1,431 research outputs found

    Experimental test for interpreting the increase in sensibility of doped CR-39

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    In recent years the sensibility of CR-39 to nuclear tracks has been increased by doping the corresponding monomer with dioctyl phtalate. At this regard, two theoretical approaches are current managed to explain this phenomenon: either the doping react with the active radicals in the chain blocking them, stopping crosslinking between chains, or alternatively that the doping gets between them giving wider space between the crosslinkined chains

    Study of non-thermal photon production under different scenarios in solar flares. 2: The Compton inverse and Bremsstrahlung models and fittings

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    Energy spectra of photons emitted from Bremsstrahlung (BR) of energetic electrons with matter, is obtained from the deconvolution of the electron energy spectra. It can be inferred that the scenario for the production of X-rays and gamma rays in solar flares may vary from event to event. However, it is possible in many cases to associated low energy events to impulsive acceleration, and the high energy phase of some events to stochastic acceleration. In both cases, flare particles seem to be strongly modulated by local energy losses. Electric field acceleration, associated to neutral current sheets is a suitable candidate for impulsive acceleration. Finally, that the predominant radiation process of this radiation is the inverse Compton effect due to the local flare photon field

    Study of photon emission by electron capture during solar nuclei acceleration, 1: Temperature-dependent cross section for charge changing processes

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    The study of charge changing cross sections of fast ions colliding with matter provides the fundamental basis for the analysis of the charge states produced in such interactions. Given the high degree of complexity of the phenomena, there is no theoretical treatment able to give a comprehensive description. In fact, the involved processes are very dependent on the basic parameters of the projectile, such as velocity charge state, and atomic number, and on the target parameters, the physical state (molecular, atomic or ionized matter) and density. The target velocity, may have also incidence on the process, through the temperature of the traversed medium. In addition, multiple electron transfer in single collisions intrincates more the phenomena. Though, in simplified cases, such as protons moving through atomic hydrogen, considerable agreement has been obtained between theory and experiments However, in general the available theoretical approaches have only limited validity in restricted regions of the basic parameters. Since most measurements of charge changing cross sections are performed in atomic matter at ambient temperature, models are commonly based on the assumption of targets at rest, however at Astrophysical scales, temperature displays a wide range in atomic and ionized matter. Therefore, due to the lack of experimental data , an attempt is made here to quantify temperature dependent cross sections on basis to somewhat arbitrary, but physically reasonable assumptions

    Beyond Mean Field Confrontation of Different Models with High Transverse Momentum Proton Spectra

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    Several models have been proposed to simulate heavy ion reactions beyond the mean field level. The lack of data in phase space regions which may be sensitive to different treatments of fluctuations made it difficult to judge these approaches. The recently published high energy proton spectra, measured in the reaction 94 AMeV Ar + Ta, allow for the first time for a comparison of the models with data. We find that these spectra are reproduced by Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) and Boltzmann Uehling Uhlenbeck (BUU) calculations. Models like Boltzmann Langevin (BL) in which additional fluctuations in momentum space are introduced overpredict the proton yield at very high energies. The BL approach has been successfully used to describe the recently measured very subthreshold kaon production assuming that the fluctuations provide the necessary energy to overcome the threshold in two body collisions. Our new findings suggest that the very subthreshold kaon production cannot be due to two body scattering and thus remains a open problem.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (eps), revte

    A simple thermodynamical witness showing universality of macroscopic entanglement

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    We show that if the ground state entanglement exceeds the total entropy of a given system, then this system is in an entangled state. This is a universal entanglement witness that applies to any physical system and yields a temperature below which we are certain to find some entanglement. Our witness is then applied to generic bosonic and fermionic many body systems to derive the corresponding "critical" temperatures that have a very broad validity.Comment: 3 pages, Torun conference, June 25-28, 200

    Switching to lanthanum carbonate monotherapy provides effective phosphate control with a low tablet burden

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    Background. Despite recognized risks associated with hyperphosphataemia in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) Stage 5 on dialysis, the achievement of target levels of serum phosphate is poor. It is likely that this is partly due to poor adherence by patients to their phosphate-binder treatment regimens, which often comprise large daily tablet burdens

    New geomorphic criteria on lateral propagation of blind thrust-related fold growth accommodating oblique convergence

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    International audienceThe aim of this contribution is to show the styles of growing anticlines and the ways in which they accommodate oblique convergence through proximal foreland basins and intramontane basins. The four natural examples of individual fault-related-folds are: the Chandigarh anticline in the Siwalik foothills of Himalaya (NW India), the Pakuashan anticline in the western foothills of Central Range (Taiwan), the J. Bou Dhar-Tamdafelt fold belt (Morocco) and the Marand anticline in the North-Tabriz Fault-Zone (NW Iran). The evolution of these geomorphic criteria and drainage patterns shows evidence of lateral propagation of folds accommodating oblique convergence. This paper focuses on the geomorphic indicators that could be used to provide information on the timing of fault-related folding and direction of lateral propagation. Several tectonic scenarios has been analysed and an attempt has been made to delineate the sequential evolution of anticlines accommodating oblique convergence