4,523 research outputs found

    Dynamical Mass Generation for Non-Abelian Gauge Fields without the Higgs

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    We present an alternative to the Higgs mechanism to generate masses for non-abelian gauge fields in (3+1)-dimensions. The initial Lagrangian is composed of a fermion with current-current and dipole-dipole type self-interactions minimally coupled to non-abelian gauge fields. The mass generation occurs upon the fermionic functional integration. We show that by fine-tuning the coupling constants the effective theory contains massive non-abelian gauge fields without any residual scalars or other degrees of freedom.Comment: 14 pages, UdeM-LPN-TH-94-194, CRM-216

    Reebok et la commandite d’enfants: Analyse normative

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    "Mais qui es-tu, au juste?" : exploration de l'album Fourchon : entre sentiment d'appartenance et quĂȘte d'identitĂ©

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    La sĂ©quence didactique proposĂ©e en ces pages est Ă  rĂ©aliser Ă  partir d’une lecture Ă  voix haute de l’album jeunesse Fourchon de Kyo Maclear, traduit en français par Fanny Britt et illustrĂ© par Isabelle Arsenault. Cet album qui aborde de façon originale les diffĂ©rences physiques, psychologiques et culturelles a remportĂ©, en 2012, le Prix jeunesse des libraires du QuĂ©bec. La sĂ©quence qui suit s’adresse particuliĂšrement aux Ă©lĂšves des 2e et 3e cycles du primaire, mais pourrait aussi ĂȘtre exploitĂ©e avec des Ă©coliers du 1er cycle, voire avec des Ă©lĂšves du dĂ©but du secondaire, en adaptant quelque peu certaines activitĂ©s

    La commandite d’enfants et « l’avenir du basketball »

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    The ISCIP Analyst, Volume XII, Issue 1

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    This repository item contains a single issue of The ISCIP Analyst, an analytical review journal published from 1996 to 2010 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy

    The ISCIP Analyst, Volume XII, Issue 1

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    This repository item contains a single issue of The ISCIP Analyst, an analytical review journal published from 1996 to 2010 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy

    The ISCIP Analyst, Volume XII, Issue 3

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    This repository item contains a single issue of The ISCIP Analyst, an analytical review journal published from 1996 to 2010 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy
