265 research outputs found

    Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, French Guiana

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    A systematic serological survey of patients suffering from symptoms suggestive of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome allowed us to identify a native case in French Guiana. Partial molecular characterization of the implicated hantavirus revealed its close relationship with the Bolivian Rio Mamore virus. We tentatively named it Maripa virus

    Influence de l'évaporation de gouttes multicomposant sur la combustion et des effets diphasiques sur l'allumage d'un foyer aéronautique

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    La conception de nouveaux moteurs impose de respecter des normes de sécurité concernant les performances d'allumage et de ré-allumage en conditions critiques. Des campagnes d'essais étant onéreuses, les industriels cherchent donc à disposer d'outils numériques ables. Afin d'améliorer la simulation des écoulements, le caractère multicomposant du carburant doit être pris en compte. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier l'influence de l'évaporation d'un brouillard de gouttes sur un écoulement réactif. Pour cela, une étude de la propagation d'une flamme laminaire 1D est réalisée à l'aide d'un code de calcul multiphysique (CEDRE). Un train continu de gouttes monodisperse est injecté, les gouttes étant mono ou bicomposant. L'influence de la dynamique d'évaporation sur la combustion est étudiée. Deux cinétiques chimiques réduites multicomposant sont comparées. La composition, le diamètre et la richesse initiale des gouttes ont un impact sur la structure de flamme, la vitesse de flamme et la composition des gaz brûlés. Ensuite, l'effet de l'évaporation est étudié en phase d'allumage pour un brouillard de gouttes polydisperses monocomposant avec un modèle de noyau d'allumage local. L écoulement instationnaire non-réactif dans un secteur de chambre industriel (MERCATO) est calculé avec une approche LES. Le caractère instationnaire, voire périodique, de la phase dispersée est mis en évidence en certains points de l'écoulement. Les résultats, associés au modèle d'allumage et à des critères, sont utilisées pour réaliser une carte de probabilité d'allumage. Des essais de calcul d'allumage complet de la chambre sont réalisés. Les résultats indiquent une surestimation des termes sources liés à l'évaporation de la phase dispersée et à la combustion.The design of new aircraft engines needs in particular to comply with safety standards for the performance of stabilized combustion and ignition or re-ignition under critical conditions. Experimental campaigns are expensive, so numerical tools are needed. To improve the accuracy of the models used to simulate ow, the multicomponent nature of the fuel must be taken into account, whether it is kerosene or alternative fuel. The objective of this thesis is to study the in uence of a droplet mist vaporization on a reactive ow. For this, an academic study of the propagation of a 1D laminar ame is performed using a CFD code {CEDRE). A continuous stream of monodisperse droplets is injected, the droplets being mono or bicomponent. The influence of the dynamics of evaporation on combustion is particularly studied. Two reduced multicomponent chemical kinetics are compared. The composition, the diameter and the initial equivalent ratio of droplets have an impact on the structure of the ame, the flame speed and composition of the burnt gases. A local ignition kernel model is applied to study the in uence ofvaporization on ignition in the case of monocomponent, polydisperse droplets. Experimental data are available for a monosector combustion chamber (MERCATO) so the non-reactive unsteady flow is simulated with a LES approach. The unsteady, sometimes periodic, nature of the dispersed phase is highlighted in some points of the ow. A ignition model is applied to instantaneous ow elds and criteria are analysed to realise an ignition probability map which validates the approach. Finally, ignition of a combustion chamber is tested. The results point out an overestimation of source terms related to the evaporation of the dispersed phase and combustion.TOULOUSE-ISAE (315552318) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Reemergence of Dengue Virus Type 4, French Antilles and French Guiana, 2004–2005

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    After 10 years of absence, dengue virus type 4 (DENV-4) has recently reemerged in Martinique, Guadeloupe, and French Guiana. Phylogenetic analyses of strains isolated from 2004 to 2005 showed that they belong to DENV-4 genotype II, but to a different cluster than strains isolated from 1993 to 1995

    Molecular analysis of two local falciparum malaria outbreaks on the French Guiana coast confirms the msp1 B-K1/varD genotype association with severe malaria

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    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum outbreaks can occur in the coastal area of French Guiana, where the population is essentially non-immune. Two sporadic outbreaks were observed, including one with severe malaria cases. To characterize these outbreaks and verify previous observations of specific genotype characteristics in severe malaria in this area, all cases from each outbreak were studied. METHODS: P. falciparum genotypes for six genetic loci were determined by PCR amplification from peripheral blood parasites. The msp1/block2 and msp2 genotypes were determined by DNA sequencing. Microsatellite and varD genotyping was based on size polymorphism and locus-specific amplification. RESULTS: The outbreak including severe malaria cases was associated with a single genotype. The other mild malaria outbreak was due to at least five distinct genotypes. CONCLUSION: Two distinct types of outbreak occured despite systematic and sustained deployement of malaria control measures, indicating a need for reinforced vigilance. The varD/B-K1 msp1 linkage and its association with severe malaria in this area was confirmed

    Population history, phylogeography, and conservation genetics of the last Neotropical mega-herbivore, the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Understanding the forces that shaped Neotropical diversity is central issue to explain tropical biodiversity and inform conservation action; yet few studies have examined large, widespread species. Lowland tapir (<it>Tapirus terrrestris</it>, Perissodactyla, Tapiridae) is the largest Neotropical herbivore whose ancestors arrived in South America during the Great American Biotic Interchange. A Pleistocene diversification is inferred for the genus <it>Tapirus </it>from the fossil record, but only two species survived the Pleistocene megafauna extinction. Here, we investigate the history of lowland tapir as revealed by variation at the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome <it>b</it>, compare it to the fossil data, and explore mechanisms that could have shaped the observed structure of current populations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Separate methodological approaches found mutually exclusive divergence times for lowland tapir, either in the late or in the early Pleistocene, although a late Pleistocene divergence is more in tune with the fossil record. Bayesian analysis favored mountain tapir (<it>T. pinchaque</it>) paraphyly in relation to lowland tapir over reciprocal monophyly, corroborating the inferences from the fossil data these species are sister taxa. A coalescent-based analysis rejected a null hypothesis of allopatric divergence, suggesting a complex history. Based on the geographic distribution of haplotypes we propose (<it>i</it>) a central role for western Amazonia in tapir diversification, with a key role of the ecological gradient along the transition between Andean subcloud forests and Amazon lowland forest, and (<it>ii</it>) that the Amazon river acted as an barrier to gene flow. Finally, the branching patterns and estimates based on nucleotide diversity indicate a population expansion after the Last Glacial Maximum.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study is the first examining lowland tapir phylogeography. Climatic events at the end of the Pleistocene, parapatric speciation, divergence along the Andean foothill, and role of the Amazon river, have similarly shaped the history of other taxa. Nevertheless further work with additional samples and loci is needed to improve our initial assessment. From a conservation perspective, we did not find a correspondence between genetic structure in lowland tapir and ecogeographic regions proposed to define conservation priorities in the Neotropics. This discrepancy sheds doubt into this scheme's ability to generate effective conservation planning for vagile species.</p

    Perinatal exposure to the fungicide ketoconazole alters hypothalamic control of puberty in female rats

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    IntroductionEstrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) such as diethylstilbestrol (DES) are known to alter the timing of puberty onset and reproductive function in females. Accumulating evidence suggests that steroid synthesis inhibitors such as ketoconazole (KTZ) or phthalates may also affect female reproductive health, however their mode of action is poorly understood. Because hypothalamic activity is very sensitive to sex steroids, we aimed at determining whether and how EDCs with different mode of action can alter the hypothalamic transcriptome and GnRH release in female rats.DesignFemale rats were exposed to KTZ or DES during perinatal (DES 3-6-12μg/kg.d; KTZ 3-6-12mg/kg.d), pubertal or adult periods (DES 3-12-48μg/kg.d; KTZ 3-12-48mg/kg.d).ResultsEx vivo study of GnRH pulsatility revealed that perinatal exposure to the highest doses of KTZ and DES delayed maturation of GnRH secretion before puberty, whereas pubertal or adult exposure had no effect on GnRH pulsatility. Hypothalamic transcriptome, studied by RNAsequencing in the preoptic area and in the mediobasal hypothalamus, was found to be very sensitive to perinatal exposure to all doses of KTZ before puberty with effects persisting until adulthood. Bioinformatic analysis with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis predicted “Creb signaling in Neurons” and “IGF-1 signaling” among the most downregulated pathways by all doses of KTZ and DES before puberty, and “PPARg” as a common upstream regulator driving gene expression changes. Deeper screening ofRNAseq datasets indicated that a high number of genes regulating the activity of the extrinsic GnRH pulse generator were consistently affected by all the doses of DES and KTZ before puberty. Several, including MKRN3, DNMT3 or Cbx7, showed similar alterations in expression at adulthood.ConclusionnRH secretion and the hypothalamic transcriptome are highly sensitive to perinatal exposure to both DES and KTZ. The identified pathways should be exploredfurther to identify biomarkers for future testing strategies for EDC identification and when enhancing the current standard information requirements in regulation

    Spatial Distribution and Burden of Emerging Arboviruses in French Guiana.

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    Despite the health, social and economic impact of arboviruses in French Guiana, very little is known about the extent to which infection burden is shared between individuals. We conducted a large multiplexed serological survey among 2697 individuals from June to October 2017. All serum samples were tested for IgG antibodies against DENV, CHIKV, ZIKV and MAYV using a recombinant antigen-based microsphere immunoassay with a subset further evaluated through anti-ZIKV microneutralization tests. The overall DENV seroprevalence was estimated at 73.1% (70.6-75.4) in the whole territory with estimations by serotype at 68.9% for DENV-1, 38.8% for DENV-2, 42.3% for DENV-3, and 56.1% for DENV-4. The overall seroprevalence of CHIKV, ZIKV and MAYV antibodies was 20.3% (17.7-23.1), 23.3% (20.9-25.9) and 3.3% (2.7-4.1), respectively. We provide a consistent overview of the burden of emerging arboviruses in French Guiana, with useful findings for risk mapping, future prevention and control programs. The majority of the population remains susceptible to CHIKV and ZIKV, which could potentially facilitate the risk of further re-emergences. Our results underscore the need to strengthen MAYV surveillance in order to rapidly detect any substantial changes in MAYV circulation patterns

    Coxiella burnetii Infection in Livestock, Pets, Wildlife, and Ticks in Latin America and the Caribbean: a Comprehensive Review of the Literature

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    Purpose of the Review Q fever , a bacterial zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii, is reported very heterogeneously in humans in Latin America. The objective of this study was to review the data on Coxiella burnetii Infection in animals in Latin America and the Caribbean. Recent Findings A comprehensive literature review was carried out in the 47 countries and territories of Latin America on various search engines and grouped into four groups: livestock, pets, wildlife, and ticks. Summary Thus, 113 studies were selected between 1950 and 2022. Among the 47 countries, only 25 (53%) had at least one publication related to C. burnetii infection in animals. The most productive country was Brazil (N = 51), followed by French Guiana (N = 21), and Colombia (N = 16). Studies in livestock from 20 countries have shown widely varying country-to-country rates of seroprevalence, ranging from 0 to 67%. Some studies from seven countries, especially French Guiana and Brazil, found antibodies and sometimes positive PCR in dogs and cats, generally in the context of investigations around human clustered cases. Knowledge remained fragmented about infection in wildlife from only five countries (Chile, Colombia, Brazil, French Guiana, and Uruguay). C. burnetii infection was identified by PCR in Chiroptera (7 species), Rodentia (6 species), Suina (2 species), Xenartha (1 species), Cingulata (1 species), and Perissodactyla (1 species). Studies on Coxiella sp. in ticks have been performed in 11 countries, mostly in Brazil, and mainly found Coxiella-like endosymbionts. Thus, data on C. burnetii infection in animals are sparse and incomplete in Latin America and the Caribbean, and more research is warranted

    Version 2 of the EUMETSAT OSI SAF and ESA CCI sea-ice concentration climate data records

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    We introduce the OSI-450, the SICCI-25km and the SICCI-50km climate data records of gridded global sea-ice concentration. These three records are derived from passive microwave satellite data and offer three distinct advantages compared to existing records: first, all three records provide quantitative information on uncertainty and possibly applied filtering at every grid point and every time step. Second, they are based on dynamic tie points, which capture the time evolution of surface characteristics of the ice cover and accommodate potential calibration differences between satellite missions. Third, they are produced in the context of sustained services offering committed extension, documentation, traceability, and user support. The three records differ in the underlying satellite data (SMMR &amp; SSM/I &amp; SSMIS or AMSR-E &amp; AMSR2), in the imaging frequency channels (37&thinsp;GHz and either 6 or 19&thinsp;GHz), in their horizontal resolution (25 or 50&thinsp;km), and in the time period they cover. We introduce the underlying algorithms and provide an evaluation. We find that all three records compare well with independent estimates of sea-ice concentration both in regions with very high sea-ice concentration and in regions with very low sea-ice concentration. We hence trust that these records will prove helpful for a better understanding of the evolution of the Earth's sea-ice cover.</p