122 research outputs found

    Predictors of students' self-esteem: The importance of body self-perception and exercise

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    Cilj istraživanja je da se ispita validnost fizičke samoefikasnosti, socijalne anksioznosti zbog izgleda i fizičkog vežbanja u predikciji samopoštovanja, kao i da se ispitaju polne razlike. Uzorku od 232 studenta zadati su Rozenbergova skala samopoštovanja (SES), Skala fizičke samoefikasnosti (PSES), Skala socijalne anksioznosti zbog izgleda (PSA), kao i kratak upitnik o fizičkom vežbanju. Prosečno ispitanici vežbaju 2.75 puta nedeljno, imaju umereno visoko samopoštovanje i fizičku samoefikasnost i nisku socijalnu anksioznost zbog izgleda. Nisu dobijene polne razlike u samopoštovanju, dok su na drugim ispitivanim varijablama polne razlike značajne i to uglavnom u korist muškaraca. Analize pokazuju da samopoštovanje korelira pozitivno sa fizičkom samoefikasnošću i fizičkim vežbanjem i negativno sa socijalnom anksioznošću zbog izgleda. Regresiona analiza ukazuje da fizička samoefikasnost, socijalna anksioznost zbog izgleda i pol (ženski) značajno predviđaju samopoštovanje, dok fizičko vežbanje nije značajan prediktor. Naredne studije bi trebalo da istraže relacije samopercepcije vezane za telo, fizičkog vežbanja i domenospecifičnog samopoštovanja.The goal of this study was to explore the predictive validity of physical self-efficacy, social physique anxiety, and physical activity in the self-esteem of students, as well as to investigate potential gender differences. The Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (SES), Physical Self-Efficacy Scale (PSES), Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS), and a short questionnaire about physical activity were administered to a sample of 232 university students. The overall results show that students are moderately physically active (on the average, 2.75 times per week), have moderately high selfesteem and physical self-efficacy and lower social physique anxiety. No gender differences were detected in self-esteem. In other variables, gender differences are significant and mostly in favour of males. The analyses showed that self-esteem correlated positively with physical self-efficacy and physical activity, and negatively with social physique anxiety. The regression analyses indicated that physical selfefficacy, social physique anxiety and female gender were significant predictors of self-esteem. Physical activity was not a significant predictor of self-esteem. Future studies should investigate the relations of body self-perceptions, physical exercise, and domain-specific self-esteem

    “A space for the translator(s)”: situating student translators in real-life shoes

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    The paper presents an extra-curricular project of translating a collection of short stories Prostor za mokrog psa (2011) into English. The translation was done by 15 Niš English Department BA and MA students from February to July 2017, resulting in a publication (The place for the wet dog 2018). Starting from the theoretical concept of Situated Translation (Risku 2002), a Cognitive Sciences approach which ‘portray[s] translation as a highly complex and ill-structured social, cognitive, and cultural process’ (Kiraly 2005: 1103), the study presents the results from the comparison of various versions of the student translations and informal comments during group and individual conferences. In operationalizing the theory in translation education, we use the ‘empowerment’ approach (Kiraly 2005), which helps students become ’proactive agents of their own learning through authentic, collaborative work leading to autonomy and expertise’ (ibid, 1104). We focus on the problems concerning the issues of audience (how to reach foreign readership), cultural and historical context of the stories (understanding of the ex-Yugoslav context) and translating different dialects, sociolects and idiolects. Although an extra-curricular activity, the project proves that the authentic, ‘situated’ translation tasks greatly contribute to students’ learning and competences development, preparing students for real-life tasks

    PISA 2012 mat hematics literacy in Serbia: A multilevel analysis of students and schools

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    U ciklusu istraživanja PISA 2012 fokus je bio na matematičkoj pismenosti. Podaci prikupljeni u PISA istraživanju u Srbiji na 4684 ispitanika pokazuju da učenici u proseku imaju značajno niže postignuće u odnosu na prosečno postignuće zemalja koje pripadaju OECD. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se istraže prediktori matematičke pismenosti na nivou učenika (varijable prvog reda) i škole (varijable drugog reda) korišćenjem hijerarhijskog modelovanja. Najvažniji rezultat se odnosi na to da varijable na nivou učenika i na nivou škole približno jednako objašnjavaju varijabilnost PISA matematičkog postignuća. Rezultati pokazuju da se od varijabli na nivou učenika kao značajni prediktori izdvajaju pol, nekognitivne karakteristike (matematička anksioznost, matematička samoefikasnost, matematički self-koncept i otvorenost za rešavanje problema), način na koji učenici opažaju kvalitet nastave i navike u učenju. Rezultati ukazuju i da više varijabli na nivou škole ima direktne efekte na PISA matematičko postignuće i da nekoliko varijabli na nivou škole moderira odnos između karakteristika učenika i PISA postignuća.In PISA 2012 cycle, the focus was on the mathematics literacy. Data collected in PISA survey in Serbia on 4684 respondents show that students on average have significantly lower performance compared to average OECD performance. The aim of the study was to explore student (variables at the first level) and school level predictors (variables at the second level) of the PISA mathematics literacy using multi-level modelling. The most important finding is that student and school level variables are explaining variability in PISA mathematics performance almost equally. Results show that on the student level, significant predictors are gender, noncognitive characteristics (mathematics anxiety, mathematics self-efficacy, mathematics self-concept, openness for problem-solving), student perceived teaching quality and studying habits. Results also indicate that several school-level variables have direct effects on the PISA math performance and that several school-level variables moderate the relationship between student characteristics and PISA performance

    Physical self-concept of normal-weight and overweight adolescents: Gender specificities

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    Prethodna istraživanja su dala podatke o odnosu fizičkog self-koncepta i telesne mase kod mladih, ali taj odnos nije bio jasno specifikovan u pogledu pola. Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste da se utvrde karakteristike fizičkog self-koncepta adolescenata normalne i prekomerne telesne težine, kao i polne razlike u pogledu odlika njihovog fizičkog self-koncetpa. Uzorak se sastojao od 417 učenika osnovne škole (229 dečaka i 188 devojčica) prosečnog uzrasta 13 godina i 6 meseci (SD=0.73). Na osnovu indeksa telesne mase (BMI) uzorak je podeljen na grupu adolescenata normalne i grupu adolescenata prekomerne telesne težine. Za procenu fizičkog self-koncepta primenjen je Upitnik fizičkog self-koncepta (PSDQ). Rezultati su pokazali da adolescenti prekomerne težine imaju značajno niže skorove na svim skalama upitnika PSDQ osim na skalama Zdravlje i Snaga, kao i da su razlike veće u subuzorku devojčica. Diskriminativnom analizom dobijeno je da se dečaci normalne telesne težine najviše razlikuju, od ostalih ispitanika, na supskalama Telesna debljina, Izdržljivost i Sportska kompetentnost. Takođe, diksriminativnom analizom je dobijeno da se, pored skale Telesna debljina, devojčice normalne telesne težine najviše razlikuju od ostalih ispitanika i na skalama Fleksibilnost, Samocenjenje i Koordinacija. Rezultati ukazuju da je za bolje razumevanje odnosa fizičkog self-koncepta adolescenata i telesne mase važno uzeti u obzir i pol adolescenata. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su potencijalno korisni za prevenciju problema prekomerne telesne težine učenika kroz nastavu fizičkog vaspitanja.Previous researchers have described the relation between physical self-concept and body mass in adolescents, but those relationships have not been clearly specified by gender. The purpose of this study is to explore physical self-concepts of normal-weight and over-weight Serbian adolescents with respect to gender. The sample consisted of 417 primary school students (229 boys and 188 girls) with the average age 13.6 (SD=0.73) years who were divided into normal-weight and overweight groups according to body mass index. To assess the multidimensional physical self-concept, Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) was administered. Results showed that overweight adolescents had significantly lower scores than normal-weight on all PSDQ scales except Health and Strength. Differences were greater among girls than boys. Discriminant analysis showed that the scales Body Fat, Endurance and Sports Competence best differentiated normal-weight boys from other students. Also, discriminant analysis showed that, besides the scale Body Fat, scales Flexibility, Self-Esteem, and Coordination best differentiated normal-weight girls from other students. Results indicate that for better understanding of the relationship between adolescent's physical self-concept and body mass one must take gender into account. Results are potentially valuable for preventing overweight through physical education

    Relations between implicit and explicit measures of personality - prospects of Implicit Association Test (IAT) in assessment of basic personality traits

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    Uvod. Ideja koja stoji u osnovi Testa Implicitnih Asocijacija (IAT) je prikupljanje informacija koje nisu pod uticajem kontrolisanih procesa, zbog čega se smatra da ova tehnika pruža mogućnost prevazilaženja nedostataka eksplicitnih mera, kao što je socijalno poželjno odgovaranje. IAT predstavlja zadatak dvostruke kategorizacije u kojem ispitanici svrstavaju stimuluse koji pripadaju nadreñenim kategorijama. Cilj. Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi konvergentna i diskriminativna validnost IAT-a u proceni bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti. Metod. Kako bi se utvrdile relacije izmeñu implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera, na uzorku od 224 studenta beogradskog univerziteta, prikupljeni su podaci sa Testa Implicitnih Asocijacija, nekoliko mera samo-izveštaja, procene od strane bliskih drugih i mere kognitivnog funkcionisanja. Na poduzorku od 99 ispitanika prikupljene su i mere procene od strane eksperta, kao i lingvistički parametri. Primenjeni su sledeći instrumenti: IAT za procenu bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti, NEO PIR (S i R forma) i DELTA 10 (S i R forma), kratka skala atributa (DOCEAN), kratak upitnik za procenu relevantnih moderatorskih varijabli, KOG9 baterija za procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti i upitnik za samo-procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti. Dodatno, prikupljene su i ekspertske procene na osnovu posmatranja u strukturisanom intervjuu i lingvistički parametri na osnovu automatske analize teksta (LIWC). Rezultati. Korelacije izmeñu Neuroticizma merenim NEO PIR i IAT (0.17) i Ekstraverzije (0.16) su bile male ali značajne (p lt 0.05). Meñutim, nijedno od zasićenja sa IAT na korespodentnim latentnim faktorima u strukturnom MTMM modelu nije bilo značajno. Model je imao odlične indekse podesnosti: c2=338.18, p=0.00; RMSEA=0.042 (90% CIRMSEA 0.031-0.053), SRMR=0.066 i CFI=0.96. MTMM analiza na subuzorku od 99 ispitanika, na kojem su prikupljene i bihejvioralne mere, je kazala na relacije izmeñu IAT i parametara prikupljenih automatskom analizom teksta vi (LIWC). Naknadne analize su pokazale jako razmimoilaženje metodskih faktora izolovanih iz implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera. Zaključak. Istraživanje je pokazalo da mere prikupljene pomoću IAT imaju malo zajedničkog sa merama samoizveštaja ili procena od strane drugih. Ipak, MTMM analiza je ukazala na mogućnosti IAT u predviñanju spontanog verbalnog ponašanja.Introduction. The core idea behind the Implicit Association Test (IAT) is to obtain information that are not the result of controlled processes. Therefore, it is considered a technique with the potential to overcome some disadvantages of explicit measures, such as socially desirable responding. IAT consists of a task of double categorization whereby the respondents have to sort the stimuli belonging to superordinated categories. Study objective. The main objective of the study was to investigate the convergent and discriminative validity of IAT in the assessment of basic personality traits. Method. To investigate the relations between the implicit and explicit measures, Implicit Association Tests, several self-report measures, ratings by close others, and measures of cognitive abilities were administered to a sample of 224 university students at Belgrade University. Ratings by experts and linguistic measures were collected from a subsample of 99 subjects. The respondents completed the personality IAT, NEO-PIR and DELTA10 (S and R form), a short scale of attributes (DOCEAN), a short questionnaire for the assessment of relevant moderator variables, KOG9 battery test for the assessment of intellectual abilities, and self-assessment of intellectual abilities. In addition, they were observed by experts in structured interviews, in which linguistic parameters were collected through an automatic text analysis (LIWC). Results. The correlations between the self-reported and IAT Neuroticism (0.17) and Extraversion (0.16) were found to be small but significant (p lt 0.05). However, none of the paths from the personality IAT to the corresponding latent traits in SEM Correlated-Traits-Correlated-Uniqueness-MTMM-Model was significant. The model had the excellent fit: c2=338.18, p=0.00; RMSEA=0.042 (90% CI RMSEA 0.031- 0.053), SRMR=0.066 and CFI=0.96. The MTMM analyses on a subsample of 99 respondents, from which behavioural measures were collected, demonstrated relations iv between IAT and the parameters collected with automatic text analysis (LIWC). Subsequent analyses demonstrated a strong divergence between implicit and explicit method factors. Conclusion. Study has shown that the personality IAT measures have little in common with personality traits measured by the traditional self-report inventories or rating scales. However, MTMM analysis provides evidence about the predictive validity of IAT in spontaneous verbal behaviour

    Odnos između implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera ličnosti - mogućnosti Testa implicitnih asocijacija (IAT) u proceni bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti

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    Introduction. The core idea behind the Implicit Association Test (IAT) is to obtain information that are not the result of controlled processes. Therefore, it is considered a technique with the potential to overcome some disadvantages of explicit measures, such as socially desirable responding. IAT consists of a task of double categorization whereby the respondents have to sort the stimuli belonging to superordinated categories. Study objective. The main objective of the study was to investigate the convergent and discriminative validity of IAT in the assessment of basic personality traits. Method. To investigate the relations between the implicit and explicit measures, Implicit Association Tests, several self-report measures, ratings by close others, and measures of cognitive abilities were administered to a sample of 224 university students at Belgrade University. Ratings by experts and linguistic measures were collected from a subsample of 99 subjects. The respondents completed the personality IAT, NEO-PIR and DELTA10 (S and R form), a short scale of attributes (DOCEAN), a short questionnaire for the assessment of relevant moderator variables, KOG9 battery test for the assessment of intellectual abilities, and self-assessment of intellectual abilities. In addition, they were observed by experts in structured interviews, in which linguistic parameters were collected through an automatic text analysis (LIWC). Results. The correlations between the self-reported and IAT Neuroticism (0.17) and Extraversion (0.16) were found to be small but significant (p<0.05). However, none of the paths from the personality IAT to the corresponding latent traits in SEM Correlated-Traits-Correlated-Uniqueness-MTMM-Model was significant. The model had the excellent fit: c2=338.18, p=0.00; RMSEA=0.042 (90% CI RMSEA 0.031- 0.053), SRMR=0.066 and CFI=0.96. The MTMM analyses on a subsample of 99 respondents, from which behavioural measures were collected, demonstrated relations iv between IAT and the parameters collected with automatic text analysis (LIWC). Subsequent analyses demonstrated a strong divergence between implicit and explicit method factors. Conclusion. Study has shown that the personality IAT measures have little in common with personality traits measured by the traditional self-report inventories or rating scales. However, MTMM analysis provides evidence about the predictive validity of IAT in spontaneous verbal behaviour.Uvod. Ideja koja stoji u osnovi Testa Implicitnih Asocijacija (IAT) je prikupljanje informacija koje nisu pod uticajem kontrolisanih procesa, zbog čega se smatra da ova tehnika pruža mogućnost prevazilaženja nedostataka eksplicitnih mera, kao što je socijalno poželjno odgovaranje. IAT predstavlja zadatak dvostruke kategorizacije u kojem ispitanici svrstavaju stimuluse koji pripadaju nadreñenim kategorijama. Cilj. Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi konvergentna i diskriminativna validnost IAT-a u proceni bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti. Metod. Kako bi se utvrdile relacije izmeñu implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera, na uzorku od 224 studenta beogradskog univerziteta, prikupljeni su podaci sa Testa Implicitnih Asocijacija, nekoliko mera samo-izveštaja, procene od strane bliskih drugih i mere kognitivnog funkcionisanja. Na poduzorku od 99 ispitanika prikupljene su i mere procene od strane eksperta, kao i lingvistički parametri. Primenjeni su sledeći instrumenti: IAT za procenu bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti, NEO PIR (S i R forma) i DELTA 10 (S i R forma), kratka skala atributa (DOCEAN), kratak upitnik za procenu relevantnih moderatorskih varijabli, KOG9 baterija za procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti i upitnik za samo-procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti. Dodatno, prikupljene su i ekspertske procene na osnovu posmatranja u strukturisanom intervjuu i lingvistički parametri na osnovu automatske analize teksta (LIWC). Rezultati. Korelacije izmeñu Neuroticizma merenim NEO PIR i IAT (0.17) i Ekstraverzije (0.16) su bile male ali značajne (p<0.05). Meñutim, nijedno od zasićenja sa IAT na korespodentnim latentnim faktorima u strukturnom MTMM modelu nije bilo značajno. Model je imao odlične indekse podesnosti: c2=338.18, p=0.00; RMSEA=0.042 (90% CIRMSEA 0.031-0.053), SRMR=0.066 i CFI=0.96. MTMM analiza na subuzorku od 99 ispitanika, na kojem su prikupljene i bihejvioralne mere, je kazala na relacije izmeñu IAT i parametara prikupljenih automatskom analizom teksta vi (LIWC). Naknadne analize su pokazale jako razmimoilaženje metodskih faktora izolovanih iz implicitnih i eksplicitnih mera. Zaključak. Istraživanje je pokazalo da mere prikupljene pomoću IAT imaju malo zajedničkog sa merama samoizveštaja ili procena od strane drugih. Ipak, MTMM analiza je ukazala na mogućnosti IAT u predviñanju spontanog verbalnog ponašanja

    Psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the Wechsler adult intelligence scale: Fourth edition (WAIS-IV)

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    Četvrta revizija Vekslerove skale za procenu inteligencije kod odraslih (WAIS-IV) je klinički instrument koji se zadaje individualno i koji je konstruisan za procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti adolescenata i odraslih. WAIS-IV se sastoji od 15 suptestova (10 sržnih i 5 dopunskih) koji procenjuju kognitivno funkcionisanje u četiri domena - verbalno razumevanje (eng. verbal comprehension - VCI), perceptivno rezonovanje (eng. perceptual reasoning - PRI), radna memorija (eng. working memory - WMI) i brzina procesiranja (eng. processing speed - PSI), kao i opštu intelektualnu sposobnost (eng. Full-Scale IQ - FSIQ). WAIS-IV je zadat uzorku od 262 ispitanika: 104 ispitanika iz uzorka koji je reprezentativan za širu oblast Beograda, 62 ispitanika sa dijagnozom shizofrenije, 63 sa dijagnozom depresije i 33 ispitanika sa intelektualnim teškoćama. Psihometrijske karakteristike WAIS-IV suptestova su analizirane u okvirima teorije stavskog odgovora (eng. IRT) i klasične testne teorije (eng. CTT). Rezultati su pokazali da se IRT pouzdanost kreće od .86 (Razumevanje i Dopune) do .95 (Precrtavanje), dok je IRT pouzdanost FSIQ bila .94. Sveukupno, svi suptestovi dobro diskriminišu ispitanike duž celog kontinuuma intelektualnih sposobnosti. WAIS-IV omogućava visoko pouzdanu procenu intelektualnih sposobnosti na srpskoj populaciji.The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) is an individually administered clinical instrument designed for assessment of intellectual abilities of adolescents and adults. The WAIS-IV consists of 15 subtests (10 core and 5 supplemental) reflecting the efficacy of cognitive functioning in four domains (verbal comprehension-VCI, perceptual reasoning-PRI, working memory-WMI, and processing speed-PSI), and general intellectual ability (Full-Scale IQ-FSIQ). The WAIS-IV was administered to a sample of 262 respondents - specifically, 104 respondents from sample representative for the wider Belgrade area, 62 schizophrenic, 63 depressive, and 33 patients with intellectual disability. Psychometric properties of WAIS-IV subtests were analysed within the frameworks Item Response Theory (IRT) and Classical Test Theory (CTT). Results show that IRT reliability of subtests ranges from .86 (Comprehension and Picture Completion) to .95 (Cancellation), while the IRT reliability of the FSIQ is .94. Overall, all subtests discriminate participants well along the whole continuum of intellectual abilities. The WAIS-IV enables highly reliable assessment of intellectual abilities on Serbian population

    Ambulatory assessment of language use: Evidence on the temporal stability of Electronically Activated Recorder and stream of consciousness data

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    The ambulatory assessment offers a wide range of methods enabling researchers to investigate psychological, behavioral, emotional, and biological processes. These methods enable us to gather data on individual differences in language use for psychological research. Two studies were conducted with an aim to evaluate and compare the temporal stability of language measures extracted by LIWC software form data obtained by two frequently used methods for assessment of language use, i.e., Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) and stream of consciousness (SOC) task. Additionally, we examined the amount of variance in language use (assessed by both methods) that can be attributed to intra-individual variability and stable individual differences. Study 1 was focused on investigating language use obtained from 74 respondents using the EAR for 3 consecutive days. Study 2 was conducted on 250 respondents participating in a SOC task where verbal production was collected at ten time points over a 2-month period. Results show that measures obtained using the SOC task have higher temporal stability and consistency, and to a certain extent enable better detection of individual differences. Taking into account certain situational variations improves the reliability of EAR measures

    Psychometric evaluation of the Serbian dictionary for automatic text analysis - LIWCser

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    LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) is widely used word-level content analysis software. It was used in large number of studies in the fields of clinical, social and personality psychology, and it is adapted for text analysis in 11 world languages. The aim of this research was to validate empirically newly constructed adaptation of LIWC software for Serbian language (LIWCser). The sample of the texts consisted of 384 texts in Serbian and 141 texts in English. It included scientific paper abstracts, newspaper articles, movie subtitles, short stories and essays. Comparative analysis of Serbian and English version of the software demonstrated acceptable level of equivalence (ICCM=.70). Average coverage of the texts with LIWCser dictionary was 69.93%, and variability of this measure in different types of texts is in line with expected. Adaptation of LIWC software for Serbian opens entirely new possibilities of assessment of spontaneous verbal behaviour that is highly relevant for different fields of psychology

    Implicit Association Test: Theoretical and Methodological Background

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    U posljednjih se dvadesetak godina, uz već standardizirane eksplicitne tehnike, u području socijalne kognicije i psihologije individualnih razlika sve češće koriste implicitne tehnike mjerenja. Pomoću ovih je tehnika moguće napraviti procjenu psiholoških konstrukata bez direktnog traženja verbalnih izvještaja ispitanika, pa se smatraju potencijalnim rješenjem za neke od problema koji se javljaju pri upotrebi tehnika samoizvještaja (na primjer, tendencija davanja socijalno poželjnih odgovora ili simulacija stavova). U članku je razmotrena teorijska i metodološka osnova ovih tehnika i prikazana je jedna od trenutno najpopularnijih te empirijski i metodološki najvjerodostojnijih implicitnih tehnika – test implicitnih asocijacija (IAT). Analiziran je sam pojam implicitnog mjerenja, kao i priroda procesa koje ova grupa tehnika mjeri (automatski procesi). Prikazani su struktura i osnovni principi dizajna testa implicitnih asocijacija, gdje su razmotrena i pitanja definiranja predmeta mjerenja i izbora odgovarajućih podražaja. Dalje, prikazane su i metrijske karakteristike IAT, a naročito odnos implicitnih i njima korespondirajućih eksplicitnih mjera. Pored toga, analizirano je i pitanje mogućnosti "lažiranja" u ovom testu. Na kraju, prikazane su prednosti i nedostaci testa implicitnih asocijacija, kao i tehnika implicitnog mjerenja općenito, te je navedeno u kojim je situacijama smisleno mjeriti konstrukte na posredan i relativno složen način, koji podrazumijevaju implicitne tehnike.Over the last two decades, there has been a rapid increase in usage of implicit measurement in domains of social cognition and psychology of individual differences, in addition to explicit self-report measures. Implicit measurement techniques can be utilized to estimate psychological constructs without asking subjects to produce direct verbal reports. Therefore, they are considered as a potential solution to some of the problems that emerge when explicit measures are being used (e.g. tendencies towards socially desirable self-presentation or attitude simulation). In this paper, theoretical and methodological bases are presented along with one of the currently most popular and empirically and methodologically, most grounded implicit technique – Implicit Association Test (IAT). The concept of implicit measurement and nature of processes that underlie implicit techniques (i.e. automatic processes) are analyzed. Structure and fundamental principles of the IAT design are discussed, including questions of defining the object of measurement and choosing proper stimuli. Furthermore, metrical characteristics of the IAT are presented, with special reference to the relationship between implicit and corresponding explicit measures. Moreover, the possibility of faking the IAT effects is discussed. At the end, advantages and drawbacks of both implicit measurement and IAT are reconsidered and it is pointed out on which occasions measuring psychological constructs in this indirect and relatively complicated manner (that implicit measurement implies) could be appropriate