622 research outputs found

    Aspects of the structure and phenology of two fynbos communities

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    Data on the floristics, biomass, pattern, growth forms and regeneration modes of two tall, mid-dense, proteoid shrublands are analysed. The phenology of a number of species in different growth forms is examined in terms of current hypotheses about growth form related timing of shoot growth, and general patterns of periodicity in nutrient-poor mediterranean environments. Taxa typical of the fynbos flora are dominant in both communities, but the drier Cedarberg community has fewer species in these taxa and more annuals than the moister Kogelberg environment. These floristic changes are reflected also in the growth form spectra and the stratification of the communities. The biomass of the cedarberg community is higher at 1820 g/m2 against 1100 g/m2 for the Kogelberg community. This difference is discussed in terms of the greater effectiveness of the rainfall at the Cedarberg (664 mm/yr), than at the Kogelberg (1016 mm/yr), and the availability of soil nutrients. There are more sprouting plants, excluding annuals, in the flora of the Cedarberg site. This is in line with the prediction that, within limits, the drier the climate, the more reliable the investment in vegetative regrowth after fire. The similarity in community physiognomy is confirmed by the quantitative analyses which show that there are differences and also strong similarities between the communities. The overstorey Proteaceae grow from spring to mid-summer, as do the Restionaceae, but the other growth forms follow a variety of patterns, including opportunistic summer growth. The sequence of phenological events is partly related to morphological sequences in plant development and partly to resource partitioning. The current hypotheses concerning community structure and phenology in mediterranean environments cannot be refuted, but they do not account for the variations observed within and between growth forms and need to be critically examined

    Ecohydrology: processes and implications for rangelands

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    This chapter is organized around the concept of ecohydrological processes that are explicitly tied to ecosystem services. Ecosystem services are benefits that people receive from ecosystems. We focus on (1) the regulating services of water distribution, water purification, and climate regulation; (2) the supporting services of water and nutrient cycling and soil protection and restoration; and (3) the provisioning services of water supply and biomass production. Regulating services are determined at the first critical juncture of the water cycle—on the soil surface, where water either infiltrates or becomes overland flow. Soil infiltrability is influenced by vegetation, grazing intensity, brush management, fire patterns, condition of biological soil crusts, and activity by fauna. At larger scales, water-regulating services are influenced by other factors, such as the nature and structure of riparian zones and the presence of shallow groundwater aquifers. Provisioning services are those goods or products that are directly produced from ecosystems, such as water, food, and fiber. Work over the last several decades has largely overturned the notion that water supply can be substantially increased by removal of shrubs. In riparian areas, surprisingly, removal of invasive, non-native woody plants appears to hold little potential for increasing water supply. Here, the primary factor appears to be that non-native plants use no more water than the native vegetation they displace. Clearly there is a close coupling between biota (both fauna and flora) and water on rangelands—which is why water-related ecosystem services are so strongly dependent on land management strategies.Fil: Wilcox, Bradford P.. Texas A&M University; Estados UnidosFil: Le Maitre, David. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research; SudĂĄfricaFil: Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de MatemĂĄtica Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias FĂ­sico, MatemĂĄticas y Naturales. Instituto de MatemĂĄtica Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi"; ArgentinaFil: Wang, Lixin. Indiana University; Estados UnidosFil: Breshears, David D.. University of Arizona; Estados Unido

    No evidence of association between either Modic change or disc degeneration and five circulating inflammatory proteins.

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    INTRODUCTION: Intervertebral disc degeneration and Modic change are the main spinal structural changes associated with chronic low back pain (LBP). Both conditions are thought to manifest local inflammation and if inflammatory proteins translocate to the blood circulation could be detected systemically. The work here assesses whether the presence of disc degeneration is associated with detectable blood level changes of five inflammatory markers and whether chronic LBP is associated with these changes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two hundred and forty TwinsUK cohort participants with both MRI disc degeneration grade and Modic change extent, and IL-6, IL-8, IL-8 TNF, and CX3CL1 protein blood concentration measurements were included in this work. Linear mixed effects models were used to test the association of blood cytokine concentration with disc degeneration score and Modic change volumetric score. Association of chronic LBP status from questionnaires with disc degeneration, Modic change, and cytokine blood concentration was also tested. RESULTS: No statistically significant association between disc degeneration or Modic change with cytokine blood concentration was found. Instead, regression analysis pointed strong association between cytokine blood concentration with body mass index for IL-6 and with age for IL-6 and TNF. Mild association was found between IL-8 blood concentration and body mass index. Additionally, LBP status was associated with Modic change volumetric score but not associated with any cytokine concentration. CONCLUSIONS: We found no evidence that Modic change and disc degeneration are able to produce changes in tested blood cytokine concentration. However, age and body mass index have strong influence on cytokine concentration and both are associated with the conditions studied which may confound associations found in the literature. It is then unlikely that cytokines produced in the disc or vertebral bone marrow induce chronic LBP

    Nitrogen dynamics in land cleared of alien vegetation (Acacia saligna) and impacts on groundwater at Riverlands Nature Reserve (Western Cape, South Africa)

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    Woody invading alien plants, many of which are nitrogen-fixing legumes (Fabaceae family), are currently cleared in South African catchments to reduce water loss and preserve streamflow, and for the restoration of the ecosystem. This study tested the hypothesis that clearing invasive alien vegetation may disturb the vegetation-micro-organism-soil N cycling system by producing a large once-off input of fresh tree litterfall rich in N and by eliminating a large N sink. Three experimental plots were established at the Riverlands Nature Reserve (Western Cape, South Africa): a site invaded by Acacia saligna to be used as control; a site cleared of Acacia saligna; and a site with natural vegetation to be used as background. Nitrogen concentrations in soil and groundwater, volumetric soil water contents, root density and weather conditions were measured during 2007. Oxidised forms of nitrogen, in particular NO3-, were dominant in the system. Recharge and leachate were simulated with the HYDRUS-2D model and used as inputs into Visual MODFLOW to predict the spatial distribution of nitrate plus nitrite (NOx) in groundwater. NOx levels in soil and groundwater were higher in alien-invaded areas compared to fynbos-covered land. A quick release of NOx into groundwater was observed due to high residual N reserves in the rooting zone, decreased  evapotranspiration and increased recharge in the treatment cleared of alien vegetation. In the long run, high NOx concentrations in groundwater underlying cleared land will last only until all the excess nitrogen has been leached from the soil. A decrease in NOx concentration in groundwater can be expected thereafter. Clearing land of alien invasive legumes may therefore have a beneficial effect by reducing groundwater contamination from NOx and reducing water losses in catchments

    Human MMP28 expression is unresponsive to inflammatory stimuli and does not correlate to the grade of intervertebral disc degeneration

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    BACKGROUND: MMP28 (epilysin) is a recently discovered member of the MMP (matrix metalloproteinase) family that is, amongst others, expressed in osteoarthritic cartilage and intervertebral disc (IVD) tissue. In this study the hypothesis that increased expression of MMP28 correlates with higher grades of degeneration and is stimulated by the presence of proinflammatory molecules was tested. Gene expression levels of MMP28 were investigated in traumatic and degenerative human IVD tissue and correlated to the type of disease and the degree of degeneration (Thompson grade). Quantification of MMP28 gene expression in human IVD tissue or in isolated cells after stimulation with the inflammatory mediators lipopolysaccharide (LPS), interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α or the histondeacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A was performed by real-time RT PCR. RESULTS: While MMP28 expression was increased in individual cases with trauma or disc degeneration, there was no significant correlation between the grade of disease and MMP28 expression. Stimulation with LPS, IL-1ÎČ, TNF-α or trichostatin A did not alter MMP28 gene expression at any investigated time point or any concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that gene expression of MMP28 in the IVD is not regulated by inflammatory mechanisms, is donor-dependent and cannot be positively or negatively linked to the grade of degeneration and only weakly to the occurrence of trauma. New hypotheses and future studies are needed to find the role of MMP28 in the intervertebral disc

    A proposed classification of invasive alien plant species in South Africa: Towards prioritising species and areas for management action

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    Many invasive alien plant species in South Africa are already well-established and cause substantial damage, while scores of others are at the early stages of invasion (only recently introduced and/or entering a phase of rapid population growth). Management programmes must target well-established invaders, but must also give appropriate attention to emerging problems. Protocols for objectively prioritizing species in the two groups for management action are lacking. To this end, we describe the objective derivation of two lists of invasive alien plants in South Africa, using available quantitative data and expert knowledge on current patterns of distribution and abundance, life-history traits, and (for emerging invaders) estimates of potential habitat. ‘Major invaders’ are those invasive alien species that are well-established, and which already have a substantial impact on natural and semi-natural ecosystems. ‘Emerging invaders’ currently have less influence, but have attributes and potentially suitable habitat that could result in increased range and consequences in the next few decades. We describe the derivation of lists that contain 117 major invaders (categorized into groups based on geographical range and abundance) and 84 emerging invaders (categorized into groups based on current propagule-pool size and potentially invasible habitat). The main lists, and groupings within them, provide a useful means for prioritizing species for a range of management interventions at national, regional and local scale

    Impact of invasive alien plants on water provision in selected catchments

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    We analyse the impact of failing to control invasive alien plants (IAPs) on the water supply to the Berg River and De Hoop Dams, in other words, the opportunity cost of not clearing IAPs in these two catch-ments. To do this we used models to assess and compare the impact of current and future invasions on inflows into the dams. Although the clearing of current invasions would only provide a modest increase in the amount of water compared to, for example, the construction of an-other dam, failure to clear the invasion will have a negative impact on water security in the long term. We estimated that the Berg River Dam could lose up to 51% of its mean annual inflows to IAPs over a 45-year period, and the De Hoop Dam catchment could lose up to 44%. These impacts would continue to increase over time, and the costs of control could become very high as the plants invade rugged terrain. Major in-frastructural development requires Ministerial approval, supported by advice from senior officials. We suggest that such advice should sub-stantively take sufficient account of the benefits of clearing existing in-vasions, or at least of preventing further invasions. Our results suggest that serious consequences arise from insufficient investment in catch-ment management. An integrated approach to the management of the supply of and demand for water, that ensures long-term sustainability, is essential in informed decision-making and the early control of IAPs is a key component of that approach

    A proposed prioritization system for the management of invasive alien plants in South Africa

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    Every country has weed species whose presence conflicts in some way with human management objectives and needs. Resources for research and control are limited, so priority should be given to species that are the biggest problem. The prioritization system described in this article was designed to assess objectively research and control priorities of invasive alien plants at a national scale in South Africa. The evaluation consists of seventeen criteria, grouped into five modules, that assess invasiveness, spatial characteristics, potential impact, potential for control, and conflicts of interest for each plant species under consideration. Total prioritization scores, calculated from criterion and module scores, were used to assess a species' priority. Prioritization scores were calculated by combining independent assessments provided by several experts, thus increasing the reliability of the rankings. The total confidence score, a separate index, indicates the reliability and availability of data used to make an assessment. Candidate species for evaluation were identified and assessed by several experts using the prioritization system. The final ranking was made by combining two separate indices, the total prioritization score and the total confidence score. This approach integrates the plant's perceived priority with an index of data reliability. Of the 61 species assessed, those with the highest ranks (Lantana camara, Chromolaena odorata and Opuntia ficus-indica) had high prioritization and high confidence scores, and are thus of most concern. Those species with the lowest ranks, for example, Harrisia martinii, Opuntia spinulifera and Opuntia exaltata, had low prioritization scores and high confidence scores, and thus are of least concern. Our approach to ranking weeds offers several advantages over existing systems because it is designed for multiple assessors based on the Delphi decision-making technique, the criteria contribute equally to the total score, and the system can accommodate incomplete data on a species. Although the choice of criteria may be criticized and the system has certain limitations, it appears to have delivered credible results

    Aquaporin expression in the human and canine intervertebral disc during maturation and degeneration

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    The intervertebral disc (IVD) is a highly hydrated tissue, the rich proteoglycan matrix imbibes water, enabling the disc to withstand compressive loads. During ageing and degeneration increased matrix degradation leads to dehydration and loss of function. Aquaporins (AQP) are a family of transmembrane channel proteins that selectively allow the passage of water in and out of cells and are responsible for maintaining water homeostasis in many tissues. Here, the expression of all 13 AQPs at gene and protein level was investigated in human and canine non‐degenerate and degenerate IVDs to develop an understanding of the role of AQPs during degeneration. Furthermore, in order to explore the transition of notochordal cells (NCs) towards nucleus pulposus (NP) cells, AQP expression was investigated in canine IVDs enriched in NCs to understand the role of AQPs in IVD maturation. AQP0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 were expressed at gene and protein level in both non‐degenerate and degenerate human NP tissue. AQP2 and 7 immunopositivity increased with degeneration in human NP tissue, whereas AQP4 expression decreased with degeneration in a similar way to AQP 1 and 5 shown previously. All AQP proteins that were identified in human NP tissue were also expressed in canine NP tissue. AQP2, 5, 6 and 9 were found to localise to vacuole‐like membranes and cell membranes in NC cells. In conclusion, AQPs were abundantly expressed in human and canine IVDs. The expression of many AQP isotypes potentially alludes to multi‐faceted functions related to adaption of NP cells to the conditions they encounter within their microenvironment in health and degeneration. The presence of AQPs within the IVD may suggest an adaptive role for these water channels during the development and maintenance of the healthy, mature IVD
