42 research outputs found

    An evaluation methodology for crowdsourced design

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    In recent years, the “power of the crowd” has been repeatedly demonstrated and various Internet platforms have been used to support applications of collaborative intelligence to tasks ranging from open innovation to image analysis. However, crowdsourcing applications in the fields of design research and creative innovation have been much slower to emerge. So, although there have been reports of systems and researchers using Internet crowdsourcing to carry out generative design, there are still many gaps in knowledge about the capability and limitations of the technology. Indeed the process models developed to support traditional commercial design (e.g. Pugh’s Total Design, Agile, Double-Diamond etc.) have yet to be established for Crowdsourced Design. As a contribution to the development of such a general model this paper proposes the cDesign framework to support the creation of Crowdsourced Design activities. Within the cDesign framework the effective evaluation of design quality is identified as a key component that not only enables the leveraging of a large, virtual workforces’ creative activities but is also fundamental to most iterative and optimisation processes. This paper reports an experimental investigation (developed using the cDesign framework) into two different Crowdsourced design evaluation approaches; free evaluation and ‘crowdsourced Design Evaluation Criteria’ (cDEC). The results are benchmarked against an evaluation carried out by a panel of experienced designers. The results suggest that the cDEC approach produces design rankings that correlate strongly with the judgements of an “expert panel”. The paper concludes that cDEC assessment methodology demonstrates how Crowdsourcing can be effectively used to evaluate, as well as generate, new design solutions

    L'estadística i els nous mitjans de càlcul

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    Lliçó inaugural de la Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística. Curs 1999-2000Aquesta exposició vol presentar breument el ventall d'eines disponibles, la terminologia utilitzada i, en general, el marc metodològic de l'estadística exploratoria i de l'analisi de dades, el paradigma de la disciplina. En el decurs dels darrers anys, la disciplina no ha estat pas capgirada, però de tota manera sí que cal una actualització permanent. S'han forjat i provat algunes eines gairebé només esbossades, han aparegut nous dominis d'aplicació. Cal precisar la relació amb els competidors i dinamics veïns (intel·ligencia artificial, xarxes neurals, Data Mining). La perspectiva que presento dels mètodes d'anàlisi de dades emana evidentment d'un punt de vista particular; altres punts de vista poden ser igualment vàlidsPostprint (published version

    Les questions ouvertes : outils de contrôle, d'évaluation, de valorisation

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    THE OPEN-END QUESTIONS: TOOLS OF CONTROL, EVALUATION AND VALORISATION Outside voter poll context, the status of information elicited trough opinion surveys must be clarified. Sampling, questionnaires, interviews are subject to various types of errors. New techniques for processing responses to open-end questions (especially why, as a follow-up to closed questions and commentaries about the interview) can help in appreciating the validity of this data.LES QUESTIONS OUVERTES : OUTILS DE CONTROLE, D'EVALUATION, DE VALORISATION Les sondages d'opinion sont des prélèvements d'information dont le statut n'est pas clair hors du contexte électoral, qui suggère un modèle précis. Echantillonnage, questionnaire, interview sont sources d'incertitudes. Les questions ouvertes, en particulier la question subsidiaire pourquoi ? et les commentaires sur l'interview, peuvent maintenant être traitées, et apportent des éléments d'appréciation importants.LAS PREGUNTAS ABIERTAS : HERRAMIENTA DE CONTROL, DE EVALUACION Y DE VALORIZACION Fuera del contexto electoral, el estatuto de los sondeos no es évidente. Los muestreos, las preguntas y las entrevistas son fuentes de incertitumbre. En cambio las preguntas abiertas, y en particular la pregunta subsidiaria ¿Por que ? y los comentarios sobre el interviú pueden analizarse y aportar elementos de apreciación importantes.Lebart Ludovic. Les questions ouvertes : outils de contrôle, d'évaluation, de valorisation. In: Mots, n°23, juin 1990. Le discours des sondages d'opinion, sous la direction de Jeannine Richard- Zappella et Maurice Tournier. pp. 76-91

    Qualité de l'information dans les enquêtes

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    This paper aims at highlighting the contribution of both exploratory multivariate methods and textual analysis to the assessment of data quality in surveys. The basic idea is that each step in carrying out a survey, from the conception of the questionnaire to the very end of the interview, can provide us with a series of control variables. These variables could be numerical (e.g. circumstances, location of the interview) or textual (e.g. open ended questions about the content of the survey). The methods mentioned above allow for confrontations of initial data files and the control file, leading to an assessment of the obtained information

    Book review

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