359 research outputs found

    Is there variety × isolate interaction in the polygenic quantitative resistance of carrot to Alternaria dauci ?

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    Horizontal and polygenic resistance is race-nonspecific and, therefore, more durable, unlike vertical resistance, which is race-specific and unstable. However, this division is perhaps not so obvious since some cultivar × isolate interactions have already been observed for plant species with partial resistance. Carrot is known to be partially resistant to Alternaria dauci, but it is relevant for breeders to study cultivar × isolate interactions in order to develop durable resistant varieties. For this purpose, 12 highly diverse carrot genotypes and one segregating population were inoculated in a tunnel or in a glass house with 11 isolates of A. dauci that also represented a high diversity in terms of geographical origin, aggressiveness and genetic diversity. Disease severity values were assessed three times in the tunnel in a one-year experiment (2002) and twice in the glass house in an experiment over two consecutive years (2011 and 2012). The interaction of isolate with genotype was non-significant in the tunnel, and the same result was obtained in the glasshouse for both years of study except for the first scoring date in 2011, suggesting that the partial resistance of carrot to A. dauci is probably mainly explained by major QTLs that confer resistance to a large number of isolates and, potentially, some minor isolate-specific QTLs as well

    QTL mapping of carrot resistance to leaf blight with connected populations: stability across years and consequences for breeding

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    Combining biparental and multiparental connected population analyses was useful for the identification of 11 QTLs in two new genetic backgrounds of carrot resistance to Alternaria dauci and for breeding recommendations. Leaf blight due to the fungus Alternaria dauci is the major carrot foliar disease worldwide. Some resistance QTLs have been previously identified in one population, but the evaluation of additional genetic backgrounds with higher level of resistance would give opportunities for breeders to combine them by pyramiding. For this purpose, two segregating populations were evaluated twice across 4 years in the same environment (1) to compare the efficiency of the single vs. the connected populations approach for characterizing the new sources of carrot resistance to Alternaria dauci; (2) to evaluate the stability of QTLs over the years; and (3) to give recommendations to breeders for marker-assisted selection. Single and connected analyses were complementary; their combination allowed the detection of 11 QTLs. Connected analyses allowed the identification of common and specific QTLs among the two populations and the most favorable allele at each QTL. Important contrasts between allelic effects were observed with four and five most favorable alleles coming from the two resistant parental lines, whereas two other favorable alleles came from the susceptible parental line. While four QTLs were consistent across years, seven were detected within a single year. The heritabilities for both populations PC2 and PC3 were high (75 and 78 %, respectively), suggesting that the resistance of carrot to A. dauci was little affected by these environmental conditions, but the instability of QTL over years may be due to changing environmental conditions. The complementarity between these parental lines in terms of interesting allelic combinations is also discussed

    Évolution temporelle de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique de Chaerophyllum bulbosum : consĂ©quences sur la gestion des ressources gĂ©nĂ©tiques

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    Afin d’accroĂźtre le pool gĂ©nĂ©tique nĂ©cessaire Ă  l’amĂ©lioration variĂ©tale du cerfeuil tubĂ©reux, apiacĂ©e alimentaire en pleine expansion, des prospections de populations sauvages sur deux campagnes successives ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es dans les bassins du Rhin et de la Weser, en Allemagne. Ces populations, principalement ripariennes, sont susceptibles d’ĂȘtre façonnĂ©es par les Ă©volutions des rĂ©seaux hydrographiques qui caractĂ©risent leur biotope. L’étude molĂ©culaire de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des populations montre une structuration forte entre ces populations sauvages (GST ∌ 32 %), mais ne met pas en Ă©vidence d’effet structurant des rĂ©seaux hydrographiques sur cette diversitĂ©, ni de phĂ©nomĂšne d’érosion gĂ©nĂ©tique global. Une discussion sur la stratĂ©gie de maintien de la diversitĂ© de cette espĂšce Ă  long terme est proposĂ©e

    Evaluating aggressiveness and host range of Alternaria dauci in a controlled environment

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    The aggressiveness of Alternaria dauci isolates was investigated in greenhouse conditions. Twenty-seven isolates were pre-selected from a large collection to represent high diversity according to geographic or host origins and intergenic spacer (IGS) polymorphism. IGS sequence analysis revealed that isolates were grouped within three different clusters. Eleven isolates were selected and inoculated on a susceptible carrot cultivar. Three criteria (mean lesion number, mean necrotic leaf area and mean disease index) were used to assess the aggressiveness of isolates. Continuous variation in aggressiveness was shown and no clear division into isolate classes was evident. For the host range study, two isolates were inoculated under greenhouse conditions onto nine cultivated Apiaceae species, two wild Daucus species and six cultivated non-Apiaceae species representing six botanical families. Lesions varying in severity were observed on all dicot species (Apiaceae and non-Apiaceae), but no symptoms developed on the two monocots studied (leek and sweetcorn). Plant species were also differentiated on the basis of expanding lesions (cultivated and wild carrot, dill and fennel) or non-expanding lesions (other dicot species). Typical A. dauci conidia were observed after in vitro incubation of leaves with symptoms. Fungal structures were isolated from lesions and A. dauci was confirmed on the basis of conidial morphology and specific conventional PCR results. Genotyping of individual isolates performed with microsatellite markers confirmed the presence of the inoculated isolate. The results clearly showed that, in controlled conditions, the host range of A. dauci is not restricted to carrot

    Breeding for carrot resistance to Alternaria dauci without compromising taste

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    Developing carrot varieties highly resistant to Alternaria dauci is a top priority for breeders. Meanwhile, consumers are increasingly demanding as regards final product quality, particularly taste. Bitterness is one of the five common taste sensations, but it is rejected by most carrot consumers. Therefore, providing tools for efficient plant breeding of resistant, low bitter carrots would be helpful. While resistance QTLs (rQTLs) have already been identified for carrot resistance to A. dauci, the genetic control and mapping of the metabolites involved in bitterness perception have not been addressed so far. We identified the metabolites most involved in bitterness by combining chemical and sensory analyses of a set of resistant and susceptible carrot genotypes grown in different environments. We evaluated their genetic control and heritability in a segregating F2:3 population over 2 years of field trials and searched for colocalizations between rQTLs and metabolite QTLs (mQTLs) to evaluate the link between bitterness and resistance traits. Our results suggest that it is possible to increase resistance while favoring low bitter varieties by selecting genomic regions involved in the expression of one or the other trait and counter-selecting others when r- and mQTL colocalization is unfavorable

    Theoretical study of Acousto-optical coherence tomography using random phase jumps on US and light

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    Acousto-Optical Coherence Tomography (AOCT) is variant of Acousto Optic Imaging (called also ultrasonic modulation imaging) that makes possible to get z resolution with acoustic and optic Continuous Wave (CW) beams. We describe here theoretically the AOCT e ect, and we show that the Acousto Optic tagged photons remains coherent if they are generated within a speci c z region of the sample. We quantify the z selectivity for both the tagged photon eld, and for the M. Lesa re et al. photorefractive signal

    Genetic diversity and taxonomic aspects of wild carrot in France

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    If in France, genetic resources of cultivated carrot are well studied and preserved, the wild compartment of the species remains unknown and underutilized, while there are many populations of wild carrot on the French territory. Several collecting missions were undertaken from 2009 to 2013 to identify and collect populations, particularly in coastal areas, in continental France and Corsica. More than a hundred populations were collected, with a good distribution throughout the territory, and eleven taxa were identified. The status of these taxa is variable, with some very common and others underrepresented or specific to a given area. Morphological and molecular studies are developed in order to improve the knowledge of taxonomy and diversity. The study conducted with microsatellite markers showed a high genetic diversity at the intra-and inter-populations levels. The overall results show that the Mediterranean coast and Corsica exhibit a particularly high diversity. The work confirms the specific interest of some populations and the taxonomic separation into 2 subgroups carota and gummifer in Daucus carota L. This study will allow developing a strategy for management of genetic resources and their valorisation in breeding
