1,428 research outputs found

    Modern shaping suit in the learning process of designers on the basis of the traditional costume of Belgorod region

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    The article presents the connection of fine, decorative and folk art in order for art education and aesthetic education of students on folk traditionsВ статье представлена связь изобразительного, декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства в целях художественного образования и эстетического воспитания студентов на народных традиция

    The non-financial factors impact on the enterprises activity efficiency

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    Orbital magneto-optical response of periodic insulators from first principles

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    Magneto-optical response, i.e. optical response in the presence of a magnetic field, is commonly used for characterization of materials and in optical communications. However, quantum mechanical description of electric and magnetic fields in crystals is not straightforward as the position operator is ill defined. We present a reformulation of the density matrix perturbation theory for time-dependent electromagnetic fields under periodic boundary conditions, which allows us to treat the orbital magneto-optical response of solids at the ab initio level. The efficiency of the computational scheme proposed is comparable to standard linear-response calculations of absorption spectra and the results of tests for molecules and solids agree with the available experimental data. A clear signature of the valley Zeeman effect is revealed in the continuum magneto-optical spectrum of a single layer of hexagonal boron nitride. The present formalism opens the path towards the study of magneto-optical effects in strongly driven low-dimensional systems

    TDDFT of magneto-optical response of solids

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    Trabajo presentado al: "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Spring Meeting" celebrado en Dresden (Alemania) del 30 de marzo al 4 de Abril de 2014.Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (Grant Agreement PIIF-GA-2012-326435 RespSpatDisp); European Research Council Advanced Grant DYNamo (ERC-2010-AdG-267374); Spanish Grants (FIS2010-21282-C02-01 and PIB2010US-00652); Grupos Consolidados UPV/EHU del Gobierno Vasco (IT-578-13) and Ikerbasque and European Commission projects CRONOS (Grant number 280879-2 CRONOS CP-FP7).Peer reviewe