28 research outputs found

    RevisiĂłn de los efectos de la protecciĂłn en las ĂĄreas marinas protegidas: conocimiento y deficiencias actuales

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    This work was carried out with financial support from the Commission of the European Community, specific RTD program 'Specific Support to Policies', SSP–2003–006539 'European Marine Protected Areas as Tools for Fisheries Management and Conservation (EMPAFISH)'.The effectiveness of marine protected areas (MPAs) and the conservation of marine environments must be based on reliable information on the quality of the marine environment that can be obtained in a reasonable timeframe. We reviewed studies that evaluated all aspects related to the effectiveness of MPAs in order to describe how the studies were conducted and to detect fields in which research is lacking. Existing parameters used to evaluate the effectiveness of MPAs are summarised. Two–hundred and twenty–two publications were reviewed. We identified the most commonly used study subjects and methodological approaches. Most of the studies concentrated on biological parameters. Peer reviewed studies were based on control vs. impact design. BACI and mBACI designs were used in very few studies. Through this review, we have identified gaps in the objectives assigned to MPAs and the way in which they have been evaluated. We suggest some guidelines aimed at improving the assessment of the effects of protection in MPAs.La efectividad de las ĂĄreas marinas protegidas (AMPs) y la conservaciĂłn del medio ambiente marino debe basarse en informaciĂłn fiable sobre la calidad del medio marino que pueda obtenerse en un plazo de tiempo razonable. Se revisaron estudios que evalĂșan aspectos relacionados con la efectividad de las AMPs con el fin de describir cĂłmo se realizaron los estudios y detectar donde existen vacĂ­os en la investigaciĂłn. En este estudio se enumeran los parĂĄmetros existentes para evaluar la efectividad de las AMPs. Se revisaron 224 publicaciones. Identificamos los objetos de estudio mĂĄs utilizados y los enfoques metodolĂłgicos. La mayorĂ­a de los estudios se centran en el estudio de parĂĄmetros biolĂłgicos. Los estudios publicados se basaron en el diseño control frente a impacto. En muy pocos estudios se utilizaron diseños de muestreo BACI y mBACI. A travĂ©s de esta revisiĂłn, se han identificado deficiencias en los objetivos de las AMPs y en la manera como han sido evaluados. Como conclusiĂłn sugerimos algunas pautas para mejorar la evaluaciĂłn de los efectos de la protecciĂłn en estas zonas

    Review of the effects of protection in marine protected areas: current knowledge and gaps

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    The effectiveness of marine protected areas (MPAs) and the conservation of marine environments must be based on reliable information on the quality of the marine environment that can be obtained in a reasonable timeframe. We reviewed studies that evaluated all aspects related to the effectiveness of MPAs in order to describe how the studies were conducted and to detect fields in which research is lacking. Existing parameters used to evaluate the effectiveness of MPAs are summarised. Two–hundred and twenty–two publications were reviewed. We identified the most commonly used study subjects and methodological approaches. Most of the studies concentrated on biological parameters. Peer reviewed studies were based on control vs. impact design. BACI and mBACI designs were used in very few studies. Through this review, we have identified gaps in the objectives assigned to MPAs and the way in which they have been evaluated. We suggest some guidelines aimed at improving the assessment of the effects of protection in MPAsRevisiĂłn de los efectos de la protecciĂłn en las ĂĄreas marinas protegidas: conocimiento y deficiencias actuales.— La efectividad de las ĂĄreas marinas protegidas (AMPs) y la conservaciĂłn del medio ambiente marino debe basarse en informaciĂłn fiable sobre la calidad del medio marino que pueda obtenerse en un plazo de tiempo razonable. Se revisaron estudios que evalĂșan aspectos relacionados con la efectividad de las AMPs con el fin de describir cĂłmo se realizaron los estudios y detectar donde existen vacĂ­os en la investigaciĂłn. En este estudio se enumeran los parĂĄmetros existentes para evaluar la efectividad de las AMPs. Se revisaron 224 publicaciones. Identificamos los objetos de estudio mĂĄs utilizados y los enfoques metodolĂłgicos. La mayorĂ­a de los estudios se centran en el estudio de parĂĄmetros biolĂłgicos. Los estudios publicados se basaron en el diseño control frente a impacto. En muy pocos estudios se utilizaron diseños de muestreo BACI y mBACI. A travĂ©s de esta revisiĂłn, se han identificado deficiencias en los objetivos de las AMPs y en la manera como han sido evaluados. Como conclusiĂłn sugerimos algunas pautas para mejorar la evaluaciĂłn de los efectos de la protecciĂłn en estas zonasPublicado

    Marine reserves: Fish life history and ecological traits matter

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    Copyright by the Ecological Society of AmericaMarine reserves are assumed to protect a wide range of species from deleterious effects stemming from exploitation. However, some species, due to their ecological characteristics, may not respond positively to protection. Very little is known about the effects of life history and ecological traits (e.g., mobility, growth, and habitat) on responses of fish species to marine reserves. Using 40 data sets from 12 European marine reserves, we show that there is significant variation in the response of different species of fish to protection and that this heterogeneity can be explained, in part, by differences in their traits. Densities of targeted size-classes of commercial species were greater in protected than unprotected areas. This effect of protection increased as the maximum body size of the targeted species increased, and it was greater for species that were not obligate schoolers. However, contrary to previous theoretical findings, even mobile species with wide home ranges benefited from protection: the effect of protection was at least as strong for mobile species as it was for sedentary ones. Noncommercial bycatch and unexploited species rarely responded to protection, and when they did (in the case of unexploited bentho-pelagic species), they exhibited the opposite response: their densities were lower inside reserves. The use of marine reserves for marine conservation and fisheries management implies that they should ensure protection for a wide range of species with different life-history and ecological traits. Our results suggest this is not the case, and instead that effects vary with economic value, body size, habitat, depth range, and schooling behavior.S

    Monitoring the artisanal fishing effort in marine protected areas on the french mediterranean coast

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    Measures taken for the management of the natural patrimony of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas are nowadays designed in such a way as to take into account both the aims of protection and the maintenance of small scale traditional fisheries. The managers thus need (i) detailed knowledge of fishing practices, (ii) monitoring over time of indicators relevant to the local fishery (resource and fishing effort) and (iii) collaboration with fishermen. A panel of methods (fishing log book, day-to-day charts of distribution of fishing gear, embarkation of scientists, landing port enquiries) have been implemented in the national park of Port-Cros (French Riviera) and in the natural reserve of Scandola (Corsica) and might be adapted for other sites according to the degree of cooperation existing between fishermen and park officers. In both cases, surveys have provided a basis for characterizing the activities of the artisanal fisheries : description of the fishing fleet, the equipment used, the fishing patterns and sites, the species targeted and for calculation of the yield per outing, per net, per piece of net, per type of mesh and per species or category of fish. Information on the space-time patterns of distribution of the fishing effort has been delivered in the form of charts (GIS -Geographical Information System) for different periods of the year.De nos jours, les mesures de gestion du patrimoine naturel des aires marines protĂ©gĂ©es mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes doivent ĂȘtre dĂ©finies en tenant compte Ă  la fois des objectifs de protection et du maintien de la pĂȘche artisanale traditionnelle. Les gestionnaires ont besoin (i) d’une connaissance prĂ©cise des pratiques de la pĂȘche, (ii) d’un suivi dans le temps d’indicateurs pertinents de l’activitĂ© de pĂȘche (ressource et effort de pĂȘche) et (iii) d’une concertation avec les pĂȘcheurs professionnels. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes (agenda de pĂȘche, cartes journaliĂšres de distribution des engins de pĂȘche, embarquement Ă  bord des bateaux de pĂȘche, enquĂȘtes dans les ports de dĂ©barquement) ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es dans deux aires marines protĂ©gĂ©es, le Parc national de Port-Cros (cĂŽte continentale de France) et la RĂ©serve naturelle de Scandola (Corse), et peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es dans d’autres sites selon la nature de la coopĂ©ration entre les pĂȘcheurs et les gestionnaires des aires protĂ©gĂ©es. Les enquĂȘtes ont permis de caractĂ©riser l’activitĂ© de pĂȘche artisanale : description de la flottille de pĂȘche, engins utilisĂ©s, rythmes et sites de pĂȘche, espĂšces cibles. Elles fournissent en outre les donnĂ©es permettant de calculer le rendement par sortie, par filet, par piĂšce de filet, par type de maille et par espĂšce. L’information sur la rĂ©partition spatio-temporelle de l’effort de pĂȘche est restituĂ©e sous forme de cartes (SystĂšme d’information GĂ©ographique, SIG).Le dirĂ©ach Laurence, Cadiou GwenaĂ«l, Boudouresque Charles-François. Monitoring the artisanal fishing effort in marine protected areas on the french mediterranean coast . In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 59, n°1-2, 2004. pp. 77-84

    The management of artisanal fishing within the Marine Protected Area of the Port-Cros National Park (northwest Mediterranean Sea): a success story?

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    The Port-Cros National Park, France (northwest Mediterranean Sea), established in 1963, is a Marine Protected Area (MPA) where, unlike no-take areas, artisanal fishing has been permitted (except trawling), owing to social and economic pressures. Nevertheless, restrictions on artisanal fishing have increased through a fishing charter (1999). In the meantime, recreational fishing was progressively banned, which has helped as a management tool to make the restrictions on artisanal fishing acceptable in social terms. Monitoring of the artisanal fishing (2000–2005) reveals the stability of the fishing fleet (9–13 vessels); of the fishing effort [number of fishing sets per day between 3.4 (+2.1) and 6.9 (+3.4) in spring, and 3.0 (+1.7) and 5.2 (+2.7) in summer]; and of yields [catch per unit effort between 1.27 (+0.72) and 1.68 (+1.44) kg 100 m of net 21 d 21]. Furthermore, based on an analysis of available data, artisanal fishing does not jeopardize the conservation objectives of the MPA, so that, from 1963 to date, the issue has changed from “What can be done to ban commercial fishing? ” to “Is there any reason to ban commercial fishing?”

    Are fisheries regulations influencing the biology and reproduction of the surmullet Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 on the south-eastern coasts of France (NW Mediterranean)?

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    International audienceThe surmullet Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 is one of the main target and high value species for small coastal fisheries in the North-Western Mediterranean. Morphometric and reproduction indices of surmul- let were determined in fisheries regulated and non-regulated zones neighbouring the Port-Cros National Park (South-Eastern France) in autumn 2019 and spring 2020. Total length of individuals ranged between 12 and 32 cm, with a mode between 17 and 23 cm. Significantly larger individuals were measured in the regulated fishing zones than in non-regulated ones, and in autumn rather than in spring. Females dominated in all zones and seasons, particularly in size classes > 24 cm in spring. Higher gonadosomatic index and more advanced gonadal development stages were observed in both sexes in spring than in autumn. Higher percentages of individuals with mature gonads and high gonadosomatic index were found in the fisheries regulated zone, engendering a higher reproductive potential. These results highlighted the importance of fisheries management with regard to the life-history traits of targeted fish species.RĂ©sumĂ©. – Les rĂšglements de pĂȘche influencent-ils la biologie et la reproduction du rouget de roche Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 sur les cĂŽtes sud-est de France (MĂ©diterranĂ©e NO) ? Le rouget de roche Mullus surmuletus est l’une des principales espĂšces cibles et commerciales des pĂȘcheries cĂŽtiĂšres artisanales de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e nord-occidentale. La morphomĂ©trie et les indices de reproduction du rouget ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s dans les zones de pĂȘche rĂ©glementĂ©es et non rĂ©glementĂ©es autour du Parc National de Port-Cros (Sud-Est de la France) Ă  l’automne 2019 et au printemps 2020. La longueur totale des individus variait entre 12 et 32 cm, avec un mode entre 17 et 23 cm. Des individus significativement plus grands ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s dans la zone de pĂȘche rĂ©glementĂ©e comparativement aux zones non rĂ©glementĂ©es, et en automne par rapport au printemps. Les femelles dominaient dans toutes les zones et saisons, en particulier dans les classes de taille > 24 cm au printemps. Un indice gonadosomatique plus Ă©levĂ© et des stades de dĂ©veloppement gonadiques plus avancĂ©s au printemps qu’en automne ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s chez les deux sexes. Des pourcentages plus Ă©levĂ©s d’individus avec des gonades matures et un indice gonadosomatique Ă©levĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s dans la zone de pĂȘche rĂ©glementĂ©e, induisant un plus fort potentiel reproducteur. Ces rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence l’importance de la gestion des pĂȘches sur les traits d’histoire de vie des espĂšces de poissons ciblĂ©s