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    東京海洋大学博士学位論文 平成26年度(2014) 応用生命科学 課程博士 甲第338号指導教員: 大迫一史全文公表年月日: 2021-12-14東京海洋大学201

    Dynamický model dvou synchronních generátorů propojených dlouhou přenosovou linkou

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    Due to the large desire to utilize transmission networks for more flexible power interchange transactions, the high requirement for power system dynamic analysis has grown significantly in recent years. While dynamics and stability have been studied for years in a long term planning and design environment, there is a recognized need to perform this analysis in a weekly or even daily operation environment. The dynamic performance of power systems is important to both the system organizations, from an economic viewpoint, and society in general, from a reliability viewpoint. The analysis of power system dynamics and stability is increasing daily in terms of number and frequency of studies, as well as in complexity and size. Dynamic phenomena have been discussed according to basic function, time-scale properties, and problem size. In a realistic system, electric power system consist of the interconnection of large numbers of synchronous generators operating in parallel. These generators are connected together by transmission lines. In the operation process, the rotor angles of generators swing relatively to another one during transients. Under disturbances the synchronism of machines in system is achieved when maintaining equilibrium between electromagnetic and mechanical torques. In other words, a system is unstable if the angle difference between two interconnected generators is not sufficiently damped in the evaluation time. The instability typically occurs as increasingly swings angle generators leading to some loss of synchronism with other generators. One of the constraints for long distance AC transmission is the large phase angular difference which is required to transmit a given amount of power. Therefore, in order to gain dynamic behavior characteristics of system when subject to disturbances, this work will focus on modeling two synchronous generators linked by long AC transmission line. Within the content of this work, for the analysis of system modes, the system is computed based on a detailed model of synchronous machines, transformers, loads and the long transmission line including voltage dynamics and frequency response. The system power equilibrium equations are derived and linearized for the small disturbance stability analysis and some transient disturbances. These results can serve to define stability margin of a power system. This stability limit would play important role in improving designs of the different system connection conditions.V posledních dynamických letech významně vzrostly nároky na pružnost výměny elektrické energie, což klade zvýšené nároky na dynamickou analýzu energetických systémů. Zatím co dynamika a stabilita sítí je dlouhodobě studována při dlouhodobém plánování, je nyní zapotřebí k zamezení nežádoucích výpadků přenosu energie tuto analýze provádět daleko rychleji on-line s okamžitými on-line naměřenými daty. Dynamicky stabilní výkon přenášený v energetických systémech je důležitý jak z organizačních důvodů, tak z ekonomického hlediska spolu s hlediskem spolehlivosti. Analýzou dynamiky a stability energetických systémů se v současnosti zabývá velké množství aktuální odborné literatury. Literární studie se liší podle detailnosti popisu systému a jeho velikosti. Dynamické jevy byly diskutovány podle základní funkce, podle vlastností, podle časového měřítka atd. V reálném systému se elektrická energetická soustava skládá z propojení velkého počtu synchronních generátorů pracujících paralelně. Tyto generátory jsou propojeny přenosovými linkami. Při provozním procesu se úhly rotorů generátorů v průběhu přechodových otáček relativně otáčejí jiným. Při poruchách dochází k synchronizaci strojů v systému při zachování rovnováhy mezi elektromagnetickými a mechanickými momenty. Jinými slovy, systém je nestabilní, pokud úhlový rozdíl mezi dvěma propojenými generátory není dostatečně tlumen. Nestabilita se zpravidla vede ke ztrátě synchronizace s ostatními generátory a k rozpadu okrsku sítě vypnutím proudových, napěťových a výkonových ochran. Jedním z omezení stability přináší pro dálkový přenos dlouhým vedením. Dlouhé metalické vedení zvyšuje fázový úhlový rozdíl, který je nutný k přenosu daného výkonu střídavým proudem. Proto se za účelem získání popisu dynamického chování systému při poruchách soustředí tato práce na modelování dvou synchronních generátorů propojených dlouhým AC přenosovým vedením. V rámci této práce je pro analýzu systémových režimů systém vypočítán na základě podrobného modelu synchronních strojů, transformátorů, zátěží a dlouhé přenosové linky včetně dynamiky napětí a frekvenční odezvy


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    Social networking sites have a great influence on everyone, especially young people. In Vietnam, 100% of higher education institutions have a fanpage (an information page created on Facebook) to communicate images about the institutions’ activities. In order to promote the image of higher education institutions to the public, students are the main and effective human resources in communicating the university’s image on social networking sites in the most effective and objective way. Therefore, to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to have appropriate solutions.  Article visualizations


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    The 4.0 technology revolution has had a strong influence on mass communication in general and traditional communication in particular. The change in communication causes the communication method of the communicator to change, which means that traditional communication must have a change in the communication language to adapt to the needs and ability to attract the public. This transformation is being clearly shown from the perspective of print communication and broadcast communication.  Article visualizations


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    During the communication process, the media person must use the interview method to collect information. However, due to the characteristics of each different type of communication, the language, methods and skills of interviewing are different. The video interview is considered the most difficult skill. In Vietnam, the images of interviewees appearing in video interviews make them feel shy and uninterested because they are affected by many factors such as psychological appearance in front of the camera. Sometimes, they are shy or do not want many people to know about them. Therefore, conducting a video interview becomes more difficult. Therefore, in order to conduct an effective video interview, media people need to equip themselves with the necessary basic skills.  Article visualizations

    Identifying the Need for Self-Management Education in Adult Patients with Type-2 Diabetes in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    The purpose of this thesis project was to identify the need for self-management through investigating the existing knowledge about diabetes self-care and their perception of diabetic control in adult patients with type-2 diabetes Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The 16-Item Diabetes Self Management Questionnaire (Schmitt et al., 2013) and a cross-sectional design was used in this study to explore the diabetes self management related to four subscales such as glucose management, dietary control, physical activity, health-care use and a sum scale as the perception of diabetic control among fifty five participants who were diagnosed with type-2 diabetes in Tan Phu District Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City. The study found that the age of the participants ranged from 40 to 83 years old, and the average age was 62 years old with more female (65.5%) than male (34.5%). They all had formal schooling at least elementary level, and 27.4% had higher education level (university or higher). The majority of them were retired (65.5%). The participants were all diagnosed with type-2 diabetes and their diabetes duration ranged from 1 to 30 years. The findings showed that respondents’ knowledge about diabetes self- management seemed overall to be sufficient since the mode of each item showed that they positively understood and applied the facts which were appropriate for their diabetes self-care activities. Then, the last item included as an overall sum scale varied by the demographic characteristics to generally explore participants’ perception of diabetic control. In general, the findings showed that most of the participants agreed that their diabetes self care was not poor (34.5% male never believed that their diabetes self-care was poor, and the rest of 65.5% female rarely believed that their diabetes self-care was poor). In conclusion, this study suggests that health professionals in Vietnam should use reliable and valid tools, such as this questionnaire from Schmitt et al. (2013), to have better understanding about patient’s self-care. Health professionals can use this information to provide diabetic patients with a suitable health education program. In addition, more research related to diabetes self-care needs to be conducted to provide more evidence-based information to support patients with diabetes in Vietnam

    Current situation of microfinance implementation at Vietnamese commercial banks

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    Microfinance is considered an effective tool in the strategy of hunger eradication, poverty reduction, income generation and improving living standards for the poor in countries. Among the subjects providing microfinance, commercial banks are a special and important subject. In the context of official microfinance institutions in Vietnam developing quite slowly, not attracting much attention from state management agencies, socio-political organizations, donors and related parties; Researching the current status of microfinance implementation at commercial banks in Vietnam is necessary. The goal of the article is to understand the current status of microfinance implementation at commercial banks in Vietnam, thereby providing some suggestions to develop this activity, towards the goal of comprehensive finance