the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE)/Sun Grant Initiative Regional Feedstock Partnership was initiated in 2008. The objectives of the Feedstock Partnership were to (1) provide a wide range of information for feedstock selection (species choice) and management practice options for a variety of regions and (2) develop national maps of potential feedstock yield for each of the herbaceous species evaluated. The Feedstock Partnership expands our previous understanding of the bioenergy potential of switchgrass, Miscanthus, sorghum, energycane, and prairie mixtures on Conservation Reserve Program land by conducting long-term, replicated trials of each species at diverse environments in the U.S. Trials were initiated between 2008 and 2010 and completed between 2012 and 2015 depending on species. Field-scale plots were utilized for switchgrass and Conservation Reserve Program trials to use traditional agricultural machinery. This is important as we know that the smaller scale studies often overestimated yield potential of some of these species. Insufficient vegetative propagules of energycane and Miscanthus prohibited farm-scale trials of these species. The Feedstock Partnership studies also confirmed that environmental differences across years and across sites had a large impact on biomass production. Nitrogen application had variable effects across feedstocks, but some nitrogen fertilizer generally had a positive effect. National yield potential maps were developed using PRISM-ELM for each species in the Feedstock Partnership. This manuscript, with the accompanying supplemental data, will be useful in making decisions about feedstock selection as well as agronomic practices across a wide region of the country

    Motion Estimation Methods in Image Processing

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    Symptoms, Distribution and Abundance of the Stem-Boring Caterpillar, \u3ci\u3eBlastobasis repartella\u3c/i\u3e (Dietz), in Switchgrass

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    A potential pest of switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L., was first detected in South Dakota in 2004, where death of partially emerged leaves was noted in a small proportion of tillers. Similar “dead heart” symptoms were observed in switchgrass in Illinois during 2008 and adults of a stem-boring caterpillar were collected and identified as Blastobasis repartella (Dietz). In 2009, a survey of the central United States was used to estimate the distribution and abundance of this insect. In eight northern states, B. repartella was consistently found in both cultivated plots and natural stands of switchgrass. In four southern states, B. repartella was not detected. However, because symptoms are conspicuous for a short period of time, failure to collect stem-borers on one survey date for each southern location does not necessarily define the limit of distribution for B. repartella. Sampling in four northern states showed the proportion of tillers damaged by B. repartella ranged from 1.0–7.2%. Unlike some caterpillars that feed on native grasses, it appears that the egg-laying behavior of adult moths may preclude the use of prescribed burns as an effective method to suppress this stem-boring caterpillar. As a potential pest of switchgrass planted for biomass production, near-term research needs include refining the geographic distribution of B. repartella, quantifying potential losses of switchgrass biomass, and determining whether switchgrass may be bred for resistance this and other stemboring insects