749 research outputs found

    Analysis of migration processes based on census data

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    The subject matter of research is the internal migration processes of the Russian population in the period from the 1960s to 2010. The research is based on the data about the territorial population flows published in the all-Union census materials of 1970, 1979, and 1989, and in the all-Russia census materials of 2002 and 2010. The basic migration flows and directions are considered. Methodologically, the analysis of migration is based on the use of end-to-end indicators enabling to assess the dynamics of migration processes over a long period. Special attention is paid to rural-urban internal migrations, the volumes, patterns and consequences of which have not been so far properly investigated or assessed. The authors offer and calculate relative indicators that have never been used to assess the processes in question. To make the census materials of the soviet and post-soviet periods comparable, the economic zoning adopted before 2000 is used, and the administrative-territorial network is unified. The authors confirm the hypothesis that from decade to decade the intensity of territorial mobility of both urban and rural population was reduced. Interregional migration flows are considered, and various tendencies and migration intensity for over four decades are de ned. The authors analyze the dynamics in the structure of migrants by the time they lived in the place of their permanent residence in various regions. The research shows that the tendencies developed at that time and persisting continue to adversely affect the territorial re-distribution of population and the regional social and economic development of the country. The research results can be used in adjusting the regional socio-economic and migration policy.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation Project № 14–02–00525

    Structure and operational properties of porous cermets on the basis of alloyed steel scale

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    Compositions of batches for obtaining porous cermets on the basis of alloyed steel scale with addition of ferrosilicon have been developed. Roentgenograms of the obtained alloys were shown, mechanical durability and porosity of the obtained materials were investigated. The model of formation of porous cermets was offere

    Reproductive potential of yellow water-lily (Nuphar lutea) in the conditions of lake ecosystems

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    Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. (Nymphaeaceae Salisb.) belongs to the category of highly active cenose-forming plants in water bodies and water flows. The material for study of morphological peculiarities and seed productivity of the fruits of this species was collected mainly in the lake ecosystems of the Central Part of European Russia and Republic of Belarus. In the study we used biomorphological and ontogenetic approaches. Seed productivity was surveyed by direct count of number of seeds in the fruit. By abundance (in descending order), the significant reliable inter-lake differences in a number of morphological parameters of the fruit fall into the following sequence: number of rays of stigma of fruit (in six pairs of lakes) > length of fruit (in four pairs of lakes) > diameter of the stigma of fruit (in three pairs of lakes) > diameter of fruit (in two pairs of lakes) > length of the neck of the fruit (in one pair of lakes). Intra-regional differences in certain morphological parameters of fruits (by number of rays of stigmas) were most notably manifested only in the Belarus lakes which are similar by trophic status. All the differences in the fruits’ morphology could be due to differences in the habitat by the amount of nutrients in water and soil. The amount of seed productivity of the fruits from N. lutea varies broadly. Analysis of this parameter depending on the character of soils in which the plants grew indicated reliable results only in the case of muddy (296 ± 81) and sandy soils (179 ± 13). We determined that distribution of generative diasporas of N. lutea across large distances is related not only to presence of floating ability in the seeds, but also the “multi-step” process of their release: first – mericarps from fruits, and then seeds from mericarps. In the experimental conditions, most seeds directly sunk to the bed (70%) and the rest continued to float on the surface of the water during a month. Low germination of the seeds of the water-lily in the laboratory conditions (4–6%) with use of different means and terms of dry stratification was due to the fact that they have an organic morphophysiological intermediate type of rest. Having such a mechanism causes portioned and prolonged germination, allowing the species to survive in non-favourable conditions and accumulate generative diaspores in the soil. Despite the fact that the initial stages of ontogenesis in the laboratory and natural conditions have no significant differences, we found polyvariance in their tempo of development. First of all, this is related to different dates of transition of the plant from one age state to another. In the case of N. lutea, one should also note the morphological polyvariance of ontogenesis related to change in morphologic characteristics of plants depending on the water level. The obtained results give a more complete picture of the peculiarities of generative reproduction of N. lutea, necessary for understanding the ecosystem role of this plant and its impact on biological processes in water bodies

    La-Ag-Co perovskites for the catalytic flameless combustion of methane

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    Ag represents an interesting dopant for the highly active LaCoO3 perovskites used for the catalytic flameless combustion (CFC) of methane, due to its ability to adsorb and activate oxygen and to the possibility of incorporation into the framework as Ag+ or Ag2+, with formation of oxygen vacancies. In the present work we compared the catalytic activity and resistance to sulphur poisoning of a series of LaCoO3, x%Ag/LaCoO3, La1-xAgxCoO3 samples (nominal composition), the latter two notations indicating post-synthesis Ag loading or direct incorporation during the synthesis, respectively. The samples were prepared by flame pyrolysis (FP) and by the sot-gel (SG) method, leading to different particle size and possibly to different incorporation degree of the dopant, quantified by Rietveld refinement of XRD patterns. Higher activity was observed, in general, with fresh catalysts synthesised by FP. The SG samples demonstrated a slightly better resistance to sulphur poisoning when considering the conversion decrease between the fresh and the poisoned samples, due to lower surface exposure. However, interesting data have been obtained with some of the Ag-doped poisoned FP samples, performing even better than the fresh SG-prepared ones. Ag addition led to a complex change of activity and resistance to poisoning. The activity of FP-prepared samples doped with a small amount of Ag (e.g. 5 mol%) was indeed lower than that of the undoped LaCoO3. By contrast, a further increase of Ag concentration led to increasing catalytic activity, mainly when big extra framework Ag particles were present. By contrast, for SG samples a low Ag amount was beneficial for activity, due to an increased reducibility of Co3+

    Theoretical foundations and innovative model of occupational health

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    Gozhenko A. I., Badyuk N. S., Lebedeva T. L., Goncharenko O. O., Zukow W. Theoretical foundations and innovative model of occupational health. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(11):383-389. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.168237http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4011   The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 01.11.2016. Revised 12.11.2016. Accepted: 23.11.2016.   Theoretical foundations and innovative model of occupational health Gozhenko A. I.1, Badyuk N. S.1, Lebedeva T. L.1, Goncharenko O. O.1, Zukow W.2 1Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine, Odessa, Ukraine2Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland     AbstractHealth is a basic human value. One of the main criteria for health is still a rate of a, which in civilization’s countries is constantly decreasing, which causes the lengthening of life.However, along with this significantly changes the structure of morbidity: reduction of infectious diseases accompanied by increased infectious. All of these diseases can be divided into professional and vocational-conditioned.   Key words: health, disease, occupational diseases, professional diseases due to

    Time management and professional identity of students of pedagogical universities

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    Topicality of the problem under research is stipulated by the necessity of personal characteristics consideration in the process of organization of educational and vocational activities of the future teachers in the conditions of educational medium, which sets high requirements to the students' time competence. The aim of the article is to study the influence of time management peculiarities on the components of students' professional identity. The primary research method applied was psychodiagnostic testing with further statistical data processing, enabling quantitative assessment of formedness of time competence and professional identity in students of a pedagogical university, as well as establishing the interaction character of the phenomena of interest. Research results: in the article peculiarities of students time management within different stages of professional identity are presented, and the interconnection between time competence and professional identity components is considered. Based on empirical data, there can be drawn a conclusion that time competence development will facilitate formation of professional identity for the future professionals. Received results can find practical implementation in development of programs for psychological follow-up of professional formation of student's identity in the system of university education. © 2016 Lebedeva et al

    Effect of metal cations on the microstructure of sol-gel-synthesized silica

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    The effect of small doping additions (ten metal cations) on the structural characteristics of the solgel- synthesized silicas was evaluated by the SAXS method. Doping with cobalt, cerium, and silver cations led to separation of metal compounds as single phases. All the tested cations affected the radius of gyration and the fractal dimension of the resultant silica

    Magnetically operated nanorelay based on two single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with endofullerenes Fe@C20

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    Structural and energy characteristics of the smallest magnetic endofullerene Fe@C20 have been calculated using the density functional theory approach. The ground state of Fe@C20 is found to be a septet state, and the magnetic moment of Fe@C20 is estimated to be 8 Bohr magnetons. Characteristics of an (8,8) carbon nanotube with a single Fe@C20 inside are studied in the framework of the semiempirical approach. The scheme of a magnetic nanorelay based on cantilevered nanotubes filled with magnetic endofullerenes is elaborated. The proposed nanorelay is turned on as a result of bending of nanotubes by a magnetic force. Operational characteristics of such a nanorelay based on (8,8) and (21,21) nanotubes fully filled with Fe@C20 are estimated and compared to the ones of a nanorelay made of a (21,21) nanotube fully filled with experimentally observed (Ho3N)@C80 with the magnetic moment of 21 Bohr magnetons. Room temperature operation of (21,21) nanotube based nanorelays is shown.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Evaluative Potential of Lexemes — Representatives of Concept TRUE in Russian

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    The study of the evaluative potential of the concept TRUTH in the Russian language picture of the world has been carried out. The results of the analysis of the use of the word true in the role of a qualitative adjective with evaluative semantics and the word truly in the role of a qualitative adverb with the semantics of the degree of manifestation of a property, feature or action / state are presented based on the materials of the Russian National Corpus and the authors’ own Internet monitoring in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. It is shown that in the total semantic content of the concept TRUTH, two semantic layers of its conceptual content in the modern Russian are realized: correspondence to reality; compliance with the norm in the world of people, the highest ideal. The following varieties of uses of the qualitative adjective true and the qualitative adverb truly as a secondary assessment based on the general meaning of “corresponding to the ideal in the world of norms and values of the speaker” were found: the meaning is “ideal, exemplary, perfect”; the meaning is “full, reached / brought to the maximum degree of manifestation of the entity named by the defined word” and the meaning of a strong degree of manifestation of something. It is concluded that the words true and truly embody the subjective moral and value ideas of native speakers about how it should be in the world of human relations, and not about “how it really is”