25 research outputs found

    Characterizing first and third person viewpoints and their alternation for embodied interaction in virtual reality

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    Empirical research on the bodily self has shown that the body representation is malleable, and prone to manipulation when conflicting sensory stimuli are presented. Using Virtual Reality (VR) we assessed the effects of manipulating multisensory feedback (full body control and visuo-tactile congruence) and visual perspective (first and third person perspective) on the sense of embodying a virtual body that was exposed to a virtual threat. We also investigated how subjects behave when the possibility of alternating between first and third person perspective at will was presented. Our results support that illusory ownership of a virtual body can be achieved in both first and third person perspectives under congruent visuo-motor-tactile condition. However, subjective body ownership and reaction to threat were generally stronger for first person perspective and alternating condition than for third person perspective. This suggests that the possibility of alternating perspective is compatible with a strong sense of embodiment, which is meaningful for the design of new embodied VR experiences

    Analysis of morpho-agronomic and climatic variables in successive agricultural years provides novel information regarding the phenological cycle of Jatropha in conditions of the Brazilian cerrado

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    Phenological studies can provide information that enables the understanding of the dynamics of plants and how these dynamics are related to the biotic and abiotic environment. In order to study the phenological phases of Jatropha during two agricultural years, agronomic and climatic variables, such as temperature and rainfall, were evaluated. Data for each variable in each year and each genotype were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the differences were tested at 5% probability by F test. In addition, the correlation of growth behavior and reproductive development of two Jatropha accessions (CNPAE-102 and CNPAE-169) as a function of time elapsed after the start of the phenological cycle with climatic variables were analyzed through Pearson's correlation. It was found that: (i) the resuming of plant growth by producing new branches and flowers of both genotypes coincides with the start of the rainy season, (ii) the flowering may be related to the increase in temperature and rainfall; (iii) the number of inflorescences per plant and number of female flowers determine the number of green fruits, (iv) the environmental changes are responsible for the delimitation of phenophases; and finally that (v) the responses to phenological changes are genotype-dependent

    Curva de absorção de água em sementes de pinhão-manso

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    O pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.) é uma espécie destinada à produção de óleo para fins energéticos, porém cientificamente pouco conhecida quanto a sua implantação como cultura agrícola. Objetivou-se neste trabalho determinar a curva de absorção de água em sementes de pinhão-manso, visando subsidiar futuras pesquisas dependentes dessa informação. Utilizaram-se dois lotes de sementes, representados por duas subamostras (sementes intactas e sementes mortas) de cada lote. A curva de absorção de água foi determinada por pesagens em intervalos sistematizados, até a protrusão da raiz primária. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e quatro repetições de 10 sementes/parcela. Os dados foram submetidos aos testes de Bartlett, Anova e Tukey; para as curvas de absorção foram ajustadas equações de regressão. Concluiu-se que as sementes de Jatropha curcas seguem o padrão trifásico de absorção de água, sendo a fase I compreendida entre 0 e 15h, a fase II entre 15 e 60h e a fase III iniciada após 60h