52 research outputs found

    Cosmic Ray Investigation in the Stratosphere and Space: Results from Instruments on Russian Satellites and Balloons

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    Selected activities aimed to investigate cosmic ray fluxes and to contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms behind, over a long-time period using space research tools in the former USSR/Russia and Slovakia, are reviewed, and some of the results obtained are presented. As the selection is connected with the institutes where the authors are working, it represents only a partial review of this wide topic

    Legal Help in International Criminal Procedure Law

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    The issue of international criminal process has been analyzed by scholars before the revolution in Russia took place. From that time there still goes on the discussion whether the criminal procedure law should be recognized as a branch of international law. There exist several points of view on this subject which are enumerated in the article. Discussion as to the place o international criminal procedure law is still continuing.International legal process is a composite part of international process as a whole and is an institute of international criminal law. Several opinions of prominent scholars are given to support different approaches to this problem. The conclusion is that international criminal law and international criminal process compliment each other as they have the same goal.Further on the sources of international criminal law are analyzed which are divided into three groups. Then the author tries to prove the independent nature of international criminal procedure law and lists the relevant circumstances.But the main task the author sees is in locating the right place in international criminal procedure law for the institute of legal help in criminal cases.The last part is devoted to this particular question. One of the conclusions the author makes is that this institute is to be recognized as comprehensive and complex institute of international criminal procedure law

    The Role of Scientific Ballooning for Exploration of the Magnetosphere

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    Invitetd paper for the Symposium on Advances in ballon science and technology 28-29 June 1984 at the XXVth COSPAR Meeting in Graz, Austria.To be published in Advances in Space Research 1984QC 20120410</p

    International criminal court and Russia: to be or not to be together

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    INTRODUCTION. The creation of the International Criminal Court in 1998 boosted significantly the interests of practitioners and researchers as regards international criminal law and procedure. It was the very first time when the permanent international court dealing with crimes of the concern of the international community was created. Twenty years being passed but the formal quantitative results of the Court coupled with disputes as regards Courtā€™s role and status, skepticism and disappointment of his work provoked an overall critic and negligence. It was aggravated by the direct critic delivered by a few states. Some of them refused to become a party to the Rome Statute or withdrew its ratification thereof. The same was with the internal situation in the Court: reluctance about the cooperation of the forensic unities and HR-disputes.MATERIALS AND METHODS. To prepare this paper the academic teachings of Russian and foreign specialists in international law and especially international criminal law, international and domestic legal instruments, media publications, reports and statistics of the ICC official web page were used. This study is premised on using the general methods of cognition (systemic and structural approaches, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction) and methods of legal research (comparative, historical and formallydogmatic methods).RESEARCH RESULTS. Exaggerated expectations, organizational shortcomings, external explicit backlash, system obstacles of the international justice, pressure of officials and overt nihilism of the academics ā€“ that is where the Court have no choice but to work. Russian skepticism coupled with political observations provoked Russiaā€™s 2016 withdrawal of its signature from the Rome Statute.The paper deals with Russian motives and reasons of the abovementioned decision. The analysis is carried out within the general pattern of the functioning of the Courts and its drawbacks. The stance of the main stakeholders is also considered. The authors conclude that the main reason of the Courtā€™s default is predetermined considerably by the systematic and objective factors not dependent on the Hague court. At the same time some of the problems are deemed to be typical for international justice per se.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. The bashing as regards the Court and its results excludes the impartiality in assessing ICCā€™s results and impedes the correct reasoning and offering adequate recommendations. The general negative narrative backs sufficient background for taking solely politically motivated decisions what the Russian experience proves

    The Financial Support Provided by the State to the Families with Children in Comparison with Estonia and its Impact on the Mothersā€™ Return to Work

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    MaÄ£istra darba tēma ir ā€žValsts finansiālais atbalsts Ä£imenēm ar bērniem salÄ«dzinājumā ar Igauniju un tā ietekme uz māmiņu atgrieÅ”anos darba tirgÅ«ā€ un tā mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot kā valsts finansiālais atbalsts Ä£imenēm ar bērniem ietekmē māmiņu atgrieÅ”anos darba tirgÅ«. Darbam tika izvirzÄ«ti vairāki uzdevumi: ekonomikas teorijas izpēte, Latvijas un Igaunijas finansiālā atbalsta Ä£imenēm ar bērniem salÄ«dzinājums un praktisks mērÄ·auditorijas pētÄ«jums, izmantojot kvantitatÄ«vo metodi. Darba gaitā tika izdarÄ«ti seсinājumi un sniegti priekÅ”likumi LabklājÄ«bas ministrijai un darba devējiem, tā skaitā netika pierādÄ«ta darbā izvirzÄ«tā hipotēze, ka valsts mazā finansiālā atbalsta dēļ jaunās māmiņas ir spiestas atgriezties ātrāk darba tirgÅ«. Atslēgvārdi: Ä¢imenes politika, valsts finansiālais atbalsts, māmiņu atgrieÅ”anās darba tirgÅ«, salÄ«dzinājums ar IgaunijuThe theme of the Mastersā€™ Thesis is ā€œThe Finanсial Support Provided by the State to the Families with Š”hildren in Š”omparison with Estonia and its Impaсt on the Mothersā€™ Return to Workā€. Purpose of the Thesis is to сlarify how the state provided support to the families with сhildren affeсts motherā€™s opportunities to return in the job market. In order to attain the Thesisā€™ purpose, several tasks were proposed: researсh of the Theory of Eсonomiсs, сomparison of the state provided finanсial support between Latvia and Estonia and a praсtiсal researсh on the target group by surveying. During the researсh several сonсlusions and suggestions to the respeсtive organizations (Ministry of Welfare and employers) were prepared. The proposed hypothesis assumption that the poor finanсial support from the state to the families with сhildren forсes mothers to return to work earlier was not verified. Key words: Family politiсs, State finanсial support, Motherā€™s return to the job market, сomparison wi
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