1,118 research outputs found

    Precise computer controlled positioning of robot end effectors using force sensors

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    A major problem in space applications of robotics and docking of spacecraft is the development of technology for automated precise positioning of mating components with smooth motion and soft contact. To achieve the above objective, a design method was developed for optimally placing the closed-loop poles of a discretized robotic control system at exact prescribed locations inside the unit circle of the complex z-plane. The design method combines the merits of the pole placement and the linear quadratic design approaches. The proposed design procedure is based on the assignment of one real eigenvalue or two complex conjugate (or real) eigenvalues at each design step. The method involves solutions of simple algebraic equations and this is considered to be efficient for on-line or off-line computations. Also, two methods for the linearization of the nonlinear model of a robotic manipulator were presented. Since automatic control of multi-degree freedom robotic manipulators involves high nonlinear equations of systems, a pilot project was proposed involving the control of a one-dimensional system. This simple system can be readily implemented for testing the concepts and algorithms

    The biological role of Asn-linked glycosylations of DENV-2 E protein

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    The envelope proteins of many viruses are glycosylated, where the glycans on the virion surface have been shown to be important, in addition to their strictly structural role, in various aspects of the virus life cycle, such as receptor-binding and escape from antibody recognition. Dengue virus (DENV) is in terms of human disease frequency the most important member of the flaviviruses, a group of small, enveloped, plus-strand RNA viruses. The four DENV serotypes differ from all other flaviviruses by the presence of two glycans on the envelope (E) protein, one linked to Asn-153, a glycosylation which is well conserved among the flaviviruses, and a second linked to Asn-67, which is unique to DENY. While the presence of glycan at Asn-153 has been shown by others to influence fusion of viral with cellular membranes, infectivity, assembly and/or release and virulence, the glycan at Asn-67 has been suggested to be critical in virus attachment to the cell surface molecule, DC-SIGN, a putative cellular receptor for DENV. In this study, I have used a reverse genetics approach to prevent glycosylation at Asn-67, Asn-153, or both carbohydrate acceptor sites, in order to investigate their physiological function(s). Single or multiple point mutation were introduced at the Asn-153 and Asn-67 glycosylation sites, respectively, on the E protein ofDENV-2 strains NGC and PUO-218, using two infectious cDNA clones. DENV -2 strain, NGC, is a laboratory-adapted virus, while strain PUO-218 is a low-passage natural isolate from Toxorhynchites splendens mosquitoes. ... I also show that removal of both glycans from the DENV-2 E protein prevents the recovery of viable virus with a stable mutant genotype (Chapters 3 and 5). Nevertheless, given the importance of strain origin and type of substitution used for deletion of the carbohydrate acceptor sites that I have demonstrated in this thesis, it is likely that the engineering of a viable DENV variant lacking both E protein glycans is feasible

    Étude des rayonnements gamma accompagnant la dĂ©sintĂ©gration alpha du protactinium 231 (231Pa α → 227 Ac)

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    Les rayonnements Îł accompagnant la dĂ©sintĂ©gration 231Pa α → 227Ac ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s par spectromĂ©trie Îł de grande rĂ©solution et par coĂŻncidences α-Îł bidimensionnelles avec un calculateur IBM 360-50. Un schĂ©ma de niveaux de 227Ac est construit Ă  partir des nouveaux rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Pertumbuhan Penjualan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Kebijakan Deviden sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Sub. Sektor Property & Real Estate yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2012 – 2016)

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    The purpose of this research is to find the influence between profitability and sales growth, to firm value with dividend policy as intervening variable, at sub company. Property sector in IDX 2008-2012. Profitability using PBV, Growth penjulan using SG Dividend Policy using DPR Corporate value using PBV. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. From the research results show that. (1) There is no positive effect of profitability on dividend policy, (2) There is no positive effect of sales growth on dividend policy, (3) There is no positive influence of dividend policy toward firm value, (4) there is positive influence of profitability to company value, (5) there is positive effect of sales growth to company value

    An introduction to the interim digital SAR processor and the characteristics of the associated Seasat SAR imagery

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    Basic engineering data regarding the Interim Digital SAR Processor (IDP) and the digitally correlated Seasat synthetic aperature radar (SAR) imagery are presented. The correlation function and IDP hardware/software configuration are described, and a preliminary performance assessment presented. The geometric and radiometric characteristics, with special emphasis on those peculiar to the IDP produced imagery, are described

    The Effect of Service Quality and Consumer Relationship Quality on Cash Express Providers: An Evidence from Cambodia’s Regional

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    Where there is an opportunity, there is a profit and where there is a profit there are the investors who are mouth-watering in investing in this occasion. According to Baye (2010), “Profit signals resource holders where resources are most highly valued by society”. As a result, this phenomenon leads to the competitive market. In addition, in the competitive world, low price attract more customers; however, as a nature of service domain, this cannot be as a standard for attracting more customers. This study propose two variables namely, service quality and consumer relationship quality as the two main factors influencing service branding. The present study tries to explore the relationship among the predictors such as service quality and consumer relationship quality in a relational context in order to understand the linking role with brand trust and customer-based brand equity. The sample size consists of 391 respondents who are the existing customers of cash express service providers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This paper will be based on quantitative research method by conducted questionnaires, both online and offline, in order to obtain the results. The study utilized Pearson’s correlation and linear regression to examine the relationship between variables. The result indicated that service quality and consumer relationship quality were the two main elements in generating customer-based brand equity in service domain, especially cash express industry in Cambodia. Moreover, brand trust was found out to be important background factors which affect the customer-based brand equity. The result indicated that, the perceptions of service quality and consumer relationship quality can be regarded as antecedents to brand trust, which in turn affect customer-based brand equity. Keywords: service quality, consumer relationship quality, brand trust, customer-based brand equity

    Broadly tunable (440-670 nm) solid-state organic laser with disposable capsules

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    An innovative concept of thin-film organic solid-state laser is proposed, with diffraction-limited output and a broad tuning range covering the visible spectrum under UV optical pumping. The laser beam is tunable over 230 nm, from 440 to 670 nm, with a 3 nm full width at half maximum typical spectral width. The structure consists of a compact fixed bulk optical cavity, a polymeric intracavity etalon for wavelength tuning, as well as five different disposable glass slides coated with a dye-doped polymer film, forming a very simple and low-cost gain medium. The use of interchangeable/disposable "gain capsules" is an alternative solution to photodegradation issues, since gain chips can be replaced without realignment of the cavity. The laser lifetime of a single chip in ambient conditions and without encapsulation was extrapolated to be around 107 pulses at a microjoule energy-per-pulse level

    Higher Education in Cambodia and the Atypical Example of the History Department at RUPP 2

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    In the past few years, Cambodia has seen an explosion in the growth of Higher Education that has been, to a large extent, absorbed by the dramatic rise in the number of private Universities. There are now some 106 campuses across the country. In the academic year, 2007-8, there were 110,090 bachelor degree students enrolled, among which 46,395 were in public Universities and 63,695 in private ones, according to Ministry of Education figures. There were also 15,802 Associate Degree students and 11,209 post –graduate students (over twice the number of the previous year).The vast majority of students - even in state universities - pay fees of about $400 a year. More than half of the 5,184 postgraduate students in Cambodian Higher Education Institutions 2006-2007 took an MBA or a related financial management course. Enrolments are now over 12 times the number in 1996. Scholarships do not exist - only a few of the best students are exonerated from paying those fees. Unlike all other Departments of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), the History Department has not been renovated and is not connected to any other in the region or in the West. Recruitment is low: there are only cohorts of about 30 students for each of the 4 years. The Department is supposed to train upper secondary school teachers for the entire country. It has 11 lecturers, 5 of whom have a Master. None have a PhD. This subject is not very popular in Cambodia among students these days, as teachers are poorly paid. Ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, le Cambodge a vu une grande explosion dans la croissance de l’éducation supĂ©rieure, surtout absorbĂ©e par l’essor dramatique des universitĂ©s privĂ©es. Il existe maintenant 106 campus dans le pays. D’aprĂšs les chiffres du MinistĂšre de l’Éducation, 110.090 bacheliers se sont inscrits dans les universitĂ©s pendant l’annĂ©e universitaire 2007/2008, dont 63.695 dans des universitĂ©s privĂ©es et 46.395 dans des universitĂ©s publiques. Il y avait Ă©galement 15.802 Ă©tudiants inscrits dans des filiĂšres universitaires technologiques, ainsi que 11.209 Ă©tudiants de troisiĂšme cycle. La plupart des Ă©tudiants, mĂȘme dans les universitĂ©s publiques, payent des droits de scolaritĂ© de 400 dollars amĂ©ricains par an. Plus de la moitiĂ© des 5.184 Ă©tudiants de troisiĂšme cycle des institutions universitaires cambodgiennes ont Ă©tudiĂ© un MBA ou un cours d’administration en 2006/2007. L’inscription est aujourd’hui 12 fois plus Ă©levĂ©e en nombre qu’en 1996. Il n’existe pas de bourses – seulement quelques uns des meilleurs Ă©tudiants ne payent pas. Contrairement Ă  tous les autres dĂ©partements de l’UniversitĂ© Royale de Phnom Penh (RUPP), le dĂ©partement d’histoire n’a pas Ă©tĂ© rĂ©novĂ© et n’est connectĂ© Ă  aucune des rĂ©gions de l’ouest. Le recrutement est peu important: les cohortes sont seulement de 30 Ă©tudiants tous les quatre ans. Le dĂ©partement est censĂ© prĂ©parer des professeurs de collĂšges dans tout le pays mais il n’a que onze chargĂ©s de cours, dont cinq ont une maĂźtrise. Aucun d’entre eux n’a de doctorat. Cette matiĂšre n’est plus trĂšs populaire de nos jours au Cambodge car les professeurs sont mal payĂ©s

    Étude du spectre d'Ă©lectrons de conversion de faible Ă©nergie Ă©mis par le Francium 221 (225Ac →α 221Fr)

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    Le spectre d'Ă©lectrons de conversion Ă©mis par 221Fr a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© par un spectromĂštre ÎČπ √2. Les multipolaritĂ©s des transitions intenses ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©es. Un dĂ©saccord existe entre IÎł et I e- pour les rayonnements de 73,7 et 99,6 keV, ce qui a conduit Ă  l'hypothĂšse d'un niveau double Ă  99,6 keV
