146 research outputs found

    Efficient Diagonalization of Kicked Quantum Systems

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    We show that the time evolution operator of kicked quantum systems, although a full matrix of size NxN, can be diagonalized with the help of a new method based on a suitable combination of fast Fourier transform and Lanczos algorithm in just N^2 ln(N) operations. It allows the diagonalization of matrizes of sizes up to N\approx 10^6 going far beyond the possibilities of standard diagonalization techniques which need O(N^3) operations. We have applied this method to the kicked Harper model revealing its intricate spectral properties.Comment: Text reorganized; part on the kicked Harper model extended. 13 pages RevTex, 1 figur

    Un théorème no-go pour les théories supersymétriques pleinement unifiées brisées par un vide métastable

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    Le modèle standard, bien qu’étant la théorie la plus complète et précise jamais conçue, mène toutefois à plusieurs problèmes et questions non résolues, tels le problème de la hiérarchie ou de l’origine de la masse des neutrinos. Parmi les solutions avancées, les plus populaires sont sans doute les théories de grande unification et l’ajout de la supersymétrie. L’inclusion simultanée de ces deux extensions du modèle standard semble d’ailleurs encouragée par l’unification des constantes de couplage. Toutefois, briser la supersymétrie constitue un obstacle de taille à la réalisation de modèles réalistes et nécessite donc l’introduction d’un secteur caché, découplé du modèle standard. Le présent mémoire a pour objectif de tester une unification totale du secteur caché et du modèle standard supersymétrique minimal unifié sous la bannière des théories supersymétriques pleinement unifiées. Pour délimiter l’étude de tels modèles, deux hypothèses sont posées : le mécanisme de brisure de supersymétrie du secteur caché est le mécanisme Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih et les brisures de symétrie jaugée surviennent par un mécanisme de Higgs avec un potentiel quartique. Un théorème no-go est par la suite démontré, stipulant qu’il est impossible d’avoir une théorie supersymétrique pleinement unifiée soumise à ces deux conditions.The Standard Model, while being the most complete and precise theory ever built, possesses many flaws for which several solutions exist. Among the most popular are the Grand Unified Theories and supersymmetry. The introduction of both extensions simultaneously yields an even more elegant solution, since the coupling constants of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model seems to converge into one unique point. However, the challenge that supersymmetry breaking represents is an obstacle to realistic model building and forces the need to break supersymmetry in a new sector, decoupled from the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. This memoir aims to resolve this problem by suggesting the complete unification of the decoupled sector with the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model under the denomination Fully Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories. To begin the study of such models, two assumptions are made: the supersymmetry breaking mechanism is the Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih mechanism, and the symmetry breaking mechanism is the Higgs mechanism with a quartic potential. Then, a no-go theorem is proved, showing that it is impossible to have a Fully Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theory for which these two conditions are satisfied

    Tunneling and the Band Structure of Chaotic Systems

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    We compute the dispersion laws of chaotic periodic systems using the semiclassical periodic orbit theory to approximate the trace of the powers of the evolution operator. Aside from the usual real trajectories, we also include complex orbits. These turn out to be fundamental for a proper description of the band structure since they incorporate conduction processes through tunneling mechanisms. The results obtained, illustrated with the kicked-Harper model, are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations, even in the extreme quantum regime.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, figures on request to the author (to be sent by fax

    Semi-classical study of the Quantum Hall conductivity

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    The semi-classical study of the integer Quantum Hall conductivity is investigated for electrons in a bi-periodic potential V(x,y)V(x,y). The Hall conductivity is due to the tunnelling effect and we concentrate our study to potentials having three wells in a periodic cell. A non-zero topological conductivity requires special conditions for the positions, and shapes of the wells. The results are derived analytically and well confirmed by numerical calculations.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Universal spectral properties of spatially periodic quantum systems with chaotic classical dynamics

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    We consider a quasi one-dimensional chain of N chaotic scattering elements with periodic boundary conditions. The classical dynamics of this system is dominated by diffusion. The quantum theory, on the other hand, depends crucially on whether the chain is disordered or invariant under lattice translations. In the disordered case, the spectrum is dominated by Anderson localization whereas in the periodic case, the spectrum is arranged in bands. We investigate the special features in the spectral statistics for a periodic chain. For finite N, we define spectral form factors involving correlations both for identical and non-identical Bloch numbers. The short-time regime is treated within the semiclassical approximation, where the spectral form factor can be expressed in terms of a coarse-grained classical propagator which obeys a diffusion equation with periodic boundary conditions. In the long-time regime, the form factor decays algebraically towards an asymptotic constant. In the limit NN\to\infty, we derive a universal scaling function for the form factor. The theory is supported by numerical results for quasi one-dimensional periodic chains of coupled Sinai billiards.Comment: 33 pages, REVTeX, 13 figures (eps

    Assessing Doha's Street Network from the Perspective of 'Complete Streets' Concept

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    Streets are considered dynamic spaces in cities, and their design should be safe, comfortable and efficient for all users. Well-functioning streets can create a healthy lifestyle for a city and its users. Many cities are suffering from transportation issues because of their poorly designed street networks that do not integrate the different modes of transportation, or establish safe environments in which pedestrian and cyclists are treated as kings. In this manner, Doha as a city is experiencing the same kind of problem, creating corridors that do not take into consideration different travel modes, which causes severe congestion, delay and shortage in street capacity and, most importantly, users’ dissatisfaction. Therefore, there is a need to investigate and explore some methods that aim to improve cities’ street networks. “Complete Streets” is a roadway design concept initiated with the intention of integrating numerous modes of transportation and their variety of users. Complete Streets are also envisioned to provide traffic, safety and public health benefits, and integrate a healthy lifestyle into built environments worldwide. The newly-emerging concept can be adapted in contexts that fail to combine the different street elements that a street should have. Considering the low quality of the current street network, this thesis aims to evaluate the current streets in Doha city based on the degree of users’ satisfaction, and provide approaches to enhance them from the perspective of the ‘Complete Streets’ concept. The study analyzes two international case studies that have successfully implemented the concept and improved their current street network and enhanced users’ built environment. The analysis will help in extracting criteria that are used to assess the current performance of the street network and recommending ways to improve them. The methodological approach of this research will focus on the selection of two neighborhoods in Doha based on their contextual location and types of land use: a downtown area or urban center exemplified in Fereej bin Mahmoud, and a suburban area or residential district of Al Waab. Three nominated streets of the existing network within the two areas will be selected based on an evaluation matrix, and assessed according to the users’ perspectives and future preferences and aspirations. This approach is supported by two major data collection tools: a visual questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews with local authorities. A total of 100 questionnaires were collected for the two selected areas from different types of users. Results showed that users are completely unsatisfied with the current conditions of the selected streets in the two areas, which lack the major components of Complete Street variables: pedestrian, bicycle, green and transit improvements, which has resulted in the absence of safety. The produced results along with the evaluation criteria have helped in improving the current streets’ designs and have created a new enhanced cross-section that meets the concept of Complete Streets

    Localization of Eigenstates & Mean Wehrl Entropy

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    Dynamics of a periodically time dependent quantum system is reflected in the features of the eigenstates of the Floquet operator. Of the special importance are their localization properties quantitatively characterized by the eigenvector entropy, the inverse participation ratio or the eigenvector statistics. Since these quantities depend on the choice of the eigenbasis, we suggest to use the overcomplete basis of coherent states, uniquely determined by the classical phase space. In this way we define the mean Wehrl entropy of eigenvectors of the Floquet operator and demonstrate that this quantity is useful to describe quantum chaotic systems.Comment: 7 pages in Latex with 4 pictures in .ps (included), submitted to Physica

    Adiabatically coupled systems and fractional monodromy

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    We present a 1-parameter family of systems with fractional monodromy and adiabatic separation of motion. We relate the presence of monodromy to a redistribution of states both in the quantum and semi-quantum spectrum. We show how the fractional monodromy arises from the non diagonal action of the dynamical symmetry of the system and manifests itself as a generic property of an important subclass of adiabatically coupled systems

    Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field - Why Does Chaos Send Electrons the Hard Way?

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    We find that a 2D periodic potential with different modulation amplitudes in x- and y-direction and a perpendicular magnetic field may lead to a transition to electron transport along the direction of stronger modulation and to localization in the direction of weaker modulation. In the experimentally accessible regime we relate this new quantum transport phenomenon to avoided band crossing due to classical chaos.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor modifications, PRL to appea