528 research outputs found

    Estudios genéticos en poblaciones de lengua chibcha

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    Se ha observado que las poblaciones indígenas suramericanas con una misma afiliación lingüística tienden a habitar en territorios adyacentes y a ser más homogéneas desde el punto de vista cultural y genético (Salzano y Calleghari-Jacques, 1988); sin embargo, aunque la relación entre la evolución genética y del lenguaje ha despertado mucho interés y es actualmente motivo de estudios extensos (Cavalli-Sforza et al., 1988), todavía origina mucha discusión. Igual sucede con la reciente polémica en torno a la hipótesis de que un número reducido de oleadas migratoria explicaría el poblamiento de América, basada en evidencias lingüísticas, dentales y genéticas (Greenberg et al., 1986)

    Estimation of Dietary Iron Bioavailability from Food Iron Intake and Iron Status

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    Currently there are no satisfactory methods for estimating dietary iron absorption (bioavailability) at a population level, but this is essential for deriving dietary reference values using the factorial approach. The aim of this work was to develop a novel approach for estimating dietary iron absorption using a population sample from a sub-section of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS). Data were analyzed in 873 subjects from the 2000–2001 adult cohort of the NDNS, for whom both dietary intake data and hematological measures (hemoglobin and serum ferritin (SF) concentrations) were available. There were 495 men aged 19–64 y (mean age 42.7±12.1 y) and 378 pre-menopausal women (mean age 35.7±8.2 y). Individual dietary iron requirements were estimated using the Institute of Medicine calculations. A full probability approach was then applied to estimate the prevalence of dietary intakes that were insufficient to meet the needs of the men and women separately, based on their estimated daily iron intake and a series of absorption values ranging from 1–40%. The prevalence of SF concentrations below selected cut-off values (indicating that absorption was not high enough to maintain iron stores) was derived from individual SF concentrations. An estimate of dietary iron absorption required to maintain specified SF values was then calculated by matching the observed prevalence of insufficiency with the prevalence predicted for the series of absorption estimates. Mean daily dietary iron intakes were 13.5 mg for men and 9.8 mg for women. Mean calculated dietary absorption was 8% in men (50th percentile for SF 85 µg/L) and 17% in women (50th percentile for SF 38 µg/L). At a ferritin level of 45 µg/L estimated absorption was similar in men (14%) and women (13%). This new method can be used to calculate dietary iron absorption at a population level using data describing total iron intake and SF concentration

    Reconstructing the Population Genetic History of the Caribbean

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    The Caribbean basin is home to some of the most complex interactions in recent history among previously diverged human populations. Here, by making use of genome-wide SNP array data, we characterize ancestral components of Caribbean populations on a sub-continental level and unveil fine-scale patterns of population structure distinguishing insular from mainland Caribbean populations as well as from other Hispanic/Latino groups. We provide genetic evidence for an inland South American origin of the Native American component in island populations and for extensive pre-Columbian gene flow across the Caribbean basin. The Caribbean-derived European component shows significant differentiation from parental Iberian populations, presumably as a result of founder effects during the colonization of the New World. Based on demographic models, we reconstruct the complex population history of the Caribbean since the onset of continental admixture. We find that insular populations are best modeled as mixtures absorbing two pulses of African migrants, coinciding with early and maximum activity stages of the transatlantic slave trade. These two pulses appear to have originated in different regions within West Africa, imprinting two distinguishable signatures in present day Afro-Caribbean genomes and shedding light on the genetic impact of the dynamics occurring during the slave trade in the Caribbean.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, and supporting informatio

    Efficacy of iron fortification compared to iron supplementation among Vietnamese schoolchildren

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    The effect of iron fortification is generally assumed to be less than iron supplementation; however, the magnitude of difference in effects is not known. The present study aims to compare the efficacy of these two strategies on anaemia and iron status. After screening on low Hb, 425 anaemic children in six primary schools in Tam Nong district of Phu Tho province were included in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial comparing two groups receiving iron fortified instant noodles or iron supplementation for 6 months and a control group, with children in all groups having been dewormed. Blood samples were collected before and after intervention for haemoglobin, serum ferritin (SF), serum transferrin receptor (TfR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and haemoglobinopathies analysis. Regression analysis was used to assess the effect of iron fortification and iron supplementation on haemoglobin concentration, SF, TfR, body iron, and anaemic status as outcome variables. The improvement of haemoglobin, SF, and body iron level in the group receiving iron fortification was 42% (2.6 g/L versus 6.2 g/L), 20% (23.5 μg/L versus 117.3 μg/L), and 31.3% (1.4 mg/kg versus 4.4 mg/kg) of that in the iron supplementation group. The prevalence of anaemia dropped to 15.1% in the control group, with an additional reduction of anaemia of 8.5% in the iron supplementation group. The additional reduction due to iron fortification was 5.4%, which amounts to well over 50% of the impact of supplementation. In conclusion, the efficacy of iron fortification based on reduction of prevalence of anaemia, and on the change in haemoglobin level, is about half of the maximum impact of supplementation in case of optimal compliance. Thus, in a population of anaemic children with mild iron deficiency, iron fortification should be the preferred strategy to combat anaemia

    Micronutrient supplements for children after deworming

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    The availability of a few inexpensive, single dose drugs to treat soil-transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis offers the potential to reduce a considerable burden of acute disease, especially among children sub-Saharan Africa. These treatments are being promoted as "rapid impact interventions" However, if helminth infections cause underweight, stunting, anaemia and impaired mental development in children, how will removing worms alone lead to recovery without treating the underlying deficits that have been caused or made worse by helminth disease? Energy, protein and micronutrients are required by children who are underweight or who have stunted growth; children who are anaemic will require iron and other micronutrients for haemopoiesis; and children who have lost education will need remedial teaching. Treating neglected worm diseases is an essential first step to good health, but anthelmintic drugs need to be integrated with simple and inexpensive nutritional interventions such as micronutrient supplements to promote recovery and have a rapid effect

    Efficacy of different strategies to treat anemia in children: a randomized clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Anemia continues to be a major public health problem among children in many regions of the world, and it is still not clear which strategy to treat it is most effective.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To evaluate the efficacy and children's acceptance of several recognized strategies to treat anemia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Non-breastfed children (n = 577), 6 to 43 mo of age, were screened for the trial; 267 were anemic (hemoglobin < 11.7 g/dL), and 266 of those were randomized into 1 of 5 treatments to received daily either: an iron supplement (IS), an iron+folic acid supplement (IFS), a multiple micronutrient supplement (MMS), a micronutrient-fortified complementary food as porridge powder (FCF), or zinc+iron+ascorbic acid fortified water (FW). The iron content of each daily dose was 20, 12.5, 10, 10 and 6.7 mg respectively. Hemoglobin (Hb), ferritin, total iron, weight and height were measured at baseline and after 4 months of treatment. Morbidity, treatment acceptability and adherence were recorded during the intervention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All treatments significantly increased Hb and total iron concentration; ferritin did not change significantly. Groups MMS, IS and IFS increased Hb (g/dL) [1.50 (95%CI: 1.17, 1.83), 1.48 [(1.18, 1.78) and 1.57 (1.26, 1.88), respectively] and total iron ((μg/dL) [0.15 (0.01, 0.29), 0.19 (0.06, 0.31) and 0.12(-0.01, 0.25), respectively] significantly more than FCF [0.92 (0.64, 1.20)] but not to FW group [0.14 (0.04, 0.24)]. The prevalence of anemia was reduced to a greater extent in the MMS and IFS groups (72% and 69%, respectively) than in the FCF group (45%) (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in anthropometry or in the number of episodes of diarrhea and respiratory infections among treatment groups. The supplements MMS and IS were less acceptable to children, than IFS, FCF and FW.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The three supplements IS, ISF and MMS increased Hb more than the FCF; the supplements that contained micronutrients (IFS and MMS) were more effective for reducing the prevalence of anemia. In general, fortified foods were better accepted by the study participants than supplements.</p> <p>ClinicalTrial.gov Identifier</p> <p>NCT00822380</p


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    Currently, chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) constitute a serious global public health problem and contribute to increased mortality rates, hospitalizations and decreased quality of life. Diabetes mellitus (DM) and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) are among the most prevalent NCDs and are the main risk factor for diseases of the circulatory system. Their treatment involves controlling glucose and blood pressure, in addition to changes in habits. food and lifestyle. This study aims to analyze the prevalence of hospital admissions caused by arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus in elderly residents of the northeast region of Brazil. This is an epidemiological, cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative and retrospective study of hospitalizations of elderly people for high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus in the Northeast region of Brazil, from 2019 to 2022. The information was obtained through the IT Department of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). The variables selected for analysis were: hospitalizations, region, year, sex, cost of hospital services and deaths. For data tabulation and analysis, the Microsoft Office Excel program (Microsoft©, 2013) was used. During the years 2019 to 2022, 368,516 thousand records of patients presenting with hypertension and diabetes were recorded in Brazil, with the Northeast having the highest number of hospitalizations for DM and SAH, 35% (n=132,527), followed by the Southeast region with 33% (n=33%) and South with 13%. The age group from 60 to 69 years old has a higher prevalence of cases for both morbidities, with SAH presenting 39.8% and DM 47%. The prevalence of hospitalizations for essential hypertension was higher in the states of Maranhão and Bahia, with 42.9% and 28.8%, respectively. Regarding diabetes, Bahia has a higher prevalence of hospitalizations, with 27.2%, while Maranhão has 24.1%. Females had the highest number of hospitalization records for both diseases, corresponding to 52.4% for a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and 59.2% for essential hypertension. 6,877 deaths were recorded, with Bahia having the highest number of deaths for both diseases. The results obtained from this study are capable of assisting in the planning of health actions, aimed at promoting health and preventing diseases, aimed at the elderly, in the Northeast region and in the state of Bahia, who have been shown to be more prone to the development of NCDs. &nbsp;Atualmente, as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) se constituem um grave problema de saúde pública mundial e favorecem para a elevação das taxas de mortalidade, hospitalizações e diminuição da qualidade de vida. O diabetes mellitus (DM) e a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) estão entre as DCNT mais prevalentes e são o principal fator de risco para as doenças do aparelho circulatório, seu tratamento envolvem o controle da glicose e pressão arterial, além de modificações nos hábitos alimentares e estilo de vida. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a prevalência das internações hospitalares tendo como causa a hipertensão arterial e o diabetes mellitus em idosos residentes da região nordeste do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, do tipo transversal, descritivo, quantitativo e retrospectivo das internações de idosos por hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus na região Nordeste do Brasil, no período de 2019 a 2022. As informações foram obtidas por meio do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS). As variáveis selecionadas para análise foram: internações, região, ano, sexo, valor dos serviços hospitalares e óbitos. Para tabulação e análise dos dados utilizou-se o programa Microsoft Office Excel (Microsoft©, 2013). Durante os anos de 2019 a 2022 foram registrados 368.516 mil registros de pacientes apresentando quadro de hipertensão e diabetes, no Brasil, sendo que o Nordeste possui maior número de internações por DM e HAS, 35% (n=132.527), seguido da região Sudeste com 33% (n=33%) e Sul com 13%. A faixa etária de 60 a 69 anos possui maior prevalência de casos para as duas morbidades, sendo que HAS apresenta 39,8% e DM 47%. Prevalência de internações por hipertensão essencial foi maior nos estados do Maranhão e Bahia, com 42,9% e 28,8%, respectivamente. Com relação ao diabetes, a Bahia possui maior prevalência de internações, com 27,2%, enquanto que o Maranhão apresenta 24,1%. O sexo feminino apresentou o maior número de registros de hospitalizações por ambas as doenças, correspondendo a 52,4% para diagnostico de diabetes mellitus e 59,2% para hipertensão essencial. Foram registradas 6.877 mortes, sendo que a Bahia apresenta maior número registro para ambas as doenças. Os resultados obtidos com este estudo são capazes de auxiliar no planejamento de ações em saúde, visando à promoção da saúde e a prevenção de agravos, direcionadas aos idosos, na região Nordeste e no estado da Bahia, que demonstraram serem mais propensos ao desenvolvimento de DCNT