18 research outputs found

    Pristupačnost mrežnih stranica hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica

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    In the context of the emerging global information infrastructure, designing web content for all involves necessarily people with special needs and disabilities. The World Wide Web Consortium proposes guidelines and techniques to help web designers create web pages accessible to people with a variety of disabilities and thus ensure more equal access for all. However, following the guidelines would also help anybody searching through the World Wide Web. The intention is not to discourage usage of non-text formats, but to make such content more widely accessible. A research has been conducted in order to determine to what extent Croatian public library web sites conform to the guidelines

    Role of the classification system in downloading and processing data for bibliometric research

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    Rezultati kvantitativnih i bibliometrijskih istraživanja, kao i odluke koje na temelju tih rezultata mogu proizaći i utjecati na određene politike, uvelike ovise o kvaliteti ulaznih podataka preuzetih iz bibliografskih i citatnih baza. Ova je tvrdnja izravno povezana s velikim brojem bibliometrijskih i scientometrijskih istraživanja koja nekritički preuzimaju podatke iz bibliografskih i citatnih baza WoS ā€“ Web of Science ili Scopus. U ovome istraživanju, koje je rađeno u okviru hrvatskoga nacionalnog projekta Research activity, collaboration and orientation in social sciences in Croatia and other post-socialist European countries ā€“ RACOSS, voditeljice dr. sc. Maje Jokić, analizirana je uloga klasifikacijskoga sustava kod preuzimanja i obrade podataka, odnosno donoÅ”enja zaključaka. Preuzeti bibliografski zapisi, objavljeni u 4 896 časopisa, rezultat su strategije pretraživanja znanstvene produktivnosti i citiranosti znanstvenika iz druÅ”tvenih znanosti u 15 europskih postsocijalističkih zemlja (Bugarska, Hrvatska, ČeÅ”ka, Estonija, Mađarska, Latvija, Litva, Poljska, Rumunjska, Slovačka, Slovenija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Sjeverna Makedonija, Crna Gora i Srbija) od 1996. do 2013. godine. Scopus svoju klasifikaciju znanosti temelji na predmetnoj i sadržajnoj orijentaciji indeksiranih časopisa. Različitost klasifikacijskoga sustava koji koristi Scopusovu klasifikaciju određene zemlje može dovesti do krive interpretacije na temelju prikupljenih podataka. U radu smo napravili analizu časopisa i radova, a usporedna analiza pripadnosti pojedinoga časopisa području druÅ”tvenih znanosti rađena je na temelju Scopusa i hrvatske klasifikacije druÅ”tvenih znanosti, koja se temelji na OECD Frascati fields of science. Nakon Å”to su predmetni stručnjaci provjerili časopise i usporedili ih s klasifikacijskim sustavom koji se koristi u Hrvatskoj, početni uzorak za pouzdane bibliometrijske analize smanjio se na udio od 44 %. Pripadnost pojedinomu području rađena je na temelju predmetne i sadržajne orijentacije indeksiranih časopisa. Da bi se dobili radovi koji pripadaju samo druÅ”tvenim znanostima, potrebno je, osim filtriranja pojedinih znanstvenih polja, i ručno provjeriti pripadnost časopisa određenomu području. Tako se, osim bitno manjega broja radova i časopisa, pojavila i bitna razlika i u citiranosti. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja upozoriti istraživače na moguće i stvarne nedostatke ulaznih podataka koji se koriste za vrjednovanje na primjeru uzorka baze Scopus, koja je relativno pouzdan izvor podataka za bibliometrijska istraživanja.Results of quantitative and bibliometric research, as well as decisions that might be made on the basis of those results and influence on certain policies, greatly depend on the quality of input data downloaded from bibliometric and citation databases. This assertion is directly connected to a high number of bibliometric and scientometric research that uncritically download data from bibliographic and citation databases, WoS ā€“ Web of Science or Scopus. This research, which has been conducted in the framework of the Croatian national project Research activity, collaboration and orientation in social sciences in Croatia and other post-socialist European countries ā€“ RACOSS, lead by Maja Jokic, PhD, analyzes the role of the classification system in downloading and processing data, i.e. making conclusions. Bibliographic records, downloaded in the period from 1996 to 2013, published in 4896 journals, represent the result of strategy on searching the scientific productivity and citation index of social scientists from 15 European post-socialist countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Classification of science by Scopus is based on the subject and content orientation of indexed journals. Diversity of classification system that uses the Scopus classification of a certain country can cause wrong interpretation on the basis of collected data. In this paper we made the analysis of journals and papers, and contrastive analysis of a certain journal affiliation to the field of social sciences was made on the basis of Scopus and Croatian classification of social sciences based on OECD Frascati fields of science. After the experts in this area had checked the journals and compared them to the classification system used in Croatia, the initial sample for reliable bibliometric analyses decreased to the portion of 44%. Affiliation to a certain field was made on the basis of the subject and content orientation of the indexed journals. Besides filtration of scientific fields, it is necessary to check the affiliation of a journal to the certain field by hand in order to get papers that belong only to social sciences. In this way there appeared a significant difference in the citation index additionally to lower number of papers and journals. The aim of this research is to warn researchers to possible and real deficiencies of input data used for evaluation on the example of the Scopus database, which is relatively reliable source of data for bibliometric research

    Analysis of Scientific Activities in the Field of Information Science: the Case of Croatia

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    The journal is the basic medium of scientific communication and one of the most widely used sources for bibliometric analysis. In this paper, we will address the scientific activities in the field of information science in Croatia by means of bibliometric analysis of 1418 papers published in social sciences journals listed as references for promotion of scientists through academic ranks in the field of information science. Based on a list of scientific journals and specificity of scientific publishing in national and international scientific journals we will show trends of scientific activities. When it comes to the evaluation of scientific papers it is not the same whether the paper is published in national or international journals. A paper published in a national journal in native language is not evaluated the same (no matter how highly rated paper is) as the paper published in an international journal. For small countries and their languages (which we certainly belong to) an important indicator of the value of the journal is its representation in relevant databases. The possibility that a journal published in national language by an undersized publisher from a small country will enter relevant databases is certainly not the same as in cases when the journal is published in English by a large publisher from a country with strong scientific tradition. The majority of countries where English is not native language seek representation, visibility and recognition through its scientific production in citation indexes. This recognition is measured by the presence of national journals in citation indexes. By the analysis of SSCI, which consists of journals from around the world and all disciplines, we will show the dominance of journals published in English speaking countries and also journals published by major publishers. So actually national journals whose publishers are ā€œsmallā€ have no chance of survival because in the evaluation of scientific excellence needed for the academic promotion they have ā€œlittleā€ value and are thus avoided by scientists. If we are planning to stimulate our own scientific production in our national language it is necessary to set the criteria which will particularly evaluate papers published in national language when planning scientific policy and the development of science. The purpose of this study is to highlight the need for a new evaluation model and stimulate scientific research in the field of information science in the national context

    Scientific Conferences as a Medium of Academic Communication ā€“ a Case of INFuture

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    Scientific conferences provide opportunities for both formal and informal communication of academic insights among conference participants and make possible the sharing of those insights with the wider academic community as well as the wider public through the publication of conference papers in both print and digital form, and owing to all this they may be considered a significant medium of academic communication. Every system of communication consists of three basic elements: source of information, information user(s) and mediums or channels used for disseminating information. We analysed the system of academic communication using this basic structure, where we approached scientific conferences as a medium used for the dissemination of information. However, it is important to emphasise that in this basic scheme researchers represent the source of information and information users at the same time. Our analysis of academic communication includes both the dissemination and assimilation of scientific information taking place at conferences. Standard forms of activity and interaction at scientific conferences, ranging from oral communication during the giving of presentations, through written communication involved in the publication of papers as part of conference proceedings to oneā€™s very presence at a conference, should carefully be evaluated in terms of their effectiveness as mediums of academic communication. We will present the results of our preliminary research through demonstrating correlations between the number of authors and number of papers presented at previous INFuture conferences, classifying authors by country, co-authorship, etc., and thus provide an introduction into a more detailed research into the communication space created as a result of scientific conferences and the role of that space in the communication within a particular academic community. A more extensive research project will include scientometric and bibliometric analyses, interviews and comparative analyses that should provide us with insights into the significance of conferences as a medium of academic communication and their impact on the academic community

    Hrvatska policija u digitalnom prostoru ā€“ prijedlog modela za komunikaciju s javnoŔću putem druÅ”tvenih mreža

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    Social media use in police-public communication is a growing topic in the professional and scientific literature. There is an increasing need for digital communication channels with the public. Businesses use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote their brand, reach potential customers, and engage with current clients. Police departments use social media for information gathering, community outreach, and public safety communications. However, there are concerns about insufficient regulation of social media communication. This research aims to assess police officersā€™ attitudes and the environment in which the Croatian police operates, but also to give a proposal of an initial communication model applicable to current conditions. Primary research through focus groups was conducted to gain insight into the police officersā€™ attitudes, while secondary sources such as scientific literature and best practices from other countries were analysed in order to allow further adjustments of the model to the conditions in Croatia. The results of this paper suggest it is possible to propose a maturity-based communication model that will enable the Croatian police to increase their ability to open new communication channels via social media.Primjena druÅ”tvenih mreža u komunikaciji policije i javnosti postaje sve važnija tema stručne i znanstvene zajednice. To rezultira činjenicom kako je potreba za novim digitalnim kanalima komunikacije s javnoŔću sve izraženija i u javnom sektoru. Poslovni subjekti primjenjuju druÅ”tvene mreže poput Facebooka, Twittera i Instagrama za promociju svog brenda, doseg potencijalnih kupaca i interakciju s trenutačnim klijentima. S druge strane, policija se koristi druÅ”tvenim mrežama za prikupljanje informacija, suradnju sa zajednicom i komunikaciju vezanu uz sigurnost javnosti. No postoji zabrinutost s obzirom na to da komunikacija na druÅ”tvenim mrežama u tom sustavu nije dovoljno regulirana. Cilj ovoga istraživanja jest procjena stavova policijskih službenika i okruženja u kojem djeluje hrvatska policija, ali i prijedlog inicijalnog modela komunikacije putem druÅ”tvenih mreža, primjenjivog u uvjetima u kojima posluje hrvatska policija. Primarno istraživanje putem fokus-grupa provedeno je kako bi se dobio uvid u stavove službenika za odnose s javnoŔću, dok su sekundarni izvori poput analize znanstvene literature i sustava najboljih praksi drugih zemalja analizirani kako bi se model dodatno prilagodio hrvatskim uvjetima. Rezultati ovoga rada upućuju na to da je moguće predložiti model komunikacije temeljen na modelu zrelosti, a koji će hrvatskoj policiji omogućiti povećanje sposobnosti stvaranja novih komunikacijskih kanala putem druÅ”tvenih mreža

    Open vs. Proprietary Source Software in Croatia

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    This paper shows differences between open source software and proprietary source software from the Croatian user perspective. These confronting approaches have their own positive and negative aspects which are viewed through present 2009 financial crisis and the need for lifelong learning projects promoted by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. User survey was conducted at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

    Pristupačnost mrežnih stranica hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica

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    In the context of the emerging global information infrastructure, designing web content for all involves necessarily people with special needs and disabilities. The World Wide Web Consortium proposes guidelines and techniques to help web designers create web pages accessible to people with a variety of disabilities and thus ensure more equal access for all. However, following the guidelines would also help anybody searching through the World Wide Web. The intention is not to discourage usage of non-text formats, but to make such content more widely accessible. A research has been conducted in order to determine to what extent Croatian public library web sites conform to the guidelines


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    Izabrano je 165 riječi za koje svi rječnici standardnoga hrvatskoga jezika imaju ujednačenu i nedubletnu prozodijsku oznaku, i to po devet do dvadeset najučestalijih riječi predstavnika svojih prozodijskih kategorija. Te odabrane riječi izgovorene su standardno i joÅ” s preostalima trima "pogreÅ”nima" naglascima ili s drukčijom zanaglasnom kvantitetom. Na taj smo način snimili 600 naglasnih različnica kojima je izvrÅ”ena procjena poželjnosti i prihvatljivosti. Procjenitelji su bili: 158 studenata fonetike, kroatistike, novinarstva i glume te TV fonetičara. Ispitivanja su iskazala nekoliko najvažnijih zaključaka: 1. kompetentni govornici hrvatskoga standarda imaju izdiferenciran odnos prema svakoj prozodijskoj crti hrvatske standardne prozodije; 2. potvrđuje se da je norma u jezičnoj prozodijskoj jezgri, fdoloÅ”ki dobro motivirana, i sociolingvistički prihvatljiva; 3. nije točno da su sve ispravne prozodije vrijednosno posve pozitivne, a sve neispravne krajnje negativne jer su i pravilno naglaÅ”ene riječi razvučene kroz duži kontinuum vrijednosnih sudova, pa nema polarizacije na ispravne pozitivne i neispravne negativne prozodijske likove; 4. zanaglasne duljine procjenitelji prepoznaju i znaju u kojoj je riječi kakva prema normi, ali zanaglasne duge slogove procjenjuju toliko manje poželjnima nego zanaglasno kratke da im je čak prihvatljiviji lik sa skraćenim dugim zanaglasnim slogom nego s pravilno dugim; 5. sva četiri naglaska se podjednako pozitivno vrednuju kad su u riječi kojoj je takav naglasak inherentan, ali se silazni naglasci mogu smatrati normalnima, a uzlazni odmaknutima naglascima te u slučaju neutralizacije silazni bi preuzeli ulogu arhitonemci, pogotovu kratko silazni; 6. ne postoji u svijesti procjenitelja nalog koji zabranjuje silazne naglaske na nepočetnim slogovima, nego samo nalog da treba govoriti prozodiju kakva je za koju riječ uobičajena; 7. samoglasnik r nema u svijesti naÅ”ih kompetentnih mladih procjenitelja jednaku prozodijsku potenciju kao ostalih pet samoglasnika, a postoji latentna težnja prema kratkoći koja se joÅ” i viÅ”e izražava kad se kratki umjetno produžuju


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    Termin "sinteza govora" obuhvaća niz postupaka kojima se s ograničenim, Å”to manjim utroÅ”kom memorije. ozvučava. prevodi u kvazi govoreni oblik, po mogućnosti neograničen korpus pisanog jezika. Jedna je od metoda sinteze nizanje unaprijed snimljenih, u digitalnom obliku pohranjenih, govornih elemenata. Kod toga. temeljni je problem odabir govornih elemenata (rečenice, riječi, slogovi, fonemi) koji će se zadanim redoslijedom kombinirati u nizove. Problem koar ti kulacije i interpolacije u velikoj se mjeri rjeÅ”ava odabirom difona. Pi fonom se naziva govorni segment od sredine jednog do sredine slijedećeg alofona (Vujimura et al. 1977.) Na taj su način sačuvani prirodni tranzijenti. izbjegava se diskontinuitet na spoju i interpolacija postaje nepotrebna. IJ fonetskom laboratoriju Faculte Politechnique de Mons. grupa autora (Dutoit et al.. 1996a. 1996b) razvila je program za difonsku sintezu koji za realizaciju koristi izvorne snimke repertoara difona nekog konkretnog jezika. Program je razvijen u okviru projekta pod nazivom MBROLA i preko Interneta je dostupan potencijalnim korisnicima i autorima baze difona. Krajnji cilj projekta je poticanje akademskog istraživanja u području sinteze govora u godinama koje dolaze, posebno na planu istraživanja prozodije sintetiziranog govora. IJ radu se opisuje postupak kreiranja baze difona za hrvatski standardni govor. S obzirom na to da baza difona mora sadržavati sve moguće prijelaze jer u kontinuiranom govoru na granici riječi svi fonemi mogu doći u neposredni kontakt, trebalo je sastaviti takav tekstovni korpus u kojem svih 30 hrvatskih fonema dolaze u kontakt, svaki sa svakim. To je ujedno i prilika da se realiziraju svi mogući alofoni, oni koji se u opisu nekog govora opisuju, kao i oni koji izmiču pažnji, kako fonetičara tako i govornika. IJz pretpostavku da su sve glasovne promjene (ozvučavanje, obezvučavanje, djelomične asimilacije...) zapravo uzrokovane fonetskim kontekstom, uputa govorniku da ne artikulira suviÅ”e pažljivo osigurala je pojavljivanje alo fona