556 research outputs found


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    With the current socio-economic development, insurance is gradually becoming an important and essential service. A developed insurance market will ensure social and financial security for individuals and businesses. In recent years, the insurance market has not developed stably. The author focuses on analyzing the current situation of the insurance market in 2022 and 2023 according to the following criteria: Insurance enterprise size, insurance revenue, insurance premium revenue, investment revenue, financial capacity … The author also proposed solutions to develop the insurance market in the coming time for the State and insurance businesses

    Dynamický model dvou synchronních generátorů propojených dlouhou přenosovou linkou

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    Due to the large desire to utilize transmission networks for more flexible power interchange transactions, the high requirement for power system dynamic analysis has grown significantly in recent years. While dynamics and stability have been studied for years in a long term planning and design environment, there is a recognized need to perform this analysis in a weekly or even daily operation environment. The dynamic performance of power systems is important to both the system organizations, from an economic viewpoint, and society in general, from a reliability viewpoint. The analysis of power system dynamics and stability is increasing daily in terms of number and frequency of studies, as well as in complexity and size. Dynamic phenomena have been discussed according to basic function, time-scale properties, and problem size. In a realistic system, electric power system consist of the interconnection of large numbers of synchronous generators operating in parallel. These generators are connected together by transmission lines. In the operation process, the rotor angles of generators swing relatively to another one during transients. Under disturbances the synchronism of machines in system is achieved when maintaining equilibrium between electromagnetic and mechanical torques. In other words, a system is unstable if the angle difference between two interconnected generators is not sufficiently damped in the evaluation time. The instability typically occurs as increasingly swings angle generators leading to some loss of synchronism with other generators. One of the constraints for long distance AC transmission is the large phase angular difference which is required to transmit a given amount of power. Therefore, in order to gain dynamic behavior characteristics of system when subject to disturbances, this work will focus on modeling two synchronous generators linked by long AC transmission line. Within the content of this work, for the analysis of system modes, the system is computed based on a detailed model of synchronous machines, transformers, loads and the long transmission line including voltage dynamics and frequency response. The system power equilibrium equations are derived and linearized for the small disturbance stability analysis and some transient disturbances. These results can serve to define stability margin of a power system. This stability limit would play important role in improving designs of the different system connection conditions.V posledních dynamických letech významně vzrostly nároky na pružnost výměny elektrické energie, což klade zvýšené nároky na dynamickou analýzu energetických systémů. Zatím co dynamika a stabilita sítí je dlouhodobě studována při dlouhodobém plánování, je nyní zapotřebí k zamezení nežádoucích výpadků přenosu energie tuto analýze provádět daleko rychleji on-line s okamžitými on-line naměřenými daty. Dynamicky stabilní výkon přenášený v energetických systémech je důležitý jak z organizačních důvodů, tak z ekonomického hlediska spolu s hlediskem spolehlivosti. Analýzou dynamiky a stability energetických systémů se v současnosti zabývá velké množství aktuální odborné literatury. Literární studie se liší podle detailnosti popisu systému a jeho velikosti. Dynamické jevy byly diskutovány podle základní funkce, podle vlastností, podle časového měřítka atd. V reálném systému se elektrická energetická soustava skládá z propojení velkého počtu synchronních generátorů pracujících paralelně. Tyto generátory jsou propojeny přenosovými linkami. Při provozním procesu se úhly rotorů generátorů v průběhu přechodových otáček relativně otáčejí jiným. Při poruchách dochází k synchronizaci strojů v systému při zachování rovnováhy mezi elektromagnetickými a mechanickými momenty. Jinými slovy, systém je nestabilní, pokud úhlový rozdíl mezi dvěma propojenými generátory není dostatečně tlumen. Nestabilita se zpravidla vede ke ztrátě synchronizace s ostatními generátory a k rozpadu okrsku sítě vypnutím proudových, napěťových a výkonových ochran. Jedním z omezení stability přináší pro dálkový přenos dlouhým vedením. Dlouhé metalické vedení zvyšuje fázový úhlový rozdíl, který je nutný k přenosu daného výkonu střídavým proudem. Proto se za účelem získání popisu dynamického chování systému při poruchách soustředí tato práce na modelování dvou synchronních generátorů propojených dlouhým AC přenosovým vedením. V rámci této práce je pro analýzu systémových režimů systém vypočítán na základě podrobného modelu synchronních strojů, transformátorů, zátěží a dlouhé přenosové linky včetně dynamiky napětí a frekvenční odezvy

    Building A Face Authentication System Using Face API In The Data Center System

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    In the era of strong development of technology along with artificial intelligence, face recognition algorithms are more and more accurate and widely applied to life. Researchers began to spend a lot of time studying facial recognition technology. The project building a face authentication system using Face API in the data center system is done through research on how Windows 10 IoT Core operating system works on Raspberry Pi 3 and experimenting with the Face API service toolkit for authentication and face recognition. Since then, the project has brought some results with highly practical applications such as bringing problems from theory to practice, specifically the face recognition door system with the accuracy on the physical door system model to be 90%; which makes opening or closing doors more secure; The product can be applied to the company, enterprise: exit and entrance to data center room, machine room, classroom, office...; Apply facial recognition technology to different purposes easily

    ‘You Know Them All’ - Trust, Cooperation, and Cultural Volunteering in Rural Areas in Germany

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    (1) Background: Rural areas are characterised by a higher number of volunteers compared to urban centres in Germany. In this context, cultural and arts education is one of the largest voluntary sectors. However, an increasing decline in (cultural) volunteering can be observed. To counteract the decrease, it is important to strengthen regional cooperation and social networks, which are based on trust. The connection between trust, volunteering, and social networks has already been examined, but we still do not fully understand the emergence of trust in the link of cultural education cooperation and networks in rural areas. (2) Methods: A total of 34 semi-structured interviews in combination with egocentric network maps were conducted in four rural regions. The interview data were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analysed using qualitative content analysis. (3) Results: Four dimensions of trust-building were identified: 1. presence and spatial proximity, 2. multiplexity, 3. third party, and 4. community spirit

    The Power of Places in Building Cultural and Arts Education Networks and Cooperation in Rural Areas

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    Volunteering plays a central role in cultural and arts education in rural areas in Germany. However, a decrease in the number of volunteers in structurally weak regions can be observed in recent years. This poses existential challenges for cultural and arts education. The promotion of social networks and regional cooperation, as well as a sense of place, can counteract this decline. This article aims to explore how sense of place influence cooperation and thus social networks between actors of different institutions in the context of cultural and arts education in rural areas. A total of 34 interviews and egocentric network maps were conducted with different local actors (e.g., volunteers in the theatre association, mayors, etc.) in four municipalities. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Our results show that, through active participation in cultural events and associations, new cooperation is created and maintained, which also expands the social network. This active participation can be positively influenced by the existing attachment to the region and cultural places

    Developing Rural Tourism with the Participation of Related Parties in Bac Kan Province

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    Tourism development policy will pay attention to stakeholders, especially the people, who play an important role. However, in reality, when people participate in rural tourism development, they are not equipped with basic knowledge and skills in managing and serving tourists. Because the benefits between stakeholders are still not clear, the participation of people in rural tourism development is currently only passive. Active participation need to be directed from the Government and local authorities because the concept that rural tourism development is not only about creating economic benefits but also associated with conservation and preservation, together with keeping and promoting cultural - historical values in rural areas

    Optimization of L-asparaginase production from Escherichia coli using response surface methodology

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    Among the antitumor drugs, bacterial enzyme L-asparaginase has been employed as the most effective chemotherapeutic agent in pediatric oncotherapy especially for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In previous study, the L-asparaginase from Erwinia chrysanthermy was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The recombinant L-asparaginase was produced from recombinant E.coli BL21(DE3) under different cultivation conditions (inducer concentration, inoculum concentration and KH2PO4 concentration). The optimized conditions by response surface methodology using face centered central composite design. The analysis of variance coupled with larger value of R2 (0.9) showed that the quadratic model used for the prediction was highly significant (p 0.05). Under the optimized conditions, the model produced L-asparaginase activity of 123.74 U/ml at 1.03 mM IPTG, 3% (v/v) inoculum and 0.5% (w/v) KH2PO4. Recombinant protein was purified by two step using gel filtration and DEAE chromatography. The purified L-asparaginase had a molecular mass of 37 kDa with specific activity of 462 U/mg and identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Results of MALDI-TOF analysis confirmed that recombinant protein was L-asparaginase II. Recombinant L-asparaginase has antiproliferative activity with K562 cell line. In conclusion, this study has innovatively developed cultivation conditions for better production of recombinant L-asparaginase in shake flask culture


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    This study aims to investigate what speaking anxiety freshman EFL learners encountered in their classes and what strategies they used to reduce their anxiety. A mixed methods approach was employed to collect the data, including a questionnaire following the quantitative method and individual semi-structured interviews following the qualitative method. The participants were 185 freshman EFL learners at several universities in the Mekong Delta. The combination of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale developed by Horwitz, Horwitz & Cope (1986) and the theories about three kinds of anxiety proposed by Ellis (1994) was adapted to measure freshman EFL learners’ kinds of speaking anxiety in classes. Additionally, the five categories of coping strategies in Kondo and Ling (2004) were adapted to measure the participants’ coping strategies for reducing their speaking anxiety. The results of the study showed that the participants encountered all three kinds of speaking anxiety including trait anxiety, specific-situation anxiety, and state anxiety in classes. Furthermore, the study also indicated five kinds of strategies utilized by the participants to reduce their anxiety in speaking class namely preparation strategies, relaxation strategies, positive thinking strategies, peer-seeking strategies, and resignation strategies. From the results, it was also indicated that preparation strategies were used more frequently than the other strategies by the participants in speaking classes.  Article visualizations

    Social media’s impact on Generation Z’s purchasing behavior of sustainable products

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of social networks on the consumption behavior of sustainable products among Generation Z. Social networks have evolved into important technologies, making them an unavoidable option for Generation Z and the human race in general. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively assess how social networks have influenced the consumption behavior of Gen Z toward sustainable products in order to improve the process of community implementation while improving the quality of social networks and the durability of products. A literature review was conducted of studies linked to the suggested study model, which includes a mix of social network models and external variables influencing Gen Z's purchase of sustainable products via social networks. The suggested model was then tested on a sample of 100 Vietnamese students. Social networking techniques were used to study and evaluate the dataset. The report advises that managers and marketers should employ social media marketing tactics to communicate with Gen Z customers and promote the value of sustainability. Management and marketers should also provide sustainability information and promote sustainable goods on popular social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok

    Cultures and Works of Tay People Through Vocative Words

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    Culture has a close relationship with many fields, including Linguistics. Language is a special product of culture. It is a means of communication and a tool for thinking. Language is a means to reflect, maintain and develop culture. Any meaningful sign of a language contains a cultural element. Vocative words are one of those cases. The article explores the vocative words system in the language of the Tay people in Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam and concludes that culture is not only a factor that generates language, but also an environment for language to exist and develop. develop. Through the system of vocative words in the Tay language, it shows the cultural characteristics of respect affection of the Tay people