543 research outputs found
Efficient binary tomographic reconstruction
Tomographic reconstruction of a binary image from few projections is
considered. A novel {\em heuristic} algorithm is proposed, the central element
of which is a nonlinear transformation of the
probability that a pixel of the sought image be 1-valued. It consists of
backprojections based on and iterative corrections. Application of
this algorithm to a series of artificial test cases leads to exact binary
reconstructions, (i.e recovery of the binary image for each single pixel) from
the knowledge of projection data over a few directions. Images up to
pixels are reconstructed in a few seconds. A series of test cases is performed
for comparison with previous methods, showing a better efficiency and reduced
computation times
La Sûreté du Québec des origines à nos jours : quelques repÚres historiques
The history of the police in Canada is a field that has been little explored. This is all the more so in the case of the police corps of Quebec, the only valid monograph on the subject being one on the Montreal police. This article gives a general outline of the administrative history of the provincial police of Quebec, the âSĂ»retĂ© du QuĂ©becâ, since its creation in 1870 by the provincial government. The idea of creating a police force under State control was not new, going back to the first «modern» police established in 1838 in Quebec city and Montreal during a time of rebellion, by an Order in Council of governor Durham. An unsuccessful attempt was made to establish one during the 1850s. It was in 1870 that the «provincial police» were set up in Quebec City, the capital, mainly to have a force to intervene in riots and strikes. Municipalities requiring them could also obtain their services. This police corps was reduced after 1878 to become a mere guard of the Parliament which also served the Department of the Attorney General. After that, great changes were made with the integration of other police and government services : the Bureau of Provincial Detectives of Montreal in 1922, the liquor and highway police in 1934 and 1936, which in 1938 become branches of the Provincial Police. In 1938, the Duplessis government undertook to extend the provincial police by opening up stations throughout the province. After 1960, the Lesage government completed the merging of the various branches, sought to eliminate political influence in the hiring of police and opened the first training school for policemen. The Provincial Police became the SĂ»retĂ© du QuĂ©bec in 1968, when an administrative restructuring was started, inspired by the methods used in private enterprise, which gave its form to today's SĂ»retĂ©
Justice et infra-justice en Nouvelle-France. Les voies de fait à Montréal entre 1700 et 1760
It has become obvious in the past several years that the judicial statistics have certain limitations as far as reconstructing the evolution of crime under the Ancien RĂ©gime is concerned. The administrative inadequacies of the institutional justice of that era, its insufficient means of intervention, invite caution, but the existence of infra-judicial mechanisms for dealing with crime lead to the conclusion that only a fraction of the crimes ever came before the courts. Our research on trials for assault and battery heard in the jurisdiction of Montreal between 1700 and 1760 revealed several cases establishing the existence in New France, and confirming the observations of Alfred Somanfor France, of practices according to which the institution of proceedings by certain victims was often in order to start a process of negotiation with the aggressor or force him to come to an agreement out of court, which usually put an end to the procedures. Since there is rarely any explicit mention of agreements reached, even in the notarial archives, we arrived at the possibility that the dropping of legal proceedings indicated an infra-judicial settlement of the case. This led us to analyse the decrease in the number of trials for assault and battery in Montreal after 1730. It was not because of the usual explanation, that it was a sign of a âdecrease in crimeâ, but rather due to a strengthening of the infra-judicial system, particularly in the rural areas, where there was less recourse to the authority of the royal court to settle minor infractions
Interaction gÚnes-environnement dans le développement de la prééclampsie
Nous sommes exposeÌs sur une base quotidienne au BispheÌnol A (BPA). Des travaux anteÌrieurs ont mis en lumieÌre des effets cytotoxiques sur les cellules placentaires et la possible implication du BPA dans lâapparition de la preÌeÌclampsie. AÌ de treÌs faibles concentrations, le BPA induit une augmentation significative de lâapoptose et de la neÌcrose des cytotrophoblastes ainsi quâune augmentation de lâexpression et de la seÌcreÌtion du facteur de neÌcrose tumorale alpha (TNF-α). Cependant, les meÌcanismes par lequel le BPA induit lâaugmentation de la seÌcreÌtion du TNF-α et la cytotoxiciteÌ placentaire ne sont pas connus. Il a aussi eÌteÌ avanceÌ que le BPA aurait la capaciteÌ, en tant que xeÌnoestrogeÌne, de pouvoir modifier lâexpression des reÌcepteurs de lâĆstrogeÌne et du reÌcepteur CXCR4, un reÌcepteur influençant la mobiliteÌ et la survie cellulaire dont lâexpression est moduleÌe par les ĆstrogeÌnes. De telles modifications au niveau placentaire pourraient eÌtre en partie responsables dans le deÌveloppement physiopathologique de la preÌeÌclampsie.
Pour veÌrifier cette hypotheÌse, deux groupes de participantes ont eÌteÌ eÌtudieÌs : soit des femmes enceintes normotensives et des femmes atteintes par la preÌeÌclampsie (PE). Chaque participante a eÌteÌ recruteÌe dans le cadre du projet PEÌRICARD. Le BPA a eÌteÌ quantifieÌ dans lâensemble des biopsies placentaires par chromatographie gazeuse coupleÌe aÌ la spectromeÌtrie de masse. Lâexpression des reÌcepteurs de lâĆstrogeÌne et du reÌcepteur CXCR4 a eÌteÌ mesureÌe par PCR en temps reÌel. Les niveaux seÌriques maternels de CXCL12, le ligand du reÌcepteur CXCR4, ont eÌteÌ quantifieÌs par ELISA. Lâeffet du BPA sur lâexpression des reÌcepteurs de lâĆstrogeÌne et du reÌcepteur CXCR4 a aussi eÌteÌ mesureÌ par PCR en temps reÌel sur un modeÌle de cellules placentaires. Finalement, ce meÌme modeÌle fut utiliseÌ afin de deÌterminer un possible meÌcanisme dâaction du BPA et eÌvaluer la capaciteÌ dâun anticorps aÌ limiter les effets cytotoxiques du BPA.
Nos reÌsultats ont permis dâobserver une accumulation eÌleveÌe du BPA dans le placenta de femmes ayant une grossesse avec PE. De plus, ils ont permis de faire ressortir une modification de lâexpression de certains reÌcepteurs de lâĆstrogeÌne et du reÌcepteur CXCR4 dans les biopsies placentaires provenant de placentas preÌeÌclamptiques. Ces meÌmes modifications ont aussi eÌteÌ mises en eÌvidence sur des cellules placentaires normales exposeÌes au BPA. De plus, il est apparu, sur un modeÌle de cellules en culture, que le maintien de lâactiviteÌ du reÌcepteur ERRÎł par le BPA serait possiblement associeÌ aÌ lâaugmentation de lâexpression du TNF-α. Finalement, dans le meÌme modeÌle de cellules primaires, lâajout dâun anticorps semble eÌtre en mesure contrer les effets cytotoxiques du BPA
Ăvaluation de l'impact des xĂ©nobiotiques alimentaires sur la santĂ© materno-foetale : rĂŽle du BisphĂ©nol A
Au quotidien, nous sommes exposĂ©s Ă une multitude de xĂ©nobiotiques, des molĂ©cules exogĂšnes Ă un organisme vivant et qui sont considĂ©rĂ©es toxiques pour ce dernier. Parmi tous ces xĂ©nobiotiques, le BisphĂ©nol-A (BPA), un xĂ©noestrogĂšne, est l'un de ceux attirants le plus l'attention de la communautĂ© scientifique. Des travaux effectuĂ©s antĂ©rieurement par notre laboratoire ont mis en Ă©vidence des effets cytotoxiques sur les cellules placentaires (Benachour et Aris, 2009). Ă de trĂšs faibles concentrations, le BPA induit une augmentation significative de l'apoptose et de la nĂ©crose des cytotrophoblastes. De plus, Ă ces mĂȘmes concentrations, le BPA provoque une augmentation de l'expression et de la sĂ©crĂ©tion de facteur de nĂ©crose tumorale alpha (TNF-alpha), une cytokine clef dans les phĂ©nomĂšnes d'inflammation. Ă un niveau cellulaire, la nĂ©crose, l'apoptose ainsi que l'augmentation de la sĂ©crĂ©tion de TNF-alpha sont des observations dĂ©crites dans les cas de prĂ©Ă©clampsie (PE), de diabĂšte gestationnel (DG) et de retard de croissance intra-utĂ©rin (RCIU). Ces travaux laissent croire Ă une plus grande accumulation du BPA chez les femmes ayant dĂ©veloppĂ© l'une de ces complications, ainsi qu'un rĂŽle du BPA dans le dĂ©veloppement physiopathologique de ces complications. Pour vĂ©rifier cette hypothĂšse, quatre groupes ont Ă©tĂ© formĂ©s, un groupe tĂ©moin oĂč aucune pathologie n'est connue, un groupe de femmes ayant dĂ©veloppĂ© la prĂ©Ă©clampsie, un groupe de femmes ayant dĂ©veloppĂ© un diabĂšte gestationnel et finalement un groupe de femmes ayant eu une grossesse compliquĂ©e par un retard de croissance intra-utĂ©rin. Chacun de ces groupes Ă©tait formĂ© de 23 candidates sĂ©lectionnĂ©es dans une cohorte prĂ©existante, la cohorte PĂRICARD. Pour chaque candidate, le BisphĂ©nol A a Ă©tĂ© quantifiĂ© dans le sĂ©rum maternel, dans l'homogĂ©nat placentaire ainsi que dans le sĂ©rum foetal. Les dosages ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s par chromatographie gazeuse couplĂ©e Ă un spectromĂštre de masse, l'une des mĂ©thodes les plus sensibles existantes pour la quantification du BisphĂ©nol A. Nos rĂ©sultats ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence une accumulation diffĂ©rentielle du BPA dans le placenta de femmes ayant une grossesse avec prĂ©Ă©clampsie et ayant menĂ© Ă un retard de croissance intra-utĂ©rin. Le placenta de ces femmes a accumulĂ© une plus forte quantitĂ© BPA que les femmes du groupe tĂ©moins. Ces rĂ©sultats entĂ©rinent donc l'hypothĂšse d'une implication du BPA dans la prĂ©Ă©clampsie et dans le retard de croissance intra-utĂ©rin
Lâimpact socio-culturel de lâexpĂ©rience musĂ©ale
Une large partie des populations ne se sent pas concernĂ©e par lâoffre des musĂ©es, principalement Ă cause dâidĂ©es reçues. Pour (re)conquĂ©rir ces publics, lâauteur propose de rendre les visites et les activitĂ©s musĂ©ales plus marquantes et inclusives en sâinspirant des conditions qui favorisent, selon lui, lâĂ©mergence dâune expĂ©rience culturelle marquante et engageante
Understanding food web mercury accumulation through trophic transfer and carbon processing along a river affected by recent run-of-river dams
Unlike large dams which favor methylation of Hg in flooded soils over long periods, run-of-river dams are designed to flood a limited area of soils and are therefore not expected to significantly affect mercury (Hg) cycling or carbon processing. We studied the Hg and carbon cycles within food webs from several sectors along the Saint-Maurice River, Quebec, Canada, that differ in how they are influenced by two run-of-river dams and other watershed disturbances. We observed peak Hg concentrations in fish five-year postimpoundment, but these levels were reduced three years after this peak. Methylmercury concentrations in low trophic level fish and invertebrates were related to their carbon source (ÎŽ13C) rather than their trophic positions (ÎŽ15N). Biomagnification, measured by trophic magnification slopes, was driven mainly by methylmercury concentrations in low-trophic level organisms and environmental factors related to organic matter degradation and Hg-methylation. River sectors, ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ15N, predicted up to 80% of the variability in food web methylmercury concentrations. The installation of run-of-river dams and the related pondages, in association with other watershed disturbances, altered carbon processing, promoted Hg-methylation and its accumulation at the base of the food web, and led to a temporary increase in Hg levels in fish
Long range coherent magnetic bound states in superconductors
The quantum coherent coupling of completely different degrees of freedom is a
challenging path towards creating new functionalities for quantum electronics.
Usually the antagonistic coupling between spins of magnetic impurities and
superconductivity leads to the destruction of the superconducting order. Here
we show that a localized classical spin of an iron atom immersed in a
superconducting condensate can give rise to new kind of long range coherent
magnetic quantum state. In addition to the well-known Shiba bound state present
on top of an impurity we reveal the existence of a star shaped pattern which
extends as far as 12 nm from the impurity location. This large spatial
dispersion turns out to be related, in a non-trivial way, to the
superconducting coherence length. Inside star branches we observed short scale
interference fringes with a particle-hole asymmetry. Our theoretical approach
captures these features and relates them to the electronic band structure and
the Fermi wave length of the superconductor. The discovery of a directional
long range effect implies that distant magnetic atoms could coherently interact
leading to new topological superconducting phases with fascinating properties
Une formalisation en Coq de l'intégrale de Bochner
The Bochner integral is a generalization of the Lebesgue integral, for functions taking their values in a Banach space. Therefore, both its mathematical definition and its formalization in the Coq proof assistant are more challenging as we cannot rely on the properties of real numbers. Our contributions include an original formalization of simple functions, Bochner integrability defined by a dependent type, and the construction of the proof of the integrability of measurable functions under mild hypotheses (weak separability). Then, we define the Bochner integral and prove several theorems, including dominated convergence and the equivalence with an existing formalization of Lebesgue integral for nonnegative functions.L'intégrale de Bochner est une généralisation de l'intégrale de Lebesgue pour des fonctions à valeurs dans un espace de Banach. Sa définition mathématique et sa formalisation dans l'assistant de preuve Coq en sont donc plus difficiles puisque l'on ne peut pas s'appuyer sur les propriétés des nombres réels. Nos contributions incluent une formalisation originale des fonctions simples, l'intégrabilité de Bochner définie par un type dépendant, et la construction de la preuve de l'intégrabilité de fonctions mesurables sous une hypothÚse de séparabilité faible. Puis, nous définissons l'intégrale de Bochner et prouvons plusieurs théorÚmes, dont la convergence dominée et l'équivalence avec une formalisation préexistante de l'intégrale de Lebesgue pour les fonctions mesurables positives
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