135 research outputs found

    Anti-spoofing Methods for Automatic SpeakerVerification System

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    Growing interest in automatic speaker verification (ASV)systems has lead to significant quality improvement of spoofing attackson them. Many research works confirm that despite the low equal er-ror rate (EER) ASV systems are still vulnerable to spoofing attacks. Inthis work we overview different acoustic feature spaces and classifiersto determine reliable and robust countermeasures against spoofing at-tacks. We compared several spoofing detection systems, presented so far,on the development and evaluation datasets of the Automatic SpeakerVerification Spoofing and Countermeasures (ASVspoof) Challenge 2015.Experimental results presented in this paper demonstrate that the useof magnitude and phase information combination provides a substantialinput into the efficiency of the spoofing detection systems. Also wavelet-based features show impressive results in terms of equal error rate. Inour overview we compare spoofing performance for systems based on dif-ferent classifiers. Comparison results demonstrate that the linear SVMclassifier outperforms the conventional GMM approach. However, manyresearchers inspired by the great success of deep neural networks (DNN)approaches in the automatic speech recognition, applied DNN in thespoofing detection task and obtained quite low EER for known and un-known type of spoofing attacks.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figures, published in Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) vol. 66

    Клональне мікророзмноження рослин з роду Aglaonema Schoot

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    Data about micropropagation of genus Aglaonema Schoot, family Araceae Juss. is cited. Conditions to obtain sterile culture and to determine optimal explant have been developed. Optimal nutrient medium and conditions of meristem plants cultivation are selected.Проведені результати роботи з клонального мікророзмноження рослин з роду Aglaonema Schoot родини Araceae Juss. Розроблено режим отримання стерильних ізольованих культур та визначено оптимальні експланти для розмноження. Підібрано поживне середовище та умови культивування меристемних рослин

    Використання гомогенату банана при культивуванні Laelia sincorana Schltr. (Orchidaceae Juss.) in vitro

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    The work deals with the possibility to use banana homogenate at the last stages of cultivation of Laelia sincorana under the culture conditions in vitro.Зазначається можливість використання гомогенату банана на останніх етапах культивування Laelia sincorana Schltr. в умовах культури in vitro

    Influence of Radioactive Contamination of the Sr-90 Terrestrial Ecosystems on the Enzymatic Activity of the Soil

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    One of the most promising methods of soil diagnostics is the determination of the parameters of enzymatic activity. Changes in urease, invertase, dehydrogenase and catalase activity of soil subjected to radioactive contamination with radionuclide Sr-90 have been studied. When the specific activity of Sr-90 in the soil varies in the range from the control value to more than 1.5 kBq / kg, the stability of invertase, urease and dehydrogenase is established. At the same time, the catalase activity of the soil is a sensitive indicator to radioactive contamination, which is described by a reliable model with a threshold value, after which the oppression of the indicator is observed

    Зв’язок продуктивності цвітіння сортів Cymbidium hybridum hort. з їх регенераційною та асиміляційною здатністю

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    Relation between flower productivity of Cymbidium hybridum hort. varieties and their regenerative ability, morpho- anatomical indices of leaves, and content of photosynthetic pigments has been determined.Встановлено зв’язок продуктивності цвітіння сортів Cymbidium hybridum hort. з їх регенераційною здатністю, морфоанатомічними показниками листків і вмістом фотосинтетичних пігментів у них

    Початкові етапи розвитку Acacallis cyanea Lindl. (Orchidaceae Juss.) в умовах культури

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    The early development stages of seedling of Acacallis cyanea Lindl. – the endemic species of monotypical genus, distributed in the tropical South America, were studied. The seeds begin greening 2–2.5 months after seeding on the Knudson medium. The embryos of the germinating seeds have ovate-elongate a shape. By approximately 3–3.5 months the protocorm stage was reached. At that time the apical meristem with a single leaf primordium is available in the upper part of disk-shape protocorm. The first additional root was formed in 6–6.5 months; the first lateral bud was set in the axil of the fourth leaf at the age of approximately 8–9 months.Вивчались початкові етапи розвитку сіянців Acacallis cyanea Lindl. – представника ендемічного монотипного роду, поширеного у тропіках Північної Америки. Визначено, що насіння починає проростати за 2–2,5 міс після висіву на середовищі Кнудсона. Зародки насіння мають подовжено-яйцевидну форму. У 3–3,5-місячному віці утворюються протокорми. У цей час верхня частина дисковидного протокорму має апікальну меристему і перший листковий примордій. Перший додатковий корінь формується за 6–6,5 місю, перша пазушна брунька закладається у пазусі четвертого листка у віці 8–9 міс


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    Author o f the article analyses the formation etymology such as action, operation, reception, skills basing on activity approach. By author's opinion intellectual skills are the special class in structure of people experience and can’t be interpreted neither as mental nor as thought