638 research outputs found

    Standardization on Purification process of VEERAM: A Comparative Analysis

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    One of the most important aspects of siddha system is purification of the raw materials before using them for medicine. In this scientific era, it is very essential to determine changes in the material during the process of purification. Standardization is necessary to ensure the availability of the uniform product in all part of the world. Thus today standardization is very essential to focus on our system of medicine for practice. Based on the above rationale the present study was carried out with an aim to standardize the purification of Veeram based on some qualitative and quanitative analysis as per PLIM guidelines. Veeram which is one of the mineral compound mentioned in the Siddha literatures to treat major illness. From the above study report, purification process of Veeram is more important and high lightened to analyse change its complicated form into more easily acceptable form. Raw Veeram, Padigaram, Soodan was procured from the reputed country shop in Nagercoil and Kariuppu was purchased from local market in Tirunelveli. The raw drug was authenticated by experts of PG Gunapadam department, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai. Milagu was purchased from local market in Sattur and authenticated by Botanist, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai. Then the raw drug Veeram was divided into three equal quantities of 35g. One of the part of the raw drug was taken and powdered well and kept as such labelled as V1. The other two part of the raw drug Veeram was subjected to purification process by two methods. After the completion of purification procedure, the treated Veeram was powdered and labelled as V2, which is purified by method I and V3, which is purified by method II. The qualitative and quantitative analyses were done for V1, V2 and V3. The physicochemical analysis of V1, V2 and V3 reveals the changes in colour and pH. The change in loss of drying from before to after purification process depicts the extensive shelf life of the drug. After purification V2 lost its 17.14g% weight and sample V3 lost its 42.85g% weight and qualitatively indicated that the concentration of mercury was reduced better on compared with sample V1. From the extraction value, it was concluded that water is a better solvent of extraction than Alcohol. In chemical analysis revealed the presence of Carbonate, Sodium, Calcium, Ferrous Iron, Sulphate, Chloride and Mercury in all the three samples V1, V2 and V3. The presence of Silicate was found in V1 and V3. Absence in V2.Aluminium was present in the Sample V1 and V3 which was absent in the sample V2. This indicated that some chemical compounds disappeared after purification. In ICP-OES, elements such as Arsenic, Aluminium, Cadmium, Copper, Nickel and Lead were found below detection limit in all samples. Mercury was reduced after purification in both V2 & V3. It was confirmed that mercury level found to be decreased after purification of Veeram. In FTIR, V1 shows Alkyl halide C-I stretch, Alkyl halide C-Cl stretch, Alkyl halide C-F stretch, Alkene C-H, Amide C=O stretch, Acid O-H, Water (O-H stretch). Compared with V1, the FTIR spectra of purified sample V2 shows in addition of functional groups such as Alkanes and phenols. Sample V3 shows in addition of functional groups such as amines, Carboxylic acid and phenols. FTIR spectrum of sample V2 and sample V3 indicates either the formation of new organo mercuric compounds or presence of some organic compounds originally present in the herbal preparation used for the process of purification. It also confirmed the existance of Mercury chloride in purified veeram. SEM analysis depicted the changes in particle size range before and after purification. Among V1, V2 and V3 drugs, V1 batch of drugs shows smaller particle sizes compared to V2 and V3. X-ray diffraction of the samples inform the genuinity and stability of the formulation, with respect to the standard reference materials. The elemental composition of V1 showed the presence of Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) along with Sodium Mercury (II) Trichloride Dihydrate in small proportion. After purification in both V2 and V3, Mercury sulphide (HgS) is also present along with compounds of V1. Thus it can be postulate that the purification procedures as mentioned in Siddha literature help to remove the toxic effect without interfering its therapeutic efficacy. It may reduce the effect of toxic substance in the drug. The study stresses the need of purification process of the drug before going to preparation of medicines with strong evidence. Information obtained from these studies can be used as markers in the identification and statndardization of this mineral. CONCLUSION: From the study, the speciation analysis of Unpurified Veeram (V1) showed the presence of Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) along with Sodium Mercury (II) Trichloride Dihydrate in small proportion. Purification performed by both the methods resulted in addition of Mercury sulphide (HgS) along with compounds of V1. Siddha system insists on Purification before using them in the pharmaceutical preparations. This is the preliminary important procedure in preparing a medicine. The present study is an attempt to establish the scientific basis of purification for Veeram. The aim of purification is to minimize the toxic effect of the drug and enhance the potency and safe of a drug. The changes found in Veeram after purification indicates the necessity of purification. Hence it can be concluded that the concept of purification procedure as mentioned in Siddha text provides contemporary evidence with a good scientific background. These explorations will definitely help to set a standard procedure for purification of Veeram in futur

    Kadaiezhu Vallalkal as shown in Puranaanuru

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    The Sangam period is from BC 48 to 300 AD. Through ancient Tamil literary works, one can learn about the lifestyle of the kings and poets of that time. Sangam literature helps to know the cultural messages of the people: types of food, types of dress, houses they lived in, occupations they did, social messages, customs, etc. Purananuru, an ancient Tamil literary work, reflects the lifestyle of the individuals of that time. The kings of those times were talented. They enjoyed giving gold and material to the poets who sang for them. Sangam literature tells us that the kings took pride in being sung by poets. References to many benevolent kings are widely available in the classical literature. In ancient times, charity and gifts were seen together. In ancient times, kings were tributaries. Through classical literature, the joy of giving abundant gold and material to poets and others who are singing to him can be felt. Paari, Kaari, Ori, Athiyan, Began, Nalli, Ai, Andiran, etc. were hailed as the Kadaiezhu Vallalkals (seven benevolent kings). Paari and Began became indestructibly famous by giving a chariot to a jasmine creeper plant and a blanket to a peacock. It is found that the Aatruppadai literature speaks of the generosity of the kings. The generosity of the kings can also be seen through inscriptions and coins. This article examines the charity of Kadaiezhu Vallallkal of ancient Tamil land through Puranaanuru

    Prevalence Of Children Above 6 Years of Age Undergoing Dental Treatment Under General Anesthesia

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    For most children, dental treatments are often completed within the normal dental setting using any of a variety of behavior management techniques. In some cases, special behavior management methods, including general anaesthesia (GA), could also be required to supply optimal dental treatment. The aim of the study is to analyse the prevalence of children undergoing general anesthesia above 6 years. The retrospective study was conducted in a private dental college, Chennai, India. Data has been collected from the records of the children above 6 years of age who were treated under general anesthesia between september 2020 and february 2021. A total of 13 children who have been treated under general anesthesia were included in the study. Data has been collected and following parameters like gender, age groups were tabulated in excel sheet and verified through SPSS software.It  has been found that males were more prevalent than females. Children under 10 years were more prevalent than other age groups. Various studies suggest that children with repeated general anesthesia are more likely at the risk of developing behavioural problems and emotional changes compared to healthy children who were not exposed to general anesthesia .  It has been observed that two or more exposure to general anesthesia  before the age of four were associated with an increased risk of attention problems, cognitive impairment, and learning disabilities, moreover single exposure to the general anesthesia was not associated with learning disability. It is needed to ensure early detection and prompt treatment for these conditions in order to prevent further complications

    A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Practice regarding Legal and Ethical Issues in care of children among Nurses working in Pediatric Wards at Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children, Egmore, Chennai

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    Nurses face legal issues daily. Those issues may be in connection to negligence, administering medication and advocating for the patient. If these duties and regulations are not followed, the nurse is at risk of losing his/her license and facing a malpractice suit. So Nursing professionals need to improve and update their knowledge in regards to legal and ethical principles and incorporate the knowledge in decision making in daily practice. TITLE: “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding legal and ethical issues in care of children among nurses working in Pediatric wards at Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Children, Egmore , Chennai-08”. OBJECTIVES: To assess the knowledge and practice regarding legal and ethical issues in care of children, to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme among nurses working in pediatric wards and to find out the association between the post-test knowledge and practice of nurses with selected socio demographic variables. METHODS AND MATERIALS: This study was conducted with 60 samples (Registered Nurses) in quantitative approach, Pre experimental one group pretest posttest design,sample selection was done by convenient sampling technique. Pre-existing knowledge was assessed by using semi Structured questionnaires. After the pre-test, Structured teaching programme was given regarding legal and ethical issues in care of children. After 7 days post-test was conducted by using same tool. RESULTS: The result shows in post test after structured teaching programme, Nurses were gained 32.88% knowledge score, 41.00% practice score more than Pretest score and the mean differences were 8.22 and 6.15 by using students paired t-test and Generalised McNemar’s. It is statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Hence, the structured teaching programme was instructionally effective, appropriate and feasible. It would help the nurses to prevent legal and ethical issues in care of the children

    Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of some new 1,3,4-thiadiazoles containing pyrazole and pyrrole nucleus

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    AbstractA new series of 1,3,4-thiadiazole with pyrazole-3-carboxamides (3a–f) and pyrrole-3-carboxamide (4a–f) moiety are prepared using intermediate compounds 1,3,4-thiadiazolacrylamides (2a–f). The structures of newly synthesized compounds were confirmed on the basis of their 1H NMR, 13C NMR, LCMS mass, FT-IR and elemental analysis data results. Among all the compounds (12), seven compounds were found to exhibit significant anti-inflammatory activity with 77.27, 75.89, 76.24, 68.55, 63.72, 57.41, 53.05% and 81.00, 80.55, 78.62, 71.45, 68.95, 61.89, 56.32% inhibition in paw edema at 3h and 5h respectively, compared to the standard drug indomethacin (74.82 and 80.32% at 3h and 5h). Compounds 3c, 3d and 4c exhibited potent activity than standard drug

    Cardiovascular manifestations in hyperthyroidism

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    Background: It is well known that thyroid hormone directly affects the heart and peripheral vascular system. In hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular manifestations are frequent findings. Atrial arrhythmias, limitations in exercise tolerance, and congestive heart failure were reported to occur more common in older patients as a result of hyperthyroidism. Cardiovascular signs of hyperthyroidism include tachycardia, widened pulse pressure, marked increase in cardiac output with impaired cardiovascular and respiratory exercise capacity. Most of the cardiac abnormalities return to normal once a euthyroid state has been achieved in a majority of patients. There are very few studies which address the most important cardiovascular manifestations of hyperthyroidism particularly in Indian population. Hence this study is aimed at addressing this area. The aim was to study the prevalence of various cardiac manifestations in overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism.Methods: 50 patients of hyperthyroidism who visited general medicine department of Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai, India was included in the study. Patients with other co-morbidities which could contribute to cardiovascular manifestations were excluded from the study. All the patients underwent clinical evaluation, basic laboratory tests like CBC, RFT, LFT, serum electrolytes, fasting lipid profile (which included serum triglycerides, LDL, HDL, total cholesterol), FT4, FT3 and TSH and radiological variables were studied in these patients.           ECG and 2D ECHO were performed in these patients to analyze the presence of any cardiac manifestations in these patients..Results: In this study females (60%) were more than males (40%), commonest cardio vascular symptoms were palpitation (78%), followed by dyspnoea (26%) and chest pain (4%). The commonest cardio vascular signs were found to be tachycardia (82%), widened pulse pressure (50%) and pedal edema (12%). The commonest ECG finding was found to be Sinus tachycardia (46%) followed by atrial fibrillation (28%), Non-Specific ST-T changes, left ventricular hypertrophy, RV hypertrophy and RBBB. Systolic dysfunction and chamber enlargement (18%) were the commonest echo findings.Conclusions: This study shows that cardiovascular manifestations are quite common and varied in hyperthyroidism which are to be looked for in the management.

    Molecular Docking study of Catechins compounds from Camellia sinensis against UPPS in Staphylococcus aureus

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    Antibiotics resistant Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is an emerging concern in the medical field. Due to their increasing resistance to numerous antibiotics, there is indeed essential to explore both potential targets and effective antibiotics. Therefore, we considered undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase (UPPS) as a potential target as it is an essential enzyme in cell wall biosynthesis of S. aureus. Earlier reports on these four major compounds from Camellia sinensis plant extract such as catechins (C), epicatechin (EC), epicatechin gallate (ECg) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) suggested that it could be an effective antibacterial agent. Thus, we attempt to validate the antibacterial activity of these compounds against UPPS via molecular docking analysis. Interestingly, we found that epicatechin gallate (ECg) has the highest binding energy with UPPS protein by forming nine hydrogen bonds with the amino acid residues at the binding site of the receptor. Hence, our results infer that ECg from Camellia sinensis poses significant anti-bacterial activities. Thus, the aim of this study was to provide an effective antibacterial molecule and potent target which might be helpful in further modification to increase their sensitivity

    A Study on Etiology and Clinical Profile of Chronic Cor Pulmonale

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    SUMMARY: 1. The objective of the study was to know the etiology and clinical profile including radiological features and ECG changes in chronic corpulmonale. 2. 50 cases of chronic corpulmonale, of which 40 were males and 10 were female were included in the study. 3. Chronic corpulmonale was predominantly found to be a disease of middle and older age groups with a peak incidence in the fifth and sixth decades. 4. Smoking plays a significant role in precipitating and aggravating the primary lung disease and hence corpulmonale. 5. Thorough interrogation with reference to symptoms of breathlessness, cough with expectoration swelling of the feet etc, was done. 6. Detailed clinical examination was carried out to confirm the diagnosis of corpulmonale and to find out any associated evidence of lung parenchymatous lesion. Nine cases had sequelae of pulmonary tuberculosis Six cases had bilateral bronchiectasis and 5 cases had bronchial asthma 1 case had kyphoscoliosis and 2 had ILD. The remaining cases were chronic bronchitis with or without emphysema. 7. Chest X-ray was done in all cases. Chest X-ray showed details of relevant clinical profile. Thus the changes included chronic bronchitis with or without emphysema (54%), braonchiectasis (12%). Bilateral pulmonary tuberculosis with fibrosis with or without compensatory emphysema (18%). One case (2%) showed kyphoscoliosis with gross thoracic deformity. Two (4%) had reticulo nodular pattern suggestive of ILD. CT scan was done in necessary cases. 8. In all the clinically proved cases of corpulmonale Electro cardiogram was recorded in all the 12 leads along with V3R, V4R. It was recorded at a speed of 25 mm/sec with standardization of 1 mv – 10 mm. 9. ECG varies between normal (only sinus tachycardia) to evidece of dominant right ventricular activity. The latter was evidenced by RVH (16%). Righ Axis deviation (54%) RBBB (20%) and P – Pulmonale (28%). One case had ventricular ectopics. 10. Response to treatment was better in patients with symptoms of lesser duration compared to patients with symptoms of longer duration. CONCLUSION: The major cause of chronic cor pulmonale in our study was found to be Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease followed by sequelae of pulmonary tuberculosis. Smoking formed the major and most important causal association in the present study


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    Health monitoring is a major issue in today’s world. Due to the lack of health monitoring, patientssuffer from serious health problems. Health experts are also taking advantage of these smart devices to keepan eye on their projects. Here in this project, we will make an IOT based health monitoring system whichrecords the patient heartbeat rate, body temperature and skin pressure. Heartbeat rate, body temperatureand skin pressure values are recorded over thingspeak and Google sheets so that patient health can bemonitored from anywhere in the world over the internet. We will use Thinspeak to monitor patient heartbeat,temperature and skin pressure online using internet. We will also use IFTTT platform to connect thingspeakto SMS so that alert message can be sent whenever the patient is in critical state

    Heavy Metal Concentrations in Three Commercial Fish Species in Cuddalore Coast, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Three fish species samples were collected from Cuddalore along Tamil Nadu coast, Bay of Bengal, India were analyzed for the levels of heavy metals to elucidate the status of the contamination in fish meat for human consumption. Concentrations of Cu, Cr, Cd, Co, Ni and Zn were determined for the above species using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES). The concentrations of heavy metal in the samples were below the maximum residual level recommended by various organizations. Therefore, the fish muscles of the samples analyzed were fit for human consumption in this region