188 research outputs found

    Le statut syntaxique des adverbes de temps en créole haïtien

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    Dans cet article, nous présentons une analyse des propriétés syntaxiques des adverbes de temps en créole haïtien. En premier lieu, nous voulons démontrer que les verbes modaux et les adverbes de temps ont un comportement syntaxique parallèle. Par la suite, nous allons proposer une analyse qui considère ces éléments comme des verbes à montée.In this paper, we present an analysis of the syntactic properties of time adverbs in haitian Creole. First, our paper demonstrates that modal verbs and time adverbs have identical syntactic properties. In a second time, it provides an analysis where we consider that modal verbs and time adverbs are raising verbs in Haitian Creole

    An alternative method to access diverse N,N′-diquaternised-3,3′-biquinoxalinium “biquinoxen” dications

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    An alternative synthetic route for the design of N,N′-diquaternised-3,3′-biquinoxalinium “biquinoxen” dications is reported, involving oxidative radical coupling of dithionite reduced quinoxaline quaternary salts. Although the reaction is not regioselective, leading to relatively modest yields (up to 32%), the advantages of this new synthetic protocol lie in a simple potentially gram scale synthesis using inexpensive easily accessible reagents with no metal catalysts and no purification steps. Thus whereas the method reported previously to access the N,N′-dimethyl-3,3′-biquinoxalinium, “methylbiquinoxen” precursor gave higher yield than the new method reported here, this new method avoids the limitation of using scarce oxonium reagents. Overall, the new protocol is a robust synthetic strategy which offers new design possibilities

    Aspects méthodologiques de l'étude de la prise de décision partagée et de son implantation dans les soins primaires

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    La prise de décision partagée lors d'une rencontre clinique est le résultat d'interactions, d'échanges et d'influences entre le médecin et son patient. Les mesures et analyses effectuées dans un tel contexte devraient refléter la contribution spécifique de chacun des individus au sein de la dyade qu'ils représentent. Cependant, l'évaluation de ces aspects s'est limitée principalement à l'étude des perspectives individuelles des médecins et de leurs patients. En effet, ces aspects sont peu ou pas abordés dans les études portant sur la prise de décision partagée lors de rencontres cliniques. Par conséquent, l'objectif général de cette thèse était de consolider certains aspects méthodologiques reliés à l'étude de la prise de décision partagée entre les médecins et leurs patients et de son implantation dans les soins primaires. Tout d'abord, à l'aide d'une banque de données existante, nous avons démontré l'invariance de la structure factorielle de l'Échelle de conflit décisionnel entre la version destinée aux médecins et celle destinée aux patients. Cela implique qu'elle peut être complétée simultanément par les médecins et leurs patients afin de mesurer et comparer la contribution respective de chacun des membres de cette dyade. Par la suite, nous avons démontré que le recours à une stratégie d'analyse dyadique appliquée à la mesure du conflit décisionnel chez cette dyade permet d'identifier et de quantifier les influences qu'ils ont l'un sur l'autre en regard des facteurs contribuant à l'incertitude personnelle associée à ce conflit décisionnel. Cette étude a rapporté la présence d'influences négatives provenant de la perception des connaissances des bénéfices et risques associés aux options envisagées par l'un des membres de la dyade sur le niveau d'incertitude de l'autre membre de la dyade. Enfin, nous avons démontré dans le cadre d'un essai clinique pilote randomisé par grappes qu'il est possible de recruter des dyades de médecins et patients, de colliger des données simultanément chez les deux membres de ces dyades suite à une rencontre clinique et de former les médecins à la prise de décision partagée en soins primaires. En conclusion, cette thèse démontre la présence d'interactions et d'influences entre les médecins et leurs patients lors de rencontres cliniques dans lesquelles une décision est prise. Elle contribue au développement et à la consolidation d'aspects méthodologiques novateurs essentiels à l'étude rigoureuse de ces interactions et influences. Enfin, elle suggère que l'identification de ces manifestations entraîne la nécessité d'élaborer des interventions novatrices afin de permettre une application optimale des connaissances au sein des rencontres cliniques

    Approaching the limit of CuII/CuImixed valency in a CuIBr2–N-methylquinoxalinium hybrid compound

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    A novel 1D hybrid salt (MQ)[CuBr2]∞ (MQ = N-methylquinoxalinium) is reported. Structural, spectroscopic and magnetic investigations reveal a minimal CuII doping of less than 0.1%. However it is not possible to distinguish CuI and CuII. The unusually close packing of the organic moieties and the dark brown colour of the crystals suggest a defect electronic structure

    Maternal psychosocial maladjustment and child internalizing symptoms: Investigating the modulating role of maternal sensitivity

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    In light of evidence suggesting that maternal adaptation may impact early child emotional development, this study investigated the interactive effects of maternal psychosocial maladjustment and maternal sensitivity on child internalizing symptoms, with the aim of investigating the potentially protective function of maternal sensitivity. Families (N = 71 to 106 across measures, with gender spread almost evenly: number of boys = 31 to 51 across measures) took part in four assessments between child ages 1 and 3 years. Mothers completed measures of parental stress, psychological distress, and marital satisfaction when their children were between 12 and 15 months. A composite score of maternal psychosocial maladjustment was derived from these measures. Maternal sensitivity was rated by trained observers at 12 months following a home visit. Child internalizing symptoms were assessed by both parents when the child was 2 and 3 years old. Hierarchical regressions revealed that increased maternal psychosocial maladjustment was related to more internalizing symptoms in children, however only among children of less sensitive mothers. In contrast, children of more sensitive mothers appeared to be protected. This was observed with maternal reports at 2 years, and both maternal and paternal reports at 3 years. These results suggest that young children may be differentially affected by their parents' emotional adjustment, while highlighting the pivotal protective role of maternal sensitivity in this process

    A fascinating multifaceted redox-active chelating ligand: introducing the N,N′-dimethyl-3,3′-biquinoxalinium “methylbiquinoxen” platform

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    To intimately combine a chelating ligand function with the numerous properties of a viologen-like redox-active centre would offer a rare possibility to design controllable multi-redox states, whose properties arise from strongly correlated phenomena between the organic ligand as well as with any metalloid coordinated centres. Such a concept previously proved to be feasible, however is not widely applicable owing to challenges in terms of synthesis, isolation, and aerial sensitivity of both the ligand and its metal complexes. Here we report the first stable example of such a redox-active molecule, N,N′-dimethyl-3,3′-biquinoxalinium2+/˙+/0 “methylbiquinoxen, MBqn2+/˙+/0”, which shows a rich redox chemistry and chelates a metal ion in the case of the metal complex [CdCl2(MBqn0)]. This goes beyond what is possible to achieve using viologens, which are limited by not providing chelation as well as having no accessible biradicaloid state, corresponding to the neutral direduced MBqn0 open-shell behaviour we observe here

    Insomnia in shift work

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    Background: Shift work disorder involves insomnia and/or excessive sleepiness associated with the work schedule. The present study examined the impact of insomnia on the perceived physical and psychological health of adults working on night and rotating shift schedules compared to day workers. Methods: A total of 418 adults (51% women, mean age 41.4 years), including 51 night workers, 158 rotating shift workers, and 209 day workers were selected from an epidemiological study. An algorithm was used to classify each participant of the two groups (working night or rotating shifts) according to the presence or absence of insomnia symptoms. Each of these individuals was paired with a day worker according to gender, age, and income. Participants completed several questionnaires measuring sleep, health, and psychological variables. Results: Night and rotating shift workers with insomnia presented a sleep profile similar to that of day workers with insomnia. Sleep time was more strongly related to insomnia than to shift work per se. Participants with insomnia in the three groups complained of anxiety, depression, and fatigue, and reported consuming equal amounts of sleep-aid medication. Insomnia also contributed to chronic pain and otorhinolaryngology problems, especially among rotating shift workers.Work productivity and absenteeism were more strongly related to insomnia. Conclusion: The present study highlights insomnia as an important component of the sleep difficulties experienced by shift workers. Insomnia may exacerbate certain physical and mental health problems of shift workers, and impair their quality of life

    Mother–infant interaction and child brain morphology : a multidimensional approach to maternal sensitivity

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    Emerging research suggests that normative variation in parenting quality relates to children's brain development. However, although the young brain is presumed to be especially sensitive to environmental influence, to our knowledge only two studies have examined parenting quality with infants as it relates to indicators of brain development, and both were cross‐sectional. This longitudinal study investigated whether different components of maternal sensitivity in infancy predicted the volume of two brain structures presumed to be particularly sensitive to early experience, namely the amygdala and the hippocampus. Three dimensions of sensitivity (Cooperation/Attunement, Positivity, Accessibility/Availability) were observed in 33 mother–infant dyads at 1 year of age and children underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging at age 10. Higher maternal Accessibility/Availability during mother–infant interactions was found to be predictive of smaller right amygdala volume, while greater maternal positivity was predictive of smaller bilateral hippocampal volumes. These longitudinal findings extend those of previous cross‐sectional studies and suggest that a multidimensional approach to maternal behavior could be a fruitful way to further advance research in this area, given that different facets of parenting might be differentially predictive of distinct aspects of neurodevelopment

    Assessments of the Extent to which Health‐Care Providers Involve Patients in Decision Making: A Systematic Review of Studies Using the OPTION Instrument

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    Background: We have no clear overview of the extent to which health-care providers involve patients in the decision-making process during consultations. The Observing Patient Involvement in Decision Making instrument (OPTION) was designed to assess this. Objective: To systematically review studies that used the OPTION instrument to observe the extent to which health-care providers involve patients in decision making across a range of clinical contexts, including different health professions and lengths of consultation. We conducted online literature searches in multiple databases (2001-12) and gathered further data through networking