1,270 research outputs found

    Physiological Study of the Efficacy of Archer® Eclipse in the Protection against Sunburn in Cucumber Plants

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    Sunburn is an important issue affecting the yield of many crops, mainly in arid and semi-arid regions. Excessive solar radiation and high temperatures can reduce growth and cause leaf chlorosis, oxidative stress, and photosynthesis impairment. It is thus necessary to develop agricultural techniques to protect plants in a cost-effective and reproducible manner. A potential method is through the spray of protective compounds based on particulate films, such as those based on kaolin. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of spraying the protective product Archer((R)) Eclipse, created by Atlantica Agricola S.A. (Alicante, Spain), on sunburn damage in a sensitive species such as the cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.). To evaluate the effects of sunburn on the plants, parameters related to biomass, leaf temperature, photosynthesis, and oxidative stress were analysed. Plants sprayed with Archer((R)) Eclipse showed fewer sunburn symptoms and obtained 43% more shoot biomass than those that were not treated. In addition, plants sprayed with Archer((R)) Eclipse showed 3 degrees C lower leaf temperatures, higher photosynthesis performance, 88% more water use efficiency, and 21% more chlorophyll concentration. Finally, plants treated with Archer((R)) Eclipse presented 6% less accumulations of carotenoids and 67% less total phenols, but lower oxidative stress indicators. In conclusion, this study confirms the efficiency of Archer((R)) Eclipse in protecting a sensitive vegetable plant such as the cucumber from sunburn-inducing conditions.PAI programme (Plan Andaluz de Investigacion, Grupo de Investigacion) AGR28

    Influence of Titanium Oxide Pillar Array Nanometric Structures and Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Properties of the Surface of Dental Implants: A Pilot Study

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    Aim: Titanium implants are commonly used as replacement therapy for lost teeth and much current research is focusing on the improvement of the chemical and physical properties of their surfaces in order to improve the osseointegration process. TiO2, when it is deposited in the form of pillar array nanometric structures, has photocatalytic properties and wet surface control, which, together with UV irradiation, provide it with superhydrophilic surfaces, which may be of interest for improving cell adhesion on the peri-implant surface. In this article, we address the influence of this type of surface treatment on type IV and type V titanium discs on their surface energy and cell growth on them. Materials and methods: Samples from titanium rods used for making dental implants were used. There were two types of samples: grade IV and grade V. In turn, within each grade, two types of samples were differentiated: untreated and treated with sand blasting and subjected to double acid etching. Synthesis of the film consisting of titanium oxide pillar array structures was carried out using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition equipment. The plasma was generated in a quartz vessel by an external SLAN-1 microwave source with a frequency of 2.45 GHz. Five specimens from each group were used (40 discs in total). On the surfaces to be studied, the following determinations were carried out: (a) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, (b) scanning electron microscopy, (c) energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, (d) profilometry, (e) contact angle measurement or surface wettability, (f) progression of contact angle on applying ultraviolet irradiation, and (g) a biocompatibility test and cytotoxicity with cell cultures. Results: The application of ultraviolet light decreased the hydrophobicity of all the surfaces studied, although it did so to a greater extent on the surfaces with the studied modification applied, this being more evident in samples manufactured in grade V titanium. In samples made in grade IV titanium, this difference was less evident, and even in the sample manufactured with grade IV and SLA treatment, the application of the nanometric modification of the surface made the surface optically less active. Regarding cell growth, all the surfaces studied, grouped in relation to the presence or not of the nanometric treatment, showed similar growth. Conclusions. Treatment of titanium oxide surfaces with ultraviolet irradiation made them change temporarily into superhydrophilic ones, which confirms that their biocompatibility could be improved in this way, or at least be maintained

    mTOSSIM: A simulator that estimates battery lifetime in wireless sensor networks

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    Knowledge of the battery lifetime of the wireless sensor network is important for many situations, such as in evaluation of the location of nodes or the estimation of the connectivity, along time, between devices. However, experimental evaluation is a very time-consuming task. It depends on many factors, such as the use of the radio transceiver or the distance between nodes. Simulations reduce considerably this time. They allow the evaluation of the network behavior before its deployment. This article presents a simulation tool which helps developers to obtain information about battery state. This simulator extends the well-known TOSSIM simulator. Therefore it is possible to evaluate TinyOS applications using an accurate model of the battery consumption and its relation to the radio power transmission. Although an specific indoor scenario is used in testing of simulation, the simulator is not limited to this environment. It is possible to work in outdoor scenarios too. Experimental results validate the proposed model.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-02476Junta de Andalucía TIC-570

    Energy efficient wireless sensor network communications based on computational intelligent data fusion for environmental monitoring

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    The study presents a novel computational intelligence algorithm designed to optimise energy consumption in an environmental monitoring process: specifically, water level measurements in flooded areas. This algorithm aims to obtain a tradeoff between accuracy and power consumption. The implementation constitutes a data aggregation and fusion in itself. A harsh environment can make the direct measurement of flood levels a difficult task. This study proposes a flood level estimation, inferred through the measurement of other common environmental variables. The benefit of this algorithm is tested both with simulations and real experiments conducted in Donñana, a national park in southern Spain where flood level measurements have traditionally been done manually.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-0247

    Índices de calidad del agua subterránea para uso agrícola en el Soconusco, Chiapas, México

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    "In Soconusco, Chiapas, in spite of the high availability of surface water, it is resorting to the use of groundwater. Knowledge about the quality of surface or groundwater used to irrigate crops in that region is low. This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge of the quality of groundwater for agricultural use through the characterization of the spatial variability. Assuming a random spatial distribution of 45 samples which were collected in situ were determined: acidity and alkalinity (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), cations and anions and trace elements; in addition to the agricultural index: Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Soluble Sodium Percentage (SSP), Sodium Percentage (% Na), Kelly Ratio (KR), Magnesium Adsorption Ratio (MAR), Permeability Index (PI), Effective Salinity (ES), Salinity Potential (SP) and Osmotic Potential (OP). In general, SSP, % Na, KR, PI are low, there is only one anomalous point (9) with high values at W of the study area. Similarly, PS, ES, Cl, Na and SAR are low except point 16 and conversely, RSC and pH are high, except at this point located in the center of the study area. The results allow us to infer that the water in that aquifer presents no problems or sodicity toxic ions. In 27 sites sampled values above 250 µmhos/cm were found at 25°C, classified as medium to high risk of salinity, unsuitable for agricultural use. Analysis of the combined effect of the presence of sodium (SAR) and salinity (EC or TDS) shows that 27 of analyzing sites have restricted water medium at very high for use in irrigation.""En el Soconusco, Chiapas, a pesar de la alta disponibilidad de agua superficial, se recurre al uso del agua subterránea. El conocimiento de la calidad del agua superficial o subterránea utilizada para el riego de los cultivos en la región es bajo. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la calidad del agua subterránea para uso agrícola a través de la caracterización de su variabilidad espacial. Asumiendo una distribución espacial aleatoria, se colectaron 45 muestras, a las que se les determinó: acidez y alcalinidad (pH), conductividad eléctrica (CE), Sólidos Totales Disueltos (TDS), cationes y aniones y oligoelementos; además se determinaron índices agrícolas: Índice de adsorción de sodio (SAR), Carbonato de sodio residual (CSR), Porcentaje de sodio soluble (PSS), Porcentaje de sodio (% Na), Relación de Kelly (RK), Relación de Absorción de Magnesio (RAM), Índice de Permeabilidad (IP), Salinidad Efectiva (SE), Salinidad Potencial (SP) y Potencial Osmótico (OP). En general, el PSS, % Na, RK, IP son bajas, sólo hay un punto anómalo (9) con valores altos en la parte oeste del área de estudio. Del mismo modo, SP, SE, Cl, Na y el RAS son bajos, excepto en el punto 16 y en contraste, CSR y pH son altos, excepto en este punto ubicado en el centro del área de estudio. Los resultados nos permiten inferir que el agua en ese acuífero no presenta problemas de sodicidad y de tóxicos. En 27 sitios se encontraron valores superiores a 250 µm/cm a 25 ° C, clasificados como de riesgo medio a alto de salinidad, es decir inadecuados para uso agrícola. El análisis del efecto combinado de la presencia de sodio (RAS) y salinidad (CE o SDT) muestra que 27 de los sitios analizados presentan restricciones de medias a muy altas para su uso en riego.

    Repetição escolar: Relação entre autoeficácia e perspectiva temporal nos adolescentes do Peru, Lima Metropolitana

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    Introduction. School repetition is a perceived school phenomenon, but it has not been addressed in Latin America; this is evidenced in the low scientific production of the population concerning the variables self-efficacy and temporal perspective. In this sense, the present research aimed to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and temporal perspective in repeater students of secondary level. Method. The General Self-Efficacy Scale instrument, using its Peruvian version (Grimaldo Muchotrigo, 2005), and Temporary Perspective Inventory (Díaz-Morales, 2006) were applied. The sample consisted of 157 school students who repeated the school year at the primary or secondary level. Results. The results indicate a moderate and positive relationship between self-efficacy and the future dimension (r = 0.48), positive past (r = 0.32) and hedonistic present (r = 0.30), and a low and positive relationship between self-efficacy and negative past (r = 0.22) and fatalistic present (r = 0.27). Discussion. It is concluded that there is a moderate relationship between self-efficacy and prospects that should be examined in future studies, understanding that the population of repeater students is a group that has not yet been studied. In fact, these results have strong practical implications because they show the need to explore psychological variables in a population with grade repetition and to carry out approaches from the psycho-pedagogical departments of the educational centers.Introducción. La repetición escolar es un fenómeno escolar percibido, pero no atendido en América Latina; esto se evidencia en la escasa producción científica de la población en relación con las variables autoeficacia y perspectiva temporal. En ese sentido, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo examinar la relación entre autoeficacia y perspectiva temporal en estudiantes repitentes de nivel secundario. Metodología. Se aplicó el instrumento Escala de autoeficacia general, en su versión peruana (Grimaldo Muchotrigo, 2005) e Inventario de perspectiva temporal (Díaz-Morales, 2006). Las personas participantes fueron 157 estudiantes escolares que repitieron año escolar en el nivel primario o secundario. Resultados. Los resultados indican una relación moderada y positiva entre autoeficacia y la dimensión temporal de futuro (r = 0,48); pasado positivo (r = 0,32) y presente hedonista (r = 0,30); y una relación baja y positiva entre autoeficacia y pasado negativo (r = 0,22) y presente fatalista (r = 0,27). Discusión. Se concluye que existe una relación moderada entre la autoeficacia y las perspectivas del porvenir que deben ser examinadas en futuros estudios, entendiendo que la población de estudiantes repitentes es un grupo poco investigado aún. De hecho, estos resultados tienen fuertes implicancias prácticas porque permiten dar cuenta de la necesidad de explorar variables psicológicas en una población con repitencia y realizar abordajes desde los departamentos psicopedagógicos de los centros educativos.Introdução. A repetição escolar é um fenômeno escolar percebido, mas não resolvido na América Latina, o que é evidenciado na baixa produção científica da população em relação às variáveis autoeficácia e perspectiva temporal. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo examinar a relação entre autoeficácia e perspectiva temporal em estudantes repetidos do ensino médio. Metodologia. Foi aplicado o instrumento Escala Geral de Autoeficácia, em sua versão peruana (Grimaldo Muchotrigo, 2005) e Inventário de Perspectiva Temporária (Díaz-Morales, 2006). Os participantes foram 157 estudantes que repetiram o ano letivo no nível primário ou secundário. Resultados. Os resultados indicam uma relação moderada e positiva entre autoeficácia e dimensão futura (r = 0,48); passado positivo (r = 0,32) e presente hedonista (r = 0,30); e uma relação baixa e positiva entre autoeficácia e passado negativo (r = 0,22) e presente fatalista (r = 0,27). Discussão. Conclui-se que existe uma relação moderada entre autoeficácia e perspectivas futuras que devem ser examinadas nos futuros estudos, entendendo que a população de estudantes que repetem é um grupo ainda pouco pesquisado. De fato, esses resultados têm fortes implicações práticas porque permitem explicar a necessidade de explorar variáveis psicológicas em uma população que repete o ano e de realizar abordagens a partir dos departamentos psicopedagógicos dos centros educacionais

    Gamification and Breakout Edu in Professional Training. «Grey Place» program in Social Integration

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    La gamificación educativa es el uso de dinámicas y mecánicas propias de los juegos al ámbito educativo, con el objetivo de aumentar la motivación escolar del alumnado. Desde la presente aportación se presenta el diseño e implementación de una unidad de trabajo gamificada en Formación Profesional durante el curso 2018/2019 para la asignatura de Apoyo a la Intervención Educativa del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior en Integración Social. Se plantea un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje cooperativo a través de un proyecto gamificado centrado en la identificación y creación de recursos educativos para alumnado con diversidad funcional. Se concluye que el uso de estrategias gamificadas pueden ser motivadoras para el alumnado y beneficiosas para su aprendizaje.Educational gamification is the use of dynamics and mechanics propers of the games to educational sphere, with the aim to increase the scholastic motivation of students. From the present contribution, is presented the design and implementation of a work-gamificated unit in Vocational Training during the academic year 2018/2019 for the "Supporting to educational intervention" subject of Higher-Level Training Cycle on Social Integration. It states a cooperative teaching - learning process through of a gamification project focuses in identification and creation of educational resources for student body with functional diversity. It is concluded that use of gamification strategies may be motivating for student body and beneficial for their learning

    Analysis of RAZORMIN® as a Biostimulant and Its Effect on the Phytotoxicity Mitigation Caused by Fungicide Azoxystrobin in Pepper

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    Use of biostimulants for stimulating plant growth and mitigating the negative impacts of biotic and abiotic stresses is a promising strategy to achieve higher crop yields. Fungicides such as azoxystrobin are used to control several pests and fungal diseases in plants but at the cost of altering various physiological processes; thereby, leading to reduced crop yields. The efficiency of the compound RAZORMIN® as a biostimulant product while taking into account its role in plant growth stimulation and fungicide azoxystrobin stress mitigation was evaluated in this study. The efficacy of RAZORMIN® was assessed considering its impact on the stimulation of growthrelated physiological processes and stress mitigation mechanism, e.g., reactive oxygen species (ROS) detoxification. Application of RAZORMIN® significantly increased plant growth by improving fresh weight, photosynthetic efficiency, net photosynthesis rate, gas exchange, nitrogen (N) metabolism (with increases in soluble amino acids, foliar N concentration, and N use efficiency), growth hormone concentrations (mainly gibberellins and cytokinins), nutritional status of plants (producing a greater accumulation of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, molybdenum, iron, and boron), and sugars concentration. Furthermore, the application of RAZORMIN® on plants under fungicide azoxystrobin stress demonstrated its anti-stress and protective role by stimulating the antioxidant defense system and improving photosynthetic efficiencyPAI program (Plan Andaluz de Investigacion, Grupo de Investigacion) AGR28

    Espacio y usos funerarios en la Qurtuba Islámica

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    Grâce à l’abondante information générée à l’égard du monde funeraire de l’époque islamique corduenne au cours des dernières années quel’on a établi un doble but pour ce travail: réaliser une actualisation de ces données et commencer à poser des nouvelles lignes de recherché. Les nouvelles lignes feront allusion d’une part à la configuration des aires occupées par les cimitières et leurs rapports avec la topographie urbaine, et d´une autre part aux propres caractéristiques de ces espaces.Tras el significativo aumento de la información generada en relación con el mundo funerario de época islámica en Córdoba en los últimos años, planteamos para este trabajo un doble objetivo: realizar una actualización de dichos datos y empezar a plantear nuevas cuestiones o líneas de investigación referidas, por un lado, a la configuración de las áreas cementeriales en relación con la topografía urbana, y por otro, a las propias características internas de estos espacios