
Problemes lexicogràfics en la traducció alemany-català: com superar els límits dels diccionaris bilingües


This paper outlines several lexicographical issues which are not generally resolved by bilingual dictionaries. Given that ongoing translators (from German to Catalan) are, however, strongly dependant upon these dictionaries, on the one hand, translation procedures are shown which leave room for (necessary) creativity; on the other hand, alternative ways to look up the meaning of words are presented, which help to overcome the dictionaries’ limits. The context is a basic element, for lexicography as well as for translation, that in many respects sheds light on more precise word meanings. Therefore, different applications of text corpora are briefly indicated.Aquest article forma part dels resultats de dos projectes basats en l’explotació del corpus COVALT (Corpus Valencià de Literatura Traduïda); l’un del Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (MICINN. FFI2009-09544/FILO), l’altre de la UJI/Bancaixa (UJI. P1∙1B 2008-59)

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