148 research outputs found

    How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Have Impacted Hospital Acquired Infection Rates

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    Background: Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) are preventable; however, they continue to occur. Many HAI’s can be prevented by adhering to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Healthcare Infection Control Guidelines. In late 2019 a novel virus, known as SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, emerged and spread across the globe. CDC recommended additional infection prevention and control practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to standard practices. This study will compare HAI rates before and during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as between COVID and non-COVID units. Methods: HAI data collected pre-COVID-19 and during COVID-19 will be compared to determine if there are any differences in rates of Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI), Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI), and Ventilator Associated Events (VAE). Data collected during COVID-19 will also be used to compare the HAI rates between patients in COVID-19 units and non-COVID-19 units. Results: VAE’s per 1,000 ventilator days were slightly greater in the pre-pandemic period than during the COVID-19 pandemic (17.83 vs 17.04, p= 0.01). VAE’s were more likely to occur in the COVID-19 units than in the non-COVID units (18.28 vs 16.50 per 1,000 ventilator days, p=0.03). CLABSI and CAUTI rates did not have a significant difference (p\u3e0.05). Conclusion: The impact of COVID-19 on HAI prevention and control efforts is far-reaching. There is an increase in critically ill hospitalized patients with long hospital stays and potential diversion of traditional infection prevention and control resources. However, there is also increased awareness of, and enhanced, prevention and control measures. Future work should monitor trends associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and hospital acquired infection rates

    Cooperativismo Social: notas etnográficas sobre a invenção e regulação de políticas públicas

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    Em meio à realização da minha pesquisa de campo em Campinas (sobre a produção de políticas públicas de saúde mental intersetorial na instituição filantrópica Cândido Ferreira) recebi um informe, por e-mail, que divulgava o seminário: Reflexões sobre as Diferentes Experiências de Cooperativismo Social. Foi, então, que no dia 11 de novembro de 2010, me desloquei de São Carlos até Campinas para participar do evento junto com os membros da Rede de Saúde Mental e ECOSOL – Economia Solidária. Prete..

    Locating the Embodied Sense of Self and Examining its Relationship with Psychological Well-Being

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    Westerners tend to localize their sense of self in the head, and, to a lesser degree, in the chest. However, single-point, localization studies of the self omit direct exploration of the size and shape of the embodied self. This study explored a) beliefs about the location and spatial distribution of the embodied sense of self, and b) whether individual differences in how the embodied self was represented were associated with psychological and subjective well-being. Results from a sample of 206 American adults confirm extant reports, indicating that the embodied sense of self is most often located in the head and chest. However, results from this study extend previous findings by suggesting that the majority of respondents (70%) located their embodied sense of self in multiple body regions, and individuals that reported a more widely distributed sense of self reported greater well-being. Specifically, a more widely distributed sense of self in the torso was most strongly associated with psychological well-being. No relationship emerged between the distribution of the sense of self in the head and psychological well-being. Results from this study indicate that the sense of self may be located throughout the body, and that locating the sense of self in the torso may have psychological benefit. As such, exploring methods of shifting the sense of self out of the head and into the body may have therapeutic value

    Dispositivo de saúde, manejo terapêutico e práticas de cuidado no Serviço Residencial Terapêutico

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    A partir de uma etnografia sobre as modificações decorrentes do processo de reforma no modelo de assistência psiquiátrica do Serviço de Saúde Dr. Cândido Ferreira (SSCF) no município de Campinas (SP), descrevo os arranjos técnicos e arquitetônicos que transformaram as moradias assistidas em um dispositivo de saúde. O ponto de partida são os efeitos do processo de reabilitação dos usuários que vivem no Serviço Residencial Terapêutico (SRT). Trata-se de analisar como a equipe do SRT organiza o modo de operar a assistência nas residências por meio da racionalização da singularidade do usuário em termos de necessidade e contextos de risco. Com isso, procuro expor os discursos que justificam a prática do manejo terapêutico e governo da vida dos moradores no SRT.Based on an ethnography of the changes resulting from a reform process in the care model governing the psychiatric Health Service Dr. Cândido Ferreira (SSCF), in Campinas (Sao Paulo), I describe the technical and architectural arrangements that transformed residential assistance services into a health device. The starting point are the effects of the rehabilitation process of the users living in the Therapeutic Residential Services (SRT). I analyze how the SRT team organizes the assistance operations in the residences by rationalizing the user’s singularity in terms of necessity and risk contexts, exposing the discourses that justify the therapeutic management and life governing practices provided to the residents in the SRT

    Locating the Embodied Sense of Self and Examining its Relationship with Psychological Well-Being

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    Westerners tend to localize their sense of self in the head, and, to a lesser degree, in the chest. However, single-point, localization studies of the self omit direct exploration of the size and shape of the embodied self. This study explored a) beliefs about the location and spatial distribution of the embodied sense of self, and b) whether individual differences in how the embodied self was represented were associated with psychological and subjective well-being. Results from a sample of 206 American adults confirm extant reports, indicating that the embodied sense of self is most often located in the head and chest. However, results from this study extend previous findings by suggesting that the majority of respondents (70%) located their embodied sense of self in multiple body regions, and individuals that reported a more widely distributed sense of self reported greater well-being. Specifically, a more widely distributed sense of self in the torso was most strongly associated with psychological well-being. No relationship emerged between the distribution of the sense of self in the head and psychological well-being. Results from this study indicate that the sense of self may be located throughout the body, and that locating the sense of self in the torso may have psychological benefit. As such, exploring methods of shifting the sense of self out of the head and into the body may have therapeutic value

    O Manejo da Cidadania e a Democracia do Cuidado

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    Neste artigo procuro expor o modo de funcionamento de uma nova tecnologia de cuidado colocada em prática pelos profissionais do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) Esperança, na região leste de Campinas - SP. Para isso, apresento as reflexões dos profissionais acerca de suas práticas e descrevo as relações democráticas que orientam a atuação do profissional na invenção de cuidados, que não se resumem às intervenções médicas. Além disso, analiso como se configura a dinâmica de funcionamento das práticas democráticas e o modo de organização do cuidado operacionalizado pela prática da escuta terapêutica e pelo uso da medicação. Por fim, descrevo como os profissionais conceitualizam suas experiências ao explicar a participação dos usuários como parceiros na elaboração dos seus projetos terapêuticos

    “Vulneración Del Principio De Protección Integral De Las Víctimas En El Delito De Trata De Personas De Acuerdo A Las Carpetas Fiscales Tramitadas En La Fiscalía Especializada En Criminalidad Organizada De San Martín 2015 - 2016”

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    La presente investigación buscó determinar la Vulneración del Principio de ProtecciónIntegral de las víctimas en el delito de trata de personas de acuerdo a las carpetas fiscalestramitadas en la Fiscalía Especializada en Criminalidad Organizada de San Martín, años 20152016. La metodología aplicada es descriptiva, con una muestra de estudio de 48 carpetasfiscales de denuncias de delito de trata de personas, utilizando las técnicas del AnálisisDocumental y la Guía de Entrevista Semi Estructurada para el recojo de la información. De lainvestigación efectuada se concluye que si existe vulneración del principio de protecciónintegral de las víctimas en los delitos de trata de personas investigadas en la FiscalíaEspecializada en Criminalidad Organizada de San Martín, año 2015 – 2016, el mismo que seevidencia con un nivel de prevalencia de 25.10%, donde la aplicación del Principio deprotección integral de las víctimas es de 78.30% y los elementos de la actuación se cumple enel 75.0% de los casos evaluados

    Inconsistências de cabeçalhos de assunto : propostas de sistematização

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    Subject headings are information tools for document subject/form representation. They are used to produce alphabetical subject catalogues and cannot be considered as a documentary language since they constitute descriptive lists and present inconsistencies. Samples of BIBLIODATA system subject headings were selected for analysis, aiming at identifying such inconsistencies and presenting proposals for their systematization. The study is based on principles of concept theory, categorial analysis and citation arder. Variables selected were: ambiguity, inexpressiveness and inconsistent syntax of simple and compound subjects. Language syntax is observed in subject headings for simple subjects and absolute syntaxe in subject headings for compound subjects. These are analysed after citation arder of their constitutive ideas. Some guidelines are proposed as a result of variables selected for this research.Cabeçalhos de assunto constituem-se num dos tipos de instrumento de representação de assunto e/ou formas de documentos e são utilizados para produzir catálogos de assunto. Entretanto, não podem ser considerados linguagens documentárias, principalmente porque utilizam lista descritiva e apresentam inconsistências. Amostras de cabeçalhos da lista do Sistema BIBLIODATA são analisadas com base na teoria do conceito, na análise categórica e na ordem-de-citação, com o objetivo de identificar inconsistências e propor diretrizes de sistematização. As variáveis estudadas são: ambiguidade, inexpressividade e inconsistência da sintaxe dos cabeçalhos que designam assuntos simples e compostos. A sintaxe linguística é observada nos cabeçalhos que nomeiam assuntos simples e a sintaxe absoluta nos que nomeiam assuntos compostos. Estes são analisados segundo a ordem de citação das ideias que os compõem. Algumas diretrizes são propostas como decorrência das variáveis estudadas