629 research outputs found

    Farm Technical Efficiency and Extension

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    This paper presents a methodology for estimating technical efficiency levels for individual farms using both a fixed effects panel model and a stochastic production frontier approach. It tests whether the estimated technical efficiency levels are associated with measures of contact with the advisory service. The approach is applied to a panel of 307 farms drawn from the Irish National Farm Survey over the period 1984 to 1994. The results show evidence that extension contact has had a positive impact on agricultural output.

    A simulation-based optimisation method to evaluate dynamic compensators for the improvement of LCC-HVDC performance in high source impedance power systems

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    Line commutated converter (LCC) high voltage direct current (HVDC) link dynamic performance is negatively affected by low alternating current (AC) system short circuit ratio (SCR) as viewed from the LCC-HVDC link converter stations. This is particularly evident at LCC-HVDC link converter stations operating as inverters subjected to large transient disturbances. Firstly, this thesis proposes a simulation-based optimisation method to evaluate black-box optimisation solver methods built with mature strategies against alternative solver methods using surrogate model strategies recently proposed in the research literature. The method uses the problem of tuning LCC-HVDC link controllers considering large transient behaviour modelled via electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations as the underlying motivating problem on which the solver methods are tested. The results from the applied method confirm the suitability of applying the tested surrogate-based solver methods on LCC-HVDC link controller tuning problems. The surrogate-based solver methods’ performances are improved between 45.137% and 72.14% relative to the worst performing solver method using mature strategies. Secondly, this thesis proposes a method to quantitatively evaluate dynamic compensators’ ability to improve the dynamic performance of LCC-HVDC links inverting into low SCR AC systems. The method uses EMT simulations as part of a simulation-based optimisation using one of the aforementioned surrogate-based optimisation solver methods to make fair comparisons between different compensator types and compensator ratings. Multiple inverter system short circuit fault locations and inverter system equivalent source impedances are considered in the method. Compensators are evaluated by performance values calculated via performance functions applied to measured time domain variable results from the simulations. The method is able to successfully quantify and differentiate compensator type and rating superiorities when applied to a set of static VAr compensator (SVC), static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), and synchronous condenser study cases. In particular, the method results show that any type of compensator of any rating typically improves LCC-HVDC link dynamic performance compared to a compensator-less LCC-HVDC link. The best found improvement is 9.2035% relative to the Base study case for the integral square error (ISE) of direct current (DC)-side measured power of the LCC-HVDC link. The method results also show that synchronous condensers are the most effective compensator, with improvements between 7.5269% and 9.2035% relative to the compensator-less LCC-HVDC link when considering ISE of DC-side measured power. Similarly, SVCs provide improvements between 5.4759%, and 5.7968%, and STATCOMs provide improvements between -0.21144% and 6.9608%. Smaller-rated SVCs and STATCOMs provide better improvements compared with larger-rated SVCs and STATCOMs, using the compensator-less LCC-HVDC link as a baseline.Line commutated converter (LCC) high voltage direct current (HVDC) link dynamic performance is negatively affected by low alternating current (AC) system short circuit ratio (SCR) as viewed from the LCC-HVDC link converter stations. This is particularly evident at LCC-HVDC link converter stations operating as inverters subjected to large transient disturbances. Firstly, this thesis proposes a simulation-based optimisation method to evaluate black-box optimisation solver methods built with mature strategies against alternative solver methods using surrogate model strategies recently proposed in the research literature. The method uses the problem of tuning LCC-HVDC link controllers considering large transient behaviour modelled via electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations as the underlying motivating problem on which the solver methods are tested. The results from the applied method confirm the suitability of applying the tested surrogate-based solver methods on LCC-HVDC link controller tuning problems. The surrogate-based solver methods’ performances are improved between 45.137% and 72.14% relative to the worst performing solver method using mature strategies. Secondly, this thesis proposes a method to quantitatively evaluate dynamic compensators’ ability to improve the dynamic performance of LCC-HVDC links inverting into low SCR AC systems. The method uses EMT simulations as part of a simulation-based optimisation using one of the aforementioned surrogate-based optimisation solver methods to make fair comparisons between different compensator types and compensator ratings. Multiple inverter system short circuit fault locations and inverter system equivalent source impedances are considered in the method. Compensators are evaluated by performance values calculated via performance functions applied to measured time domain variable results from the simulations. The method is able to successfully quantify and differentiate compensator type and rating superiorities when applied to a set of static VAr compensator (SVC), static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), and synchronous condenser study cases. In particular, the method results show that any type of compensator of any rating typically improves LCC-HVDC link dynamic performance compared to a compensator-less LCC-HVDC link. The best found improvement is 9.2035% relative to the Base study case for the integral square error (ISE) of direct current (DC)-side measured power of the LCC-HVDC link. The method results also show that synchronous condensers are the most effective compensator, with improvements between 7.5269% and 9.2035% relative to the compensator-less LCC-HVDC link when considering ISE of DC-side measured power. Similarly, SVCs provide improvements between 5.4759%, and 5.7968%, and STATCOMs provide improvements between -0.21144% and 6.9608%. Smaller-rated SVCs and STATCOMs provide better improvements compared with larger-rated SVCs and STATCOMs, using the compensator-less LCC-HVDC link as a baseline

    Integrating multiple representations: fighting asthma

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    This paper seeks to engage debates about integrating pluralisms regarding multiple forms/representations and how they might function smoothly if they are closely aligned. This paper offers, narrative poetry with an artistic impression aimed at seeing how these might interact with each other. Like poetry, visual images are unique and can evoke particular kinds of emotional and visceral responses. By offering narrative poetry together with an artistic representation it is not meant to de-value the importance of either, but it is aimed at seeing how these arts-based methods and creative analytical practices might unite as a narrative to offer knew ways of ‘knowing’ and ‘seeing

    ‘It stays with you’: multiple evocative representations of dance and future possibilities for studies in sport and physical cultures

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    This article considers the integration of arts-based representations via poetic narratives together with artistic representation on dancing embodiment so as to continue an engagement with debates regarding multiple forms/representations. Like poetry, visual images are unique and can evoke particular kinds of emotional and visceral responses, meaning that alternative representational forms can resonate in different and powerful ways. In the article, we draw on grandparent-grandchild interactions, narrative poetry, and artistic representations of dance in order to illustrate how arts-based methods might synergise to offer new ways of ‘knowing’ and ‘seeing’. The expansion of the visual arts into interdisciplinary methodological innovations is a relatively new, and sometimes contentious approach, in studies of sport and exercise. We raise concerns regarding the future for more arts-based research in the light of an ever-changing landscape of a neoliberal university culture that demands high productivity in reductionist terms of what counts as ‘output’, often within very restricted time-frames. Heeding feminist calls for ‘slow academies’ that attempt to ‘change’ time collectively, and challenge the demands of a fast-paced audit culture, we consider why it is worth enabling creative and arts-based methods to continue to develop and flourish in studies of sport, exercise and health, despite the mounting pressures to ‘perform’

    Mitigating Gender Bias in Machine Learning Data Sets

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    Artificial Intelligence has the capacity to amplify and perpetuate societal biases and presents profound ethical implications for society. Gender bias has been identified in the context of employment advertising and recruitment tools, due to their reliance on underlying language processing and recommendation algorithms. Attempts to address such issues have involved testing learned associations, integrating concepts of fairness to machine learning and performing more rigorous analysis of training data. Mitigating bias when algorithms are trained on textual data is particularly challenging given the complex way gender ideology is embedded in language. This paper proposes a framework for the identification of gender bias in training data for machine learning.The work draws upon gender theory and sociolinguistics to systematically indicate levels of bias in textual training data and associated neural word embedding models, thus highlighting pathways for both removing bias from training data and critically assessing its impact.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 5 Tables, Presented as Bias2020 workshop (as part of the ECIR Conference) - http://bias.disim.univaq.i

    Optimal operation of the Western Link embedded HVDC connection

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    The Western Link is a new point-to-point embedded HVDC connection due to be commissioned in Great Britain in 2018. This paper investigates the optimal loading of the Western Link with respect to the wider transmission system. The work modelled a representation of behaviour of the wholesale market and system operator actions using mathematical optimisation in the form of an economic dispatch followed by an AC optimal power flow. A range of different system cases was studied using: a representative high voltage transmission network of Great Britain; system planned outages on AC circuits in parallel with the Western Link; system contingencies; and two possible post-contingency Western Link loading rules. It was concluded from the cases studied that the optimal dispatch of power on the Western Link is an affine function of power flow in the parallel AC circuits, modulated by system planned outages and the thermal rating of the Western Link

    Simulation-based optimisation of LCC-HVDC controller parameters using surrogate model solvers

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    This paper proposes the use of surrogate model optimisation methods to solve box constrained LCC-HVDC controller tuning problems. The tuning problem is the selection of the proportional-integral controller gains and voltage-dependant current order limiter parameters of an LCC-HVDC link subject to two operational scenarios and a set of large-signal disturbances. The solvers using recently proposed surrogate model methods performed either similarly to or significantly better than solvers using mature methods of the types found in PSCAD/EMTDC, thus confirming the suitability of these surrogate model solvers for simulation-based optimisation of LCC-HVDC controllers

    Challenging Perceptions of Disability through Performance Poetry Methods: The "Seen but Seldom Heard" Project.

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    This paper considers performance poetry as a method to explore lived experiences of disability. We discuss how poetic inquiry used within a participatory arts-based research framework can enable young people to collectively question society’s attitudes and actions towards disability. Poetry will be considered as a means to develop a more accessible and effective arena in which young people with direct experience of disability can be empowered to develop new skills that enable them to tell their own stories. Discussion of how this can challenge audiences to critically reflect upon their own perceptions of disability will also be developed

    Performative Social Science

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    Performative Social Science is positioned within the current era of crosspollination from discipline to discipline. Practitioners from the Arts and Humanities look to the Social Sciences for fresh frameworks, whist Social Science practitioners explore the Arts for potential new tools for enquiry and dissemination. Performative Social Science is defined and the similarities and differences between PSS and Arts-based Research (ABR) are delineated. The history of PSS is then outlined and its development, particularly at the Centre for Qualitative Research at Bournemouth University in the United Kingdom, is reviewed. Relational Aesthetics is then described in depth as the theoretical basis and grounding of Performative Social Science. Relational Aesthetics (Bourriaud, 2002) offers a theoretical ground for the complexities of connections across seemingly disparate disciplines such as the Arts and Social Sciences and for further exploration of the synergies between both disciplines as well as communities beyond the academy. An example of a large, three-year nationally funded project, culminating with the production of an award-winning short biopic, RUFUS STONE, is outlined as a prime example of a multi-method approach to social science research which includes tools from the arts in its progress and outputs. The entry concludes with goals and aspirations for Performative Social Science in the future

    A Review of Drowning Prevention Interventions for Children and Young People in High, Low and Middle Income Countries.

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    Globally, drowning is one of the ten leading causes of child mortality. Children aged <5 years are particularly at risk, and children and young people continue to be overrepresented in drowning statistics. Accordingly, evidence informed interventions to prevent children drowning are of global importance. This review aimed to identify, assess and analyse public health interventions to reduce child drowning and investigate the use of behavioural theories and evaluation frameworks to guide child drowning prevention. Thirteen databases were searched for relevant peer reviewed articles. The systematic review was guided by the PRISMA criteria and registered with PROSPERO. Fifteen articles were included in the final review. Studies were delivered in high, middle and low income countries. Intervention designs varied, one-third of studies targeted children under five. Almost half of the studies relied on education and information to reduce drowning deaths, only three studies used a multi-strategy approach. Minimal use of behavioural theories and/or frameworks was found and just one-third of the studies described formative evaluation. This review reveals an over reliance on education and information as a strategy to prevent drowning, despite evidence for comprehensive multi-strategy approaches. Accordingly, interventions must be supported that use a range of strategies, are shaped by theory and planning and evaluation frameworks, and are robust in intervention design, delivery and evaluation methodology. This approach will provide sound evidence that can be disseminated to inform future practice and policy for drowning prevention