14 research outputs found

    Karakter Morfologi dan Genetik Lunella sp.

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    Environmental degradation and the utilization of excess are very influential in a reduction of thepotential of Turbinidae Gastropod Resources. Morphology of shells can changes due to adaptation tothe surrounding environment resulting in misidentification. This study aims to analyze morphology andmolecular character of Turbinidae. Morphometric analysis is done by comparing the measureddimensions of the shell, while the molecular identification is done by using the DNA barcoding usingCOI gene to species identification. The results showed a comparison of growth between thedimensions shell of the Lunella sp. showed the negative allometric and positive allometric. Characterof shell growth between dimensions of the Lunella sp. shows the negative allometric and positiveallometric. Molecular analysis identified Turbinidae was found Lunella sp. its similar to DNAsequence Lunella sp. Sulawesi. The molecular analysis identifies Turbinidae found is Lunella sp. withsimilarities of 98.41 and 98.31%. The environmental conditions can affect change the morphology andgenetic of Turbinidae. DNA barcoding has been successful to identify Turbinidae gastropods.Degradasi lingkungan dan pemanfaatan berlebih sangat berpengaruh dalam penurunan potensisumberdaya gastopoda Turbinidae. Morfologi cangkang dapat berubah akibat adaptasi terhadaplingkungan sekitar yang mengakibatkan terjadinya kesalahan identifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk dengan menganalisis karakter morfologi dan molekuler Turbinidae. Analisis morfometrikdilakukan dengan membandingkan dimensi cangkang yang terukur, sedangkan identifikasi molekulerdilakukan dengan menggunakan DNA barcoding gen CO1 dalam mengidentifikasi spesies. Hasilpenelitian memperlihatkan perbadingan sifat pertumbuhan antar dimensi cangkang Lunella sp.menunjukan perbandingan pertumbuhan allometrik negatif dan allometrik positif. Analisis molekulermengidentifikasi Turbinidae yang ditemukan adalah Lunella sp. dengan tingkat kemiripan 98.41 dan98.31 %. Perubahan kondisi lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi perubahan karakter morfologi dangenetik gastropoda Turbinidae. Barcode DNA telah berhasil mengidentifikasi gastropoda Turbinidae

    Fish Community Structure in Seagrass Beds of Doreri Bay Manokwari Regency

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    One of the coastal ecosystems that has a high primary productivity, seagrass, makes it a places to find foods (feeding ground), spawn (spawning ground), and shelter for most fish. Whether the structure of fish communities on seagrass beds in the coastal waters of Doreri Bay based on day and night observation times is different from previous studies. This study aims to examine the structure of fish communities on seagrass beds in the coastal waters of Doreri Bay, between the time of observation and compared to previous studies. Data collection takes place during April-May 2019. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, using 1 and 1.5 inch gills net. The results of the study found that seagrass beds in Doreri Bay waters were more than in previous studies, which consisted of 10 species of seagrasses from 2 families (Hydrocharitaceae and Cymodoceaceae). The composition of fish is 56 species with a total of 91 individuals during the day and 189 individuals at night. Fish community structure in Doreri Bay waters has moderate diversity and uniformity while low dominance. Efforts should be made to protect seagrass ecosystems so that fish resources in the Doreri Bay region are maintained


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    Gastropods plays an important role in the food chain on seagrass ecosystem and its existence are depend on the physical-chemical factors in the seagrass ecosystem. This study aims to determine the density and diversity of gastropods associated in seagrass habitat in Nusi and Gersen coastal waters. The measurement results of some physical-chemical waters variables, are still quite good for the life of gastropods. Species composition of gastropod in Nusi at higher than at the Gersen, but instead of individual density in Gersen more higher than Nusi. Diversity index of gastropods at Nusi station is higher (3,757) than Gersen (3.053), on the contrary the eveness and dominance index are higher at Gersen station than Nusi station. Community similarity index by species is low between the two stations, which indicates that the species of gastropods at both stations is quite different. The influence of human activity and higher utilizatin of gastropods in Nusi has lowered the density of gastropods in seagrass habitat, so it needs awareness efforts on the importance of gastropods and the seagrass habitat for coastal ecosystem.Gastropoda berperan penting dalam rantai makanan pada ekosistem lamun dan keberadaanya sangat tergantung pada faktor fisik-kimia lingkungan dalam ekosistem lamun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan dan keanekaragaman gastropoda yang berasosiasi dalam habitat lamun di perairan pesisir Nusi dan Gersen. Hasil pengukuran beberapa variabel fisik-kimia perairan, masih tergolong baik bagi kehidupan gastropoda. Komposisi spesies gastropoda di Nusi lebih tinggi dibandingkan di Gersen, namun sebaliknya kepadatan individu di Gersen lebih tinggi dibandingkan di Nusi. Indeks keanekaragaman gastropoda di stasiun Nusi lebih tinggi (3,757) dibandingkan Gersen (3,053), sebaliknya indeks keseragaman indeks dominansi lebih tinggi di stasiun Gersen dibandingkan di stasiun Nusi. Indeks kesamaan komunitas berdasarkan spesies tergolong rendah antara kedua stasiun, yang menunjukkan bahwa spesies gastropoda pada kedua stasiun cukup berbeda. Pengaruh aktivitas manusia dan pemanfaatan gastropoda di Nusi yang lebih tinggi telah menurunkan kepadatan gastropoda pada habitat lamun, sehingga perlu upaya penyadaran tentang pentingnya gastropoda dan habitat lamun bagi ekosistem pesisir

    komposisi kimia cacing kacang sipunculus nudus di kabupaten raja ampat dan kabupaten manokwari

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    Filum Sipuncula adalah biota laut unik, dari penampilan luarnya. Hewan ini mirip dengan cacing, sehingga diistilahkan peanut worm. Masyarakat pesisir Papua khususnya di Papua Barat telah memanfaatkan organisme ini sebagai bahan pangan, tetapi komposisi gizi dari spesies inu belum banyak dibahas. Penelitian dilakukan Maret-April 2014, bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi kimia dari Sipuncula nudus yang diambil dari perairan Raja Ampat dan Manokwari. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kadar air S. nudus dari Kelurahan Sowi 4 Manokwari) yaitu 8.06%, kadar lemak tertinggi terdapat pada Kampung Amdui Raja Ampat) yaitu 1.70%, kadar protein tertinggi berasal dari Kampung Amdui Raja Ampat) yaitu 82.46%, karbohidrat tertinggi berasal dari Kelurahan Sowi 4 Manokwari) yaitu 7.26% dan kadar serat kasar Kelurahan Sowi 4 Manokwari) yaitu 1.05%. Sedangkan untuk kadar mineral besi dan kalsium tertinggi sampel dari Kampung Amdui Raja Ampat 11.07 Mg/100g dan kalsium sebesar 297.01Mg/100g. Sedangkan kadar mineral kalium tertinggi dari lokasi Kelurahan Sowi 4 Manokwari yaitu 207.48Mg/100g. Perbedaan ukuran panjang dan berat tidak memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap persentase kandungan gizi dan mineral dari Sipunculus nudus


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    KELIMPAHAN DAN KEANEKARAGAMAN MAKROAVERTEBRATA AIR PADA KERAPATAN VEGETASI RIPARIAN YANG BERBEDA DI SUNGAI AIMASI KABUPATEN MANOKWARISimon P.O. Leatemia1*, Erick C. Wanggai2, Selfanie Talakua11 Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan – Universitas Papua 2 Mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan – Universitas PapuaReceived: 08 Juni 2016  -  Accepted: 23 Juli 2016  ABSTRACT Riparian vegetation on the edge of the stream is one of important factors affecting the availability of water macroinvertebrates in the river basin. This study was aimed to determine the effect of different riparian vegetation density on the abundance and diversity of water macroinvertebrates in the Aimasi stream. Four observation stations were determined by different riparian vegetation density within the Aimasi stream. Simple regression analysis showed a significant correlation between the density of riparian vegetation with the density and diversity of water macroinvertebrates, where higher density ofriparian vegetation were followed by higher abundance and diversity of water macroinvertebrates.  The results showed a positive correlation between the density of riparian vegetation with the density and diversity water macroinvertebrates,therefore  a seriously attention is needed to address land clearing activity that cause changes to riparian vegetationon in Aimasi stream. Key words: water macoinvertebrates, riparian vegetation, Aimasi strea

    Economic Prospect Of Fishing Egg Flying for Coastal Communities in Fak Fak District, West Papua Province

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    The economic value of the activity of catching eggs in the waters of the Fak Fak Regency of West Papua not only provides income for migrant fishermen from South Sulawesi but also for the people in the Fak Fak Regency who live in coastal areas. This study aims to provide an overview of the economic impact of flying egg fishing and the marketing channels of these flying fish eggs. Data collection was carried out in August and September 2017 in the coastal areas of Fak Fak and the Fak Fak Fishing Base and several other landing areas. Interview and questionnaire techniques used for data collection also used secondary data from various sources and previous research. The data collected was analyzed descriptively and displayed in graphical form and percentage to reveal facts based on field information. The results showed that in 2017 the production of flying fish eggs per ship ranged from 270 - 1,575 kg, with an average value of IDR 307,446,154. The fish egg marketing channel in Fakfak Regency has 3 main actors namely: producers (fishermen), collecting traders (Papalele) and inter-island traders (Makassar, Takalar). The percentage of costs provided by fly fishing include: (1) fuel and oil 28 %, (2) food supply 26 %, (3) coconut leaves (24 %), and (4) fishing permit (22 %). The economic benefits as an added value from the activity of catching flying fish eggs for the Fak Fak coastal community are the opening of other business opportunities such as coconut leaf providers, fuel and food ingredients providers, boarding or lodging owners, and grater eggs

    Perikanan Ikan Terbang dan Perikanan Lainnya di Perairan Fakfak

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    Pemanfaatan sumberdaya perikanan di perairan Kabupaten Fakfak, Papua Barat dilakukan olehnelayan lokal dan pendatang untuk mengumpulkan telur ikan terbang dan produk ikan pelagis dandemersal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan ikan terbang dan kapal penangkapikan lainnya, termasuk dimensi dan ukuran kapal, serta peralatan pendukung yang digunakandalam operasi penangkapan ikan untuk ikan terbang dan jenis ikan lainnya di perairan Fakfak.Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah penangkapan ikan di perairan Fakfak dari Oktober hinggaNovember 2017. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan teknik observasidan wawancara terstruktur. Untuk dimensi dan ukuran kapal, selain berdasarkan data pemeriksaanfisik kapal, dilakukan pencatatan terhadap kondisi fisik kapal dan kelengkapan peralatan kapalpenangkap ikan. Nelayan di Kabupaten Fakfak tersebar di sembilan kecamatan tetapi yangdominan adalah Kecamatan Fakfak, Kokas dan Karas. Jumlah kapal pengumpul telur yangberoperasi adalah pada tahun 2017 terdapat 170 kapal yang memiliki panjang 10-20 meter, lebar1,9 hingga 2,8 meter dan kedalaman 0,7-1,5 meter, dan ukuran tonase rata-rata 10 GT. Alatpengumpul telur ikan terbang di Fakfak adalah rumpon hanyut yang disebut bale-bale, dengansebanyak 50-100 unit per kapal. Jenis alat tangkap lain untuk menangkap ikan pelagis adalah bagan(lift net), pancing ulur (hand line), pancing tonda (troll line), huhate (pole and line), rawai (minilong line), jaring insang (gill net), pukat cincin kecil (mini purse seine) dan sero (traps). Untukikan demersal alat yang digunakan adalah dalam pancing ulur (hand line) dan jaring insang (gillnet).Kata Kunci: perikanan, kapal, alat tangkap, ikan terbang, Fakfa


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    ABSTRACTArfak rainbow fish, Melanotaenia arfakensis is an endemic fish on several river systems in the northeastern part of the Vogelkop peninsula. This study aims to describe the growth, age at first maturity, and sexual dimorphism of this endemic fish on the Nimbai Stream and the Aimasi Stream, the Prafi River system. The fish were caught using handnet, then were measured their standard length and individual weight. Data were analyzed to estimated growth patterns, von Bertalanffy's growth rate, age at first maturity and sexual dimorphism characteristics. The results showed that male growth patterns varied, with a tendency of the increase in body length faster than that of body weight (negative allometric patterns) with b values ranging from 2.886 to 3.132. On the other hand, the female individuals had positive allometric patterns (b values ranged from 3.062 to 3.378). The growth rate (K) of male body length was faster (0.165-0.174) than that of female individuals (0.159-0.163). Male individuals reached the first maturity condition earlier (at age of 1.83-2.18 years) than female individuals (at age of 2.49-2.64 years). Sexual characteristics between the sexes are related to body height starting to appear when fish are of a standard length of larger than 18.22 mm or when male fish begin to approach the time of the first sexual maturity. Understanding of growth, age, and the characteristics of the sexual dimorphism of endemic fish has an important meaning in monitoring population conditions and for conservation efforts in their natural habitat