202 research outputs found

    Interpréter et développer des dispositifs de formation

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    Dans ce texte, l’auteur cherche à répondre à la question suivante : comment interpréter et développer un dispositif de formation ? Pour y répondre, il prend appui sur un exemple, celui d’un dispositif qui a précisément pour but de former à l’interprétation et au développement des dispositifs de formation. De l’enquête réalisée est issu un guide de lecture. Ce guide invite à répondre à trois questions. Comment situer un dispositif dans l’espace éducatif ? Comment interpréter son état à un moment précis de son histoire ? Comment explorer les zones de développement effectives et potentielles qu’il recèle ?This article discusses the question of interpreting and developing a training sequence. The author presents an example of a sequence whose objective is that of interpreting and developing training sequences. Following a survey, the author presents a reading guide for future use. This guide proposes three questions : How does the sequence fit within the educational space ? How to interpret the sequence at a specific moment in its history ? How can one examine those effective and potential zones for development that are implied ?En este texto, el autor busca responder la pregunta siguiente : ¿ Cómo interpretar y desarrollar un dispositivo de formación ? Para responderla, el mismo se apoya en el ejemplo de un dispositivo que tiene precisamente por objetivo formar los docentes en la interpretación y en el desarrollo de dispositivos de formación. De la encuesta realizada, surge una guía que el lector podrá eventualmente utilizar. Esta guía invita a responder tres preguntas. ¿ Cómo situar un dispositivo dentro del espacio educativo ? ¿ Cómo interpretar su estado en un momento preciso de su historia ? ¿ Cómo explorar las zonas de desarrollo efectivas y potenciales que éste encierra ?Der Autor dieses Beitrags ist folgender Frage nachgegangen : Wie kann man Lehrmittel entwickeln und beurteilen ? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, geht er von einem Beispiel aus, und zwar von einem Lehrmittel, dass sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, andere Lehrmittel zu entwickeln und zu beurteilen. Daraus ergab sich ein Leitfaden, den der Leser verwenden kann. Darin werden drei Fragen aufgeworfen : Wie verhält sich ein Lehrmittel innerhalb des Bildungs- und Erziehungsrahmens ? Wie kann sein Zustand in einem bestimmten historischen Augenblick interpretiert werden ? Wie können seine effektiven und potentiellen Entwicklungsmöglich-keiten voll ausgeschöpft werden 

    A generic method for modelling the behavior of anisotropic metallic materials : application to recrystallized zirconium alloys

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    A simplified polycrystalline model (the so-called RL model) is proposed to simulate the anisotropic viscoplastic behavior of metallic materials. A generic method is presented that makes it possible to build a simplified anisotropic material texture, based on the principal features of the pole figures. The method is applied to a recrystallized zirconium alloy, used as clad material in the fuel rods of nuclear power plants. An important database consisting in mechanical tests performed on Zircaloy tubes is collected. Only a small number of tests (pure tension, pure shear) are used to identify the material parameters, and the texture parameters. It is shown that six crystallographic orientations (6 "grains") are sufficient to describe the large anisotropy of such hcp alloy. The identified crystallographic orientations match the experimental pole figures of the material, not used in the identification procedure. Special attention is paid to the predictive ability of the model, i.e., its ability to simulate correctly experimental tests not belonging to the identification database. These predictive results are good, thanks to an identification procedure that enables to consider the contribution of each slip system in each crystallographic orientation

    Les Écrits professionnalisés longs

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    Parmi les matériaux recueillis pour écrire ce texte, l’auteur a privilégié trois entretiens de formateurs ayant une expérience significative de l’accompagnement d’écrits professionnalisés longs. Dans la première situation, l’expression « Rapport de stage » administre seule l’ensemble du propos tenu par une formatrice. Dans la suivante, une enseignante trace une ligne de démarcation stricte entre « Rapports de stage » et « Mémoires professionnels ». Dans la dernière situation, un enseignant invite à situer les écrits professionnalisés qui trouvent leur identité dans le monde académique en vis-à-vis d’écrits professionnels qui la trouvent dans le monde extra scolaire (« Étude-conseil » par exemple). Cette succession d’études de cas conduit à un double enseignement : le rapport et le mémoire prennent sens dans un genre (« Écrits professionnalisés longs ») qui gagne à être pensé dans sa totalité et en relation avec une variété de dispositifs (les Dispositifs de formation professionnalisés). Ce genre est travaillé par un double enjeu : d’une part, assurer le passage de la vie scolaire ou étudiante à la vie professionnelle et d’autre part, conserver au métier d’élève ou d’étudiant sa spécificité, sa pertinence et sa durabilité. Au cœur de cette ambivalence, le statut accordé à l’écriture est lui aussi un enjeu

    L’accompagnement à l’écriture du mémoire professionnel : postures, convictions et savoirs des enseignants

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    Repérer les savoirs mobilisés par les enseignants pour mettre en œuvre des stratégies d’accompagnement à l’écriture de mémoires professionnels est au centre de cette contribution. Pour apporter une réponse à cette préoccupation, nous avons choisi trois accompagnants, de statuts différents, intervenant dans une même licence professionnelle. Les cadres théoriques et méthodologiques que nous avons mobilisés relèvent de l’analyse du travail, de l’analyse du discours, de la didactique professionnelle et de la didactique de l’écriture. Les auteurs se sont efforcés de rendre compte des stratégies, des savoirs et des convictions des enseignants, en empruntant à l’ergologie l’idée que dans toute activité, un système de norme est en proie à un monde des valeurs. Ils parviennent ainsi à repérer trois sensibilités épistémiques, affectives et axiologiques différentes.The purpose of this contribution is draw attention on the knowledge mobilized by teachers in order to elaborate supervision strategies for students who are writing their professional dissertation. To address this issue, we conducted an investigation focusing on three supervisors with different status but teaching in the same professional Bachelor’s degree programme. Work analysis, discourse analysis, professional didactics and didactics of writing constitute our theoretical framework. The authors of this communication have intended to outline the supervisors’ strategies, knowledge and beliefs. For that reason, they borrowed from ergology (Y. Schwartz) the idea that any activity or system of norms has to deal with a world of values. Hence, they have discovered three different trends in regards to supervising the professional dissertation writing process: an epistemic one, an affective one as well as an axiological one

    The energy Extended Resource Task Network, a general formalism for the modeling of production systems:Application to waste heat valorization

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    While real-time control of process plays an important role, it is now increasingly necessary to forecast and plan production systems in order to be energy efficient and to ensure a balance between energy demand and production. In this context, a short-term planning approach of energy supply chain is presented in this paper. Because of the presence of enthalpy balance in the optimization model, the core of this system is based on the formulation and the resolution of a Mixed-Integer Non Linear Programming (MINLP) model. To facilitate the instantiation of this optimization model and its adaptation to different kinds of value chain, a specific graphical formalism named Energy Extended Resource Task Network (EERTN) is exploited. This generic framework makes it possible to model in an unambiguous way the material and energy flows passing through any type of production system. In addition, it takes into account the influence of temperature on the physicochemical phenomena involved in the process. To illustrate the potentiality of this modeling framework, it is applied to a case study aimed at carrying out the operational planning and performance evaluation of a waste heat recovery chain. This system consists, on the one hand of an industrial unit whose heat requirements are provided by a steam utility plant, and on the other hand, of a district heating network (DHN). In this study, the problem consists to optimally plan the energy use of the district heating network by recovering the flus gas (the waste heat) from the industrial site’s power plant. The planning system leads to a significant reduction in the primary fuel consumption of the overall system and an efficient exploitation of the waste heat generated by the industrial site

    Circadian Preference Modulates the Neural Substrate of Conflict Processing across the Day

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    Human morning and evening chronotypes differ in their preferred timing for sleep and wakefulness, as well as in optimal daytime periods to cope with cognitive challenges. Recent evidence suggests that these preferences are not a simple by-product of socio-professional timing constraints, but can be driven by inter-individual differences in the expression of circadian and homeostatic sleep-wake promoting signals. Chronotypes thus constitute a unique tool to access the interplay between those processes under normally entrained day-night conditions, and to investigate how they impinge onto higher cognitive control processes. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we assessed the influence of chronotype and time-of-day on conflict processing-related cerebral activity throughout a normal waking day. Sixteen morning and 15 evening types were recorded at two individually adapted time points (1.5 versus 10.5 hours spent awake) while performing the Stroop paradigm. Results show that interference-related hemodynamic responses are maintained or even increased in evening types from the subjective morning to the subjective evening in a set of brain areas playing a pivotal role in successful inhibitory functioning, whereas they decreased in morning types under the same conditions. Furthermore, during the evening hours, activity in a posterior hypothalamic region putatively involved in sleep-wake regulation correlated in a chronotype-specific manner with slow wave activity at the beginning of the night, an index of accumulated homeostatic sleep pressure. These results shed light into the cerebral mechanisms underlying inter-individual differences of higher-order cognitive state maintenance under normally entrained day-night conditions

    Azithromycin-chloroquine and the intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy

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    In the high malaria-transmission settings of sub-Saharan Africa, malaria in pregnancy is an important cause of maternal, perinatal and neonatal morbidity. Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) reduces the incidence of low birth-weight, pre-term delivery, intrauterine growth-retardation and maternal anaemia. However, the public health benefits of IPTp are declining due to SP resistance. The combination of azithromycin and chloroquine is a potential alternative to SP for IPTp. This review summarizes key in vitro and in vivo evidence of azithromycin and chloroquine activity against Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, as well as the anticipated secondary benefits that may result from their combined use in IPTp, including the cure and prevention of many sexually transmitted diseases. Drug costs and the necessity for external financing are discussed along with a range of issues related to drug resistance and surveillance. Several scientific and programmatic questions of interest to policymakers and programme managers are also presented that would need to be addressed before azithromycin-chloroquine could be adopted for use in IPTp