1,782 research outputs found

    Fermi arcs and pseudogap emerging from dimensional crossover at the Fermi surface in La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4

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    The doping mechanism and realistic Fermi surface (FS) evolution of La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 (LSCO) are modelled within an extensive ab-initio framework including advanced band-unfolding techniques. We show that ordinary Kohn-Sham DFT+U can reproduce the observed metal-insulator transition, when not restricted to the paramagnetic solution space. Arcs are self-doped by orbital charge transfer within the Cu-O planes, while the introduced Sr charge is strongly localized. Arc protection and the inadequacy of the rigid-band picture are consequences of a rapid change in orbital symmetry at the Fermi energy: the material undergoes a dimensional crossover along the Fermi surface, between the nodal (2D) and antinodal (3D) regions. In LSCO, this crossover accounts for FS arcs, the antinodal pseudogap, and insulating behavior in cc-axis conductivity, all ubiquitous phenomena in high-Tc_c cuprates. Ligand Coulomb integrals involving out-of-plane sites are principally responsible for the most striking effects observed by ARPES in LSCO.Comment: Final slightly expanded version, as accepted in EP

    Surface acoustic wave modulation of single photon emission from GaN/InGaN nanowire quantum dots

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    On-chip quantum information processing requires controllable quantum light sources that can be operated on-demand at high-speeds and with the possibility of in-situ control of the photon emission wavelength and its optical polarization properties. Here, we report on the dynamic control of the optical emission from core-shell GaN/InGaN nanowire (NW) heterostructures using radio frequency surface acoustic waves (SAWs). The SAWs are excited on the surface of a piezoelectric lithium niobate crystal equipped with a SAW delay line onto which the NWs were mechanically transferred. Luminescent quantum dot (QD)-like exciton localization centers induced by compositional fluctuations within the InGaN nanoshell were identified using stroboscopic micro-photoluminescence (micro-PL) spectroscopy. They exhibit narrow and almost fully linearly polarized emission lines in the micro-PL spectra and a pronounced anti-bunching signature of single photon emission in the photon correlation experiments. When the nanowire is perturbed by the propagating SAW, the embedded QD is periodically strained and its excitonic transitions are modulated by the acousto-mechanical coupling, giving rise to a spectral fine-tuning within a ~1.5 meV bandwidth at the acoustic frequency of ~330 MHz. This outcome can be further combined with spectral detection filtering for temporal control of the emitted photons. The effect of the SAW piezoelectric field on the QD charge population and on the optical polarization degree is also observed. The advantage of the acousto-optoelectric over other control schemes is that it allows in-situ manipulation of the optical emission properties over a wide frequency range (up to GHz frequencies).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1902.0791

    Solving for Micro- and Macro- Scale Electrostatic Configurations Using the Robin Hood Algorithm

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    We present a novel technique by which highly-segmented electrostatic configurations can be solved. The Robin Hood method is a matrix-inversion algorithm optimized for solving high density boundary element method (BEM) problems. We illustrate the capabilities of this solver by studying two distinct geometry scales: (a) the electrostatic potential of a large volume beta-detector and (b) the field enhancement present at surface of electrode nano-structures. Geometries with elements numbering in the O(10^5) are easily modeled and solved without loss of accuracy. The technique has recently been expanded so as to include dielectrics and magnetic materials.Comment: 40 pages, 20 figure

    Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering probes the electron-phonon coupling in the spin-liquid kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3

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    Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the N K edge reveals clearly resolved harmonics of the anion plane vibrations in the kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 spin-liquid insulator. Tuning the incoming light energy at the K edge of two distinct N sites permits to excite different sets of phonon modes. Cyanide CN stretching mode is selected at the edge of the ordered N sites which are more strongly connected to the BEDT-TTF molecules, while positionally disordered N sites show multi-mode excitation. Combining measurements with calculations on an anion plane cluster permits to estimate the sitedependent electron-phonon coupling of the modes related to nitrogen excitation

    n-Si/SiGe quantum cascade structures for THz emission

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    In this work we report on modelling the electron transport in n-Si/SiGe structures. The electronic structure is calculated within the effective-mass complex-energy framework, separately for perpendicular (Xz) and in-plane (Xxy) valleys, the degeneracy of which is lifted by strain, and additionally by size quantization. The transport is described via scattering between quantized states, using the rate equations approach and tight-binding expansion, taking the coupling with two nearest-neighbour periods. The acoustic phonon, optical phonon, alloy and interface roughness scattering are taken in the model. The calculated U/I dependence and gain profiles are presented for a couple of QC structures

    Ultrafast electronic response of Ag(111) and Cu(111) surfaces: From early excitonic transients to saturated image potential

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).We investigate the evolution of attosecond to femtosecond screening and emergent potentials that govern the dynamics and energetics of electrons and holes excited in the various stages of multiphoton photoemission processes and control the photoelectron yield in recently reported experiments [X. Cui, C. Wang, A. Argondizzo, S. Garrett-Roe, B. Gumhalter, and H. Petek, Nat. Phys. 10, 505 (2014)1745-247310.1038/nphys2981]. The study is focused on the dynamical screening of holes created in preexistent quasi-two-dimensional Shockley state bands on Ag(111) and Cu(111) surfaces and of electrons excited to the intermediate and emerging screened states. Using the formalism of self-consistent electronic response, we analyze first the effects of screening on the dynamics of photoexcited electrons and holes and then of the Coulomb correlated photoexcited pair. Special attention is paid to the correlated primary electron-hole states, which commence as transient surface excitons and develop in the course of screening into uncorrelated electrons and holes propagating in the image potential and surface state bands, respectively. The obtained results enable to establish a consistent picture of transient electron dynamics at Ag(111) and Cu(111) surfaces that are becoming accessible by the time-, energy-, and momentum-resolved pump-probe multiphoton photoelectron spectroscopies.V.M.S. acknowledges partial support from the Basque Departamento de Educacion, UPV/EHU (Grant No. IT-756-13) and the Spanish Ministry od Economy and Competitiveness MINECO (Grant No. FIS2013-48286-C2-1-P). N.D. acknowledges the support of the Unity Through Knowledge Fund (UKF B1). H.P. was supported by the Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U.S. Department of Energy through Grant DE-FG02-09ER 16056.Peer Reviewe

    Carbide Type Influence on Tribological Properties of Hard Faced Steel Layer - Part I - Theoretical Considerations

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    This paper gives a theoretical review of influence of the most important alloying elements on steel, and review of the most important carbide-forming elements and states the conditions which elements should fulfill in order to be considered as carbide-forming. It primarily involves alloying elements which in the iron-carbon system can form simple, complex or special carbides, i.e. phases of interstitial and substitutive type. It also gives a review of carbide types that are formed during either production or reparatory hard facing of steel parts with different types of filler materials

    Carbide Type Influence on Tribological Properties of Hard Faced Steel Layer Part II- Experimental Results

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    In this paper is presented a preceding procedure that should be conducted in order to successfully regenerate damaged forging dies by the hard facing process. After the tool damage types identification, as well as their causes, we have chosen the procedure and the parameters of hard facing that we further corrected by conducting the test hard facings on models. Thus, we were able to relate the experimental results outputs with the repair technology, taking as a criterion the quality of the surface layers wear resistance such as friction coefficient and width of hard faced zone, hardness and its distribution in cross section, then microstructure of characteristic of hard faced zones, etc. This research points out significancy of tribological properties of certain types of carbides and their effects on metal matrix, in which carbides are embedded. Our tribological investigations have shown that the working life of the hard faced tool can be longer than that of the new tool
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