20 research outputs found

    Analyse et modélisation des échanges verticaux induits par les systÚmes convectifs des latitudes tropicales : effets sur l'ozone troposphérique

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    L'objectif était d'approfondir notre connaissance sur les mécanismes d'échanges, prÚs des zone s de convection profonde, plus particuliÚrement en périphérie des cyclones tropicaux en explorant les liens entre la convection tropicale et l'ozone troposphérique. Une approche climatologique a montré que l'influence de l'occurence fréquente de ces systÚmes convectifs sur l'ozone troposphérique est double. L'analyse d'un cas de transfert subsident intense le 6 avril 1995 à la Réunion, alors à l'ouest du systÚme MarlÚne, a permis de caractériser cet échange stratosphÚre-troposphÚre. L'examen du modÚle idéalisé de cyclone tropical Hurricane a apporté des compléments dynamiques et a généralisé cette étude de mécanismes. De maniÚre complémentaire au cas MarlÚne, trois situations météorologiques distinctes ou une forte interaction entre les dynamiques de la convection, du systÚme jet-front et des ondes de Rossby induisent des échanges stratosphÚre-troposphÚre sont documentéesno abstrac

    Analyse et modélisation des échanges verticaux induits par les systÚmes convectifs des latitudes tropicales (effets sur l'ozone troposphérique)

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    L'objectif était d'approfondir notre connaissance sur les mécanismes d'échanges, prÚs des zone s de convection profonde, plus particuliÚrement en périphérie des cyclones tropicaux en explorant les liens entre la convection tropicale et l'ozone troposphérique. Une approche climatologique a montré que l'influence de l'occurence fréquente de ces systÚmes convectifs sur l'ozone troposphérique est double. L'analyse d'un cas de transfert subsident intense le 6 avril 1995 à la Réunion, alors à l'ouest du systÚme MarlÚne, a permis de caractériser cet échange stratosphÚre-troposphÚre. L'examen du modÚle idéalisé de cyclone tropical Hurricane a apporté des compléments dynamiques et a généralisé cette étude de mécanismes. De maniÚre complémentaire au cas MarlÚne, trois situations météorologiques distinctes ou une forte interaction entre les dynamiques de la convection, du systÚme jet-front et des ondes de Rossby induisent des échanges stratosphÚre-troposphÚre sont documentées.The objective was to perform our knowledge on the mechanisms 'exchanges, close to the zone S of major convection, more particularly in periphery of the tropical cyclones by exploring the bonds between tropical convection and tropospheric ozone. A climatological approach showed that the influence of the occurrence attends these systems convectifs on tropospheric ozone is double.The analysis of a case of transfer intense subsident on April 6th, 1995 in Reunion, then on the West of the system MarlÚne, allowed to characterize this exchange stratosphere-troposphere. The examination of the model idealized by tropical cyclone Hurricane brought dynamic complements and generalized this study of mechanisms.In a additional way in the case MarlÚne, three different synoptic situations or a strong interaction between convection, jet-front system and Rossby waves induce stratosphere-troposphere exchanges have been documented.SAINT DENIS/REUNION-Droit Lettre (974112101) / SudocSudocFranceReunionFRR

    Analysis of diurnal to seasonal variability of Integrated Water Vapour in the South Indian Ocean basin using ground‐based GNSS and fifth‐generation ECMWF reanalysis (ERA5) data

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    International audienceThe spatial and temporal distribution of tropospheric water vapour in the South Indian Ocean (SIO) basin is investigated using observations collected from twelve GNSS stations spanning the basin. The comparison of GNSS‐derived integrated water vapour (IWV) content against radiosoundings and satellite‐borne microwave radiometer data shows good agreement, with global uncertainties ranging from 0.76 to 1.17 kg·m−2, depending on GNSS station locations. GNSS‐derived IWV contents show a strong seasonal cycle, characterized by higher water vapour content during the austral summer, when the InterTropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is located in the Southern Hemisphere. At the seasonal time‐scale, the observed annual IWV amplitude varies from 10 to 15 kg·m−2 near the Equator to 20 to 30 kg·m−2 in the Subtropics. The GNSS IWV signature of the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) is hardly noticeable during the Austral winter, but varies from 1–2 to 4 kg·m−2 between the active and suppressed phases of the MJO during austral summer. At diurnal time‐scales, GNSS IWV shows larger diurnal amplitude over land (2–3 kg·m−2) than over open ocean (1–2 kg·m−2), with highest amplitudes (up to 7 kg·m−2) observed over large and mountainous islands. The phase analysis of the IWV diurnal cycle indicates that the diurnal maximum (minimum) is reached in the late afternoon/evening (morning) over land, at night (mid‐day) over ocean and in the early morning (late afternoon) at coastal locations. A comparison of GNSS‐derived IWV contents against fifth‐generation European Centre for Medium‐range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis (ERA5) data shows that ERA5 generally correctly reproduces the IWV content at both seasonal, intra‐seasonal and diurnal time‐scales, although some discrepancies can be noticed over small islands characterised by steep orography. The signature of the MJO in ERA5 also shows good agreement with GNSS observations at most studied locations. Location of the twelve ground‐based GNSS stations (circles) and the five radiosonde stations (triangles) used in this study. Insert shows the locations of new GNSS research stations recently deployed in the southwest Indian Ocean basin in the framework of the Indian Ocean GNSS Applications for Meteorology (IOGA4MET) research program. Red, blue and green colours indicate the three transects discussed in the paper

    Temperature variability and trends in the UT-LS over a subtropical site: Reunion (20.8° S, 55.5° E)

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    International audienceThis paper mainly focuses on the trends and variability of the UT-LS temperature using radiosonde observations carried out over 16 years (January 1993 to December 2008) from a southern subtropical site, Reunion (20.8° S, 55.5° E), using a linear-regression fitting model. Two kinds of tropopause definitions, namely, cold point tropopause (CPT) and lapse rate tropopause (LRT) are used. In order to characterize and quantify the relationship between regional oceanic forcing and temperature at UT-LS, we took into account the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) for the estimation of temperature trends. Results show that the main component is the Annual Cycle (AC), particularly at tropopause (CPT, LRT) and in the lower stratosphere (LS) where more than 26.0±2.4% of temperature variability can be explained by AC. The influence of IOD on the variability of the temperature is at highest ratio at CPT and LS, with respectively 12.3±7.3% and 13.1±5.9%. The correlations between IOD and temperature anomalies at UT-LS are barely significant, which are found to be in close agreement with the results obtained by Rosenlof et al. (2008) over the western tropical Pacific Ocean. The temperature trend in the LS reveals a cooling of about −0.90±0.40 K per decade. The cooling trend at LS is found to be in close agreement with the others studies. Trend estimates in the LS suggest that IOD forcing contributes to increasing cooling by about 0.16±0.05 K per decade. Past works have shown that the additional carbon dioxide increase has a minor effect in the LS, and suggested that other effects than ozone and carbon dioxide changes have to be considered, in order to explain the observed temperature changes in the LS. From this study, we can suggest that the SST changes can be considered also, in addition to effects due to ozone and carbon dioxide changes, in order to explain the observed temperature changes in the LS. As a consequence, our results support the assumption that the Indian Ocean may have a slight impact on temperature variability and on temperature change in the LS over Reunion

    Signatures of stratosphere to troposphere transport near deep convective events in the southern subtropics

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    A climatology of tropospheric ozone profiles associated with tropical convection in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean and over South Africa is presented. Then case studies of stratospheric-tropospheric exchange are documented using radiosoundings, ozone lidar, satellite and ECMWF global model data. In three distinct cases of varying tropical convection intensity (depression and cyclone Guillaume near Reunion in February 2002 and convection near Irene in November 2000), strong interaction between convection-induced upper level circulation, jet front systems and Rossby Wave Breaking induces stratosphere to troposphere exchanges. Stratospheric filaments in the upper troposphere evident in the ECMWF analyses are in good agreement with ozone, humidity and temperature vertical profile observations. For the Guillaume case study near Reunion, filaments and subsidence occur in both cases (depression on 15 February and cyclone on 19 February 2002). On 15 February, a moderate enhancement of ozone in the free troposphere is observed and on 19 February, a 100 ppbv ozone peak is recorded. In the Irene case study, a large upper level depression coming from the stratosphere, fed by a filament wrapped around the convective area in the Mozambican channel, induces an ozone peak of larger magnitude (170 ppbv). Secondary ozone sources (jet front system in the Atlantic and biomass burning in South America) could further amplify this ozone enhancement. The radiosounding indicates a strong ozone enhancement in the upper troposphere, without a signature of pumping from the lower layers, in contrast to the Guillaume case

    Simulations of stratospheric to tropospheric transport during the tropical cyclone Marlene event

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    Enhanced ozone values observed in the upper troposphere near intense tropical cyclones have raised the question of the role of stratospheric–tropospheric exchange. The dynamical mechanisms involved in the enhanced ozone values of 6 April 1995 observed at Reunion and associated with the tropical cyclone Marlene could not be explained by ECMWF meteorological analysis with 1.125° horizontal resolution. A previous study based on the ECHAM model has demonstrated the impact of biomass burning, but of limited amplitude (<60–80 ppbv max). In this paper, the upper tropospheric ozone enhancement on the periphery of Marlene has been studied with a mesoscale model (MESO-NH). This model is able to reproduce a stratospheric PV filament into the troposphere, crossing the isentropes to the 350 K level. The ageostrophic circulation associated with divergence zones that have induced vertical movements has been shown. Further, the influence of vertical wind shear, evident in both the mesoscale analysis and in the idealized HURRICANE tropical cyclone model, also contributes to our understanding of this downward transport process

    Ozone climatology in the southern subtropics

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    International audienceCommunication about Ozone climatology in the southern subtropic

    Tropospheric ozone trends in the southern subtropics (Reunion Island and South Africa) based on radiosondes linear regression analysis

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    International audienceCommunication about Tropospheric ozone trends in the southern subtropics (Reunion Island and South Africa) based on radiosondes linear regression analysi

    Tropospheric ozone climatology at two southern subtropical sites, (Reunion Island and Irene, South Africa) from ozone sondes, LIDAR, aircraft and in situ measurements

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    International audienceThis paper presents a climatology and trends of tropospheric ozone in the southwestern part of Indian Ocean (Reunion Island) and South Africa (Irene and Johannesburg). This study is based on a multi-instrumental dataset: PTU-O3 radiosoundings, DIAL LIDAR, MOZAIC airborne instrumentation and Dasibi UV ground based measurements. The seasonal profiles of tropospheric ozone at Reunion Island have been calculated from two different data sets: radiosondes and LIDAR. The two climatological profiles are similar, except in austral summer when smaller values for the LIDAR profiles in the free troposphere, and in the upper troposphere for all seasons occur. These results show that the LIDAR profiles are at times not representative of the true ozone climatological value as measurements can be taken only under clear sky conditions, and the upper limit reached depends on the signal. In the lower troposphere, climatological ozone values from radiosondes have been compared to a one year campaign of ground based measurements from a Dasibi instrument located at high altitude site (2150 m) at Reunion Island. The seasonal cycle is comparable for the two datasets, with Dasibi UV values displaying slightly higher values. This suggests that if local dynamical and possibly physico-chemical effects may influence the ozone level, the seasonal cycle can be followed with ground level measurements. Average ground level concentrations measured on the summits of the island seem to be representative of the lower free troposphere ozone concentration at the same altitude (~2000 m) whereas night time data would be representative of tropospheric concentration at a higher altitude (~3000 m) due to the subsidence effect. Finally, linear trends have been calculated from radiosondes data at Reunion and Irene. Considering the whole tropospheric column, the trend is slightly positive for Reunion, and more clearly positive for Irene. Trend calculations have also been made separating the troposphere into three layers, and separating the dataset into seasons. Results shows that the positive trend for Irene is governed by the lower layer most probably by industrial pollution and biomass burning. On the contrary, for Reunion Island, the strongest trends are observed in the upper troposphere, and in winter when stratospheric-tropospheric exchange is more frequently expected