275 research outputs found

    Acoustic Repertoire of Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) Bachelor Groups in the Waters Surrounding Ischia, Italy (Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    The subpopulation of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Mediterranean Sea is presently list as “Endangered”. This study is an attempt to provide detailed data on sperm whale Bachelor Groups surrounding Ischia, Italy in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Mediterranean Sea). 24 hours, 38 minutes, and 38 seconds of sperm whale Bachelor Group acoustic data was analyzed in order to describe acoustic repertoire, classify behavioral associations to acoustic types, and identify habitat-use. The data showed that the acoustic repertoire of sperm whale Bachelor Groups is dominated by Usual Clicks. Additionally, a click type that maintains an inter-click interval (ICI) in between Usual Clicks and Creaks was identified during acoustic analysis and named “Transition Clicks”. Acoustic events were categorized into Single Code and Combination Code events; representing situations where one acoustic code was heard versus situations where two or more different acoustic codes were heard simultaneously. Analysis revealed that Single Code events represented 71.25% of the sperm whale Bachelor Group acoustic repertoire. The Usual Click/ Transition Click combination represented 73.74% of Combination Code events. A significant difference was shown between time spent in Single Code versus time spent in Combination Code for Usual Clicks and for Squeals. Acoustic repertoire data revealed the possibility for a strong collaborative acoustic structure and a speculated strategy for evolutionary success among sperm whale Bachelor Groups in Ischia, Italy. Additionally, the study showed that sperm whale Bachelor Groups spend 77.87% of the analyzed time engaged in orientation/searching/foraging behavior and 1.09% engaged in socializing behaviors. Event maps revealed a ‘hotspot’ of sperm whale Bachelor Group activity in the waters to the northwest of Ischia, Italy, within the submarine Canyon of Cuma, and outside of the boundaries for the Regno di Nettuno Marine Protected Area (MPA). It is recommended that the results of this study be utilized in extending the Regno di Nettuno MPA to include the ‘hotspot’, and possible critical area, for sperm whale Bachelor Groups. The results of this study and published literature of the sperm whales in this area could be utilized to create population-specific management strategies for more effective measures in ending population decrease and preserving the species. Further research should be carried out to analyze in detail the role of Transition Clicks in sperm whale acoustics and the possibility of a collaborative acoustic structure that has yet to be displayed in any other sperm whale population worldwide

    Behavior of Zr–1Nb alloy in coarse- and ultrafine-grain states under laser-induced shock wave loading

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    The work is devoted to the study of the Zr-1Nb alloy in coarse-grained and ultrafine-grained states under laser-induced shock-wave loading. This material is of interest due to the application for the manufacture of shells for fuel elements of nuclear reactors. The properties of this alloy in the ultrafine-grained state is attracted for the reliability improvement of fuel rods in wide range of load intensity. Shock wave loading was carried out using a Beamtech SGR-Extra-10 high-energy nanosecond laser. The free surface velocity profiles were registered by the VISAR system. Mechanical characteristics are obtained using velocity profiles. It is shown that the spall strength and dynamic elastic limit for the coarse-grained state are higher than for the ultrafine-grained state. In general, the Zr-1Nb alloy in the ultrafine-grained state is more susceptible to spall fracture, including laser shock peening. Numerical simulation of the process under study has been carried out using statistically based nonlinear model of solid with defects and finite element method to describe the deformation behavior and fracture of the material under shock-wave loading. Simulation results are qualitatively consistent with experiments in the prediction of the conditions of spall failure

    Safety, Tolerability, and Effectiveness of Dextromethorphan/Quinidine for Pseudobulbar Affect Among Study Participants With Traumatic Brain Injury: Results From the PRISM-II Open Label Study

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    Background Dextromethorphan 20 mg / quinidine 10 mg (DM/Q) was approved to treat pseudobulbar affect (PBA) based on phase 3 trials conducted in participants with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or multiple sclerosis. PRISM II evaluated DM/Q effectiveness, safety, and tolerability for PBA following stroke, dementia, or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Objective To report results from the TBI cohort of PRISM II, including a TBI-specific functional scale. Design Open-label trial evaluating twice-daily DM/Q over 90 days. Study participants Adults (n = 120) with a clinical diagnosis of PBA secondary to nonpenetrating TBI; stable psychiatric medications were allowed. Methods PRISM II was an open-label, 12-week trial enrolling adults with PBA secondary to dementia, stroke, or TBI. All study participants received DM/Q 20/10 mg twice daily. Study visits occurred at baseline and at day 30 and day 90. Setting 150 U.S. centers. Main Outcome Measurements Primary endpoint was change in Center for Neurologic Study–Lability Scale (CNS-LS) score from baseline to day 90. Secondary outcomes included PBA episode count, Clinical and Patient Global Impression of Change (CGI-C; PGI-C), Quality of Life–Visual Analog Scale (QOL-VAS), treatment satisfaction, Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory (NFI), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Results DM/Q-treated participants showed significant mean (SD) reductions in CNS-LS from baseline (day 30, –5.6 [5.2]; day 90, –8.5 [5.2]; both, P<.001). Compared with baseline, PBA episodes were reduced by 61.3% and 78.5% at days 30 and 90 (both, P<.001). At day 90, 78% and 73% of study participants had “much improved” or “very much improved” on the CGI-C and PGI-C. QOL-VAS scores were significantly reduced from baseline (–3.7 [3.3], P<.001). Mean (SD) PHQ-9 scores improved compared to baseline at day 30 (–3.2 [5.3], P<.001) and 90 (–5.2 [6.4], P<.001). NFI T scores were significantly improved (P<.001), whereas MMSE scores were unchanged. Adverse events (AEs) were consistent with the known DM/Q safety profile; the most common AE was diarrhea (8.3%). Conclusions DM/Q was well tolerated, and it significantly reduced PBA episodes in study participants with TBI. Changes in CNS-LS and PBA episode count were similar to changes with DM/Q in phase 3 trials

    Budgett's frog (Lepidobatrachus laevis): A new amphibian embryo for developmental biology

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    AbstractThe large size and rapid development of amphibian embryos has facilitated ground-breaking discoveries in developmental biology. Here, we describe the embryogenesis of the Budgett's frog (Lepidobatrachus laevis), an unusual species with eggs that are over twice the diameter of laboratory Xenopus, and embryos that can tolerate higher temperatures to develop into a tadpole four times more rapidly. In addition to detailing their early development, we demonstrate that, like Xenopus, these embryos are amenable to explant culture assays and can express exogenous transcripts in a tissue-specific manner. Moreover, the steep developmental trajectory and large scale of Lepidobatrachus make it exceptionally well-suited for morphogenesis research. For example, the developing organs of the Budgett's frog are massive compared to those of most model species, and are composed of larger individual cells, thereby affording increased subcellular resolution of early vertebrate organogenesis. Furthermore, we found that complete limb regeneration, which typically requires months to achieve in most vertebrate models, occurs in a matter of days in the Budgett's tadpole, which substantially accelerates the pace of experimentation. Thus, the unusual combination of the greater size and speed of the Budgett's frog model provides inimitable advantages for developmental studies—and a novel inroad to address the mechanisms of spatiotemporal scaling during evolution

    Micobacteriose em cães. Relato de casos em São Paulo - Brasil

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    In veterinary dermatology, domestic carnivores sporadically are found with ulcerated lesions characterized by a prolonged course of evolution and by relative unresponsiveness to the usual drug therapy; this condition can be due to infections caused by microorganisms of the Genus Mycobacterium. Due to the scarcity of its description in Brazilian literature, and due to the inusitate lesions and response to preconized therapy, two cases of canine mycobacteriosis attended at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the FMVZ/USP are then described. The adult bitches (German Shepherd and Doberman Pinscher) were found with ulcerated lesions at the posterior side of the pinna w ith granulomatous aspect and with exudation and covered by hemorrhagic crusts without showing any detectable satellite lymphadenomegalia or any symptoms in other systemic organs. Physical, hematologic and radiographic examinations were performed and lesions have been curetted and biopsied through punching technique, and specimens were examined histologically using Holst-Mitchinson and Radhakrishna and Ziehl-Neelsen staining, and throught culture methods using Lowenstein-Jensen and Stonebrink &amp; Leslie media at different temperature of incubation. Intradermal tuberculin test using PPD tuberculin of mammalian and avian origin were performed. Presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacilli were detected throught histopathologic examination. The growth of bacilli, however, were not confirmed by the use of conventional media, even being incubated at different temperatures, although found with typical pyogranulomatous tissue reactions. After introducing the topical therapy, represented by the Domeboro’s solution, rifamycin. and parenteral use of rifampicin, lesions showed marked remission. Etiology, pathogeny and other diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers are also discussed.Na clínica dermatológica veterinária por vezes atendem-se carnívoros domésticos com lesões ulceradas de evolução prolongada e, geralmente, rebeldes à terapia usual, que podem ser originárias de infecções por micobactérias do gênero Mycobacterium. Pela escassez de descrições na bibliografia brasileira, pelo inusitado das lesões e pela resposta à terapia preconizada, descrevem-se dois casos de micobacteriose em caninos atendidos na FMVZ/USP. As cadelas (Pastor Alemão, Doberman), adultas, apresentavam lesões ulceradas graves, nas faces posteriores dos pavilhões auriculares, de aspecto granulomatoso, exsudativas, recobertas por crostas hemorrágicas. Inexistiam linfoadenomegalia satélite e tampouco sintomas nos demais sistemas orgânicos. Complementaram-se os exames físico, hematológico e radiológico por curetagem das lesões e biópsias de pele que foram então submetidas a exames histopatológico, bacteriológico (direto: técnicas de Holst-Mitchinson e Radhakrishna, Ziehl-Neelsen); cultivo (meios de Lowenstein-Jensen e de Stonebrink &amp; Leslie), em diferentes temperaturas; teste de tuberculina (PPD mamífero e aviário). Demonstrou-se, na bacterioscopia e na histopatologia, a presença de bacilos ácido-álcool resistentes que não cresceram nos meios de cultivo convencionais, mesmo quando submetidos a várias temperaturas distintas, bem como quadro tecidual piogranulomatoso típico. Após a interposição da terapêutica tópica (solução de Burrow, sal sódico de rifamicina) e parenteral (rifampicina) obteve-se flagrante melhora com remissão do quadro lesional. Discutem-se a etiopatogenia do quadro e as condutas diagnóstica e terapêutica

    Micobacteriose em cães. Relato de casos em São Paulo - Brasil

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    (Nitrato-κO)oxido(5,10,15,20-tetra­phenyl­porphyrinato-κ4 N)molybdenum(V) benzene solvate

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    In the title compound, [Mo(C44H28N4)(NO3)O]·C6H6, the porphyrin ring is centrosymmetric. The Mo atom, oxide ion and nitrate ion are equally disordered over two sites, such that the Mo atom is displaced by 0.366 (1) Å towards the oxide ion from the 24-atom mean plane of the porphyrin, and also makes a long Mo—O bond to a nitrate O atom. A centrosymmetric benzene solvent mol­ecule is situated between adjacent porphyrin mol­ecules

    Behavior of Zr–1Nb alloy in coarse- and ultrafine-grain states under laser-induced shock wave loading

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    The work is devoted to the study of the Zr-1Nb alloy in coarse-grained and ultrafine-grained states under laser-induced shock-wave loading. This material is of interest due to the application for the manufacture of shells for fuel elements of nuclear reactors. The properties of this alloy in the ultrafine-grained state is attracted for the reliability improvement of fuel rods in wide range of load intensity. Shock wave loading was carried out using a Beamtech SGR-Extra-10 high-energy nanosecond laser. The free surface velocity profiles were registered by the VISAR system. Mechanical characteristics are obtained using velocity profiles. It is shown that the spall strength and dynamic elastic limit for the coarse-grained state are higher than for the ultrafine-grained state. In general, the Zr-1Nb alloy in the ultrafine-grained state is more susceptible to spall fracture, including laser shock peening. Numerical simulation of the process under study has been carried out using statistically based nonlinear model of solid with defects and finite element method to describe the deformation behavior and fracture of the material under shock-wave loading. Simulation results are qualitatively consistent with experiments in the prediction of the conditions of spall failure