382 research outputs found

    IsoEx: an explainable unsupervised approach to process event logs cyber investigation

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    39 seconds. That is the timelapse between two consecutive cyber attacks as of 2023. Meaning that by the time you are done reading this abstract, about 1 or 2 additional cyber attacks would have occurred somewhere in the world. In this context of highly increased frequency of cyber threats, Security Operation Centers (SOC) and Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT) can be overwhelmed. In order to relieve the cybersecurity teams in their investigative effort and help them focus on more added-value tasks, machine learning approaches and methods started to emerge. This paper introduces a novel method, IsoEx, for detecting anomalous and potentially problematic command lines during the investigation of contaminated devices. IsoEx is built around a set of features that leverages the log structure of the command line, as well as its parent/child relationship, to achieve a greater accuracy than traditional methods. To detect anomalies, IsoEx resorts to an unsupervised anomaly detection technique that is both highly sensitive and lightweight. A key contribution of the paper is its emphasis on interpretability, achieved through the features themselves and the application of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques and visualizations. This is critical to ensure the adoption of the method by SOC and CERT teams, as the paper argues that the current literature on machine learning for log investigation has not adequately addressed the issue of explainability. This method was proven efficient in a real-life environment as it was built to support a company\'s SOC and CER

    Phototransformation d'herbicides tricétoniques et d'insecticides pyréthrinoïdes à la surface des végétaux

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    When crops are sprayed with pesticides, the leaves are covered with fine droplets containing the active ingredient. Pesticides can then be broken down by sunlight. We showed in this work that mesotrione and sulcotrione herbicides as well as cypermethrine and deltamethrine insecticides are photolabile when sorbed on cuticular waxes. The pesticide photolysis rate can both increase or decrease, if additives from commercial fomulations are added. However, we could not find a general rule that could predict the importance of the phototransformation for any pesticide. Moreover, while phototransformation was the only dissipation process during experiments in the laboratory, other dissipation processes, such as diffusion through the plant cuticle or wash off by rain or dew, can compete and even become predominant in field studies.Les pesticides appliqués par pulvérisation dans les cultures sont dispersés à la surface des plantes où ils peuvent être transformés sous l'effet de la lumière solaire. Nous avons montré dans ce travail que les herbicides mésotrione et sulcotrione, et les insecticides cypermétrine et deltaméthrine sorbés à la surface des cires cuticulaires, sont photosensibles. Cette propriété est modifiée par l'ajout d'additifs présent dans les formulation commerciales ? Ces derniers peuvent accélèrer ou ralentir la photolyse des principes actifs. Cependant, il ne semble pas y avoir de règle générale permettant de prévoir l'importance de la phototransformation pour chaque matière active. D'autre part, alors qu'en laboratoire la dissipation des pesticides étudiés est uniquement due à la phototranformation ; sur les plantes entières, d'autres phénomènes interviennent. La diffusion dans la cuticule et les pertes dues au lessivage par la pluie ou la rosée peuvent devenir prépondérantes devant la phototransformation

    Accidental Removal of a Carotid Endovascular Stent during Oropharyngeal Mass Biopsy

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    A 54-year-old male patient, with a history of a right mandibular adenocarcinoma, previously excised, and treated with post operative chemo- and radio-therapy, presented with a right oropharyngeal necrotic mass of several months duration. His history is pertinent for a right internal carotid endovascular stenting 2 years prior to presentation. During biopsy of his oropharyngeal lesion, a specimen of tissue was retrieved, with the carotid stent within. There was no bleeding. To the best of our knowledge, there is no such case reported in the literature. We present this case as a reminder on the importance and risks of radiation-induced necrosis and its distortion of the surrounding anatomy, especially in the presence of foreign bodies or protheses

    Signs of spatial neglect in unilateral peripheral vestibulopathy

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    Background and purpose In this study, the question of whether egocentric representation of space is impaired in chronic unilateral vestibulopathies was examined. The objective was to test current theories attributing a predominant role to vestibular afferents in spatial cognition and to assess whether representational neglect signs are common in peripheral vestibular loss. Methods The subjective straight-ahead (SSA) direction was investigated using a horizontal rod allowing the translation and rotation components of the body midline representation to be dissociated in 21 patients with unilateral vestibular loss (right, 13; left, eight) and in 12 healthy controls. Results Compared to the controls, the patients with unilateral vestibulopathy showed a translation bias of their SSA, without rotation bias. The translation bias was not lateralized towards the lesioned side as typically found for biases reported after unilateral vestibular loss. Rather, the SSA bias was rightward whatever the side of the vestibular loss. The translation bias correlated with the vestibular loss, as measured by caloric response and vestibulo-ocular reflex gain, but not with the subjective visual vertical or the residual spontaneous nystagmus. Conclusion The present data suggest that the dysfunctions of neural networks involved in egocentred and allocentred representations of space are differentially compensated for in unilateral vestibular defective patients. In particular, they suggest that asymmetrical vestibular inputs to cortical regions lead to representational spatial disturbances as does defective cortical processing of vestibular inputs in spatial neglect after right hemisphere stroke. They also highlight the predominant role of symmetrical and unaltered vestibular inputs in spatial cognition