410 research outputs found

    Modelling sustainable lighting with eyetracker and spatial syntax techniques

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    This research provides an integrated methodological approach based on the combined use of spatial syntax modelling and eyetracker analysis techniques for lighting sustainability aimed to adaptive reuse of all the spaces with high historical, architectural, philological value of Cultural Heritage (CH). MosLESS (Modelling Sustainable Lighting with Eyetracker and Spatial Syntax techniques) is the proposed method, that can suggest fundamental guidelines for dynamic and static lighting in the museographic and museological areas, but also for reuse, conservation and enhancement of historical and CH buildings integrated with efficient energy management and conservation and protection needs. The National Museum of San Matteo in Pisa (Italy) was the pilot project. Particular environments were chosen for the experimental measurement campaigns carried out to assess dynamic and static visual fields, vision and perception. Methodological approach and results can be useful tools for exhibition planning with important energy, social and cultural effects. A further objective of the research will be to facilitate cultural exchanges, communication and new procedures for the digital management of the transmission or modification of museographic and exhibition projects, up to relations with public clients, as well as integrated management of information and decision-making processes

    Exploring the impact of external shading system on cognitive task performance, alertness and visual comfort in a daylit workplace environment

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    The authors examined the effect of external shading system on cognitive performance, alertness and visual comfort of visual display terminal (VDT) users under two realistic office lighting settings in this study. Daylight was the source of illumination being considered as the most significant and preferred one. A total of 26 participants performed visual and cognitive demanding tasks as well as providing subjective alertness, performance and visual evaluations in a full-scale mock-up VDT workstation. Two trials (with and without shading system) were executed during one experimental session. Results revealed that the use of a shading system improves the performance of a user on colour-naming task requiring sustained attention, while no differential effects were observed on tasks involving other cognitive skills such as search velocity and vigilance. Within-subject performance differences were more pronounced during morning hours. Higher performance was reported in some cognitive tests when the subjective sensation of visual discomfort was lower

    Il piedibus: un esempio concreto di mobilità ecosostenibile in città

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    La nostra è una società che si ritrova a sognare il verde e l’aria pura, ma è malata di inquinamento. Un inquinamento che non tocca solo le aree industriali, i luoghi di lavoro non protetti, ma arriva a toccare le nostre città a causa delle polveri sottili, del particolato atmosferico e di altri veleni, divenendo un'arma di distruzione di massa. Tra le molteplici forme d'inquinamento vi è quello da traffico cittadino, dovuto all’uso diffuso degli automezzi per il trasporto urbano, soprattutto quello privato, che è causa di notevoli problemi per chi vive in città: inquinamento dell’aria con emissioni gassose e rumori nocivi per la salute dell’uomo e dell’ambiente, stress per i conducenti, che dimostra la necessità di una corretta educazione ambientale. Il miglioramento della qualità della vita nelle città è quindi strettamente conseguente al miglioramento dei trasporti che passa innanzi tutto attraverso un modo nuovo di pensare alla mobilità, unito all’utilizzo di tecnologie meno inquinanti. Il progetto proposto insieme al presente lavoro, riguarda una pratica già diffusa nelle grandi città italiane, si chiama “Piedibus”, un approccio pratico al problema che riguarda e coinvolge i più piccoli e la loro vita reale, e che, rendendoli consapevoli del valore di questa pratica certamente rafforza le abitudini salutari . Il Piedibus consiste in un bus speciale, che ricava la sua energia e si muove grazie ai piedi dei suoi passeggeri: gli alunni, che vanno a scuola a piedi muovendosi autonomamente, senza però essere abbandonati a loro stessi, e senza che venga meno un positivo controllo di sicurezza, grazie alla presenza di “conducenti” e di “controllori” adulti. Si tratta di un’attività che responsabilizza i bambini nei confronti di se stessi, del gruppo e della città nella quale si vive

    Study on the suitable lighting design of Beato Angelico’s artworks displayed at the National Museum of San Matteo in Pisa (Italy)

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    The lighting design of exhibition space has a great impact on visual and colour perception and different lighting arrangements can create very different visual impression of artworks and, if not carefully designed, compromise the enjoyment of the viewers. This study involved the design of a new lighting solution for two of Beato Angelico’s artworks displayed at the National Museum of San Matteo (Pisa, Italy). Multiple test lighting configurations were designed using different LED luminaires and different settings of the luminaires. The test lighting configurations were evaluated by a restricted group of observers through a survey in order to individuate the most suitable solution, able to enhance the two artworks simultaneously and to provide a good visual experience for museum visitors

    Perception of Light in Museum Environments: Comparison between Real-Life and Virtual Visual Experiences

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    Alternative environments to real-life have been in recent demand in regard to lighting design and in museums. In this study, the effectiveness of the perception of the museum space in simulations or virtual-based environments is studied. Answers to a questionnaire regarding lighting in four different visual experiences are compared: Real-life, virtual-video-based, virtual-photo-based and virtual-render-based. A total of 117 participants were divided into four visual experience groups. Each group answered the same lighting related questions for four exhibition halls in the Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa (Italy), which is housed in the Monumental Charterhouse of Calci. The answers were analyzed using ANOVA and a T-test. The results show that virtual experiences can be acceptable alternatives to real-life experience as the answers were indifferent in more than half of the criteria, and no criterion was affected significantly by experience, regardless of the hall’s characteristics. However, it was found that the hall’s characteristics also had an impact on the perception of the criteria in different experiences. Controlled artificial lighting or uniformly distributed lighting (full day or artificial light) were found to be more indifferent to the experience

    Probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium Strains Counteract Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) Virulence and Hamper IL-23/Th17 Axis in Ulcerative Colitis, but Not in Crohn's Disease

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    Hypersecretion of proinflammatory cytokines and dysregulated activation of the IL-23/Th17 axis in response to intestinal microbiota dysbiosis are key factors in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). In this work, we studied how Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains affect AIEC-LF82 virulence mechanisms and the consequent inflammatory response linked to the CCR6-CCL20 and IL-23/Th17 axes in Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) patients. All Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains significantly reduced the LF82 adhesion and persistence within HT29 intestinal epithelial cells, inhibiting IL-8 secretion while not affecting the CCR6-CCL20 axis. Moreover, they significantly reduced LF82 survival within macrophages and dendritic cells, reducing the secretion of polarizing cytokines related to the IL-23/Th17 axis, both in healthy donors (HD) and UC patients. In CD patients, however, only B. breve Bbr8 strain was able to slightly reduce the LF82 persistence within dendritic cells, thus hampering the IL-23/Th17 axis. In addition, probiotic strains were able to modulate the AIEC-induced inflammation in HD, reducing TNF-\u3b1 and increasing IL-10 secretion by macrophages, but failed to do so in IBD patients. Interestingly, the probiotic strains studied in this work were all able to interfere with the IL-23/Th17 axis in UC patients, but not in CD patients. The different interaction mechanisms of probiotic strains with innate immune cells from UC and CD patients compared to HD suggest that testing on CD-derived immune cells may be pivotal for the identification of novel probiotic strains that could be effective also for CD patients

    Balancing Thermal Comfort and Energy Consumption in Residential Buildings of Desert Areas: Impact of Passive Strategies

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    Modern building materials using reinforced concrete are considered the most popular in the production of housing in Algeria, specifically in desert areas such as the city of Ouargla, which is characterized by its hot and arid climate. These dwellings must be more adaptable to this difficult climate. An example is the Ouargla Ksar, which contains traditional dwellings that have proven their effectiveness in terms of the heat problem, as has been revealed in several previously conducted studies, but these dwellings have decreased in demand as they are not suitable for contemporary urban life. Therefore, the aim of this study is to improve the performance of the most recognized house typologies in the city of Ouargla in terms of thermal comfort and energy consumption by using passive strategies. In this regard, we used a research methodology based on field measurements and model simulations wherein we adopted TRNSYS 17 to determine the most often encountered problems. The simulated model was validated by statistical correlation; afterward, a simulation of a full year was run, during which many aspects of construction were studied and compared, such as insulation, the mass of the roof and walls, dimensions and types of windows, orientation, and solar shading. The results show that the studied modern house can be considered inappropriate for a desert climate, and the use of solar shading combined with insulated walls and roof allows for an increase of 35% in annual thermal comfort hours (−0.5 ≤ PMV ≤0.5) and for a 22.73% reduction in the energy consumption. We then compared the simulated scenarios with a traditional house characterized by a bioclimatic architectural design that we used as a reference building. The obtained results may be useful in guiding both refurbishment interventions on existing buildings and the design of new ones. Although the simulated interventions have been widely studied in the literature, it is very important to determine their impact on the perception of the indoor environment and on the energy consumption in this specific geographic area

    Effects of Lippia citriodora leaf extract on lipid and oxidative blood profile of volunteers with hypercholesterolemia: A preliminary study

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    Lippia citriodora is a plant traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antispasmodic effects, as well as for additional biological activities proven in cell culture, animal studies and a small number of human clinical trials. The plant has also shown a marked improvement in blood lipid profile in some animal species. In the present preliminary study, we investigated the effect of a leaf extract on lipid and oxidative blood profile of hypercholesterolemic volunteers. Twelve adults received Lippia citriodora extract caps, containing 23% phenylpropanoids, (100 mg, once a day) for 16 weeks. Selected blood lipids and plasma oxidative markers were measured at baseline and after 4, 8 and 16 weeks of treatment. Compared with baseline, total cholesterol levels significantly decreased and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol increased, while low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides showed only a downward trend. Oxidative status was improved due to a decrease in the concentration of total oxidant status, reactive oxygen metabolites and malondialdehyde, and a significant increase in ferric reducing ability of plasma, vitamin A and vitamin E. These preliminary results suggest that dietary supplementation with Lippia citriodora extract can improve the lipid profile, enhance blood antioxidant power, and could be a valuable natural compound for the management of human hypercholesterolemia

    Investigations on male traits, female mate choice, and the role of parasites in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)

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    Ich habe den Einfluss von Parasitierung und Resistenzgenen (MHC, Haupt Gewebekompatibilitäts Komplex), auf von Weibchen gewählte Männchenmerkmale am Dreistachligen Stichling (Gasterosteus aculeatus) untersucht. Ein Infektionsexperiment zeigte, dass zwei parasitische Nematoden, C. lacustris und A. crassus, sich in ihrer Prävalenz und der ausgelösten Immunantwort im Stichlingswirt unterschieden. Eine korrelative Analyse zeigte, dass sowohl die rote Balzfärbung der Männchen als auch bestimmte Qualitätsmerkmale ihrer Nester im Zusammenhang mit der Anzahl von MHC der Klasse I und II stehen. Wahlexperimente an weiblichen Stichlingen zeigten, dass visuelle und olfaktorische Männchenmerkmale für ihre Wahl kombiniert werden. Um zu überprüfen, ob sich die im Labor gewonnenen Ergebnisse auf die natürliche Lebenssituation der Fische im See übertragen lassen, wurde ein Enclosure Experiment im Freiland durchgeführt. Analysen von Elternschaften, Männchenmerkmalen und Parasitenbelastung sollten Aufschluss über den Fortpflanzungserfolg der Männchen geben