19 research outputs found

    Software Estadístico de Libre Acceso en Psicología. Una Librería de Módulos para elSistema ViSta

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    En este trabajo describimos las capacidades y funcionalidad de una serie de módulos de análisis estadísticos integrables al sistema ViSta. Estos módulos se han creado con la finalidad de ampliar las capacidades de este programa en áreas de potencial interés para el investigador en Psicología, entre las que se cuentan: técnicas para el análisis de ítems, métodos de Análisis Factorial y métodos de estimaciones del tamaño del efecto. Esperamos que el trabajo contribuya a una mayor difusión del software libre y facilite el acceso a las tecnologías necesarias para el trabajo de investigación en psicología

    Manipulating the alpha level cannot cure significance testing

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    We argue that making accept/reject decisions on scientific hypotheses, including a recent call for changing the canonical alpha level from p = 0.05 to p = 0.005, is deleterious for the finding of new discoveries and the progress of science. Given that blanket and variable alpha levels both are problematic, it is sensible to dispense with significance testing altogether. There are alternatives that address study design and sample size much more directly than significance testing does; but none of the statistical tools should be taken as the new magic method giving clear-cut mechanical answers. Inference should not be based on single studies at all, but on cumulative evidence from multiple independent studies. When evaluating the strength of the evidence, we should consider, for example, auxiliary assumptions, the strength of the experimental design, and implications for applications. To boil all this down to a binary decision based on a p-value threshold of 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, or anything else, is not acceptable

    Adjective Checklist to Assess the Big Five Personality Factors in the Argentine Population

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    The aim of this work was to develop an adjective checklist to assess the Big Five personality factors in the Argentine population. The new instrument was administered to pilot (n= 112), validation (n= 372), and replication (n= 309) samples. The final version of the checklist included 67 adjectives encompassing its 5 dimensions. Factor analysis results were consistent with the Five-factor model. Internal consistency of scales was very good and convergent correlations with the Big Five Inventory (BFI; John, Donahue, & Kentle, 1991) were substantial. Face validity, as evaluated by 2 independent raters, was good. Preliminary evidence of validity for the checklist is presented. Finally, the Adjective Checklist for Personality Assessment and BFI are compared, taking into consideration their psychometric properties in our cultural context. Study limitations and future research are discussed

    Adjective Checklist to Assess the Big Five Personality Factors in the Argentine Population

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    The aim of this work was to develop an adjective checklist to assess the Big Five personality factors in the Argentine population. The new instrument was administered to pilot (n= 112), validation (n= 372), and replication (n= 309) samples. The final version of the checklist included 67 adjectives encompassing its 5 dimensions. Factor analysis results were consistent with the Five-factor model. Internal consistency of scales was very good and convergent correlations with the Big Five Inventory (BFI; John, Donahue, & Kentle, 1991) were substantial. Face validity, as evaluated by 2 independent raters, was good. Preliminary evidence of validity for the checklist is presented. Finally, the Adjective Checklist for Personality Assessment and BFI are compared, taking into consideration their psychometric properties in our cultural context. Study limitations and future research are discussed

    Focus Article The History of ViSta: The Visual Statistics System

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    ViSta is a project that focuses on dynamic and interactive graphics for statistics and was initiated by the late Forrest W. Young at the beginning of the 1990s. For over approximately 20 years, Forrest and other collaborators, including the authors of this article, have used ViSta for experimenting with these kinds of graphics in different settings, applying them to different scenarios of data and statistical analysis, searching to develop the right combination of features most appropriate in each case. In this time, ViSta evolved quite considerably, going through what we reckon were three different stages, namely: the initial one setting forth the foundations of ViSta; the second period where versions 5 and 6 of ViSta were released; and the consolidation period when a book summarizing the lessons learnt in the project was published. This book was titled ‘Visual Statistics: Seeing your data with interactive and dynamic graphics ’ and was completed in the last days of life of Forrest, who continued to work enthusiastically in the project even though his health was seriously deteriorating during that time. This article is a tribute to this work, but also describes the innovative features of ViSta, many of which are still relevant today. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. How to cite this article

    Psicología del tránsito: logros y desafíos de la investigación

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    Este trabajo ofrece una descripción de la psicología del tránsito atendiendo tanto a las características distintivas y aspectos consolidados del área como a los temas pendientes y desafíos de cara al futuro. Se revisan y discuten las necesidades prácticas que orientan la producción científica, los principales temas de estudio y las metodologías para su abordaje. Destacamos la necesidad de promover líneas de investigación que (a) acompañen las nuevas tendencias y demandas en materia de tránsito (e.g., alcanzar formas de movilidad más sustentables); (b) se ocupen de las formas menos hegemónicas de movilidad y de los grupos más vulnerables de usuarios, como peatones y ciclistas; y (c) atiendan las necesidades y particularidades propias del tránsito y el transporte en los países de la región.This paper brings a description of traffic psychology, including its distinctive features, consolidated issues, pending topics, and future challenges. We revise and discuss the practical needs that guide research, the mainstream subjects of study, and the research methods used. We highlight the need to promote research lines that (a) take into account new traffic trends and requirements (e.g., reach more sustainable ways of mobility); (b) deal with alternative ways of mobility and vulnerable road users (e.g., cyclists and pedestrians); and (c) address the specific transport and traffic needs from Latin-American countries

    Predicting road safety behavior with the implicit attitudes and the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is one of the most widely used psychological models when it comes to explaining road safety behaviors. Recently, studies have also been conducted from the perspective of dual-process models. However, the present is the first study on road safety behaviors that integrates both perspectives. The study evaluates the roles of both implicit attitudes and TPB constructs in the prediction of seatbelt use. Method A sample of 100 drivers completed: (1) a self-reporting instrument on seatbelt use, (2) a questionnaire addressing TPB constructs, (3) an indirect measure of attitudes (Implicit Association Test), and (4) a social desirability scale. Results Results suggest that both types of attitudes make a significant and quite similar contribution to the explanation of seatbelt use. Interestingly, implicit attitudes were a better predictor than explicit attitudes among participants reporting inconsistent seatbelt use. In addition, path analysis models suggested that implicit attitudes appear to be relatively independent of TPB constructs and have a direct effect on seatbelt use. Conclusion The findings advance the idea of adding implicit attitudes to variables from the TPB model in order to increase the explanatory power of models used to predict road safety behaviors. Practical applications Potential use of implicit attitude measures in the education and training of drivers are discussed