4,898 research outputs found

    Spectral absorption of marine stratocumulus clouds derived from in situ cloud radiation measurements

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    A multiwavelength scanning radiometer was used to measure the angular distribution of scattered radiation deep within a cloud layer at discrete wavelengths between 0.5 and 2.3 microns. The relative angular distribution of the intensity field at each wavelength is used to determine the similarity parameter, and hence single scattering albedo, of the cloud at that wavelength using the diffusion domain method. In addition to the spectral similarity parameter, the analysis provides a good estimate of the optical thickness of the cloud beneath the aircraft. In addition to the radiation measurements, microphysical and thermodynamic measurements were obtained from which the expected similarity parameter spectrum was calculated using accepted values of the refractive index of liquid water and the transmission function of water vapor. An analysis is presented for the results obtained for a 50 km section of clean marine stratocumulus clouds on 10 July 1987. These observations were obtained off the coast of California from the University of Washington Convair C-131A aircraft as part of the First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE). A comparison of the experimentally-derived similarity parameter spectrum with that expected theoretically from the cloud droplet size distribution measured simultaneously from the aircraft is presented. The measurements and theory are in very close agreement for this case of clean maritime clouds

    Cloud absorption properties as derived from airborne measurements of scattered radiation within clouds

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    Researchers briefly review the diffusion domain method for deriving the cloud similarity parameter and present preliminary analyses of the results thus far obtained. The presentation concentrates on the following points: (1) intercomparison of calibrated reflected intensities between the cloud absorption radiometer and the U.K. multispectral cloud radiometer; (2) quality control tests required to select those portions of an aircraft flight for which measurements are obtained within the diffusion domain; (3) case studies of the spectral similarity parameter of marine stratocumulus clouds; and comparisons of the experimentally-derived similarity parameter spectrum with that expected theoretically from the cloud droplet size distribution obtained from in situ observations

    Investigation of an Aberrant Cell Voltage During the Filling of a Large Lithium Thionyl Chloride Cell

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    The investigation of an aberrant cell voltage during the filling of a large lithium thionyl chloride cell summary is at: an aberrant voltage trace was noted during the review of cell filling data; incident was traced to an interruption during filling; experimentation suggested oxidizable sites within the carbon electrode were responsible for the drop in voltage; the voltage anomaly could be reproduced by interrupting the filling of similar cells; and anomalous voltage dip was not due to a short

    Determination of Unfrozen Water in Winter Cereals at Subfreezing Temperatures

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    Harry L. Goldsmith, Ph.D.

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    In honor of Dr. Harry L. Goldsmith\u27s 75th birthday, we present a collection of articles from his collaborators and colleagues to commemorate Harry\u27s outstanding contributions to the field of Biorheology. On any particular day, bioengineers around the world may find themselves fortunate enough to peer through a microscope to observe molecular or cellular level phenomena manifested before their eyes. Such observations of single molecule mechanics or blood flows or cellular deformation remind us of the power of clever experimental design and rigorous theoretical constructs as well as the complex beauty of dynamical systems in nature. In this spirit, the investigations reported in this issue of the Annals entitled Cellular Biorheology and Biomechanics have followed down many of the research paths pioneered by Dr. Harry Goldsmith

    Where is the best site on Earth? Domes A, B, C and F, and Ridges A and B

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    The Antarctic plateau contains the best sites on earth for many forms of astronomy, but none of the existing bases was selected with astronomy as the primary motivation. In this article, we try to systematically compare the merits of potential observatory sites.We include South Pole, Domes A, C, and F, and also Ridge B (running northeast from Dome A), and what we call "Ridge A" (running southwest from Dome A). Our analysis combines satellite data, published results, and atmospheric models, to compare the boundary layer, weather, aurorae, airglow, precipitable water vapor, thermal sky emission, surface temperature, and the free atmosphere, at each site. We find that all Antarctic sites are likely to be compromised for optical work by airglow and aurorae. Of the sites with existing bases, Dome A is easily the best overall; but we find that Ridge A offers an even better site. We also find that Dome F is a remarkably good site. Dome C is less good as a thermal infrared or terahertz site, but would be able to take advantage of a predicted "OH hole" over Antarctica during spring.Comment: Revised version. 16 pages, 21 figures (22 in first version). Submitted to PASP 16/05/09, accepted 13/07/09; published 20/08/0

    The Earth System Grid Federation: Delivering globally accessible petascale data for CMIP5

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    The fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) will involve the global production and analysis of petabytes of data. The Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI), with responsibility for archival for CMIP5, has established the global “Earth System Grid Federation” (ESGF) of data producers and data archives to support CMIP5. ESGF will provide a set of globally synchronised views of globally distributed data – including some large cache replicants which will be persisted for (at least) decades. Here we describe the archive requirements and key aspects of the resulting architecture. ESGF will stress international networks, as well as the data archives themselves – but significantly less than would have been the case of a centralised archive. Developing and deploying the ESGF has exploited good will and best efforts, but future developments are likely to require more formalised architecture and management

    Inflammatory Markers Associated With Subclinical Coronary Artery Disease: The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study.

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    BackgroundDespite evidence for higher risk of coronary artery disease among HIV+ individuals, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. We investigated associations of inflammatory markers with subclinical coronary artery disease in 923 participants of the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (575 HIV+ and 348 HIV- men) who underwent noncontrast computed tomography scans for coronary artery calcification, the majority (n=692) also undergoing coronary computed tomography angiography.Methods and resultsOutcomes included presence and extent of coronary artery calcification, plus computed tomography angiography analysis of presence, composition, and extent of coronary plaques and severity of coronary stenosis. HIV+ men had significantly higher levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), intercellular adhesion molecule-1, C-reactive protein, and soluble-tumor necrosis factor-α receptor (sTNFαR) I and II (all P<0.01) and a higher prevalence of noncalcified plaque (63% versus 54%, P=0.02) on computed tomography angiography. Among HIV+ men, for every SD increase in log-interleukin-6 and log intercellular adhesion molecule-1, there was a 30% and 60% increase, respectively, in the prevalence of coronary stenosis ≥50% (all P<0.05). Similarly, sTNFαR I and II in HIV+ participants were associated with an increase in prevalence of coronary stenosis ≥70% (P<0.05). Higher levels of interleukin-6, sTNFαR I, and sTNFαR II were also associated with greater coronary artery calcification score in HIV+ men (P<0.01).ConclusionsHigher inflammatory marker levels are associated with greater prevalence of coronary stenosis in HIV+ men. Our findings underscore the need for further study to elucidate the relationships of inflammatory pathways with coronary artery disease in HIV+ individuals