2,210 research outputs found

    The Parasitoid Complex of Forest Tent Caterpillar, \u3ci\u3eMalacosoma Disstria\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), in Eastern Wyoming Shelterbelts

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    A parasitoid complex affecting the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria, was investigated during 1978-79 in shelterbelts in eastern Wyoming. Egg parasitoids included five species: Ablerus clisiocampae, Ooencyrtus clisiocampae, Telenomus clisiocampae, Tetrastichus sp. 1 and Telenomus sp. Thirteen hymenopterous species and five dipterous species were reared from larvae and pupae of the forest tent caterpillar. The most common 5th-instar larval parasitoids were the tachinid flies, Lespesia archippivora and Archytas lateralis. Of the pupal parasitoids reared, 640/0 were Diptera and 36% were Hymenoptera. Four previously unrecorded parasitoids of M. disstria were reared: Cotesia alalantae, Macrocentrus irridescens, Pimpla sanguinipes erythropus, and Lespesia flavifrons.

    An improved time of flight gamma-ray telescope to monitor diffuse gamma-ray in the energy range 5 MeV - 50 MeV

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    A time of flight measuring device is the basic triggering system of most of medium and high energy gamma-ray telescopes. A simple gamma-ray telescope has been built in order to check in flight conditions the functioning of an advanced time of flight system. The technical ratings of the system are described. This telescope has been flown twice with stratospheric balloons, its axis being oriented at various Zenital directions. Flight results are presented for diffuse gamma-rays, atmospheric secondaries, and various causes of noise in the 5 MeV-50 MeV energy range

    Consorciação das culturas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St Hilaire) e feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).

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    Este trabalho foi executado com o objetivo de medir-se o rendimento do sistema agroflorestal erva-mate/feijao (Ilex paraguariensis / Phaseolus vulgaris), comparando-se trĂȘs densidades da cultura agrĂ­cola (quatro, cinco e seis linhas) e dois tipos de mudas de erva-mate (normais e pseudo-estacas), plantadas a 3x1 m. ApĂłs um ano de consĂłrcio, com duas colheitas de feijĂŁo (safra das ĂĄguas e da seca), obteve-se maior sobrevivĂȘncia no campo utilizando-se pseudo-estacas (89% contra 75% das mudas normais) recomendando-se esta tĂ©cnica de plantação para a espĂ©cie estudada. A produção de feijĂŁo nĂŁo foi significativamente diferenciada pelas densidades populacionais, recomendando-se o uso de quatro linhas de cultura, em função da influĂȘncia dos espaçamentos mais densos sobre a sobrevivĂȘncia da ervamate. A altura das plantas nĂŁo foi afetada pelas alternativas de consĂłrcio empregadas. O sistema possibilitou rendas adicionais com a exploração da cultura agrĂ­cola, quase cobrindo os custos variĂĄveis de implantação da cultura de erva-mate

    Increase in the gastrointestinal absorption and in tissue storage of cyclophosphamide in L-1210 leukaemic mice at an advanced stage of the disease.

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    BDF1 mice were inoculated with 10(6) leukaemic cells and, together with control mice, were given a single oral dose of cyclophosphamide-14C of 100 mg/kg body weight. In the leukaemic mice we observed an increased 14C concentration in the plasma, bone marrow, liver, lungs, spleen, kidney and particularly fat where the level was 2-4 times higher than in control mice. Conversely, during the same period, significantly less 14C was detected in the stomach and small intestine of the leukaemic mice. These results were obtained 6 days after tumour transplantation (median survival time 7.7 days) whereas no differences were observed when the studies were carried out 4 days after tumour transplantation. These findings indicate an increase in the gastrointestinal absorption and in the tissue storage fo cyclophosphamide in L-1210 leukaemic mice at an advanced stage of the disease

    Securing pension benefits in DB private schemes with priority rules: an insight from contracting theory

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    This contribution aims at enriching the debate on the priority of unfunded pension rights in the case of a sponsoring firm\u27s bankruptcy. Starting from the idea that pension promises in DB schemes are part of a financial contract between a sponsor and participants to a sponsored pension plan, we argue that plan participants are not ordinary creditors and should be given the same priority as other claimants in the event of underfunding and a sponsoring firm\u27s bankruptcy. We build up a model consistent with this view, which gives room for more participants\u27 involvement in pension fund management. We assume that the sponsoring firm chooses the optimal share of a pension fund deficit that it commits to cover in case of underfunding, while participants choose the contribution rates that maximize their expected utility. We show that two regimes govern the pattern of the relationship between the optimal level of funding chosen by the sponsor and the optimal contribution rates chosen by the plan participants. Allowing plan participants to determine their desired contribution rates gives the entrepreneur the proper incentive for funding the pension plan. In a certain way, our pension contract resembles a cash-balance contract and our model suggests that more security can be given to plan participants in their pension savings by offering them a cash-balance plan which states a priority of unfunded pension rights in case of a firm\u27s bankruptcy

    La réforme des retraites de 1993 : quel impact sur l'équivalent patrimonial des droits à retraite ?

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    Depuis 1993, la France a enregistrĂ© plusieurs rĂ©formes de son systĂšme de retraites, visant avant tout Ă  en assurer la soutenabilitĂ©. Cette contribution a pour objectif d’évaluer l’impact de la rĂ©forme de 1993 sur l’équivalent patrimonial des droits individuels Ă  la retraite (EPDR), c\u27est-Ă -dire la somme actuarielle probable des pensions Ă  recevoir, de la date de liquidation des droits jusqu’au dĂ©cĂšs. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, nous mesurons l’impact de cette rĂ©forme sur l’EPDR des mono-pensionnĂ©s du rĂ©gime gĂ©nĂ©ral, Ă  l’aide des donnĂ©es de l’Echantillon InterrĂ©gimes de RetraitĂ©s 2008. Parmi les mesures phares de la rĂ©forme de 1993 figure l’augmentation progressive de la durĂ©e de cotisation nĂ©cessaire pour obtenir une retraite Ă  taux plein au rĂ©gime gĂ©nĂ©ral. Cette augmentation est susceptible d’engendrer deux effets opposĂ©s : un effet de report de l’ñge de liquidation pour conserver un EPDR adĂ©quat pour ses vieux jours (voire l’augmenter) ou un effet de dĂ©cote, si l’assurĂ©-e ne souhaite, ou ne peut, pas prolonger son activitĂ© et subit donc une dĂ©cote sur sa pension, et partant sur son EPDR. Pour tester les effets nets de la rĂ©forme de 1993 sur l’EPDR, nous procĂ©dons Ă  des estimations Ă©conomĂ©triques en diffĂ©rences premiĂšres et en doubles diffĂ©rences, ainsi qu’à des estimations par quantiles pour mesurer les impacts le long de la distribution de l’EPDR. Nos estimations montrent des rĂ©sultats diffĂ©rents selon que les individus partent avant ou aprĂšs 2004, date d’entrĂ©e en vigueur de la rĂ©forme. Ainsi, toutes choses Ă©gales par ailleurs, un dĂ©part en retraite avant 2004 plutĂŽt que postĂ©rieurement, augmente l’EPDR des retraitĂ©s concernĂ©s. Toutefois, l’interaction avec les autres variables nuance cette conclusion. D’une part, reporter son dĂ©part en retraite rĂ©duit l’EPDR moyen d’environ 20% : le report permet d’accumuler des droits supplĂ©mentaires, mais sur une pĂ©riode rĂ©duite. D’autre part, l’effet de la dĂ©cote est nĂ©gatif, mais son intensitĂ© est rĂ©duite quand les retraitĂ©s reportent leur dĂ©part. En outre, comme les gĂ©nĂ©rations 1934-1943 ont subi conjointement les rĂ©formes de 1993 et 2003, nos estimations en double diffĂ©rence permettent d’isoler l’effet « pur » de la rĂ©forme de 1993 : lorsque les affiliĂ©s ont subi une dĂ©cote, sans avoir reportĂ© leur dĂ©part en retraite pour l’attĂ©nuer, la liquidation des droits aux conditions de 2003 par rapport aux conditions de 1993 est la plus dĂ©favorable. Enfin, les estimations par quantiles montrent que ces effets s’intensifient dans la premiĂšre moitiĂ© de la distribution, et s’attĂ©nuent au-delĂ 

    Pension Wealth in France: An Assessment on Panel Data

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    This contribution proposes a measure of pension wealth in the French public PAYG schemes (first and second pillar schemes) and of its distribution among the population of retirees in 2008 using the Echantillon Inter rĂ©gimes de RetraitĂ©s (EIR) panel data. We show that aggregate pension wealth amounts to around 4765 billion Euros assuming a 2 percent discount rate. There are significant differences in the amount of individual’s pension wealth between the pension schemes of the private and public sector. Moreover, there is more inequality in the distribution of pension wealth among private sector retirees than public sectorones

    Que valent les engagements des régimes de retraite envers les retraités en France ?

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    Using the "Echantillon Inter régimes des Retraités" (EIR) 2008 and 2012 panel data, we calculate retirees\u27 pension wealth (consumed and residual) at an aggregated level, and provide in-depth results by type of pension scheme and by managing organism. We put an emphasis on direct pensions already perceived by retirees and to be paid in the future, without taking into account current contributors\u27 future retirement. We find that the overall pension wealth is not very sensitive to the discount rate, but this result does not hold if we concentrate on the future pension wealth. From this point of view, it must be noted that some of the organisms have a high proportion of pension still to be paid. Moreover, whatever the type of pension wealth calculated, the results show a rapid increase from 2008 to 2012 (except for the basic scheme of farmers). Finally, spread indicators and Gini index of pension wealth are relatively higher than those found in the distribution of labor income by other studies. We find that there are more inequalities in the private sector than in the public, particularly in the private sector for complementary pension schemes

    Rapport d'Ă©valuation du programme Nature en ville de la Ville de NeuchĂątel

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    La Direction de l'urbanisme, de l'économie et de l'environnement de la Ville de Neuchùtel a mandaté l'Unité de politiques locales et d'évaluation de l'IDHEAP et le bureau d'études en écologie appliquée L'Azuré pour évaluer le programme Nature en ville de la Ville de Neuchùtel. Le but de l'évaluation est de déterminer si les objectifs visés par le programme ont été atteints et d'améliorer l'ancrage du programme Nature en ville dans le fonctionnement de l'administration communale
