15 research outputs found

    Undokai: encuentro deportivo de japoneses-brasileños en Rio Grande do Sul

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    O objetivo deste estudo é compreender como se constituiu o encontro esportivo Undokai dos nipo-brasileiros em Ivoti/Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, no início do século XXI. Realizou-se uma coleta de informações, principalmente em jornais, os quais foram submetidos à técnica da análise documental. Evidenciou-se que o Undokai foi instituído como uma das formas de preservar a cultura do grupo de nipo-brasileiros residentes na cidade de Ivoti. A despeito das dificuldades enfrentadas nos primeiros tempos, tais tradições não foram submergidas com o movimento migratório. Por meio de encontros esportivos, este grupo também buscou distinguir-se diante de diferentes grupos étnicos que compunham a sociedade em que estavam inseridos.The aim of this study is to understand how the Japanese Undokai sporting event was instituted in Ivoti/Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in the early 21st century. A collection of information was carried out mainly in documentary sources, which were submitted to the technique of documentary analysis. It was evidenced that the Undokai was instituted as one of the ways to preserve the culture of the group of Japanese-Brazilians residing in the city of Ivoti. Despite the difficulties encountered in the early days, such traditions were not submerged by the migratory movement. Therefore, through sporting meetings, this group also sought to distinguish itself from different ethnic groups that made up the society in which they were inserted.El objetivo de este estudio es comprender cómo se instituyó el encuentro deportivo Undokai de japoneses-brasileños en Ivoti/Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, a principios del siglo XXI. Se recopiló información, principalmente de periódicos, que fueron sometidos ala técnica de análisis documental. Era evidente que el Undokai se estableció como una de las formas de preservar la cultura del grupo japonés-brasileño residente en la ciudad de Ivoti. Apesar de las dificultades enfrentadas en los primeros días, estas tradiciones no fueron sumergidas con el movimiento migratorio. A través de encuentros deportivos, este grupo también buscó distinguirse frente a las diferentes etnias que conformaban la sociedad en la que se insertaba

    Impacto do ensino síncrono remoto durante a Pandemia em acadêmicos de medicina : Impact of remote synchronous teaching during the pandemic on medical students

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    O vírus Sars-Cov-19 assolou o mundo e impôs novos hábitos de vida a todos e neste período o sistema educacional adaptou uma nova maneira de ensino síncrono remoto em plataformas online. Buscou-se fazer uma pesquisa exploratória referente aos efeitos do isolamento social em acadêmicos de medicina de abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 179 participantes. A coleta de dados ocorreu no quarto trimestre de 2020 com a aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado em plataformas sociais. Como resultados, obteve-se que o isolamento social foi dos protagonistas na interferência do aprendizado do académico devido a influência negativa na saúde mental no indivíduo, interferindo diretamente questões financeiras, de aprendizado e bem-estar. Todos os participantes demonstraram que em algum momento tiveram contato com os problemas da pesquisa. Nesse contexto de um momento desafiador, o ensino demonstra-se insuficiente e traz diversos agravos a saúde mental do discente

    Tratamento de oxidação térmica do aço inoxidável para aumentar a resistência à corrosão em autoclave

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    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar o processo de oxidação térmica como uma forma de aumentar a resistência à corrosão do aço inoxidável. Próteses e instrumentais cirúrgicos produzidos em aço inoxidável foram expostos à atmosfera rica em oxigênio nas temperaturas de 300 e 400 ºC, pelos períodos de 30 e 60 minutos. Posteriormente, o material oxidado foi submetido a repetidos ciclos de esterilização em uma autoclave vertical, na temperatura de 127°C e pressão de 147,1 kPa. Os resultados foram analisados quanto à rugosidade, formação de descoloração e pites de corrosão. O processo de oxidação térmica mostrou efeito positivo em combinações de 300°C por 30 minutos e 60 minutos. Nessas condições, as superfícies analisadas apresentaram menor número de pites de corrosão, descoloração e riscos. Pode-se concluir que a oxidação térmica, um tratamento de fácil operacionalidade e baixo custo, pode melhorar a resistência à corrosão por pites de próteses e instrumentais cirúrgicos submetidos a repetidos ciclos de esterilização em autoclave

    La dimension "travail", un élément clé pour le maintien de nos systèmes laitiers

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    Les agriculteurs sont les principaux architectes du milieu rural wallon. En effet, ils assurent la gestion de près de la moitié de la superficie de la Wallonie. On observe néanmoins, depuis quelques années, une régression lente (3%/an) et constante de leur effectif. Confrontés à un contexte changeant, de plus en plus concurrentiel, les agriculteurs sont face à des choix stratégiques difficiles en vue d’optimiser l’efficience de leur exploitation. Pour y parvenir, ils doivent mener une réflexion globale de leur mode de production et intégrer tous les aspects assurant la durabilité de leur exploitation. Pour les aider dans cette démarche, une analyse de la durabilité de 90 exploitations « 100% Lait » (>95% de vaches laitières et pas de culture de rente) a été réalisée dans le cadre de DuraLait et de DuraLait Plus. Ces études sont subsidiées par la DGARNE, Direction de la Qualité. Les piliers économique et social de la durabilité ont été plus particulièrement étudiés dans ces projets. L’organisation du travail a été spécifiquement traitée car elle constitue un enjeu essentiel pour l’avenir de l’agriculture. En effet, les agriculteurs souhaitent soulager la pénibilité de leur travail. Dans un contexte économique difficile, cette dimension est essentielle pour envisager le maintien de l’agriculture dans notre région. Le présent article s’intéresse uniquement aux données relatives à l’organisation du travail

    The labour : first approach in Walloon dairy farms

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    peer reviewedEn 2010, on dénombre 4.819 exploitations laitières en Wallonie, soit une diminution de 70 % depuis 1984. Parmi ces exploitations, il y a 2.133 qui sont spécialisées en lait (OTE 41). Elles disposent, en moyenne, de 56 ha de SAU avec un cheptel de 58 vaches laitières (VL). Le quota pour ce type d'exploitations est de +/- 451.000 l. La taille des fermes moyenne a doublé depuis 1984 or la main-d'oeuvre disponible reste constante. Comment gérer ces structures ? L'étude DiraLait s'intéresse à ce problème en réalisant une analyse globale (économie, sociale, durabilité et performance zootechniques). Le présent article se focalise uniquement sur le temps de travail

    Recourir à un devis de recherche mixte pour étudier l’évolution des compétences scripturales d’élèves qui pratiquent les ateliers d’écriture au premier cycle du primaire

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    peer reviewedEn Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique), les enseignants du 1er cycle du primaire se disent fréquemment démunis pour enseigner la production d’écrits à leurs jeunes élèves. Nombre d’entre elles et eux font le choix d’attendre que les élèves maitrisent le geste graphique et entrent pleinement dans la lecture pour se consacrer à la production de textes, alors que les recherches soulignent, depuis longtemps déjà, l’influence positive d’une exposition « précoce » à l’écriture sur les apprentissages en lecture et en écriture. Dans le cadre d’une recherche à visée descriptive menée dans onze classes de 1re primaire, nous cherchons à observer les interactions entre l’enseignement dispensé à partir d’un dispositif didactique structuré (les ateliers d’écriture de Calkins, 2016, 2017) et les apprentissages concomitants des élèves. L’adoption d’un devis de recherche mixte combinant approches quantitative et qualitative nous permet, d’une part, de décrire l’évolution des compétences scripturales des élèves, avec une attention particulière portée aux trajectoires des élèves qui présentent des difficultés de lecture-écriture en amont de l’intervention et/ou sont issus de contextes scolaires peu favorisés sur le plan socioéconomique ; d’autre part, de décrire l’appropriation du dispositif des ateliers d’écriture par les enseignants et d’identifier les zones d’obstacles potentiels dans l’introduction de pratiques dites « innovantes »

    Nitriding in non-toxic salts bath: An approach to implement cleaner production in the metallurgic industry

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    The need for sustainable development has been reflected in the adoption of cleaner production initiatives in the last years. However, the literature indicates that more research is still necessary to engage industries in adopting alternatives to reduce environmental impact. In that regard, we investigated a way to reduce the environmental impact in the metal-mechanical industry, caused by the conventional salt bath nitriding process. This technique commonly uses cyanides and cyanates salts as a nitrogen source for the formation of nitrides coating to improve the metal surface properties, especially to achieve high hardness. Thereby, this paper sets out an approach, as an alternative to obtain a nitride layer, formed by non-toxic salts: potassium nitrate additivated with a new condition of antioxidative salt, potassium chloride, which improves the nitriding efficiency and surface finish of carbon steel 0.2% C. The results indicated the formation of a white layer of 8 μm thickness and a diffusion zone around 200 μm, after 3 h of nitriding. There was an increase in hardness, from 198 HV on the substrate to 702 HV on the nitrided surface. Consequently, one can conclude that the use of non-toxic salts is an efficient alternative to improve the surface properties in low carbon steel with the advantage of applying green engineering approaches, feasible technologically to the decrease in the amount of pollution

    Operational practices and financial performance: an empirical analysis of Brazilian manufacturing companies

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    In the operations management field, operational practices like total quality management or just in time have been seen as a way to improve operational performance and ultimately financial performance. Empirical support for this effect of operational practices in financial performance has been, however, limited due to research design and the inherent difficulties of using performance as a dependent variable. In this paper, we tested the relationship between selected operational practices (quality management, just in time, ISO certification and services outsourcing) in financial performance outcomes of profitability and growth. A sample of 1200 firms, operating in São Paulo, Brazil, was used. Analysis using multiple regression explored the direct effect of practices and their interaction with industry dummies. Results did not support the existence of a positive relationship with financial performance. A negative relationship of outsourcing with both profitability and growth was found, supporting some critical views of the outsourcing practice. A weaker negative relationship between ISO certification and growth was also found. Some interactions between practices and industries were also significant, with mixed results, indicating that the effect of practices on performance might be context dependent

    Operational Practices and Financial Performance: an Empirical Analysis of Brazilian Manufacturing Companies

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    In the operations management field, operational practices like total quality management or just in time have been seen as a way to improve operational performance and ultimately financial performance. Empirical support for this effect of operational practices in financial performance has been, however, limited due to research design and the inherent difficulties of using performance as a dependent variable. In this paper, we tested the relationship between selected operational practices (quality management, just in time, ISO certification and services outsourcing) in financial performance outcomes of profitability and growth. A sample of 1200 firms, operating in São Paulo, Brazil, was used. Analysis using multiple regression explored the direct effect of practices and their interaction with industry dummies. Results did not support the existence of a positive relationship with financial performance. A negative relationship of outsourcing with both profitability and growth was found, supporting some critical views of the outsourcing practice. A weaker negative relationship between ISO certification and growth was also found. Some interactions between practices and industries were also significant, with mixed results, indicating that the effect of practices on performance might be context dependent