4,083 research outputs found

    Why Trade Associations Matter: Exploring Function, Meaning, and Influence

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    We explore the organizational characteristics of trade associations (TAs) and suggest theoretical approaches for undertaking research into or involving TAs in management and organization studies. Through emphasizing the role of TAs within and between industries and at the interface of business and society, we consider how TAs generate meaning and influence

    Concentric cracking of grape berries

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    Light microscopy has been used to study the anatomy of "cracks" and "splits" in grape berries. In cracking, fine concentric surface cracks in the skin are formed around the base of the pedicel or at the stylar end. Cracks usually involved rupture of the cuticle and epidermal layer of cells only. In splitting, the cuticle, epidermis, sub-epiclermis and outer pericarp cells were ruptured. Suberization was evident in the cells beneath cracks, but was not present in the cells around splits. Possible mechanisms of epidermal damage and penetration of microorganisms are discussed in relation to cracking ancl splitting.Konzentrisches Aufreißen von WeinbeerenBei Traubenbeeren wurden Schrunden (,,cracks") und Platzwunden (,,splits") beobachtet, deren anatomische Verhältnisse lichtmikroskopisch untersucht wurden. Die Schrunden bilden sich als feine, konzentrische Oberflächenrisse um den Beerenansatz oder am apikalen Ende der Beere. In diesem Falle sind gewöhnlich nur die Kutikula und die epidermale Zellschicht aufgerissen. Die Platzwunden erstrecken sich dagegen auf Kutikula, Epidermis, Subepidermis und die äußeren Perikarpzellen. In den Zellen unterhalb der Schrunden ließ sich Verkorkung nachweisen, nicht jedoch in den an die Platzwunden angrenzenden Zellen. Mechanismen, die für die Beschädigung der Epidermis verantwortlich sein könnten, sowie das Eindringen von Mikroorganismen werden im Zusammenhang mit dem Auftreten von Schrunden und Platzwunden diskutiert

    Biodesalination: an emerging technology for targeted removal of Na+and Cl−from seawater by cyanobacteria

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    Although desalination by membrane processes is a possible solution to the problem of freshwater supply, related cost and energy demands prohibit its use on a global scale. Hence, there is an emerging necessity for alternative, energy and cost-efficient methods for water desalination. Cyanobacteria are oxygen-producing, photosynthetic bacteria that actively grow in vast blooms both in fresh and seawater bodies. Moreover, cyanobacteria can grow with minimal nutrient requirements and under natural sunlight. Taking these observations together, a consortium of five British Universities was formed to test the principle of using cyanobacteria as ion exchangers, for the specific removal of Na+ and Cl− from seawater. This project consisted of the isolation and characterisation of candidate strains, with central focus on their potential to be osmotically and ionically adaptable. The selection panel resulted in the identification of two Euryhaline strains, one of freshwater (Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803) and one of marine origin (Synechococcus sp. Strain PCC 7002) (Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen). Other work packages were as follows. Genetic manipulations potentially allowed for the expression of a light-driven, Cl−-selective pump in both strains, therefore, enhancing the bioaccumulation of specific ions within the cell (University of Glasgow). Characterisation of surface properties under different salinities (University of Sheffield), ensured that cell–liquid separation efficiency would be maximised post-treatment, as well as monitoring the secretion of mucopolysaccharides in the medium during cell growth. Work at Newcastle University is focused on the social acceptance of this scenario, together with an assessment of the potential risks through the generation and application of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points plan. Finally, researchers in Imperial College (London) designed the process, from biomass production to water treatment and generation of a model photobioreactor. This multimodal approach has produced promising first results, and further optimisation is expected to result in mass scaling of this process

    Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid parameters of magnetic waveguides in graphene

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    Electronic waveguides in graphene formed by counterpropagating snake states in suitable inhomogeneous magnetic fields are shown to constitute a realization of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid. Due to the spatial separation of the right- and left-moving snake states, this non-Fermi liquid state induced by electron-electron interactions is essentially unaffected by disorder. We calculate the interaction parameters accounting for the absence of Galilei invariance in this system, and thereby demonstrate that non-Fermi liquid effects are significant and tunable in realistic geometries

    Book Reviews

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    Book Reviews

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    Low-cost carriers and airports: a complex relationship

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    In the last decades, low-cost carriers have generated several changes in the air market for both passengers and airports. Mainly for regional airports, low-cost carriers have represented an important opportunity to improve their connectivity levels and passenger traffic. Furthermore, many regional airports have become key factors to regenerate the local economy by improving accessibility and stimulating several markets, such as tourism. However, the relationship between low-cost carriers and airports is rather complex and the outcomes not always predictable. In order to analyse and understand better such relationship and its outcomes, this chapter discusses the main underlying factors identified in: relation with the regional air market (secondary/primary airports), balance of power (dominated/non-dominated airports) and industrial organisation (bases/non-bases). Starting from the proposed Relative Closeness Index, which combines yearly airport passengers and distance between airport pairs, a large sample of European airports is analysed. Then, a smaller sub-sample – which includes selected, significant case studies referring to mid-sized airports – is discussed in detail. Among the main findings, airports sharing their catchment area with others are in a very risky position, due to the potential mobility of LCCs, while geographically isolated airports in good catchment areas can better counterbalance the power of carriers

    Genomes and geography: genomic insights into the evolution and phylogeography of the genus Schistosoma

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    Blood flukes within the genus 'Schistosoma' still remain a major cause of disease in the tropics and subtropics and the study of their evolution has been an area of major debate and research. With the advent of modern molecular and genomic approaches deeper insights have been attained not only into the divergence and speciation of these worms, but also into the historic movement of these parasites from Asia into Africa, via migration and dispersal of definitive and snail intermediate hosts. This movement was subsequently followed by a radiation of Schistosoma species giving rise to the S. mansoni and S. haematobium groups, as well as the S. indicum group that reinvaded Asia. Each of these major evolutionary events has been marked by distinct changes in genomic structure evident in differences in mitochondrial gene order and nuclear chromosomal architecture between the species associated with Asia and Africa. Data from DNA sequencing, comparative molecular genomics and karyotyping are indicative of major constitutional genomic events which would have become fixed in the ancestral populations of these worms. Here we examine how modern genomic techniques may give a more in depth understanding of the evolution of schistosomes and highlight the complexity of speciation and divergence in this group

    Policies for new path development: the case of Oxfordshire

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    This chapter reflects on how evolutionary economic geography (EEG) can be extended to incorporate public policy in its explanations of path development. A weakness of EEG is the poor conceptualisation of the role of the state (central, regional, local) in regional path development. It is therefore argued that a multi-scalar perspective of policy is required and that a large set of policies deserve attention. Oxfordshire in the UK is used to explore the link between public policy and path development
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