444 research outputs found

    Common intentions, different implementation: ba curricula in translation studies in Castelló de la Plana and in Graz

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    One of the aims of the Bologna Process is to increase mobility. By definition Translation and Interpreting Studies have an international orientation. For this reason at some universities compulsory mobility plans exist for Translation students, but instead it seems mobility has actually decreased, a fact that could be related to differences in the length of study cycles and curricular design. This paper aims to compare two curricula of Translation Studies, at an Austrian and a Spanish university, focusing o n aspects that could affect student mobility. The wider context, related to study cycles and social factors, is therefore presented first. Then the relevant aspects of the curricula of Translation Studies in Graz and in Castelló de la Plana are described a nd compared. The differences can be situated in general academic organisation, in some curricular aspects and, above all, in a different structure of the study cycles. Paradoxically, the forthcoming study reforms may completely invert the present situation.This paper received financial support from research Project FFI2015-68867-P, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. I thank Ulrike Oster and Eveline Schwarz for their comments on some aspects of this paper

    Feliu Formosa : traductor i home de lletres

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    Feliu Formosa ha tingut una activitat enorme en diversos camps de la cultura; aquest article tracta de determinar quins podrien considerar-se com a prioritaris i si s'hi poden observar influències recíproques, amb especial èmfasi en la traducció. Amb l'ajuda dels conceptes de Bourdieu habitus i camp, s'hi traça la trajectòria vital i professional partint d'escrits i de declaracions de Formosa mateix. Gràcies a aquests documents, l'habitus originari es deixa reconstruir fàcilment, i també és òbvia la gran influència exercida per Bertolt Brecht. La proximitat dels camps d'activitat, però, fa quasi impossible delimitar clarament els habitus respectius, perquè la influència recíproca de teatre, traducció i docència, d'una banda, i de traducció i poesia pròpia, de l'altra, es posa de manifest molt sovint. Dins el camp de la traducció, el més cultivat, s'observa una coherència considerable en els títols traduïts, que posen el protagonisme de Formosa en relleu.From the huge number of different activities carried out by Feliu Formosa in a wide range of cultural fields, this paper attempts to determine which of them were considered a priority and whether it is possible to observe mutual influences among them, with special emphasis on translation. With the help of Bourdieu's concepts of habitus and field, it portrays Formosa's personal life and professional career, taking as its starting point his own writings and statements. Thanks to these documents, the original habitus can be easily reconstructed. The great influence exerted by Bertolt Brecht is also quite apparent. The proximity of the fields of activity, however, makes it difficult to delimit the corresponding habitus clearly, as theatre, teaching and translation, on the one hand, and translation and poetry, on the other, are often so intricately entwined, exerting reciprocal effects upon each other. In the field of translation, the one Formosa cultivated most, there isconsiderable consistency in the works he translated, which only highlight his own prominent role

    Problemes lexicogràfics en la traducció alemany-català: com superar els límits dels diccionaris bilingües

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    This paper outlines several lexicographical issues which are not generally resolved by bilingual dictionaries. Given that ongoing translators (from German to Catalan) are, however, strongly dependant upon these dictionaries, on the one hand, translation procedures are shown which leave room for (necessary) creativity; on the other hand, alternative ways to look up the meaning of words are presented, which help to overcome the dictionaries’ limits. The context is a basic element, for lexicography as well as for translation, that in many respects sheds light on more precise word meanings. Therefore, different applications of text corpora are briefly indicated.Aquest article forma part dels resultats de dos projectes basats en l’explotació del corpus COVALT (Corpus Valencià de Literatura Traduïda); l’un del Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (MICINN. FFI2009-09544/FILO), l’altre de la UJI/Bancaixa (UJI. P1∙1B 2008-59)

    The idiomaticity of cinegrams or gestures of denial and affirmation: a German-Catalan comparative study with corpus methodology

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    Partint d’algunes reflexions de Vicent Salvador sobre unitats fraseològiques i idiomaticitat, en aquest article s’analitzen alguns cinegrames al corpus covalt. Aquesta classe d’unitats fraseològiques es caracteritza per descriure una conducta no verbal i verbalitzar alhora el significat convencionalment associat a aquesta conducta. Com a gestos, es parteix de la hipòtesi que, entre cinegrames en alemany i en català, s’observen diferències pel que fa a la idiomaticitat. Per comprovar-ho, s’analitza com s’han traduït de l’alemany expressions de negació i d’afirmació i se’n contrasten els resultats amb un corpus comparable de textos escrits originàriament en català.Based on some of Vicent Salvador’s reflections on phraseological units and idiomaticity, this paper analyzes some cinegrams in the covalt corpus. This class of phraseological unit prototypically describes a nonverbal behavior while at the same time verbalizing the meaning conventionally associated with this behavior. The underlying assumption is that there are differences between cinegrams in German and in Catalan due to differences in idiomaticity. To test the assumption, an analysis will show how expressions of denial and affirmation have been translated from German into Catalan, and the results will be compared with a comparable corpus of texts originally written in Catalan.Aquest article forma part dels resultats de dos projectes basats en l’explotació del corpus covalt (Corpus Valencià de Literatura Traduïda); l’un finançat pel Ministeri d’Economia i Competitivitat (FFI2015- 68867-P), l’altre finançat per la Universitat Jaume i (UJI-B2017-58). S’agraeixen les pertinents observacions dels avaluadors d’aquest treba

    Descripció fraseològica a partir de l’anàlisi basada en un corpus paral·lel: possibilitats, límits i una proposta

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    The use of monolingual corpora in lexicography is now common practice. However, when creating bilingual dictionaries, the question arises to what extent paral- lel corpora could be sources to be taken into account. It can be assumed that this kind of corpora could provide possible contextualized lexical correspondences, if the cor- pora were large enough. Their use could point to problems of interlingual asymmetry, which have not always received the necessary attention in traditional lexicography. I present interlingual and context-motivated problems, which were found in the analysis of German idioms and their Catalan translation using a parallel corpus.Aquest treball s’ha realitzat en el marc del projecte «Modelos de lengua literaria en la traducciones al catalán valenciano contemporáneo: análisis traductológico, contrastivo y sociológico», finançat pel Ministeri d’Economia i Competitivitat (Ref. FFI2015-68867-P)

    Wilhelm Tell en català: anàlisi comparativa

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    Basándose en el marco teórico de los Descriptive Translation Studies, el trabajo compara seis traducciones al catalán del drama Wilhelm Tilo, de Schiller. Con una excepción, todas parecen más destinadas a un público lector que no a la representación. Situadas en su contexto histórico y cultural, se adecúan a las convenciones de la cultura meta, con excepción de la primera (1907), por motivos formales. Dejando de banda dos adaptaciones, se han analizado varios factores lingüísticos y textuales (elección léxica, enunciados sentenciosos, tematizaciones y tratamiento del verso), con la conclusión que todas las traducciones oscilan entre las normas de las dos culturas implicadas, entre literalidad y creatividad, sin optar por un solo criterio coherente a la hora de decidir la estrategia traductora general.Adoptant el marc teòric dels Descriptive Translation Studies (Lambert i van Gorp, 1985; Toury, 1995; Bassnett, 2002 3 ) aquest treball proposa estudiar sis traduccions al català de l’obra Wilhelm Tell , de Friedrich Schiller, partint dels següents paràmetres: normes preliminars (1), estructura superior (2) i estructura inferior (3), que relacionarem amb les normes de la cultura meta. Es tracta de veure si els textos traduïts estan més influïts pel text original (TO), tendents a la literalitat, o per les convencions de la cultura metaThis article compares six translations into Catalan of Schiller’s drama WilhemTilo within the Descriptive Translation Studies theoretical framework. All of them, except for a particular case, seem to be intended for a reading audience rather than for their staging to take place. Analysed in their historical and cultural background, they all fit their target culture’s conventions except for the first one (1907) due to formal reasons. Apart from two of their adaptations, several linguistic and textual factors have been analysed (lexis choice, sententious statements, thematisation, verse construction) concluding that all translations oscillate between the norms of both languages involved, between literality and creativity, lacking a sole coherent criterion regarding their overall translation strategy.Aquest article s’emmarca dins els següents projectes d’investigació: HUM2006-11524/FILO del Ministeri de Ciència i Tecnologia (I+D+I), i P1·1B2006-13 de la Fundació Caixa Castelló- Bancaixa

    Feliu Formosa, translator and man of letters

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    Feliu Formosa ha tingut una activitat enorme en diversos camps de la cultura; aquest article tracta de determinar quins podrien considerar-se com a prioritaris i si s’hi poden observar influències recíproques, amb especial èmfasi en la traducció. Amb l’ajuda dels conceptes de Bourdieu habitus i camp, s’hi traça la trajectòria vital i professional partint d’escrits i de declaracions de Formosa mateix. Gràcies a aquests documents, l’habitus originari es deixa reconstruir fàcilment, i també és òbvia la gran influència exercida per Bertolt Brecht. La proximitat dels camps d’activitat, però, fa quasi impossible delimitar clarament els habitus respectius, perquè la influència recíproca de teatre, traducció i docència, d’una banda, i de traducció i poesia pròpia, de l’altra, es posa de manifest molt sovint. Dins el camp de la traducció, el més cultivat, s’observa una coherència considerable en els títols traduïts, que posen el protagonisme de Formosa en relleu.From the huge number of different activities carried out by Feliu Formosa in a wide range of cultural fields, this paper attempts to determine which of them were considered a priority and whether it is possible to observe mutual influences among them, with special emphasis on translation. With the help of Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus and field, it portrays Formosa’s personal life and professional career, taking as its starting point his own writings and statements. Thanks to these documents, the original habitus can be easily reconstructed. The great influence exerted by Bertolt Brecht is also quite apparent. The proximity of the fields of activity, however, makes it difficult to delimit the corresponding habitus clearly, as theatre, teaching and translation, on the one hand, and translation and poetry, on the other, are often so intricately entwined, exerting reciprocal effects upon each other. In the field of translation, the one Formosa cultivated most, there is considerable consistency in the works he translated, which only highlight his own prominent role

    Brecht by Formosa. Between effective staging and poetic conciseness

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    Per esbrinar a quins aspectes de Bertolt Brecht donà més importància el seu principal traductor al català, Feliu Formosa, que també muntà la primera representació d’una obra de Brecht a Catalunya, aquest article tracta de les teories de Brecht tal com Formosa les va assimilar i del pes que tingueren en la pràctica i en l’evolució del teatre independent. S’hi repassaran les obres de teatre de Brecht traduïdes per Formosa, tant per a la representació com per a la publicació, i també de la seua poesia. Quasi des de l’inici, Formosa treballava amb textos dramàtics i poètics de l’autor alemany, alhora que s’impregnava de les seues teories. El Brecht que Formosa ha incorporat a la cultura catalana és un autor multifacètic que combina perfectament l’eficàcia escènica i la concisió poètica per a fer-ne una arma al servei d’uns objectius de caràcter social i polític.This article deals with the dramatic theory of Bertolt Brecht and his reception by Feliu Formosa, who is the main Catalan translator of Brecht, and staged the first performance of a work by Brecht in Catalonia. The paper also analyses the influence of Brecht’s theories on the so-called “independent theatre”, and reviews Brecht’s plays as well as his poetry, both translated by Formosa. The analysis shows that the Brecht brought in the Catalan culture by Formosa is a multifaceted author who perfectly combines scenic efficacy and poetic conciseness to turn them into a weapon at the service of social and political objectives

    Monitoring of oxygen saturation during and after endoscopy

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    Fibreoptic endoscopy is a common and relatively safe diagnostic and therapeutic procedure used to examine the gastrointestinal tract. Previous research has established that oxygen desaturation is common among patients undergoing endoscopy and is one of the few complications which may arise during, and after the procedure. Oxygen saturation (Sa02) is a measurement of the percentage of oxygen carried by the haemoglobin and can be measured noninvasively and accurately using a pulse oximeter. Oxygen desaturation is generally described as Sa02 levels at or below 90%. Currently there are no clear guidelines for the duration of Sa02 monitoring following endoscopy. It is also unclear whether all patients, or some groups of patients, would benefit most from such monitoring. The purpose of this study was twofold. Firstly, the study sought to describe the oxygen saturation levels in patients prior to, during, and after endoscopy using pulse oximetry. Secondly it sought to identify patient characteristics (variables) which may help to predict which patients are most vulnerable to desaturation. The study was conducted within the Gastroenterological Department of a major teaching hospital in Perth, Western Australia, using a convenience sample of 218 patients. The results have clearly shown there to be a decrease in the mean Sa02 relative to baseline after endoscopy, and that there is an increase in the range and variance of Sa02 measurements after endoscopy. There was no statistically significant difference between the mean SaO2 measurement for patients undergoing gastroscopy and colonoscopy. There was a greater incidence of desaturation after endoscopy compared with during endoscopy. The majority of desaturation events occurred both within the first five minutes of the procedure, and within the first five minutes of the recovery phase. From the literature, baseline oxygen saturation levels, age, smoking history, sedation, and cardiac and respiratory problems were identified as possible predictors of oxygen desaturation. Following hierarchical multiple regression analysis, baseline Sa02 level and age made a statistically significant contribution to the prediction of desaturation among patients undergoing endoscopy. The addition of the variables smoking history, level of sedation, cardiac condition, and respiratory condition to the regression analysis did not significantly improve the prediction of desaturation. Age and a low baseline SaO2 were identified in this study as being the variables which may help to predict which patients will be at a greater risk of desaturation. This study has indicated that the identification of those variables that contribute to an increased risk of desaturation, and further monitoring of high risk patients using pulse oximetry, allows for nursing interventions to be implemented before the potentially serious consequences of desaturation occur. The recommendations of this study are to continue pulse oximetry monitoring and to administer supplemental oxygen for high risk patients into the recovery period